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This study analyzes blowcount data from instrumented Texas Cone Penetration (TCP) tests. TCP hammer efficiency, rod length influence on the hammer efficiency, and overburden pressure correction factors for the TCP blowcounts (NTCP) are explored. Results are compared to published correction factors for the standard penetration test (SPT). The final dataset analyzed for this study consisted of 293 TCP tests from which 135 tests were instrumented. TCP hammer efficiency values for automatic trip hammers ranged from 74 to 101% with an average of 89%. Analyses showed a statistically-significant relationship between the TCP hammer efficiency and the rod length below ground surface. Statistical models were developed for undifferentiated soils, and corresponding rod length correction factors for the TCP test (CR-TCP) were obtained ranging from 0.90 to 1.00. In a second analysis, the relationship between the overburden pressure and NTCP was explored and a mathematical expression for the overburden correction factor for the TCP blowcount value (CN-TCP) was determined. This work represents the first study where corrections to NTCP are explored, and the outcome of this research benefits the geotechnical engineering community using the TCP test and its associated foundation design method.  相似文献   

The Mio-Pliocene aquifer of the coastal sedimentary basin of Benin is the most exploited aquifer for water supply to the urbanised region in the southern part of the country. The population explosion is putting increasing pressure on quantitative and qualitative aspects of the groundwater resources. Preventing groundwater contamination caused by surface waters requires a thorough understanding of surface-water/groundwater interactions, especially the interactions between the Mio-Pliocene aquifer and surface waters. This study aimed to investigate the interactions between groundwater and surface waters along the major rivers (Sô River and Ouémé Stream) and brooks in the Ouémé Delta. Field campaigns identified 75 springs located in the valleys which feed the rivers, and thus maintain their base flow. The piezometric results indicated, through flow direction assessment, that the Mio-Pliocene aquifer feeds Ouémé Stream and Sô River. Chemical analyses of groundwater and surface waters show similar chemical facies, and changes in the chemical composition in groundwater are also observed in the surface waters. Moreover, the isotopic signatures of surface waters are similar to those of the groundwater and springs, which led to the identification of potential groundwater discharge areas. As a result of groundwater discharge into surface waters, the fraction of groundwater in the surface water is more than 66% in the brooks, regardless of the season. In the Ouémé Stream and Sô River, the fraction of groundwater is 0–21% between June and September, while from October to March it is 47–100%.

Lawson  Bevan D. 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(2):123-138
Climate Change is anticipatedto result in alterations in cyclone activity over the northern hemisphere. Cyclones in their passage across the open prairie of western Canada spawn one of the more extreme weather events that occur in that part of the country; blizzards. Numerous studies of individual blizzards are available. The objective of this study of blizzards is to identify trends in their seasonal occurrence, in seasonal blizzard weather element extremes, and discuss the results in the context of climate change. Criteria used in western Canada to define a blizzard event during the period of study were applied to the archive of hourly weather data for locations within the Prairie Ecozone. Blizzard events were extracted for the period 1953–1997 and analyzed for trends in seasonal occurrence. Results of this analysis are presented which illustrate a significant downward trend for weather observing locations in the more westerly part of the prairies. This trend is consistent with results found by others that indicate a decrease in cyclone frequency over western Canada. No significant trend was found in the more central and eastern locations. No significant trend was evident in seasonal extremes of blizzard weather elements at most locations.  相似文献   
Decline onset times were measured in long-term visual light curves for five R Coronae Borealis (RCB) variable stars. These included RY Sgr and V854 Cen, the two RCB stars previously reported to have a relationship between dust formation events and pulsational variations. Analysis of the decline epochs showed that all decline onsets for a given star obey a linear ephemeris tied to the object's dominant radial pulsation period. Thus, in addition to confirming the pulsation–decline correlation for RY Sgr and V854 Cen, this same behaviour was demonstrated in UW Cen, R CrB and S Aps for the first time. This general result firmly establishes the connection between radial pulsation and mass loss in the RCB stars. The dominant pulsation period of ≈40 d for all of these objects therefore represents the characteristic time-scale on which these stars produce dust.  相似文献   
Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Mg-like Fe  xv are used to derive theoretical emission-line ratios involving transitions in the 243–418 Å  wavelength range. A comparison of these with a data set of solar active region, subflare and off-limb spectra, obtained during rocket flights by the Solar Extreme-Ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals generally very good agreement between theory and observation, indicating that most of the Fe  xv emission lines may be employed with confidence as electron density diagnostics. In particular, the 312.55-Å  line of Fe  xv is not significantly blended with a Co  xvii transition in active region spectra, as suggested previously, although the latter does make a major contribution in the subflare observations. Most of the Fe  xv transitions which are blended have had the species responsible clearly identified, although there remain a few instances where this has not been possible. We briefly address the long-standing discrepancy between theory and experiment for the intensity ratio of the  3s2 1S–3s3p 3P1  intercombination line at 417.25 Å  to the  3s2 1S–3s3p 1P  resonance transition at 284.16 Å.  相似文献   
We present results of synthetic time‐lapse and real repeatability multi‐transient electromagnetic surveys over the North Sea Harding field. Using Archie's law to convert porosity and fluid saturation to resistivity we created 3D isotropic models of the reservoir resistivity at different stages of production from the initial state in 1996 through to complete hydrocarbon production by 2016 and, for each stage, we simulated an east‐west transient electromagnetic survey line across Harding. Unconstrained 1D full‐waveform Occam inversions of these synthetic data show that Harding should be detectable and its lateral extent reasonably well‐defined. Resistivity changes caused by hydrocarbon production from initial pre‐production state to production of the oil rim in 2011 are discernible as are significant changes from 2011–2016 during the modelled gas blowdown phase. The 2D repeatability surveys of 2007 and 2008 tied two wells: one on and the other off the structure. Between the two surveys the segment of the field under investigation produced 3.9 million barrels of oil – not enough to generate an observable time‐lapse electromagnetic anomaly with a signal‐to‐noise ratio of 40 dB. Processing of the 2007 and 2008 data included deconvolution for the measured source current and removal of spatially‐correlated noise, which increased the signal‐to‐noise ratio of the recovered impulse responses by about 20 dB and resulted in a normalized root‐mean‐square difference of 3.9% between the data sets. 1D full‐waveform Occam inversions of the real data showed that Harding was detectable and its lateral extent was also reasonably well‐defined. The results indicate that the multi‐transient electromagnetic method is suitable for exploration, appraisal and monitoring hydrocarbon production.  相似文献   
Our understanding of how groundwater mediates evapotranspiration/streamflow partitioning is still fragmented and catchment studies under changing vegetation conditions can provide a useful frame for integration. We explored this partition in a flat sedimentary dry catchment in central Argentina in which the replacement of native vegetation with rainfed crops was accompanied by the abrupt formation of groundwater-fed streams by subsurface erosion (i.e., sapping) episodes. Historical records indicated widespread water table rises (~0.3 m y−1 on average). Groundwater level and stream baseflow fluctuated seasonally with minima in the warm rainy season, indicating that evaporative discharge rather than rainfall shapes saturated flows. Diurnal groundwater level fluctuations showed that plant uptake was widespread where water tables are shallow (<3 m) but restricted to deep-rooted Prosopis forests where they are deep (7–10 m). MODIS and LANDSAT NDVI revealed a long-term greening for native vegetation, new wetlands included, but not for croplands, suggesting more limited evapotranspiration-groundwater level regulation under agriculture. Close to the deepest (20 m) and most active incisions, groundwater level and greenness declined and stream baseflow showed no seasonal fluctuations, hinting decoupling from evapotranspiration. Intense ecological and geomorphological transformations in this catchment exposed the interplay of five mechanisms governing evapotranspiration/streamflow partition including (a) unsaturated uptake and both (b) riparian and (c) distributed uptake from the saturated zone by plants, as well as (d) deepening incisions and (e) sediment deposits over riparian zones by streams. Acknowledging the complex interplay of these mechanisms with groundwater is crucial to predict and manage future hydrological changes in the dry plains of South America.  相似文献   
Leachate-contaminated groundwater from historical municipal landfills, typically lacking engineered liners and leachate collection systems, poses a threat to nearby urban streams, particularly to benthic ecosystems. Effective monitoring and assessment of such sites requires understanding of the spatial patterns (i.e., two-dimensional footprint) of contaminated groundwater discharge and associated controlling factors. However, discharges from groundwater contaminated by modern wastewater can complicate site assessments. The objectives of this study were to (1) demonstrate the use of artificial sweeteners (AS): saccharin (SAC), cyclamate (CYC), acesulfame (ACE), and sucralose (SUC), to distinguish groundwater discharge areas influenced by historic landfill leachate (elevated SAC and sometimes CYC; low ACE and SUC concentrations) from those influenced by wastewater (high ACE and SUC concentrations), and (2) investigate contaminant discharge patterns for two gaining urban stream reaches adjacent historic landfills at base flows. Contaminant discharge patterns revealed by the AS were strongly controlled by hyporheic flow (low AS concentrations), particularly for the straight reach, and stream sinuosity, particularly for the meandering reach. These patterns were different and the contaminant footprint coverage (<25% of streambed area) much less than most past studies (typically >50% coverage), likely due to the homogeneous streambed-aquifer conditions and shallow, narrow landfill plume in this setting.  相似文献   
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