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We note that H2 emitting planetary nebulae tend to have Zanstra temperatures   T Z(He  ii ) > 90 kK  . This is shown to be consistent with a large evolutionary lifetime, and the kinematic ages of the envelopes. Non-local thermodynamic equilibrium stellar atmospheric modelling also shows that levels of soft X-ray emission increase more rapidly than has previously been assumed, and are preferentially large in H2 emitting sources. It is suggested that this may hold the key to explaining the strengths of the H2 transitions.  相似文献   
The expected characteristics of stars with zero metal content are investigated for a large range of masses and in varying the original helium-content. It is shown that, in such an extreme case (Z=0), the Main Sequence locus is much less sensitive than expected to the He-content;Y=0 models are found to ignite 3α reactions in the Zero-Age Main Sequence at masses larger by ~ 5M than in theY=0.2 case. A comparison with previous results discloses the M.S. slope to be a sensitive function of the metal content only. Evolutionary computations confirm that possible survivors of the zero population can develop a giant branch, akin to that of the well-known Population II stars.  相似文献   
The reported detection of methane in the atmosphere of Mars as well as its potentially large seasonal spatial variations challenge our understanding of both the sources and sinks of atmospheric trace gases. The presence of methane suggests ongoing exchange between the subsurface and the atmosphere of potentially biogenic trace gases, while the spatial and temporal variations cannot be accounted for with current knowledge of martian photochemistry. A Joint Instrument Definition Team (JIDT) was asked to assess concepts for a mission that might follow up on these discoveries within the framework of a series of joint missions being considered by ESA and NASA for possible future exploration of Mars. The following is based on the report of the JIDT to the space agencies (Zurek et al., 2009); a synopsis of the report was presented at the Workshop on Mars Methane held in Frascati, Italy, in November 2009. To summarize, the JIDT believed that a scientifically exciting and credible mission could be conducted within the evolving capabilities of the science/telecommunications orbiter being considered by ESA and NASA for possible launch in the 2016 opportunity for Mars.  相似文献   
We present interferometric mapping of the 225.9-GHz HDO and 203.4-GHz lines on Mars obtained with the IRAM Plateau de Bure facility (PdBI). The observations were performed during martian year 28 (MY28), at Ls=320.3° for the HDO line, and at Ls=324.3° for the line. The HDO line is detected at the eastern (morning) and western (evening) limbs of the northern hemisphere, corresponding to a water column density in the range 3-6 pr.-μm. The line is not detected, which is compatible with the column densities derived from the HDO line. Quasi-simultaneous far infrared measurements obtained by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard the Mars Express spacecraft confirm our PdBI results, yielding a 5±1 pr.-μm meridionally constant water column abundance.Such a low water abundance during the southern mid-autumn of MY28 does not correspond to the standard martian climatology as observed during the previous years. It was however already retrieved from near-infrared observations performed by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft [Smith, M.D., Wolff, M.J., Clancy, R.T., Murchie, S.L. 2009. CRISM observations of water vapor and carbon monoxide. J. Geophys. Res. 114, doi: 10.1029/2008JE003288]. Our observations thus confirm that the planet-encircling dust storm that occurred during MY28 significantly affected the martian water cycle. Our observations also demonstrate the usefulness of interferometric submillimeter observations to survey the martian water cycle from ground-based facilities.  相似文献   
We perform global sensitivity analysis (GSA) through polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) on a contaminant transport model for the assessment of radionuclide concentration at a given control location in a heterogeneous aquifer, following a release from a near surface repository of radioactive waste. The aquifer hydraulic conductivity is modeled as a stationary stochastic process in space. We examine the uncertainty in the first two (ensemble) moments of the peak concentration, as a consequence of incomplete knowledge of (a) the parameters characterizing the variogram of hydraulic conductivity, (b) the partition coefficient associated with the migrating radionuclide, and (c) dispersivity parameters at the scale of interest. These quantities are treated as random variables and a variance-based GSA is performed in a numerical Monte Carlo framework. This entails solving groundwater flow and transport processes within an ensemble of hydraulic conductivity realizations generated upon sampling the space of the considered random variables. The Sobol indices are adopted as sensitivity measures to provide an estimate of the role of uncertain parameters on the (ensemble) target moments. Calculation of the indices is performed by employing PCE as a surrogate model of the migration process to reduce the computational burden. We show that the proposed methodology (a) allows identifying the influence of uncertain parameters on key statistical moments of the peak concentration (b) enables extending the number of Monte Carlo iterations to attain convergence of the (ensemble) target moments, and (c) leads to considerable saving of computational time while keeping acceptable accuracy.  相似文献   
Expected characteristics of RR Lyrae stars as a function of the evolutive parameters are reported. Results from both evolutionary and pulsational investigations are collected in a suitable form, to show the general constraints to any interpretative analysis of the observations. It is shown that the spread in luminosity among the RR Lyrae stars results a function of the original chemical composition. On this basis a set of independent indications is found, suggesting that the globular cluster ω Cen is more He-rich than M 3; agreement with the whole observational frame is attained ifY ωCen~0.35,Z ωCen~5×10?4 andY M3~0.25,Z M3~10?3. No mass loss is needed to account for the RR Lyrae stars observed in ω Cen. The results are discussed, and it is shown that M 13-type clusters can be just characterized by a larger value ofZ in comparison with ω Cen. It is suggested that variations in the original helium content of the order of ΔY~0.1 and a correlationZ=Z(t) can account for some well-observed galactic globular clusters, without allowing for mass loss in the redder HB stars belonging to each cluster.  相似文献   
We test the consistency of estimates of the non-linear coupling constant f NL using non-Gaussian cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps generated by the method described in the work of Liguori, Matarrese & Moscardini. This procedure to obtain non-Gaussian maps differs significantly from the method used in previous works on the estimation of f NL. Nevertheless, using spherical wavelets, we find results in very good agreement with Mukherjee & Wang, showing that the two ways of generating primordial non-Gaussian maps give equivalent results. Moreover, we introduce a new method for estimating the non-linear coupling constant from CMB observations by using the local curvature of the temperature fluctuation field. We present both Bayesian credible regions (assuming a flat prior) and proper (frequentist) confidence intervals on f NL, and discuss the relation between the two approaches. The Bayesian approach tends to yield lower error bars than the frequentist approach, suggesting that a careful analysis of the different interpretations is needed. Using this method, we estimate   f NL=−10+270−260  at the 2σ level (Bayesian) and   f NL=−10+310−270  (frequentist). Moreover, we find that the wavelet and the local curvature approaches, which provide similar error bars, yield approximately uncorrelated estimates of f NL and therefore, as advocated in the work of Cabella et al., the estimates may be combined to reduce the error bars. In this way, we obtain   f NL=−5 ± 85  and   f NL=−5 ± 175  at the 1σ and 2σ level respectively using the frequentist approach.  相似文献   
Between 1971 and 2001, the Southeast Crater was the most productive of the four summit craters of Mount Etna, with activity that can be compared, on a global scale, to the opening phases of the Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō-Kūpaianaha eruption of Kīlauea volcano, Hawai‘i. The period of highest eruptive rate was between 1996 and 2001, when near-continuous activity occurred in five phases. These were characterized by a wide range of eruptive styles and intensities from quiet, non-explosive lava emission to brief, violent lava-fountaining episodes. Much of the cone growth occurred during these fountaining episodes, totaling 105 events. Many showed complex dynamics such as different eruptive styles at multiple vents, and resulted in the growth of minor edifices on the flanks of the Southeast Crater cone. Small pyroclastic flows were produced during some of the eruptive episodes, when oblique tephra jets showered the steep flanks of the cone with hot bombs and scoriae. Fluctuations in the eruptive style and eruption rates were controlled by a complex interplay between changes in the conduit geometry (including the growth of a shallow magma reservoir under the Southeast Crater), magma supply rates, and flank instability. During this period, volume calculations were made with the aid of GIS and image analysis of video footage obtained by a monitoring telecamera. Between 1996 and 2001, the bulk volume of the cone increased by ~36×106 m3, giving a total (1971–2001) volume of ~72×106 m3. At the same time, the cone gained ~105 m in height, reaching an elevation of about 3,300 m. The total DRE volume of the 1996–2001 products was ~90×106m3. This mostly comprised lava flows (72×106 m3) erupted at the summit and onto the flanks of the cone. These values indicate that the productivity of the Southeast Crater increased fourfold during 1996–2001 with respect to the previous 25 years, coinciding with a general increase in the eruptive output rates and eruption intensity at Etna. This phase of intense summit activity has been followed, since the summer of 2001, by a period of increased structural instability of the volcano, marked by a series of important flank eruptions.  相似文献   
An analysis of the colour-magnitude diagram of stars in Draco dwarf Galaxy is performed on the basis of Baade and Swope observational results. Some evidence is found for the occurrence of a clump in the luminosity distribution of Red Giants stars. By combining this characteristic with the morphology of Horizontal Branch one obtains — in the frame of present knowledge of star-evolution —a suggestion for accepting high helium content (Y-0.30) with a relatively small age (1–2×109 yr) for the evolving stars.Some correlations among lifetimes of evolutionaries stages are derived.
Sommario Sulla base dei risultati osservativi di Baade e Swope viene eseguita un'analisi del diagramma colore-magnitudine delle stelle della Galassia Nana in Draco. Viene così evidenziata la possibile esistenza di un picco nella distribuzione in luminosità delle Giganti Rosse. Combinando questa caratteristica con l'osservato andamento del Ramo Orizzontale si mostra come — nell'ambito delle attuali conoscenze sull'evoluzione stellare — un simile comportamento conduca a postulare un alto contenuto di elio (Y-0.30) e una età relativamente bassa (1–2×109 anni) per le stelle del sistema.Sono infine ricavate alcune correlazioni, tra le vite medie delle principali fasi evolutive.
A theoretical model, based on simple and fundamental concepts of classical mechanics, is presented. It describes the possible historical evolution of the inclination angles of the planetary axes of rotation, with respect to the normal to orbital planes. Owing to the model structure, reasonable agreement with observational facts is expected, especially for the outer and giant planets.  相似文献   
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