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本文利用正压原始方程,对48°S——48°N间的给定的平直副热带西风和东风切变带进行了西风爬越西藏高原为主、西风绕过西藏高原和无西藏高原存在的三种不同情况的数值试验。这些试验表明,由于西藏高原与落基山等大地形的存在,不但能造成副热带高压带的断裂,并且能形成四个副热带高压单体。在北半球,这四个单体具有相当稳定的位置,一个在西太平洋,一个在中太平洋,一个在大西洋,一个在北非。这些试验还表明,当西风以爬越西藏高原为主时,对南半球澳大利亚高压的存在与稳定有一定的作用。西风绕过西藏高原流动时有利于西太平洋高压向西伸展。   相似文献   
基于第三代海浪数值模式WAVEWATCHⅢ(v3.14),在WRF模式提供模式风场驱动下,对1109号台风"梅花"的风浪场、涌浪场和混合浪场进行了数值模拟,并在我国东部沿海选取了3个关注站点,探讨涌浪和风浪波高随时间变化与台风中心位置的关系以及台风影响下海浪二维谱、风浪场和涌浪场分布和变化特征。结果表明,新版的海浪模式能较好表现福建和浙江沿海、长江口附近、山东半岛南端的3个关注区域的台风涌浪先于风浪到达的事实;距台风中心不同距离,混合浪波高的组成和波高变化不同;台风的外围区涌浪场的高值区对应着风浪场的低值区,台风的大风区风浪场的高值区对应着涌浪场的低值区,台风眼区则为涌浪区。涌浪多分布在台风风浪影响范围之外,波向由台风中心向外辐射。  相似文献   
申玉铭  邓秀丽  任旺兵  黄霖 《地理研究》2012,31(7):1269-1279
创意产业从提出开始,就引起世界高度关注,并成为各国竞相发展的战略性产业。在新一轮的全球竞争中,各国纷纷把发展创意产业作为提升国家经济实力和软实力的重要途径。本文通过对国内外创意产业发展的空间分布特征及影响因素的梳理,总结创意产业发展的支撑条件,进一步构建了创意产业发展支撑条件的评价指标体系。运用主成分分析法对中国35个主要中心城市创意产业发展支撑条件进行了定量评价,并提出现阶段我国创意产业发展的空间战略:因地制宜、发挥特色、科学规划;聚焦若干重点创意产业集聚区的发展,增强集聚效应;强化以珠三角、长三角、京津冀三大创意产业集聚区的龙头带动作用;鼓励中西部地区以区域性中心城市为依托,将创意产业与本地产业升级的带动作用结合起来,形成各具特色的区域性创意中心。  相似文献   
Dynamic characteristics of heavy-haul railway subgrade under vibratory loading in cold regions are investigated via low-temperature dynamic triaxial tests with multi-stage cyclic loading process. The relationship between dynamic shear stress and dynamic shear strain of frozen soil of subgrade under train loading and the influence of freezing temperatures on dynamic constitutive relation, dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio are observed in this study. Test results show that the dynamic constitutive relations of the frozen soils with different freezing temperatures comply with the hyperbolic model, in which model parameters a and b decrease with increasing freezing temperature. The dynamic shear modulus of the frozen soils decreases with increasing dynamic shear strains initially, followed by a relatively smooth attenuation tendency, whereas increases with decreasing freezing temperatures. The damping ratios decrease with decreasing freezing temperatures. Two linear functions are defined to express the linear relationships between dynamic shear modulus (damping ratio) and freezing temperature, respectively, in which corresponding linear coefficients are obtained through multiple regression analysis of test data.  相似文献   
The goal of the study was to examine the effect of stocking density on the water quality of culture area, as well as the growth, body composition and cortisol content of rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss). Pen-reared trout were stocked in densities of 40, 60, 80 fish individuals m-3(4.6, 6.6, 8.6 kg m-3, SD1, SD2 and SD3 groups, respectively) for 300 days. Compared to the water from SD1 and SD2, that from SD3 exhibited significantly higher NH4+-N content and COD(chemical-oxygen-demand), and a significant reduction of dissolved oxygen in day 180(40.6 kg m-3). Stocking density was significantly associated with body weight, standard length, VSI(viscerosomatic index), CF(condition factor) and FC(food coefficient) in group SD3, particularly in day 240 and day 300(45 or 49.3 kg m-3). Increased crude fat and decreased crude protein were displayed in high density group when the density reached to 36 kg m-3. As a cumulative effect of density-related stress, VSI, CF, FC, moisture, and crude protein content varied over time in each density group(SD1, SD2, and SD3). In summary, trout exhibited a better growth performance in low density(26.3 kg m-3) than those reared in high densities(36 and 45 kg m-3). The results indicate that rainbow trout(114.44 g ± 6.21 g, 19.69 cm ± 0.31 cm) initially stocked in 6.6 or 8.6 kg m-3 should be lightened to less than 36 kg m-3 after an intensive rearing for 240 days.  相似文献   
Underground mining activities and rainfall have potential important influence on the initiation and reactivation of the slope deformations, especially on the steep rock slope. In this paper, using the discrete element method (UDEC), numerical simulation was carried out to investigate deformation features and the failure mechanism of the steep rock slope under mining activities and rainfall. A steep rock slope numerical model was created based on a case study at the Wulong area in Chongqing city, China. Mechanical parameters of the rock mass have been determined by situ measurements and laboratory measurements. A preliminary site monitoring system has been realized, aiming at getting structure movements and stresses of unstable rock masses at the most significant discontinuities. According to the numerical model calibrated based on the monitoring data, four types of operation conditions are designed to reveal the effect of mining excavation and extreme rainfall on the deformation of the steep rock slope.  相似文献   
The spatio-temporal patterns of macrofaunal fouling assemblages were quantitatively investigated in the nearshore waters of the South China Sea. The work was undertaken by deploying seasonal panels at two sites (H-site, L-site) for one year, and the fouling communities on the panels were examined and analyzed. The results indicated that species composition of assemblages was obviously different between the two sites. At both sites the assemblages were characteristic with solitary dominant species throughout the year, with Amphibalanus reticulates dominating at H-site and Hydroides elegans at L-site. Shannon index and biomass of the assemblages varied with depth and season at both sites. At H-site the total biomass in summer and autumn were significantly higher than those in spring and winter, while at L-site the assemblage biomass also differed significantly among the four seasons, and the greatest biomass occurred at the depth of 2.0 m in winter. The abundance of all seasonal samples in non-metric multidimensional scaling was clustered as one group at L-site and three groups at H-site. The environmental factors were more likely to be related to the variation of fouling assemblages. Furthermore, it also suggests that in tropical seas the integrated adaptability would qualify a species for dominating a fouling assemblage despite its short life cycle, rather than the usually assumed only species with long life span. This study reveals the complexity and characteristic dynamics of macrofaunal fouling assemblages in the tropical habitats, and the results would provide valuable knowledge for biodiversity and antifouling research.  相似文献   
浙江省新型工业化地域差异及其机理研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
新型工业化对浙江县域经济发展提出了更高的要求,研究通过实证的方法,建立新型工业化水平评价体系,并借助ESDA-GIS空间分析框架,对浙江省县级行政单元新型工业化差异的空间格局进行分析,结果表明浙江省域范围内新型工业化综合发展水平呈现"浙东北高、浙西南低"的格局;并具有增长极带动下的区域整体发展特点;地区发展空间差异显著,在空间上体现出两极"俱乐部趋同"的集聚态势;各县级行政单元自身的工业化水平组合特征不均衡,各项指标非平行发展,呈现出轻加工型产业特征下,规模经济与内部结构空间差异基础上的整体集约化水平低下.  相似文献   
In coordination with Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) initiated by World Meteorology Administration (WMO), a regional observation network is proposed based on existing stations/sites over High Asia and cryospheric elements required by GCW. Thus, High Asian Cryosphere (HAC) network is preliminary designed, composing of seven "supersites", each containing several reference sites. The network covers major mountain ranges in High Asia, such as East Tianshan, Qilian, Tanggula, Nyainqentanglha, Himalayas as well as the central and eastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. Although multiple cryospheric elements were observed at the existing HAC network, many others, which are required by Integrated Global Observation System-Cryosphere Theme (IGOS-Cryosphere), are not yet included. More comprehensive observations are necessary to be included into "supersites" of HAC, so that the basic requirements for validation of satellite data, assimilation and coupled regional models can be met.  相似文献   
南极GRV 99027陨石:火星陨石中的一个新成员   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
来自南极格罗夫山蓝冰地区的GRV 99027陨石为一无球粒陨石,主要由橄榄石及辉石组成。棕色橄榄石具堆晶结构及镶嵌结构等火成岩浆分异结晶的特征。陨石的矿物模式组成及化学成分显示与SNC族陨石特征相似,特别是与ALHA77005陨石十分接近。后者被确定为二辉橄榄岩质辉玻无球粒陨石类(Lherozolitic-Shergotty,L-S)火星陨石。GRV 99027陨石的矿物化学特征以及FeO/MnO比值也与L-S类相似。可以初步认为GRV 99027陨石为SNC族火星陨石一个新的成员。二辉橄榄岩相当于地球的上地幔成分。陨石来自火星探部,为世界上极为稀有的火星样品,极具研究价值。  相似文献   
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