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Florida statute §627 706 was enacted to provide sinkhole collapse coverage The legislative intent of the Statute was to protect the property owner from the unexpected damage to structures and personal property arising from the occurrence of sinkholes However, since the Statute was enacted, litigation involving considerable expense to the insurance companies and property owners has occurred because of various interpretations of the Statute The technical and legal interpretations do not appear always to be the same. This article discusses some of the interpretations accepted by the court, and it addresses the role of the engineer, geologist, and hydrologist in the technical interpretations of the Statute. In an attempt to reduce litigation and associated court costs, recommendations are made to resolve some of the vagueness and ambiguities in the Statute and still maintain the Statute's flexibility and intent to protect public welfare  相似文献   
Monthly, multi-annual mean heat budgets are calculated for waters overlying the Texas-Louisiana shelf. Heat storage rates are calculated on the basis of a volumetric temperature-salinity census; unpublished data from Bunker are consulted to determine surface heat exchanges. Monthly heat flux divergences, calculated as residuals in the heat budget equation, show divergence of heat during the months of June and July, the upwelling season for much of the Texas-Louisiana coast, and convergence of heat during the rest of the year when winds conducive to downwelling prevail.  相似文献   
The distribution of macroinvertebrates on Connecticut tidal marshes corresponds well with that reported for other marshes along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. The greatest densities and biomass of the ribbed mussel,Geukensia demissa, were found on marshes in the central and western part of the state where both the annual production ofSpartina alterniflora and tidal range are large. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY019 00011  相似文献   
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys, outcrop measurements, and cores provide a high-resolution 3D geologic model to investigate the hydraulic effects of shales in marine-influenced lower delta-plain distributary channel deposits within the Cretaceous-age Ferron Sandstone at Corbula Gulch in central Utah, USA. Shale statistics are computed from outcrop observations. Although slight anisotropy was observed in mean length and variogram ranges parallel and perpendicular to pale of low , the anisotropy is not statistically significant and the estimated mean length is 5.4 m. Truncated Gaussian simulation was used to create maps of shales that are placed on variably dipping stratigraphic surfaces interpreted from high-resolution 3D GPR surveys, outcrop interpretations, and boreholes. Sandstone permeability is estimated from radar responses calibrated to permeability measurements from core samples. Experimentally designed flow simulations examine the effects of variogram range, shale coverage fraction, and trends in shale coverage on predicted upscaled permeability, breakthrough time, and sweep efficiency. Approximately 1500 flow simulations examine three different geologic models, flow in the 3 coordinate directions, 16 geostatistical parameter combinations, and 10 realizations for each model. ANOVA and response models computed from the flow simulations demonstrate that shales decrease sweep, recovery, and permeability, especially in the vertical direction. The effect on horizontal flow is smaller. Flow predictions for ideal tracer displacements at Corbula Gulch are sensitive to shale-coverage fraction, but are relatively insensitive to twofold variations in variogram range or to vertical trends in shale coverage. Although the hydraulic effects of shale are statistically significant, the changes in flow responses rarely exceed 20%. As a result, it may be reasonable to use simple models when incorporating analogous shales into models of reservoirs or aquifers.  相似文献   
Precipitation and temperature in Florida responds to climate teleconnections from both the Pacific and Atlantic regions. In this region south of Lake Okeechobee, encompassing NWS Climate Divisions 5, 6, and 7, modern movement of surface waters are managed by the South Florida Water Management District and the US Army Corps of Engineers for flood control, water supply, and Everglades restoration within the constraints of the climatic variability of precipitation and evaporation. Despite relatively narrow, low-relief, but multi-purposed land separating the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico, South Florida has patterns of precipitation and temperature that vary substantially on spatial scales of 101–102 km. Here we explore statistically significant linkages to precipitation and temperature that vary seasonally and over small spatial scales with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Over the period from 1952 to 2005, ENSO teleconnections exhibited the strongest influence on seasonal precipitation. The Multivariate ENSO Index was positively correlated with winter (dry season) precipitation and explained up to 34 % of dry season precipitation variability along the southwest Florida coast. The AMO was the most influential of these teleconnections during the summer (wet season), with significant positive correlations to South Florida precipitation. These relationships with modern climate parameters have implications for paleoclimatological and paleoecological reconstructions, and future climate predictions from the Greater Everglades system.  相似文献   
Radio occultation (RO) has been proven to be a powerful technique for ionospheric electron density profile (EDP) retrieval. The Abel inversion currently used in RO EDP retrieval has degraded performance in regions with large horizontal gradients because of an assumption of spherical symmetry as indicated by many studies. Some alternative methods have been proposed in the past; the global ionospheric map (GIM)-aided Abel inversion is most frequently studied. Since the number of RO observations will likely increase rapidly in the near future, it is worthwhile to continue to improve retrieval method. In this study, both the simulations and the real data test have been done to evaluate the GIM-aided Abel inversion method. It is found that the GIM-aided Abel inversion can significantly improve upon the standard Abel inversion in either the F or the E region if an accurate GIM is available. However, the current IGS GIM does not appear accurate enough to improve retrieval results significantly, because of the spherical symmetry assumption and sparse global navigation satellite system (GNSS) stations used in its creation. Generating accurate GIM based on dense GNSS network to aid the Abel inversion might be an alternative method.  相似文献   
This article investigates adobe wall construction materials utilized by prehistoric inhabitants of Chaves‐Hummingbird Pueblo, an ancestral Pueblo village located ˜20 miles west of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The walls were constructed with native clay‐rich soils some time between approximately 1275–1450 A.D. Samples were analyzed with a diffuse reflectance spectrophotometer from the near ultraviolet (NUV) through the visible (VIS) and into the near infrared (NIR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Cluster analysis of samples from 275 adobe walls and 36 soil locations surrounding the pueblo room blocks indicates four clusters. Comparison of typical samples from the four clusters indicates that they are very similar and are distinguished by minor variations in the three primary spectrally determined components, Na‐Ca montmorillonite, bentonite, and goethite. In general, clusters correspond with room construction episodes that are discernible through patterns of wall bonding and abutment recorded during the archaeological investigation of the site. This suggests that during different phases of construction the source of the wall adobe changed. Many of the soil samples are included in wall clusters and therefore reveal a potential source of material used for adobe, adjacent soils. However, not all the soil surrounding the pueblo grouped with wall clusters indicating a preference for certain soil types and that some soils were probably unsuitable for making adobe. Therefore, diversity in spectrally identified construction materials provides insights into source locations and possible construction preferences of the site inhabitants. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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