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At present, researches on climate change of the Heihe River basin mainly focus on the relationship between basin climate change and regional water resources, regional desertification and dynamic climatic seasons of sandstorm, but less on climate change of oasis region, where there are more intense and frequent human activities. Based on data of precipitation, temperature, strong wind and dust events frequencies obtained from the six meteorological stations of Zhangye region in Heihe River basin, the features of climate change during 1968–2005 were carefully studied. Results show that the regional temperature rise rate exceeded the average level of China. The annual precipitation changed a little, but the precipitation had a slowly increasing trend in spring and winter. Frequencies of strong wind and sandstorm days show obviously descending trends, which had a close correlation with the regional temperature rise and the precipitation increase in spring and winter. Meanwhile, further human economic activities and exploitations to the oasis in the inland valley of arid regions also affected the climate change of this region, which has a sensitive and fragile eco-environment. __________ Translated from Journal of Desert Research, 2007, 27(6): 1048–1054 [译自: 中国沙漠]  相似文献   
随着地形高差增大、地貌单元多变、近地表模型复杂,目前被广泛应用的初至折射静校正的精度已无法满足精细勘探的要求。初至层析静校正技术,由给定的初始模型进行正演,用射线追踪方法得到初始模型的初至波,利用该初至波和实际拾取的初至波进行比较,计算地表模型的修正量,反复迭代求得准确的地表模型。山西省国阳新能股份有限公司二矿390水平九采扩区地表标高940~1100m,地貌单元复杂,在对该区资料处理时,利用初至层析折射静校正,经9次迭代计算后,真实地刻划出近地表模型。在二种静校正技术对比中,初至折射静校正不但近地表模型精度低于层析折射静校正,而且其叠加剖面精细程度也远低于层析静校正,如在初至折射静校正叠加剖面同相轴上呈现的凹凸形态,在层析静校正叠加剖面并无显示,且后者剖面的信噪比也比前者明显提高。  相似文献   
地理信息系统的演进与发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
分析了地理信息系统产生和发展的背景、地理信息系统软件体系结构和开发模式的发展变化,并基于开放的思想提出地理信息系统将向以网络服务和网格服务为主要形式的开放式GIS方向发展,以实现地理信息的共享与空间数据互操作以及信息资源共享与协同解决问题.  相似文献   
指明了城郊物流的特殊性和规划的基本要求,明确了可用于城郊物流规划中的GIS技术.采用GIS手段,制作了区位图,界定了城郊的性质,展现了本区的空间结构、交通体系和物流现状,结合模型分析预测出物流需求.重点探讨了3级物流结点的体系架构,阐述了各级结点的规划依据,设计了对应的算法,定位了物流园区、物流中心、配送中心的具体位置;以上位规划原则和可视化分析,提出对内、对外物流通道建设方案.  相似文献   
焦作-郑州天然气输气管道是较重要建设项目,输气管道起自焦作市博爱县磨头镇,南止郑州市惠济区古荥镇,该输气管道沿线地质环境条件复杂程度为简单-中等。地质灾害类型主要为崩塌、地裂缝、地面不均匀沉陷,黄土湿陷和沙土液化等地质灾害。工程建设有引发和加剧崩塌灾害的可能性,有遭受地质灾害的危险性。工程建设过程中应针对不同的灾害类型采取适当的预防或治理措施。  相似文献   
ISoil-fo~gEnvironmentandMainSoilTrocsThesoLItheastQinghai-Xizang(Tibetan)PlateauwheretheHengduanMoUnains,eastempartoftheThmalayanandNyainqentanglhamoUnainsarelocatedextendsfrom25'to34"Nand92'to1O5'Ewithanareaof5OO,OOOkm',oraboutone-fiffooftheentireQinghai-XiZangPlateau.ItisatransitionalzoneofdeePdisseCtedmoUntainseXtendingsoutheastWardpenpherallowlandsandwichedin-betWeenSichuanBasinandcentralYunnanPlateau.Whletheterrainofthesmponinclinestosoutheast,thealtitudeofthevaIleysraises…  相似文献   
为研究江西安福地区水文地球化学特征及控制因素, 本文采集了15组样品, 采用水化学、同位素分析等方法进行研究。结果表明: 研究区地热水以Na-HCO3型水为主, 地下水以HCO3-Na·Ca型为主, 地表水由西南向东北从HCO3-Na·Ca向HCO3-Ca型水演化。水化学组分演化过程主要受岩石风化作用控制, 地层封闭性较差, 水中的Na+、HCO– 3、Sr2+来源于硅酸岩风化溶解。由稳定同位素特征可知, 研究区地热水补给来源为大气降水。研究区热储温度为49.8~101.4 ℃, 地热水循环深度为1 502.6~1 513.6 m。热水在沿断裂带上升过程中与浅层冷水发生混合, 其混合比例为76.1%~87.5%。研究成果为安福地区水循环演化提供依据, 有利于地热资源的合理开采与保护。  相似文献   
目的:基于数据挖掘技术探析全国名中医张奇文治疗癫痫的用药规律。方法:收集1998年9月1日至2019年9月30日张奇文治疗癫痫的医案,对医案中的数据进行规范化处理,构建数据库,应用古今医案云平台V2.3.5对中药使用频次、四气五味、功效归经、关联、聚类等进行分析,并总结临床经验。结果:共筛选出40首处方,中药120味。排前10位的中药分别为全蝎、蜈蚣、僵蚕、炙甘草、麦芽、山楂、钩藤、羚羊角、珍珠、牛黄,药性以平、温为主,药味主要为甘、辛、苦,主要归肝、肺、脾经,功效以通络止痛、攻毒散结、息风镇痉等为主。关联组合支持度高的组合为全蝎-蜈蚣、全蝎-僵蚕、僵蚕-蜈蚣、钩藤-全蝎、钩藤-蜈蚣。结论:张奇文治疗癫痫标本兼顾,治标重视息风,治本重视健脾。  相似文献   
目的:基于网络药理学与分子对接技术探讨青蛇方外用治疗湿疹的作用机制。方法:应用TCMSP和UniProt数据库平台查询青蛇方组方的有效活性成分及靶基因,与疾病靶基因取交集后构建蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(PPI)网络;应用DAVID数据库,对潜在核心作用靶点基因进行基因本体(GO)功能、京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)通路富集分析。利用分子对接原理论证青蛇方生物活性成分与核心靶点的分子结合能力。结果:筛选出青蛇方有效成分63种,作用靶点99个;主要有β-谷甾醇、2,4,7-三羟基-9,10-二氢菲、靛蓝素、豆甾醇、色氨酸等关键成分;转录因子AP-1(JUN)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)、原癌基因(RELA)、干扰素γ(IFNG)、转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)等核心基因。关键信号通路有癌症信号通路、恰加斯病通路、弓形体病通路、脂质和动脉粥样硬化通路等,分子对接结果显示活性成分与核心靶点基因结合能力较强。结论:青蛇方外用可以通过多种活性成分、多种通路有效抑制免疫炎症反应,促进免疫系统正常运行,从而达到治疗湿疹的目的。  相似文献   
Jowett AJ  Li Y 《GeoJournal》1992,28(4):427-442
Detailed examination of China's 1982 census data confirms that the standard of age reporting among the Han Chinese, and among many of the ethnic minorities, is very good. Furthermore the quality of age reporting is unaffected by large variations in levels of literacy which exist between men and women, between young and old, and between rural and urban areas. Much of the credit for the high quality of China's age reporting stems from the distinctive nature of Chinese traditional calendars. However, in the far west of China, in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, age heaping and age exaggeration are as bad as they are in many other developing countries. The authors show that the poor quality of age reporting in Xinjiang is confined to three of the region's ethnic communities, the Uygur, Kirgiz and Tajik, who appear to neither know, nor care, how old they are.  相似文献   
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