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Zhang  Xiaobin  Zhang  Xingyi  Bo  Tianli 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2021,179(3):329-346

Simultaneous measurements of the vertical magnetic field (VMF), three-dimensional electric field, ambient temperature, ambient relative humidity, particle mass concentration, and three-dimensional velocity are conducted during dust, haze, rain, snow, and thunderstorms. The hourly VMF variation (the rate of VMF increment and time increment with a 1-h time interval) is used to evaluate the disturbance level of the atmospheric magnetic field during the abovementioned weather conditions. There is no significant difference in the hourly VMF variations between hazy days and fair weather. However, the hourly VMF variations on dusty, rainy, snowy, and thunderstorm days differ from those in fair weather, implying that these weather conditions significantly affect the atmospheric magnetic field. On hazy days, although the haze particles are charged, the VMF does not change compared with in fair weather, which suggests that the horizontal electric field generated by haze particles is an irrotational field. On dusty and snowy days, the heterogeneity of the charge distribution forms a rotational horizontal electric field, which can induce the VMF to disturb the atmospheric magnetic field. During rain and thunderstorms, the hourly variation in the VMF is larger than in dust and snow, which can be attributed to the rotational horizontal electric field generated by raindrops and clouds. In addition, the hourly variation in the VMF in thunderstorms is one order of magnitude larger than that during days without thunderstorms, indicating that the VMF induced by the cumulonimbus cloud electric field is more significant than that in other weather conditions.

克服经典平差线性化的不足,将遗传算法理论引入卫星影像的空间后方交会解算中,利用遗传算法全局和局部搜索力强的优势,求解IKONOS影像和模拟影像的单片空间后方交会病态问题。实验结果表明,遗传算法可以有效求得精度较高的最优解;同时,相比最小二乘、岭估计等方法,其运行效率也较高。  相似文献   
The spatial and sectoral distribution of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in China has changed dramatically in the past two decades. FDI was largely concentrated in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) and other Southern Coastal provinces in early stages and shifted to the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) and the Bohai Economic Rim (BER) sequentially in later stages. It created unique and dynamic paths of the spatial evolution of FDI in China. Although many provinces have received relatively more FDI since the late 2000s, Guangdong and Jiangsu are still the two major recipients of FDI in China, demonstrating and over-arching polarization process. Furthermore, most FDI in China has been in the manufacturing sector, making China well-known as the “World Factory of Manufacturing”. This paper analyses the most recent trends, characteristics and patterns of FDI in China. It portrays the factors that determined the investment location and the dynamic pathways of different kinds of FDI. This paper also foresees the possible changes in spatial and sectoral distribution of FDI in the near future and provides policy suggestions for both China and other developing countries in seeking new FDI inflows and transforming their industrial structures and economies in this particular phase of globalization.  相似文献   
This special column was the outcomes of the Public Forum on China’s Spatial Strategic Planning and Development in the National 12th Five-year Plan held at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in April 2011.The Public Forum was jointly organized by the International  相似文献   
The Bohai Sea is a semi-enclosed inland sea with case-2 waters near the coast. A comprehensive set of optical data was collected during three cruises in June, August, and September 2005 in the Bohai Sea. The vertical profile measurements, such as chlorophyll concentration, water turbidity, downwelling irradiance, and diffuse attenuation coefficient, showed that the Bohai Sea was vertically stratified with a relative clear upper layer superimposed on a turbid lower layer. The upper layer was found to correspond to the euphotic zone and the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) occurs at the base of this layer. By tuning a semi-analytical model (24 and 25) for the Bohai Sea, we developed a method to derive water inherent optical properties and the depth of DCM from above-surface measurements. Assuming a ‘fake’ bottom in the stratified water, this new method retrieves the ‘fake’ bottom depth, which is highly correlated with the DCM depth. The average relative error between derived and measured values is 33.9% for phytoplankton absorption at 440 nm, 25.6% for colored detrital matter (detritus plus gelbstoff) absorption at 440 nm, and 24.2% for the DCM depth. This modified method can retrieve water inherent optical properties and monitor the depth of DCM in the Bohai Sea, and the method is also applicable to other stratified waters.  相似文献   
近300年中国耕地数据集重建与耕地变化分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
针对中国历史时期不同政体耕地记录的特点,分别采用因素修正、引用替换、线性内插、衔接对比、人地关系检验、垦殖趋势检验、行政面积比例调整等方法对历史耕地数据进行修正,重建了基于现代省界的近300年中国分省耕地数据集,从数量角度对中国耕地总量和分省耕地变动特点进行分析,得到以下主要结论:① 在耕地总量上,SAGE和周荣的数据明显高估,本文结果与HYDE、CHCD和章有义数据的平均差异率在15%以下;但在省域尺度上,与SAGE、HYDE数据库存在明显差异,相对差异率>30%的省份比重分别为94%和61%,与CHCD数据较为接近,相对差异率>30%的省份比重为22%,但部分省份差异明显,仍需进一步分析研究;② 伴随清中期后的人口爆炸,近300年中国耕地增长近3.2倍,由清朝初年的42.4×106 hm2增加至1985年的136.9×106 hm2,根据增长速率变化可分为五个阶段,即清前中期快速增长阶段、清后期低速增长阶段、民国时期波动阶段、建国初期剧烈增长阶段和建国后耕地流失阶段,影响耕地变化主要是国家政策、战乱、经济发展等驱动因素。③ 从省域尺度看,近300年中国各区域耕地变化差异显著。清初,中国耕地主要集中于长江中下游平原、黄淮海平原、关中盆地及银川平原等地,此后,内地的垦殖活动不断增强,外围农区呈由南向北的趋势不断开荒。建国后,耕地开垦逐步向西北和东北方向发展。  相似文献   
水成铀矿床的形成受控于水文地球化学环境的变化,水-岩体系的pH、Eh值和水化学成分的改变是铀富集成矿的关键因素。笔者根据地质、水文及水化学分析资料,应用PHREEQC软件对伊犁盆地蒙其古尔铀矿床三工河组地下水系统中发生的水文地球化学过程进行模拟,以期确定:1)层间水在径流过程中与含水层发生的化学反应;2)水-岩化学反应发生的条件及进行的程度;3)体系中铀的水文地球化学行为及其成矿的有利条件。  相似文献   
全球变暖背景下,气候变化和人类活动对沙漠化的影响成为可持续发展研究的热点问题.首先,本文基于对脆弱性概念发展的简要回顾,结合气候变化研究中的脆弱性,提出沙漠化脆弱性的概念和理论体系.其次,梳理国内外关于脆弱性评价的文献,依据沙漠化系统的特点阐释了沙漠化脆弱性评价体系、评价内容及评价方法.最后,列举沙漠化脆弱性研究中需要解决的问题,明确中国沙漠化脆弱性评价的未来特点和趋势.  相似文献   
陈佳  李孝宾  杨军  叶泵 《中国地震》2016,32(2):216-221
2011年云南省地震局、中国地震局地球物理研究所在云南省宾川县大银甸水库开展了大容量气枪激发实验。为了深入研究气枪震源激发波形的特征,本文对不同距离台站记录的波形进行了频谱分析,对气枪激发震源的能量进行了计算,并将彩凤台气枪信号的波形、频谱特征与天然地震进行了对比分析。结果表明,1次激发相当于M_L0.7的天然地震。对相近震级天然地震波形的频谱与气枪激发波形的频谱进行对比后发现,气枪震源激发波形频率小于15Hz,主频多数集中在2~5Hz;气枪震源激发的地震波中低频信号较相当震级的天然地震明显;1次激发释放的能量为8.90×10~6J,相当于2.4kg硝铵炸药的当量。  相似文献   
多智能体城市土地扩张模型及其应用   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
传统的城市土地扩张模型多为静态模型,无法呈现空间上每一时间点的土地利用状况,以元胞自动机(Cellular Automata)模型为代表的新型城市土地扩张模型虽然具有动态特性,但其无法描述影响城市土地扩张的智能体(Agent)之间所产生的多元变化结果。以多智能体系统(Multi—Agent System)理论为基础,建立城市土地资源时间和空间配置规则,构建了动态且能描述影响城市土地扩张的智能体(Agent)间互动关系的城市土地扩张模型,并以长沙市区为例,应用所构建之模型进行了城市土地扩张的实证分析。结果表明:该模型可以反映城市土地扩张的基本特征和规律.对于解释城市土地扩张的成因、理解智能体行为对城市土地扩张过程的影响是合适的。并且将模拟结果与遥感土地利用解译结果对比.1998年、2001年、2005年城市土地扩张模拟的点对点精度均达到68%以上,从而能够为政府和城市规划者制定用地政策提供辅助决策支持。  相似文献   
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