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The Mavrokoryfi Cu?CAg?CAu?CTe prospect, northeastern Greece, consists of atypical, high-sulfidation mineralization where precious metals were introduced contemporaneously with advanced argillic alteration from magmatic vapors. It occurs as veins of massive sulfides in zones of silicic and advanced argillic alteration spatially associated with an andesitic lava dome and hyaloclastites. Mineralogical data demonstrate an unusual ore and gangue mineralogy that is compatible with formation under very oxidizing conditions (logfO2 values of >?31.8) at temperatures of 200°C to 250°C. Oxidizing conditions favored the formation of hypogene lead sulfates (anglesite and barian celestite) instead of galena. Selenian acanthite, cadmian freibergite, and argentian goldfieldite are the main carriers of silver in the deposit and are reported in Greece for the first time. They were deposited at logfS2 of ?9 to ?7 and logfTe2 values of ?9 to ?12.5 (250°C). Ag-poor goldfieldite at Mavrokoryfi has up to 3.7 apfu Te and is the most Te-rich goldfieldite yet reported. The mineralization is accompanied by aluminum?Cphosphate?Csulfate minerals of magmatic-hydrothermal origin and an unusual Pb-enrichment. Ore-forming components were likely derived from andesite porphyries.  相似文献   
Groundwater has been utilized since the Prehistoric times. Water supply of some Minoan settlements on the eastern side of the island of Crete (Greece) was based on groundwater. Later on, many wells were constructed in several areas of Greece and their use expanded through subsequent periods. The greatest achievement in groundwater exploitation by ancient Greeks was the construction of long underground galleries or qanats, which collected water from springs and alluvial deposits. In Classical times, most of the wells were on private properties and their owners were forced by regulations to maintain the wells in good condition and ready for use in wartime. During that period, the first scientific theories of Aristotle and Theophrastus were developed in regards to hydrological phenomena, and the processes involved in the formation of surface water and groundwater were clarified. Wells played a major part in urban water supply during the Roman period, in which famous aqueducts were constructed to transfer water; however, several regions of Greece were self-sufficient in water, supplied by many wells from the Prehistoric to the Byzantine period. People understood the local geological conditions and, according to their culture, constructed and managed their own types of wells. In addition to the wells and aqueducts, the hydraulic technology included cisterns to store rainwater, and systems to capture spring water for transport by aqueducts. The examples of hydro-technologies and water management practices described in this paper may have some relevance for water engineering even in modern times.  相似文献   
Summary The Kassiteres-Sappes district represents a multi-centered, porphyry-epithermal system developed during the Oligocene to Miocene at a composite calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline volcanic edifice. Precious and base metal mineralization postdates the emplacement of dacite and rhyolite porphyries and is partly superimposed on earlier microdiorite-related porphyry-style mineralization exposed at the Koryfes Hill prospect. A second mineralized porphyry-type system genetically related to a dacite porphyry body developed near the St Demetrios deposit. Tellurides occur mainly at the St Barbara prospect and the St Demetrios deposit. Based on petrographic, electron microprobe, and scanning electron microscope analyses, hessite, petzite, sylvanite, altaite, stützite and native tellurium occur in the St Barbara prospect. These tellurium-bearing minerals are hosted in intermediate-sulfidation type veins and accompanied by pyrite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite-group minerals, galena and native gold/electrum. The St Demetrios mineralization includes hessite, altaite, stützite, and tetradymite in close spatial relation to a high-sulfidation assemblage composed of enargite, chalcopyrite, goldfieldite, and native gold. Tellurides were deposited at logfTe2 values of −8.5 to −7.1 and logfS2 values of −10.7 to −7.9 (275 °C). The ore systems are characterized by Au, Ag, Te, Bi, and Mo, which suggests a magmatic contribution to the mineralizing fluids. Ore-forming components were likely derived from both the dacite and rhyolite porphyries.  相似文献   
The Lavrion ore district contains carbonate-replacement and vein-type Pb–Zn–Ag deposits as well as low-grade porphyry Mo, Cu–Fe skarn, and minor breccia-hosted Pb–Zn–Cu sulfide mineralization. These ore types are spatially related to a Late Miocene granodiorite intrusion (7 to 10 Ma), and various sills and dikes of mafic to felsic composition. Samples of sphalerite and pyrite from the Ilarion carbonate replacement deposit, and galena from Vein 80 (vein-type mineralization) in the Adami deposit show heterogeneous Re–Os values. These values were partially disturbed by hydrothermal activity associated with the formation of hydrothermal veins (e.g., Vein 80). A plot of initial 187Os/188Os versus 1/Oscommon ratios for pyrite and sphalerite from the Ilarion deposit form a mixing line (r2?=?0.78) between high concentration crustal-like and low concentration mantle-like end-members, or two crustal end-members one of which was more radiogenic than the other. Based on the Re–Os systematics and previously published geological and geochemical evidence, the most plausible explanation for the Re–Os isotope data is that ore-forming components were derived from mixed sources, one of which was a radiogenic crustal source from schists and carbonates probably near intrusion centers and the other, intrusive rocks in the district that are less radiogenic. Although the Re and Os concentrations of galena from Vein 80 are above background values they cannot be used as a chronometer. However, the results of the current study suggest that although pyrite, sphalerite, and galena are poor geochronometers in this ore deposit, due to partial open-system behavior, they still yield valuable information on the origin of the source rocks in the formation of bedded replacement and vein mineralization in the Lavrion district.  相似文献   
Chahardouly basin is located in the western part of Iran and is characterized by semi‐arid climatic conditions and scarcity in water resources. The main aquifer systems are developed within alluvial deposits. The availability of groundwater is rather erratic owing to the occurrence of hard rock formation and a saline zone in some parts of the area. The aquifer systems of the area show signs of depletion, which have taken place in recent years due to a decline in water levels. Groundwater samples collected from shallow and deep wells were analysed to examine the quality characteristics of groundwater. The major ion chemistry of groundwater is dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3?, while higher values of total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater are associated with high concentrations of all major ions. An increase in salinity is recorded in the down‐gradient part of the basin. The occurrence of saline groundwater, as witnessed by the high electrical conductivity (EC), may be attributed to the long residence time of water and the dissolution of minerals, as well as evaporation of rainfall and irrigation return flow. Based on SAR values and sodium content (%Na), salinity appears to be responsible for the poor groundwater quality, rendering most of the samples not suitable for irrigation use. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
 The Glafkos river basin extends southeast of Patras and is the city's main groundwater reservoir. In the last few years, a steady decline of the groundwater level has been observed in 19 wells due to overpumping and prolonged drought periods. The present paper assesses the adverse simultaneous effects of drought and overpumping on the groundwater regime. Analysis of the rainfall data of the last 60 years shows a decrease of precipitation during the last decade. Runoff measurements show a decrease in the outflow of the Glafkos river. The increased water pumping and the decrease of recharge during the last decades have resulted in depletion of the aquifers. Chemical analyses showed a constant reduction of the groundwater quality. Comparison of piezometric maps of two periods with a 19-year interval shows a clear decline of the general piezometry as a result of overpumping and drought. Received: 11 January 1995 · Accepted: 21 November 1995  相似文献   
A cervelleite-like mineral, two unnamed silver sulfotellurides in the system Ag-Cu-Te-S [Ag2CuTeS, (Ag,Cu)2TeS], Te-rich polybasite and cadmian tetrahedrite occur in gold-bearing quartz veins in metapelites and faults within brecciated marbles of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit in the Kallianou area (southern Evia Island, Greece). The quartz veins and faults are discordant to syn-metamorphic structures and formed during ductile to brittle deformation in the final stages of exhumation of the Styra Nappe extrusion wedge (~21?Ma). Te-rich polybasite (up to 7.4 wt. % Te), cadmian tetrahedrite (up to 12.4 wt. % Cd), together with electrum (23?C54 wt. % Ag) and the sulfotellurides, are the main silver carriers in the mineralization. The two unnamed sulfotellurides, Ag2CuTeS and (Ag,Cu)2TeS are believed to be new quaternary minerals in the system Ag-Cu-Te-S. These minerals and the cervelleite-like phase could have exsolved from galena during cooling (below 200°C). Initial temperatures for the formation of the sulfotellurides, in the form of hessite-intermediate solid solution, at Kallianou may be up to 300°C under logfS2 values between?~ ?11.5 to ?8.3, and logfTe2 from?~ ?14.8 to ?7.8. The values of logfTe2 and logfS2 during re-equilibration (at ~200°C) were constrained to ?19.5 to ?15.2 and to ?15.8 to ?11.5 respectively.  相似文献   
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