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黄婉  何琦  肖龙 《极地研究》2014,26(3):369-377
主要介绍GRV 022888和GRV 052408两块南极陨石的岩相学和矿物化学特征,并在此基础上探讨其成因。GRV 052408陨石主要由橄榄石(~60 vol%)和辉石(~35 vol%)组成,含少量富碳质填隙物(~5 vol%);而GRV022888陨石基本由橄榄石(~98 vol%)构成,仅有很少量辉石,富碳质不透明填隙物含量也较低(~2 vol%)。这两块陨石中的橄榄石都可以见到明显的核部富铁边部富镁的反环带结构。结合岩相学和矿物化学特征,将它们划分为单矿Ⅰ型橄辉无球粒陨石。根据橄榄石-易变辉石-熔体温度计,计算得到两块陨石的形成温度在1 220℃左右。我们的研究结果支持橄辉无球粒陨石为球粒陨石质母体部分熔融后的残余物成因假说。  相似文献   
Freshwater pulses to subtropical estuaries often occur on time scales less than 1 week. In particular, introduction of low-level pulses are potentially important during the dry season (November–April) when freshwater is scarce. Determining potential ecological benefits of pulses requires an innovative method of data acquisition at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales. The South Florida Water Management District conducted a pilot study to assess changes in water column attributes with pulse releases to the Caloosahatchee River Estuary (CRE) from January to April 2012. An average inflow of 450 cfs was targeted for a series of freshwater pulses. This study utilized an onboard, flow-through system to record surface water temperature, salinity (S), pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and in situ chlorophyll a (in situ CHL) at 5 s intervals along the 42-km length of the estuary. On each of seven research cruises, the vessel stopped at multiple stations to conduct vertical water column profiles. Salinity increased throughout the CRE as inflow decreased during the study period. Simple correlation and partial least squares regression were used to determine that the downstream locations of the S?=?10 isohaline and the maximum CHL concentration (in situ CHLmax) were positively related to inflow. While the in situ CHLmax was located 12–20 km downstream on five of the cruises, it was only a few kilometer from the estuary head on the first (1/12) and last (4/11) dates. It is possible that two circumstances related to freshwater inflow accounted for this pattern. First, water column stratification before January could have stimulated remineralization and primary production. Second, inflow ceased as water temperature increased to 26.0 °C by April to promote algal growth. Further study of the relationships among inflow, water level, flushing time, and CHL is warranted. Future efforts will examine the range of wet season discharge by incorporating a sensor for colored dissolved organic matter to fully connect inflow, salinity, submarine light, and phytoplankton attributes in the CRE.  相似文献   
The regional hydrology and ecosystems of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau have changed over the past 40 years driven by intense human activity and regional climate changes. Annual mean air temperature has increased in the region. Streamflow from the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau has decreased significantly. Overall, a number of Alpine step meadows and Alpine frigid meadows have seriously degraded. Degeneration of vegetation and grassland led to desertification and frequently induced dust storms. With the continuous increase in cultivated land area, grassland area in the region has dropped significantly since the 1960s. At present, degraded grassland occupies about 83% of total usable grassland area. As the number of livestock increased, range condition deteriorated and the carrying capacity was reduced. The forest area in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau has decreased by 20%, and the local ecosystem has become very fragile. Given the relatively stable weather conditions, the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau can be characterized by its three major ecosystems: grassland ecosystem, forest ecosystem and wetland ecosystem, which are crucial in maintaining the ecological stability. Changes in these ecosystems could influence sustainable development in the region. To avoid further deterioration of the environment and ecosystems, it is important to establish and implement ecosystem protection planning. Some effective measures are essential in this respect, including technical and political considerations.  相似文献   
This study focused on typical injection layers of deep saline aquifers in the Shiqianfeng Formation used in the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Demonstration Projects in the Ordos Basin, Northwest China. The study employed experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the mechanism of CO2 mineral sequestration in these deep saline aquifers. The experimental results showed that the dissolved minerals are plagioclase, hematite, illite–smectite mixed layer clay and illite, whereas the precipitated minerals are quartz (at 55, and 70 °C) and kaolinite (at 70 °C). There are rare carbonate mineral precipitations at the experimental time scale, while the precipitation of quartz as a product of the dissolution of silicate minerals and some intermediate minerals rich in K and Mg that transform to clay minerals, reveals the possibility of carbonate precipitation at the longer time scale. These results are consistent with some results previously reported in the literature. We calibrated the kinetic parameters of mineral dissolution and precipitation by these experimental results and then simulated the CO2 mineral sequestration under deep saline aquifer conditions. The simulation results showed that the dissolved minerals are albite, anorthite and minor hematite, whereas the precipitated minerals are calcite, kaolinite and smectite at 55 and 70 °C. The geochemical reaction of illite is more complex. At 55 °C, illite is dissolved at the relatively lag time and transformed to dawsonite; at 70 °C, illite is precipitated in the early reaction period and then transformed to kaolinite. Based on this research, sequestrated CO2 minerals, which are mainly related to the temperature of deep saline aquifers in Shiqianfeng Fm., are calcite and dawsonite at lower temperature, and calcite at higher temperature. The simulation results also establish that calcite could precipitate over a time scale of thousands of years, and the higher the temperature the sooner such a process would occur due to increased reaction rates. These characteristics are conducive, not only to the earlier occurrence of mineral sequestration, but also increase the sequestration capacity of the same mineral components. For a sequestration period of 10,000 years, we determined that the mineral sequestration capacity is 0.786 kg/m3 at 55 °C, and 2.180 kg/m3 at 70 °C. Furthermore, the occurrence of mineral sequestration indirectly increases the solubility of CO2 in the early reaction period, but this decreases with the increase in temperature.  相似文献   
利用2013—2015年ECMWF(简称EC)细网格模式2m气温预报产品,分析了不同季节和不同天气形势下EC细网格模式产品对青岛地区7个基准站逐日最高气温和最低气温的预报性能。结果表明:EC细网格模式2m气温预报误差沿海站点大于内陆站点,且误差随着预报时效的延长逐渐增大。最高气温预报除胶州站外均为负误差,最低气温预报青岛、平度、莱西为正误差,崂山、黄岛、胶州和即墨为负误差。最高气温预报在3—4月和8—9月预报质量不稳定,最低气温预报夏半年好于冬半年。根据模式误差特点,给出7站气温主观订正参考值,订正后最高气温预报准确率提高3%~16%,最低气温预报准确率提高4%~18%。EC细网格模式对于暴雨、强对流、高温晴热、回暖天气、冷空气过程最高气温预报偏低,海雾影响时最高温度预报偏高;对冬季大雾情形下的最低气温预报偏低,辐射降温时最低气温预报沿海站点偏低,北部内陆站点偏高。  相似文献   
风化壳储集层成因及其差异性特征分析是当今储层地质学研究热点。渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷沾化凹陷富林洼陷中生界油气勘探遇到瓶颈,目前探井仅钻揭白垩系顶部风化壳,且风化壳储集层岩性复杂、非均质性极强,明确风化壳储集层成岩改造、储集空间类型和组合关系,对本区乃至济阳坳陷中生界潜山油气勘探至关重要。通过岩心和薄片观察,结合录井、测井等资料,对富林洼陷白垩系西洼组复杂岩性风化壳储集层开展研究。结果表明: 风化壳岩性主要为安山岩和凝灰岩,其次为脉岩、隐爆角砾岩和砂砾岩。由于不同构造单元在复杂埋藏过程中经历了“洼—隆—隆”或“洼—隆—洼”的演化过程,不同岩性储集层的成岩序列和孔隙演化差异明显。火成岩和碎屑岩原生孔隙类型和成因明显不同,但现今储集空间均以次生孔隙特别是溶蚀孔为主,被溶蚀物质包括斑晶、基质以及火山岩屑等。溶蚀作用的主导流体多变,继抬升暴露过程中富含CO2的大气淡水之后,有机质成熟时排出的有机酸对储集层改善有积极作用。有利风化壳储集层的形成受到岩性、埋藏演化过程和成岩流体的共同控制。整体上,富林洼陷白垩系西洼组储集层质量由好到次的顺序为: 凝灰质砂砾岩,火山角砾岩,含残余气孔安山岩,凝灰岩,次火山岩;不同岩性风化壳储集层在复杂埋藏过程中,经历了不同的成岩改造。  相似文献   
对吉林安图地区原划为中元古代构造地层的海沟岩群进行的野外地质工作和锆石 SHRIMP U-Pb 年代学工作表明, 海沟岩群不同岩组的变质程度和形成时代都存在明显差异。 以条带状含铁建造为特征的四岔子岩组受到高级变质作用改造, 变质程度为高角闪岩相并伴有深熔。 侵入 BIF 铁矿的奥长花岗质片麻岩给出的形成时代为 2 554 ± 3 Ma 或更老, 变质时代为 2 528 ± 11 Ma, 表明四岔子岩组应当老于 2 554 Ma。 结合区域对比, 推测其为新太古代变质表壳岩。 而东方红岩组虽然变形作用强烈, 但仅为绿片岩相变质。 该岩组中的变流纹岩形成年龄为 178 ± 2 Ma, 表明其为早侏罗世火山岩, 受到后期韧性变形作用的改造。 新资料表 明原划的海沟岩群需要解体, 其中既包括太古宙变质基底, 也包括受到变形影响的中生代地层。 太古宙地质体在古生代末-中生代初古亚洲洋闭合及造山后构造作用下, 呈岩片出露在年轻地质体之间。 本文的奥长花岗质片麻岩变质增生边和变质新生锆石具有异常高的 Th/U 比 值, 推测其和变质过程中高 U 矿物的形成有关。 高 Th/U 比变质锆石和低 Th/U 比岩浆锆石的实例表明:对锆石成因进行判别时, Th/U 比值只能作为一个辅助手段谨慎使用。  相似文献   
Chuquicamata, in northern Chile, is one of the largest porphyry copper deposits in the world; the western side of its orebody is bounded by a major longitudinal fault, the West fault. We report paleomagnetic results from surface sites and drill cores from different geological units at Chuquicamata, especially within the late Eocene Fiesta granodiorite of the western block of the West fault. Characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRM) were determined after detailed thermal or alternating field demagnetization. Soft components carried by multidomain magnetite crystals in the Fiesta granodiorite were removed by AF demagnetization at 10–20 mT. The ChRMs, not demagnetized by alternating fields up to 100 mT, have unblocking temperatures above 580 °C with ~ 75% of the magnetization removed in the temperature range of 580–590 °C. Optical and SEM mineralogical observations, and microprobe data indicate the occurrence of multidomain magnetite formed during a late magmatic stage of alteration coeval with strong oxidation of primary titanomagnetite and formation of ilmenite, hematite, pseudobrookite, and rutile. The characteristic directions have negative inclinations and declinations (330° to 230°); strongly deflected from the expected Eocene direction. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), with degree up to 1.4, is carried by multidomain magnetite. AMS ellipsoids have subvertical foliations with azimuth varying strongly from N280° to N20°. We show that both the ChRMs and the AMS fabrics record the same apparent relative rotations between sites. Although the AMS anisotropy is high, there is no evidence for a solid-state deformation and the apparent rotation of the magnetic fabric is interpreted to be the consequence of small-block rotation. The apparent large (> 100°) counterclockwise rotations of small blocks within the Fiesta granodiorite suggest a wide damaged zone related to sinistral displacement along the West fault. This interpretation is consistent with previous models indicating that the Fiesta granodiorite was sinistrally translated and brought in front of the early Oligocene porphyry copper deposit during the Oligocene–early Miocene. This study shows that paleomagnetic markers are useful for improving the quantification and understanding of small-scale deformation within plutons adjacent to major fault zones.  相似文献   

鲁中山地北麓的黄土沉积是我国东部平原区第四纪冰期-间冰期古环境变化的重要记录。目前,对这套沉积经历的风化成壤过程还没有开展系统的研究,限制了轨道尺度古环境变化信息的挖掘。本文采用X射线衍射分析方法,对鲁中山地北麓黑山剖面末次间冰期以来代表性的黄土L1和古土壤S1样品进行了粘土矿物测试分析。结果表明,黑山黄土沉积的粘土矿物组成以伊利石和蛭石(含层间羟基矿物,简称HIM)为主,二者含量在70.9%~82.2%之间,而高岭石、绿泥石和蒙脱石含量相对较少;与冰期黄土L1相比,间冰期古土壤S1含有较高的蛭石(+HIM)和高岭石,而伊利石、绿泥石和蒙脱石的含量相对较低,并且伊利石结晶度KI值和绿泥石风化指数(0.47/0.71 nm)显著增高。粘土矿物组合以及伊利石和绿泥石的化学风化特征表明古土壤经历了中等风化成壤作用,指示了暖温带湿润-半湿润的气候环境,夏季风显著增强。末次冰期黄土L1中含有较多碎屑成因的蛭石(+HIM),与已有黄土高原末次冰期黄土研究结果对比分析后,排除了鲁中山地北麓黄土与黄土高原黄土一样主要来自西北内陆荒漠区的可能,这进一步支持了鲁中山地北麓黄土主要来源于近源的华北平原各类沉积物的结论。

Three-stranded rope is widely used in fishing gear and mooring system. Results of numerical simulation are presented for flow around a three-stranded rope in uniform flow. The simulation was carried out to study the hydrodynamic characteristics of pressure and velocity fields of steady incompressible laminar and turbulent wakes behind a three-stranded rope. A three-cylinder configuration and single circular cylinder configuration are used to model the three-stranded rope in the two-dimensional simulation. The governing equations, Navier-Stokes equations, are solved by using two-dimensional finite volume method. The turbulence flow is simulated using Standard κ-ε model and Shear-Stress Transport κ-ω(SST) model. The drag of the three-cylinder model and single cylinder model is calculated for different Reynolds numbers by using control volume analysis method. The pressure coefficient is also calculated for the turbulent model and laminar model based on the control surface method. From the comparison of the drag coefficient and the pressure of the single cylinder and three-cylinder models, it is found that the drag coefficients of the three-cylinder model are generally 1.3–1.5 times those of the single circular cylinder for different Reynolds numbers. Comparing the numerical results with water tank test data, the results of the three-cylinder model are closer to the experiment results than the single cylinder model results.  相似文献   
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