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Ostracods are tiny crustacean arthropods just a few millimetres long, with a bivalved carapace made of calcium carbonate that covers the whole body, and into which the animal can retreat from the world outside. Because of their diminutive size they are largely overlooked as fossils, but they have a fascinating history. Silent witnesses to life in the seas since the time of trilobites, they have a fossil record extending back to the Early Ordovician, and possibly the Cambrian. Ostracods have survived nearly 500 million years of Earth history including the ‘big five’ mass extinctions of the Phanerozoic Eon; they are true survivors. They are almost perfectly adapted for the aquatic environments in which they live, and can be found from the ocean abyssal plains to damp leaf litter. The ostracod carapace is a triumph of biological engineering that has been re‐configured into myriad different morphologies according to environment. Streamlined and agile species plough through the ocean water column, sometimes reaching a ‘giant’ size of a centimetre in length, whilst their tinier sea bottom cousins make elaborately ornamented carapaces to withstand the pressures of living at the seabed, or shape their carapaces into forms that facilitate burrowing into sediment. Ostracods are key components of aquatic ecosystems. As primary consumers they are food for larger animals both in seabed and planktonic habitats, and they recycle much of the organic detritus produced by larger animals and plants. Delve into the history of ostracods and it is possible to find pioneers who triumphed in the plankton, early colonisers of terrestrial aquatic ecosystems, and ostracods that literally conquered the land. And in more recent times, ostracods have even hitched rides on rockets into space.  相似文献   

This study compares the efficiency of two analytic approaches—qualitative and quantitative—to social network analysis for identifying stakeholder groups. Social network data were collected from 23 water and agriculture stakeholders in Arizona, USA, and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Analysis of the sample in the original order of data collection found qualitative analysis was more efficient, in that it yielded a stable result—the identification of four stakeholder groups—within 16 interviews. In contrast, the quantitative analysis did not produce a stable result after 23 interviews. Repeated analyses with randomized order and reverse order samples found qualitative approaches yielded more stable results, took about the same number of interviews to yield results, and produced slightly fewer stakeholder groups compared to quantitative approaches. Our findings suggest that, in resource-constrained projects, qualitative social network analysis for identifying stakeholder groups can provide an efficient alternative to conventional quantitative social network analysis.  相似文献   
Not even Hollywood could dream of a place so magical as Kyushu. The southern‐most of the four major islands of the Japanese archipelago, this is a land of volcanoes, dinosaurs, and the last stand of the Samurai. And for good measure, James Bond visited here too, in the 1967 film You Only Live Twice. The final explosive scenes of that film featured the destruction of megalomaniac Ernst Stavro Blofeld's headquarters hidden inside the crater of one of Kyushu's most emblematic volcanoes, Shinmoedake. Kyushu also straddles the largest geological structure in Japan, the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) that runs from the western approaches of the island to the central part of Honshu. The MTL has been active since the Cretaceous, and the sedimentary basins formed along its line in Kyushu contain some of Japan's most famous dinosaur finds. The MTL also defines a fundamental divide between the geological histories of the terranes north and south of its line, a history that takes us back to the origins of the Japanese archipelago half a billion years ago.  相似文献   
Monazite is a common accessory phase in felsic granulite ribbon mylonites exposed in the Upper Deck domain of the Athabasca granulite terrane, western Canadian Shield. Field relationships, bulk rock geochemistry and phase equilibria modelling in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 system are consistent with the garnet‐rich rocks representing the residual products of ultrahigh temperature melting of biotite‐bearing paragneisses driven by intraplating of mafic magma in continental lower crust. The c. 2.64–2.61 Ga Y‐rich resorbed monazite cores included in garnet are interpreted as relicts of detrital grains deposited on the Earth's surface after c. 2.61 Ga. Yttrium‐poor monazite domains in garnet are depleted in Sm and Gd and linked to fluid‐absent melting of biotite + plagioclase + quartz ± sillimanite during a prograde loading path from 0.8 to ≥1.4 GPa. The c. 2.61–2.55 Ga Y‐depleted, Th‐rich monazite domains crystallized in the presence of garnet + ternary feldspar ± orthopyroxene + peraluminous melt. The c. 2.58–2.52 Ga monazite rims depleted in Th + Ca and enriched in Eu are linked to localized melt extraction synchronous with growth of high‐pressure (HP) grossular‐rich garnet at the expense of plagioclase during crustal thickening, culminating at >950 °C. Re‐heating and dextral transpressive lower crustal reactivation at c. 1.9 Ga resulted in syn‐kinematic growth of (La + Ce)‐enriched monazite and a second generation of garnet, concurrent with recrystallization of feldspar and orthopyroxene at 1.0–1.2 GPa and 600–700 °C. Monazite grains in this study are marked by positive Eu‐anomalies relative to chondrite. A direct link is implied between Y, Sm, Eu and Gd in monazite and two major phases in continental lower crust: garnet and plagioclase. Positive Eu‐anomalies in lower crustal monazite associated with modally abundant garnet appear to be directly related to Eu‐enrichment and depletions of Y, Sm and Gd that are consequences of garnet growth and plagioclase breakdown during HP melting of peraluminous bulk compositions.  相似文献   
We have compiled 223 sedimentary charcoal records from Australasia in order to examine the temporal and spatial variability of fire regimes during the Late Quaternary. While some of these records cover more than a full glacial cycle, here we focus on the last 70,000 years when the number of individual records in the compilation allows more robust conclusions. On orbital time scales, fire in Australasia predominantly reflects climate, with colder periods characterized by less and warmer intervals by more biomass burning. The composite record for the region also shows considerable millennial-scale variability during the last glacial interval (73.5–14.7 ka). Within the limits of the dating uncertainties of individual records, the variability shown by the composite charcoal record is more similar to the form, number and timing of Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles as observed in Greenland ice cores than to the variability expressed in the Antarctic ice-core record. The composite charcoal record suggests increased biomass burning in the Australasian region during Greenland Interstadials and reduced burning during Greenland Stadials. Millennial-scale variability is characteristic of the composite record of the sub-tropical high pressure belt during the past 21 ka, but the tropics show a somewhat simpler pattern of variability with major peaks in biomass burning around 15 ka and 8 ka. There is no distinct change in fire regime corresponding to the arrival of humans in Australia at 50 ± 10 ka and no correlation between archaeological evidence of increased human activity during the past 40 ka and the history of biomass burning. However, changes in biomass burning in the last 200 years may have been exacerbated or influenced by humans.  相似文献   
The Martian meteorites record a wide diversity of environments, processes, and ages. Much work has been done to decipher potential mantle sources for Martian magmas and their interactions with crustal and surface environments. Chlorine isotopes provide a unique opportunity to assess interactions between Martian mantle‐derived magmas and the crust. We have measured the Cl‐isotopic composition of 17 samples that span the range of known ages, Martian environments, and mantle reservoirs. The 37Cl of the Martian mantle, as represented by the olivine‐phyric shergottites, NWA 2737 (chassignite), and Shergotty (basaltic shergottite), has a low value of approximately ?3.8‰. This value is lower than that of all other planetary bodies measured thus far. The Martian crust, as represented by regolith breccia NWA 7034, is variably enriched in the heavy isotope of Cl. This enrichment is reflective of preferential loss of 35Cl to space. Most basaltic shergottites (less Shergotty), nakhlites, Chassigny, and Allan Hills 84001 lie on a continuum between the Martian mantle and crust. This intermediate range is explained by mechanical mixing through impact, fluid interaction, and assimilation‐fractional crystallization.  相似文献   
The Al‐Jawf area of northern Saudi Arabia provides spectacular outcrops of Early Devonian carbonate bioherms in the Wadi Murayr and Dumat Al‐Jandal areas. These carbonate bioherms belong to the Qasr Member of the Late Pragian–Early Emsian Jauf Formation (~405 Ma) and are surrounded by a bioclastic carbonate succession. The Qasr Member is the first major carbonate unit of the Palaeozoic succession in Saudi Arabia that mainly consists of microbialite carbonates and metazoan reefs exhibiting distinct mound features. These bioherm complexes and their associated carbonate facies are pervasively dolomitized. Stratigraphic, petrographic and geochemical analyses were conducted to determine the facies distribution and interpret their depositional and diagenetic processes. A total of 11 facies are identified from a range of depositional environments within a carbonate platform system, ranging from tidal flats, lagoon, shoal, patch reefs to reef front. The main diagenetic processes are carbonate cementation and dolomitization. Dolomitization occurred as both fabric preserved (mostly in grain‐dominated facies) and fabric destructive (mud‐dominated facies). The microbialites and coralline sponges facies show poor reservoir with visual porosity less than 5%, but this succession may have a potential to serve as a good source for the underlying and overlying facies. Ooid and peloidal grainstone facies show fair to good visual porosity that locally exceeds 10% with intergranular porosity as the dominant type. However, in the most studied samples, vuggy and intraparticle porosities are observed as the dominant type. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An automatic technique for the determination of the coefficients of models for soil–water characteristic curves (SWCC) or water retention curves (WRC) is presented. The technique is based on optimisation using genetic algorithms, in which the error between predictions and experimental data is minimised by varying the model parameters. The method is powerful and reasonably efficient in finding the best parameters. Four models are analysed including one accounting for hysteresis behaviour. Details of a simple genetic algorithm (SGA) and its complete application are explained. To account for the hysteresis of the SWCC, the models are programmed in a rate form, in which numerical integration is employed to advance the state variables. One advantage of the optimisation presented is that the best curves averaging both the drying and wetting paths are obtained when hysteresis is present.  相似文献   
The foraging ecology and diet of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, remain understudied, particularly in peripheral areas of its distribution. We assessed the diet of an aggregation of juvenile green turtles at the northern edge of its range during winter months using two approaches. Stomach content analyses provide a single time sample, and stable isotope analyses integrate diet over a several-month period. We evaluated diet consistency in prey choice over time by comparing the results of these two approaches. We examined stomach contents from 43 juvenile green turtles that died during cold stunning events in St. Joseph Bay, Florida, in 2008 and 2011. Stomach contents were evaluated for volume, dry mass, percent frequency of occurrence, and index of relative importance of individual diet items. Juvenile green turtles were omnivorous, feeding primarily on seagrasses and tunicates. Diet characterizations from stomach contents differed from those based on stable isotope analyses, indicating the turtles are not feeding consistently during winter months. Evaluation of diets during warm months is needed.  相似文献   
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