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成矿流体运动系统与金质来源和富集机制讨论   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
以 山东地区大型、超大型金矿为例,从运动学和动力学角度,系统研究其成矿作用的起点(岩石-岩浆-流体间的物理化学作用)和终点(矿富集于断裂复合处或交汇部位),以及成矿流体在运动中的渗透、振荡、气-液态交替、流速的突变及多层次循环流体的萃取、沟通等多方面的共同作用。结果表明,巨量金质来源和富集的关键取决于各层次流体循环笼统间的沟通,地幔富C-H-O流体循环系统、中-下部地壳富硅流体循环系统、浅-表部(  相似文献   
息韨 《南方国土资源》2000,13(3):55-56,66
市场经济是竞争经济,文章就当前广西地矿局建设工程施工企业由计划经济转向市场经济、从国内市场走向国际市场之际,如何推进企业现代化管理,以提高竞争力,提出一些见解和方案.  相似文献   

We present the major and trace elements and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes in mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 2.6–3.1°S. These samples are low-K tholeiites and show significant variation in their major element compositions (e.g. 4.60–8.18 wt% MgO, 8.34–12.12 wt% CaO, 9.78–14.25 wt% Fe2O3, and 0.06–0.34 K2O wt%). Trace element abundances of the 2.6–3.1°S MORB are variably depleted (e.g. (La/Sm), N = 0.51–0.78, Zr/Y = 2.35–3.42, Th/La = 0.035–0.056, and Ce/Yb = 2.38–3.96) but closely resemble the average N-MORB. In the compatible elements (Ni and Cr) against incompatible element Zr plots, the 2.6–3.1°S MORB show well-defined negative correlations, together with a liquid line of descent (LLD) modelling and petrographic observations, implying a significant role of olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene fractionation during magma evolution. When compared to global MORB and peridotites, the 2.6–3.1°S MORB and most of the other axial lavas from the South EPR show similar Zn/Fe, Zn/Mn, and Fe/Mn ratios, attesting to a peridotite-dominated mantle lithology. However, the relationships between incompatible trace element ratios, such as Zr/Rb and Nb/Sm, and the negative correlation between Zr/Nb and 87Sr/86Sr indicate a geochemically heterogeneous mantle source. The mantle beneath the South EPR likely consists of two components, with the enriched component residing as physically distinct domains (e.g. veins or dikes) in the depleted peridotite matrix. In the Sr–Nd–Pb isotope space, the South EPR MORB lie along the mixing lines between the depleted MORB mantle (DMM) and the ‘C’-like Pukapuka endmember. We infer that low-F melts derived from these enriched materials may cause localized mantle heterogeneity (veins or dikes) via an infiltration process. Subsequent melting of the refertilized mantle may impart an isotopically distinct characteristic to South EPR MORB.  相似文献   
水稻土是我国主要的耕作土壤之一,水稻土有机碳变化与全球气候变化息息相关,因此研究我国主要农耕区水稻土有机碳含量分布特征及影响因素具有重要的现实意义。本文基于全国多目标地球化学调查1:250000土壤数据库,以行政区划分析了水稻土有机碳分布规律,从土壤pH值、年均气温、年均降雨量、耕作方式等角度探讨了其对水稻土有机碳含量...  相似文献   
以卫星遥感技术为主要手段,通过室内遥感地质解译和野外调查验证,结合聚煤规律研究分析,对四川省盐源地区各时代含煤地层的含煤性及赋存规律进行了总结,最终圈定了8个含煤远景区,即盖祖-桃子含煤远景区、盐塘含煤远景区、梅雨含煤远景区、营盘山含煤远景区、小高山含煤远景区、大坡-白乌含煤远景区、巴折含煤远景区、白马-金河-藤桥含煤远景区;其中,盐塘、梅雨及白马-金河-藤桥含煤远景区为资源潜力较好区域,为该区进一步开展煤炭资源勘查工作提供了有利靶区。  相似文献   
河南桐柏围山城层控金银成矿带同位素地球化学   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
张静  陈衍景  陈华勇  张冠  杨艳 《地学前缘》2008,15(4):108-124
河南省桐柏山区的围山城金银成矿带包括破山特大型银矿、银洞坡大型金矿、银洞岭大型银多金属矿床及一些矿点,赋矿地层是新元古界歪头山组,矿体产状与地层产状一致,形态呈似层状、鞍状或透镜状,层控特征显著。氢-氧-碳同位素地球化学研究指示早、中阶段的成矿流体主要为变质水,晚阶段有大量大气降水加入成矿流体系统。碳-硫-铅同位素指示成矿物质来自于歪头山组地层;钾-氩同位素表明成矿作用(100~140Ma)发生在秦岭陆陆碰撞造山的高峰期之后碰撞挤压向伸展转变的背景下。综合考虑矿带的成矿流体来源、成矿物质来源以及矿床地质特征,认为围山城成矿带属典型的层控造山型金银成矿系统,形成于中生代扬子与华北板块的陆陆碰撞造山体制。  相似文献   
对中国东部不同纬度带的6个地区的土壤微生物碳进行了研究。结果表明土壤微生物碳的分布受地理位置的影响较为明显:由北向南,东北地区的土壤微生物碳要高于其他地区。作为土壤有机质变化的灵敏度指标———微生物熵(微生物碳/总有机碳),在同一耕作方式下,其在不同地区的变化受土壤利用方式的影响较为明显:在连作系统下,菜地>粮地;而在轮作系统下,粮食-蔬菜轮作>蔬菜-蔬菜轮作。利用相关性分析寻求影响微生物碳分布的环境因素,结果表明,微生物碳(Micro-C)与土壤有机碳(TOC)、全氮(TN)、土壤含水率呈极显著正相关,而有机碳和全氮的分布主要受地理位置的影响。对不同土壤类型的微生物碳和微生物熵进行相关性分析,结果显示pH、年均温、含水率、TOC和TN是主要影响因素,关键影响因素因土壤类型不同而各异。  相似文献   
Permeable geologic faults in the coal seam can cause intermittent production problems or unexpected amounts of groundwater outburst from the underlying aquifers. With the acknowledgment of the basic mechanism for groundwater outbursts, the groundwater outburst along the fault zones in coal mines are numerically investigated using RFPA, a numerical code based on FEM. The fracture initiation, propagation, and coalescence in the stressed strata and the seepage field evolution in the stress field are represented visually during the whole process of groundwater outburst. The numerically obtained damage evolution shows that the floor strata could be classified as three zones, i.e. mining induced fracture zone, intact zone and fault reactivation zone, in which the intact zone is the key part for resisting groundwater outburst and directly determines the effective thickness of water-resisting rock layer. With understanding of the evolution of stress field and seepage flow in floor strata, the groundwater outburst pathway is calibrated and the transformation of floor rock mass from water-resisting strata to outburst pathway is clearly illuminated. Moreover, it is shown that geometrical configuration, including inclination angle of faults and seam drop along faults, have an important influence on groundwater outburst. Finally, based on geological, hydrogeology survey and numerical results, the mechanism analysis of groundwater outburst in an engineering case is studied, which can provide significantly meaningful guides for the investigation on mechanism and prevention of groundwater outburst induced by faults in practice.  相似文献   
本文以中国主要河流(100多条河流,177个站)年径流资料为基础,采用近代随机水文学方法,并结合年径流的成因分析,探讨了中国主要河流年径流序列的趋势性、近似周期性、相依性和持续性特点。还研究了它们的分区变化规律。  相似文献   
Houba oil sand in frontier Longmenshan Mountain is one of the most typically important unconventional resources. The basic reservoir characteristics of oil sand and the main factors affecting reservoir quality were examined in this article based on porosity, permeability, and mercury porosimetry measurements; thin section analyses; SEM observation; and X-ray diffraction analysis. This study shows that the oil-bearing sandstone reservoir is mainly medium?coarse-grained sublitharenite and litharenite. The main pore type is intergranular pores, including residual primary intergranular pores, dissolved intergranular pores, and dissolved intragranular pores; fractures are common in this study area. The quality of sandstone reservoir is of high porosity and high permeability with a high oil saturation of 89.84 %. It is indicated that the main controlling factors of the reservoir in the study area include deposition, diagenesis, and tectonism. Deposition laid a foundation to porosity evolution, and channel sand is the most favorable depositional facies for the reservoir. Diagenetic alterations are the keys to reservoir evolution; dissolution and chlorite coatings cementation play an effective role in the generation and preservation of pores. Compaction, carbonate cementation, and quartz overgrowth cause many damages to the reservoir porosity. Fractures caused by structural breakages can improve the reservoir permeability and they also can provide fluid migration pathways to the late corrosion, which formed a lot of corroded fissures as reservoir and percolation spaces.  相似文献   
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