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视觉感受与Markov随机场相结合的高分辨率遥感影像分割法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于视觉感受对外界强大的感知与识别能力,模拟视觉神经感知的工作机制,并结合Markov随机场模型,提出一种影像分割方法。首先,分析视觉感知系统的工作机制,将其特性归纳为等级层次性、学习能力、特征检测能力和稀疏编码特性,继而利用小波变换、非监督聚类、特征分析和Laplace分布模拟视觉工作机制,然后结合Markov随机场模型实现高分辨率遥感影像的分割。通过不同卫星的真实遥感影像进行了相关试验。试验结果表明本文提出的方法在高分辨率遥感影像分割任务中有非常良好的表现。  相似文献   
长江三角洲城市带扩展对区域温度变化的影响   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
利用DMSP/OLS 夜间灯光数据、土地利用统计数据和气象站常规观测资料, 结合NOAA/AVHRR、MODIS 反演的月地表温度数据, 定量考察了长江三角洲城市群热岛增温效应对区域温度气候趋势的贡献, 结果表明: ① 1992-2003 年长江三角洲城市化经历了一个快速的空间扩展过程, 宁镇扬、苏锡常、上海大城市区、杭州湾4 个城市群构成了一个“之” 字形城市带, 城市群之间出现城市化连片趋势, 城市带区域内1961-2005 年年平均气温增温 速率为0.28~0.44 oC/10a, 显著高于非城市带区域。② 城市热岛效应对区域平均温度的影响以夏秋季最强, 春季次之, 冬季最弱。③ 长江三角洲城市带热岛强度和城市总人口对数呈线性正相关关系。④ 城市带增温效应使得区域的年平均气温在1961-2005 年间增加了0.072 oC, 其中1991-2005 年间增温幅度为0.047 oC; 年最高气温升高了0.162 oC, 其中1991-2005 年间 增温幅度为0.083 oC, 表明1991-2005 年间长江三角洲城市带的空间扩展正在改变区域温度变化趋势, 且这种增温趋势显著。  相似文献   
比勒提地区位于新疆西南天山,以该区1:50000高精度磁测数据为基础,采用解析延拓、方向导数等技术手段提取与断裂构造有关的磁异常信息,对区域内构造进行识别,结合标本物性参数统计,对引起磁异常的原因进行分析。对区域磁异常向上延拓及求一阶导数后进行对比,圈定4个特征异常带A1-A4,结合地质资料,识别出4条断裂构造FW1-FW4,FW1和FW2对应喀拉铁克断裂及其次级断裂,FW3为构造动力作用产生的强片理化带,FW4为隐伏断裂,表明高精度磁法测量在本区能有效识别断裂并反映其分布。  相似文献   
Fourteen species of nonmarine gastropod opercula are found to be in high abundance in the Oligocene upper member of the Yehucheng Formation,Lanzhou Basin,northwest China.They are attributed to two families,namely Bithyniidae and Assimineidae,and four genera,namely Pseudemmericia,Bithynia,Mirolaminatus and Assiminea.Among them,three species are new,and they are Bithynia paramonolithic sp.nov.,B.obliquus sp.nov.,and B.disregularis sp.nov.Some of these species were first discovered in Paleogene strata of the vast Northwest China and can be compared with the opercula recovered from the Paleogene deposits in East and South China.It is inferred from the paleontology and sediment associations that the climate was slightly humid and the fauna probably inhabited the fresh or brackish water of a shallow lake in the Lanzhou Basin during the late early Oligocene period.  相似文献   
世界科技飞速发展的今天,实施创新教育是时代的呼唤,是教育改革与发展的方向,是素质教育的必然。创新教育是探索精神、综合能力、创造意识与创造能力的培养,改变传统教育观念,加强教育改革,改革教学方法,营造有利于创造性人才成长的环境是实施创新教育的有效途径。  相似文献   
珠三角地区的经济发展和城市化的快速推进带动着周边城市的发展。本文针对距离珠三角最近的山区县广宁县,利用2011—2017年的高分遥感影像土地调查监测数据,通过城市扩张的若干指标反映广宁县的城市扩张程度与此期间新增城市用地的来源,并通过计算景观指数分析广宁县县域内各种土地地类的景观分布,探究广宁县城市化扩张对土地的需求变化,找出山区县城市化用地的优化方案。  相似文献   
毕业设计是满足工程教育专业认证标准的重要内容,需要持续改进才能不断提高质量。以2011—2017年毕业设计题目为主要依据,结合学校毕业设计的管理规定和工程教育专业认证的要求,对题目性质和来源进行统计分析,并简要分析原因。通过详细分析毕业设计(论文)研究内容将题目分成13类,并将题目做归类处理,对题目所占比例的变化规律和原因进行简要分析,同时题目涉及到的专业方向做了简要说明。最后介绍毕业设计持续改进的经验,主要包括指导教师队伍建设、毕业设计选题、过程管理和毕业设计质量保证。  相似文献   
阿拉善地块位于中亚造山带南缘,是研究中亚造山带南缘二叠纪构造背景及演化的关键地区。本研究在阿拉善地块东北缘狼山地区野外调查的基础上,对狼山地区大红山组地层进行古流向、碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和砂岩碎屑组分分析。研究表明砾石最大扁平面倾向为SWW—NWW,指示大红山组地层沉积时的古水流的流向总体呈现自西向东,推测大红山组砾石主要来自狼山西部地区。砂岩中碎屑锆石最小年龄峰值为275 Ma和278 Ma,表明大红山组沉积时代不早于中二叠世早期。砂岩的碎屑组分分析和碎屑锆石年龄谱指示大红山组可能来自于晚古生代诺尔公—狼山弧,砾石的古流向分析和碎屑锆石年龄谱推测大红山组砾石极有可能来自于阿拉善地块前寒武纪变质基底。结合诺尔公—狼山构造带晚古生代大陆岩浆弧的存在,认为二叠系大红山组地层沉积于弧背前陆盆地的构造背景。  相似文献   
Project INDEPTH (InterNational DEep Profiling of Tibet and the Himalaya) is an interdisciplinary program designed to develop a better understanding of deep structures and mechanics of the Tibetan Plateau. As a component of magnetotelluric (MT) work in the 4th phase of the project, MT data were collected along a profile that crosses the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh fault on the northern margin of the plateau. Time series data processing used robust algorithms to give high quality responses. Dimensionality analysis showed that 2D approach is only valid for the northern section of the profile. Consequently, 2D inversions were only conducted for the northern section, and 3D inversions were conducted on MT data from the whole profile. From the 2D inversion model, the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh fault only appears as a crustal structure, which suggests accommodation of strike slip motion along the Altyn Tagh fault by thrusting within the Qilian block. A large-scale off-profile conductor within the mid-lower crust of the Qilian block was revealed from the 3D inversion model, which is probably correlated with the North Qaidam thrust belt. Furthermore, the unconnected conductors from the 3D inversion model indicate that deformations in the study area are generally localized.  相似文献   
In Europe, fossil fruits and seeds of Rhodoleia (Hamamelidaceae) have been described from the Upper Cretaceous to the Miocene, whereas no fossil record of Rhodoleia has been reported in Asia, where the modern species occur. Herein, 21 fossil leaves identified as Rhodoleia tengchongensis sp. nov. are described from the Upper Pliocene of Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. The fossils exhibit elliptic lamina with entire margins, simple brochidodromous major secondary veins, mixed percurrent intercostal tertiary veins, and looped exterior tertiaries. The leaf cuticle is characterized by pentagonal or hexagonal cells, stellate multicellular trichomes, and paracytic stomata. The combination of leaf architecture and cuticular characteristics suggests that the fossil leaves should be classified into the genus Rhodoleia. The fossil distributions indicate that the genus Rhodoleia might originate from Central Europe, and that migrated to Asia prior to the Late Pliocene. Additionally, insect damage is investigated, and different types of damage, such as hole feeding, margin feeding, surface feeding, and galling, are observed on the thirteen fossil leaves. Based on the damage frequencies for the fossil and extant leaves, the specific feeding behavior of insects on Rhodoleia trees appears to have been established as early as the Late Pliocene. The high occurrence of Rhodoleia insect herbivory may attract the insect-foraging birds, thereby increasing the probability of pollination.  相似文献   
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