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1. Introduction The Tianshan Mountains is a typical intercontinental orogenic belt in the world. From late Carboniferous to Permian, the old Tianshan formed during the tectonic amalgamation of the Tarim block, Tianshan block and Siberia craton (Carroll et al, 1990). Mid-Cenozoic basalts are widely distributed in both the Tuyon basin of southwest Tianshan and its western part of Tianshan in Jierjisi in late Cretaceous-Paleogene period, which indicates the activation of the old Tianshan.…  相似文献   
雪冰中的黑碳记录研究的历史回顾   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
明镜  秦大河  效存德 《冰川冻土》2005,27(4):539-544
黑碳(Blackcarbon)是一类大气气溶胶,也是重要的气候驱动因子之一,它与人类活动密切相关.迄今发现,雪冰是保存和记录历史时期黑碳变化的最好介质.根据前人对南极冰芯、格陵兰冰芯、中低纬度山地冰川冰芯以及雪坑样品中的黑碳记录的研究成果,讨论了不同研究地区雪冰中黑碳含量的变化,黑碳对气候环境突变、大气环流变化的响应,总结了人类活动与雪冰黑碳记录之间的关系.雪冰黑碳记录还可以获得如森林大火这样的特殊事件的信息.  相似文献   
刘涛  赵松壮  孙付峰 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):306-310
对于复合式衬砌隧道,初支受力最危险的时期就是为保证二次衬砌的完整性而分段拆除临时支撑的阶段。依托青岛地铁某暗挖车站,采用现场实测数据分析和数值模拟相结合的方法,对比拆撑前后围岩与初支变形情况,进而对6 m范围内交替拆撑,并以6 m为工作单元间隔拆撑的拆撑方案安全性进行分析。实测数据表明,地表沉降、拱顶沉降及净空收敛在拆撑前后增长量及影响均较小,数值计算结果与实测数据吻合较好,可知初支的安全性受支撑拆除的影响较小。研究结论为实现信息化施工提供了依据,也为今后类似工程积累了相关经验。  相似文献   
鄂西崆岭杂岩的组成,时代及地质演化   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
崆岭杂岩包括下部基底片麻岩和上部表壳岩两部分。作者采自下部的13个斜长角闪岩样品获得SmNd等时线年龄3290±170Ma(2σ),加入4个伴生灰色片麻岩样品后等时线年龄变为3150±79Ma(2σ)。采自上部的变粒岩和斜长角闪岩分别获得锆石U_Pb一致曲线年龄为2427±42Ma(2σ)和2031±4Ma(2σ)。基于这些新的数据和前人的工作成果,探讨了崆岭杂岩的形成和地质演化。  相似文献   
Water Self-Softening Processes at Waterfall Sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many rivers in tropical and subtropical karst regions are supersaturated with respect to CaCO3 and have high water hardness. After flowing through waterfall sites, river water is usually softened, accompanied by tufa formation, which is simply described as a result of water turbulence in fast-flowing water. In this paper, a series of laboratory experiments are designed to simulate the hydrological conditions at waterfall sites. The influences of air-water interface, water flow velocity, aeration and solid-water interface on water softening are compared and evaluated on a quantitative basis. The results show that the enhanced inorganic CO2 outgassing due to sudden hydrological changes occurring at waterfall sites is the principal cause of water softening at waterfall sites. Both air-water interface area and water flow velocity increase as a result of the "aeration effect", "low pressure effect" and "jet-flow effect" at waterfall sites, which greatly accelerates CO2 outgassing and therefore makes natural w  相似文献   
Although there has been substantial research done on adsorption of metals/metalloids by Al (oxy)hydroxides, little is known regarding the adsorption of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Al (oxy)hydroxides, especially those formed in the presence of organic acid. This paper investigated the adsorption of phenanthrene on Al (oxy)hydroxides formed with initial tannate/Al molar ratios (MRs) 0, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 (referred to MR0, MR0.001, MR0.01, and MR0.1, respectively) through batch adsorption experiments and FTIR study. The results showed that Al (oxy)hydroxides were important sorbents for phenanthrene. The adsorption kinetic data were fitted well with the pseudo-second-order equation. According to a modified Freundlich model, the adsorption capacities of Al (oxy)hydroxides followed a descending order of MR0.1 > MR0 ≥ MR0.01 > MR0.001, which was inconsistent with the organic carbon content in the Al (oxy)hydroxides. Adsorption capacity correlated with the specific surface area, micropore area, and micropore diameter of Al (oxy)hydroxides, yet the relationships were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). FTIR results showed that physical interaction was essential in phenanthrene adsorption onto the Al (oxy)hydroxides, which could be explained by an entropy-driven process. Surface hydrophobicity of Al (oxy)hydroxides played a key role in phenanthrene adsorption. Additional π–π electron donor–acceptor interaction of phenanthrene (acting as electron donor) with aromatic ring of tannic acid (electron acceptor) could be also important in phenanthrene adsorption by high MR Al (oxy)hydroxides, yet it needs further study. The findings obtained in the present study are of fundamental significance in understanding the mechanism of immobilization of PAHs in low organic matter but oxide-rich soils.  相似文献   
黑河下游土壤和地下水盐分特征分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
根据405个土壤样品和101个水样,分析了黑河下游土壤盐分分布规律以及与地形地貌部位、地下水水化学的关系.结果表明:额济纳三角洲地区的土壤具有质地粗、含盐量高、盐分表聚性强的特征,该地区呈现盐碱化和沙漠化严重、可利用土地资源骤减、生态环境恶化的状况.在所有剖面上盐分的分布呈现漏斗型分布,土壤中盐分随地形变化较为复杂,但与地下水化学变化相一致.地下水矿化度普遍比较高,大多数地区的矿化度在800~3000 mg·L-1之间变化;水化学类型主要有HCO3·SO4-Na、Cl·SO4-Na(Ca)、HCO3·Cl-Na(Ca)SO4·Cl-Na和SO4·Cl-Na(Ca-Mg).地下水矿化度的高低与补给源的距离远近密切相关,在河岸附近的矿化度变化幅度较小;在远离河道地区,随离岸距离的增减而升降,体现了矿化度的高低主要依赖于上游补给水量变化.  相似文献   
阿尔金断裂新生代活动方式及其与柴达木盆地的耦合分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
肖安成  吴磊  李洪革  汪立群 《岩石学报》2013,29(8):2826-2836
位于青藏高原北缘的阿尔金左旋走滑断裂是世界上规模最大也是最重要的线性构造之一,其新生代以来的活动方式是限定高原生长机制的重要边界条件.本文在对阿尔金山中不同方向隆起构造进行分析的基础上,综合前人资料论证了阿尔金断裂在晚始新世-中中新世时以基底剪切为主,大规模地表走滑则发生在中中新世以后.对柴达木盆地内近东西向和北西向断裂系统的分布、形态、活动时间进行了详细的分析,发现它们是在不同时间、不同区域、不同控制条件下形成的两套断裂系统,与阿尔金断裂的两阶段活动方式存在很好的耦合关系.柴达木盆地西北侧的沉积和构造特征表明阿尔金山的隆升幅度和范围在中中新世达到最大,随后则逐渐减小,这种变化也与阿尔金断裂从基底剪切到地表走滑的转换非常吻合.  相似文献   
陕西汉南三花石群和西乡群的时代仍存很大争议。在陕西西乡地区三花石群白勉峡组灰色、灰黑色砂板岩中发现较丰富并具有时代特征的陆生植物孢子(spores)22属,40余种。其化石组合大致可与中国华南、西南和西秦岭中泥盆世孢子带比较,亦可以与欧洲、北美老红砂岩大陆及其邻区中泥盆世早期孢子带比较,时代为中泥盆世,并可能为中泥盆世早期,大致相当于西欧中泥盆世早期艾菲尔期。  相似文献   
正Orogens can generally be divided into two types:accretionary and collisional.The fundamental differences in deep-crustal compositions and architecture from accretion to collision and how to identify them is not well understood.This is one of the major aims of the IGCP 662 project (www.igcp662.org.cn).The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is a typical and the world's largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogenic belt and the  相似文献   
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