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松辽分水岭东段白土山组成因与时代   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王庆  杨景春 《地层学杂志》1995,19(4):287-290
综合考虑松辽分水岭东段地区白土山组的地层分布、沉积特征、地貌部位及第四纪以来松辽分水岭的演化过程、松辽水系的变迁,认为其为河流冲积物,形成时代为早更新世早期。  相似文献   
A numerical model of shoreline change of sand beaches based on long-term field wave data is proposed, the explicit and implicit finite difference forms of the model are described, and an application of the model is presented. Results of the application indicate that the model is sensitive to the order of the input wave data, and that the effects of long-term wave series and the effects of the mean annual wave conditions on the model are different. Instead of a single wave condition, the wave series will make the calibration and the verification of the model more practical and the results of the model more reasonable.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional density field associated with mesoscaie unstable waves generated by the 3-D, primitive-equation model (Wang and Ikeda, 1996) is provided to the quasi-geostrophic pressure tendency and ω-equations, and to the (ageostrophic) Q-vector equation. Diagnostic analyses, analogous to the approaches in meteorology: ω-equation and Q-vector method, are for the first time developed to examine the mesoscaie dynamical processes and mechanisms of the unstable waves propagating in the mid-latitude ocean. The weaknesses and strengths of these two diagnostic approaches are evaluated and compared to the model results. The Q-vector method is then recommended to diagnose the vertical motion associated with the mesoscaie dynamics from a hydrographic CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) array, while the quasi-geostrophic equations produce some small-scale features (errors) in the diagnosed fields.  相似文献   
程叶青  翟梦潇  王莹  张金萍 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1902-1909
在中国社会经济转型过程中,快速的城镇化导致城镇人口剧增、基础服务设施滞后、城乡差距拉大等系列问题,新型城镇化战略为解决这些问题提供新的思路和方向,为建设可持续城市和城乡一体化发展提供美好蓝图。以城镇化和城乡统筹发展等理论为指导,分析了海南省琼海市城镇化建设过程及成效,并以潭门镇、博鳌镇和龙寿洋国家农业公园为案例,提炼出3种不同类型区域的新型城镇化发展模式,并分析其特征及驱动力,为海南省其他类似地区新型城镇化建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The formulation of a new land surface scheme (LSS) with vegetation dynamics for coupling to the McGill Paleoclimate Model (MPM) is presented. This LSS has the following notable improvements over the old version: (1) parameterization of deciduous and evergreen trees by using the models climatology and the output of the dynamic global vegetation model, VECODE (Brovkin et al. in Ecological Modelling 101:251–261 (1997), Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16(4):1139, (2002)); (2) parameterization of tree leaf budburst and leaf drop by using the models climatology; (3) parameterization of the seasonal cycle of the grass leaf area index; (4) parameterization of the seasonal cycle of tree leaf area index by using the time-dependent growth of the leaves; (5) calculation of land surface albedo by using vegetation-related parameters, snow depth and the models climatology. The results show considerable improvement of the models simulation of the present-day climate as compared with that simulated in the original physically-based MPM. In particular, the strong seasonality of terrestrial vegetation and the associated land surface albedo variations are in good agreement with several satellite observations of these quantities. The application of this new version of the MPM (the green MPM) to Holocene millennial-scale climate changes is described in a companion paper, Part II.
Yi WangEmail: Phone: +1-514-3987448Fax: +1-514-3986115
The statistical basis for factor analysis is briefly discussed. A method combining common factor analysis with orthogonal transformation has been proposed and discussed in detail. The method has been tested with a data set consisting of 16 elemental concentrations in 40 samples collected at the Beijing meteorological tower, March 1980. Seven sources-soil+coal fly ash, sulfate, cement and lime dust, oil, plant burning, motor, and marine aerosol-corresponding to the first seven factors have been identified. The source profiles and their contributions have been obtained.  相似文献   
王东胜  任福弘 《地球科学》1995,20(4):469-473
在分析格尔木含锶矿水田供锶环境和水迁移条件的基础上,将形成含锶矿水田的地质空间分为两个区:山区淋溶迁移区和平原迁移聚集区,运用物质流通量分析的观点,对锶的迁移聚集进行了系统分析,山区为锶矿水的形成提供了物质环境,平原区为锶矿水提供了贮存环境。  相似文献   
在实测地表大地热流、岩石放射性元素含量以及生热率的基础上,作者计算了攀西古裂谷地区的深部热流值(q_r)及地壳上部放射性元素富集层厚度(D),即分别为38.4mw/m~2和15.7km。与世界上其它地区相比,本区具有较高的深部热流值和较大的D值。笔者进一步阐明,较大的D值是攀西古裂谷地区地壳分异程度差在地热上的反映,而较高的q_r值表明本区来自地壳深处上地幔的热量比较大,这与攀西古裂谷地区的整个地质发展历史相一致。  相似文献   
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