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The annual and semi-annual variations of the ionosphere are investigated in the present paper by using the daytime F2 layer peak electron concentration (NmF2) observed at a global ionosonde network with 104 stations. The main features are outlined as follows. (1) The annual variations are most pronounced at magnetic latitudes of 40–60° in both hemispheres, and usually manifest as winter anomalies; Below magnetic latitude of 40° as well as in the tropical region they are much weaker and winter anomalies that are not obvious. (2) The semi-annual variations, which are usually peak in March or April in most regions, are generally weak in the near-pole regions and strong in the far-pole regions of both hemispheres. (3) Compared with their annual components, the semi-annual variations in the tropical region are more significant.In order to explain the above results, we particularly analyze the global atomic/molecular ratio of [O/N2] at the F2 layer peak height by the MSIS90 model. The results show that the annual variation of [O/N2] is closely related with that of NmF2 prevailing in mid-latitudes and [O/N2] annual variation usually may lead to the winter anomalies of NmF2 occurring in the near-pole region. Moreover, NmF2 semi-annual variations appearing in the tropical region also have a close relationship with the variation of [O/N2]. On the other hand, the semi-annual variations of NmF2 in the far-pole region cannot be simply explained by that of [O/N2], but the variation of the solar zenith angle may also have a significant contribution.  相似文献   
Focal mechanism dependence of static stress triggering of earthquakes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Y.G. Wan  Z.L. Wu  G.W. Zhou 《Tectonophysics》2004,390(1-4):235-243
We perform a global statistical investigation into the problem of Coulomb stress triggering of earthquakes by using the Harvard CMT catalogue of shallow earthquakes from 1976 to 2001. We consider ‘earthquake pairs’, i.e., pairs of successive earthquakes occurring near each other with similar focal mechanisms, and address the problem of whether or not the change of the Coulomb failure stress (CFS) produced by the first earthquake of the pair ‘encourages’ the occurrence of the second one. An interesting feature is that such a Coulomb stress-triggering phenomenon has an apparent focal mechanism dependence: for thrust earthquakes, a more evident triggering effect can be observed.  相似文献   
依据煤层反射波运动学和动力学特征,提取出了波峰波谷振幅A1、平均频率Fa、主频带能量Qf1、低频带宽能量Qf和峰值频率Fmain等5个地地震特征参数。选取8组学习样本,利用4层BP(Back Propagation)人工神经网络模型,采用动量法和自适应调整的改进算法,训练BP网络,用训练好的BP网络预测煤层厚度。经实例验证,地震多参数BP网络预测煤层厚度精度高,是一种有效的煤厚预测方法。  相似文献   
瞬变电磁法在煤矿水害防治中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
煤层附近的富水区(带)严重威胁着煤矿的生产安全,探明地下煤层附近富水区的赋存和断层、裂隙的发育情况,可以有效地指导煤矿水害的防治工作。对于含水地层及富水区,瞬变电磁法在多测道剖面上具有典型响应特征,据此可以查明地下水分布情况。在山东某煤田和河南某矿,应用瞬变电磁勘探,准确地查明了煤层顶底板富水区。.  相似文献   
INTRoDUCTIONThe3.8GaBeijiafentrondhjemiticrockwasformedbypartialmeltingofsomeoldercontinentalmaterialintermsofgeochemicalresearches(Waneta1-,l999).Soitisveryim-portanttofindthemoreancientrocksintheAnshanarea.Therecentdiscoveryofthemeta-dioriticrockofEoarchaeanintheDongshanScenicSpotisspecificallyimportantsignifi-canceforit'GEOLOGYANDPETROGRAPHYlntheDongshanScenicSpotoftheAnshancity,thereis.anancientrockbeltbeingmorethanlomwideandstrikingapproximatelyNNW-SSE.Inthebelttherear…  相似文献   
邓万明 《地学前缘》2003,10(2):471-478
在青藏高原及邻区考察了新生代火山岩 ,并对西藏的 5个火山岩省进行了岩石学和同位素地球化学的综合研究 ,探讨了火山岩的源区特征。西昆仑省喷发了钠质熔岩 ,而其它省均为钾质熔岩类 ;甘肃礼县新生代盆地主要以超镁铁质熔岩为主 ;云南的金沙江北段、腾冲以及滇东南的火山岩类在岩石组合、喷发时代和意义上独具特色。文中以陆内俯冲、岩石圈深部的大地构造演化 ,特别是“壳幔过渡带”的部分熔融 ,对它们的成因及科学意义进行了综合讨论。  相似文献   
在西南极和横贯南极山脉地区,新生代裂谷和剥露作用非常普遍。但是,文献中很少记录东南极地区的新生代剥露作用。文中根据东南极普里兹湾拉斯曼丘陵地质样品的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄和热历史的模拟,认为在东南极海岸边缘存在新生代的隆升和伸展作用,其年龄为始于(49.8±12)Ma。该年龄略晚于西南极裂谷系的启动年龄(约60~50Ma)。由于差异隆升作用,在拉斯曼丘陵地区发育了更新的正断层作用——拉斯曼丘陵拆离断层的新活动,其年龄为约5.4Ma。东南极周缘新生代裂谷和伸展作用的普遍存在,是冈瓦纳裂解以来大陆分离和印度洋形成的结果。  相似文献   
对红宝石的天然、合成、优化处理成因已有许多研究,其中有不少争议[1]。争议的焦点在于对其内含物(包裹体)的认识。因此,在鉴定工作中思路要宽,对内含物的一切可能成因要作全方位推断,然后一一甄别。1 测试样品及其一般宝石学特征1-1 测试样品本文测试样品为一条红宝石伴钻石手链,来自于广州市对一家有信誉的国营大公司的市场抽查。样品重7-54g,由10粒规格为5-1×4-2mm的椭圆形刻面红宝石及18粒圆形钻石组成,工艺精美,商家称为“镶嵌红宝石手链”。1-2 一般宝石学特征10粒红宝石颜色统一,为较均…  相似文献   
矿物纤维粉尘的表面特性及对生物活性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对矿物纤维粉尘对人体的危害性及对环境影响的研究,提出了一些矿物产生毒理作用过程的假说和因素判定;研究了矿物与生物体之间的相互作用时应重视矿物表面-细胞物理化学作用,并依据初步试验提出表面特征是矿物纤维表征生物活性的关键因子(如表面活性域、催化作用等),而纤维性只是矿物表面特性的表征因素之一。  相似文献   
青藏高原西北缘盆山过渡带陡坡地貌的形成时代与成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平均海拔大于4500 m的青藏高原,是通过高原边缘的陡坡地貌与海拔低于1500 m的周缘盆地或平原相连接的,这些围绕高原的陡坡地貌是何时、如何形成的呢?本文通过对西昆仑山中段北缘主逆冲断层上盘陡坡地貌区9件磷灰石样品的裂变径迹年龄与长度分析表明:在海拔3900~4635 m的陡坡地貌中的裂变径迹样品年龄为6.2±1.4 Ma~0.9±0.3 Ma,呈现“上新下老”的反序分布特征; 而通过热历史模拟显示约5 Ma,约3~2 Ma,约2~1 Ma 和约1 Ma该地区出现多阶段的隆升与剥露。结合前人研究成果和野外地质的观察认为,现今青藏高原西北缘陡坡地貌的形成是中新世晚期以来高原边界叠瓦状断裂系经历了约8 Ma、约5 Ma、约3~2 Ma、约2~1 Ma和约1 Ma多阶段后展式逆冲运动的结果,这为青藏高原周缘陡坡地貌的形成和青藏高原的隆升时代与型式提供了关键的热年代学约束。  相似文献   
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