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Given the present commitment of the developed countries according to the Kyoto Protocol, most published scenarios demonstrate that global greenhouse gases concentrations would not be stabilized at any level. In order to stabilize these concentrations, a deeper global involvement is needed. Taking Israel as an example of a `recently-developed' country, we assess the role that such countries could play by assuming voluntary commitments in strengthening global involvement. This case as a model may encourage a global scheme for curbing carbon emissions, in which the more developed countries assume a stronger role and the less developed countries participate according to the principle of common but differentiated responsibility. The scheme builds on the inverse relation that exists between the per capita gross domestic product and the rate of increase of emissions due to economic growth. According to this theoretical scheme, the voluntary commitments assumed by the `recently-developed' countries encourage the more developed countries to deepen their involvement by assuming more stringent reductions of emissions at home and transferring technological and financial means to the less developed countries. The proposed scheme would enable non-Annex I countries, both `recently-developed' countries and less developed countries, to participate much earlier in the net mitigation of greenhouse gases.  相似文献   
Understanding continental-slope morphological evolution is essential for predicting basin deposition. However, separating the imprints and chronology of different seafloor shaping processes is difficult. This study explores the utility of bathymetric spectral decomposition for separating and characterizing the variety of interleaved seafloor imprints of mass wasting, and clarifying their role in the morphological evolution of the southeastern Mediterranean Sea passive-margin slope. Bathymetric spectral decomposition, integrated with interpretation of seismic profiles, highlights the long-term shape of the slope and separates the observed mass transport elements into several genetic groups: (1) a series of ~25 km wide, now-buried slide scars and lobes; (2) slope-parallel bathymetric scarps representing shallow faults; (3) slope-perpendicular, open slope slide scars; (4) bathymetric roughness representing debris lobes; (5) slope-confined gullies. Our results provide a multi-scale view of the interplay between sediment transport, mass transport and shallow faulting in the evolution of the slope morphology. The base of the slope and focused disturbances are controlled by ~1 km deep salt retreat, and mimic the Messinian base of slope. The top of the open-slope is delimited by faults, accommodating internal collapse of the margin. The now-buried slides were slope-confined and presumably cohesive, and mostly nucleated along the upper-slope faults. Sediment accumulations, infilling the now-buried scars, generated more recent open-slope slides. These latter slides transported ~10 km3 of sediments, depositing a significant fraction (~3 m in average) of the sediments along the base of the studied slope during the past < 50 ka. South to north decrease in the volume of the open-slope slides highlight their role in counterbalancing the northwards diminishing sediment supply and helping to maintain a long-term steady-state bathymetric profile. The latest phase slope-confined gullies were presumably created by channelling of bottom currents into slide-scar depressions, possibly establishing incipient canyon headword erosion.  相似文献   
 The impact of energy on the adoption of conservation tillage is of special importance in addressing concerns about the effect of agricultural production on the environment in the United States. It is the subject of this paper. After establishing that a relationship exists between the price of energy and the adoption of conservation tillage via cointegration techniques, the relationship is quantified. It is shown that while the real price of crude oil, the proxy used for the price of energy, does not affect the rate of adoption of conservation tillage, it does impact the extent to which it is used. Finally, there is no structural instability in the relationship between the relative use of conservation tillage and the real price of crude oil over the period 1963–1997. Received: 6 February 1998 · Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   
Fog and stratus formation on the coast of Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the hydrogeological relationship between base levels of saline lakes and the formation of sub-horizontal caves. The mechanism presented here suggests that many horizontal cave levels in carbonate sequences are created adjacent to the saline lakes shorelines because of the converging of the groundwater flow above the fresh–saline water interface. The main factors that control enhanced carbonate dissolution and cave formation are high groundwater flow velocities in the shallow phreatic zone during a relative long steady state of the water table. High groundwater flow velocities are evident close to the Dead Sea due to the convergent fast flows above the shallow interface adjacent to the shoreline. The same could prevail in the case of previous paleo-lakes that existed in the basin. The synergetic combination of the above preconditions for enhanced cave formation seems to be responsible for the formation of elevation-controlled alignment of paleo-near shore cave levels in the central and southern (Dead Sea) portion of the study area. These are found on the western fault escarpment and basin margin in different stratigraphic horizons of carbonate lithology. Many of the cave levels can be linked to late Quaternary–Holocene lake levels obtained from dated lake sediments within the basin. The most common cave’s elevation was found to be around 200 m below sea level which was the elevation of the Lisan Lake during part of its history. On the other hand, the Hula Basin in the northern part of the Dead Sea Basin was not occupied by saline water bodies since its formation as a base level, and thus the above preconditions for enhanced cave formation did not prevail. Indeed, this is evident by the lack of horizontal cave levels on its western carbonate margins unlike the situation in the south.  相似文献   
Routine surface wind speed data, vital for the study of drifting pack ice, are not available for the polar oceans. Over sea, it has been demonstrated by Hasse that estimates of surface wind speed may be obtained from the geostrophic wind speed using linear formulae. Comparing estimated with observed data for six sites in Canada, it is found that the formulae may also be applied to obtain estimates of surface wind speed over pack ice.  相似文献   
Nonpoint source pollution control is a more complicated process than traditional analysis suggests. Whether a new pollution abatement technology is developed exogenously or endogenously and the per unit reduction in the rate at which a pollutant associated with the use of a factor of production needed to produce an agricultural commodity due to this technology enters the environment are critical factors in the determination of the effects of agricultural production on the pollutant stock. These are the issues addressed here. The optimal current period research and development expenditures on an endogenously induced abatement technology associated with the use of a factor of production giving rise to environmental externalities are shown to be a function of, among other things, the cumulation of all research and development expenditures, the probability of an abatement technology being developed, the level of use of the factor of production, the unit pollution tax on the factor, the rate of time preference (discount rate), the rate at which the pollutant associated with the factor enters the environment, the rate of discharge of the pollutant stock, and so forth. Finally, the analysis demonstrates that a reduction in pollution by the adoption of an abatement technology may lead to an increase in the pollutant stock as a result of endogenous technological change associated with the pollution abatement. When the rate of pollution reduction is greater than a threshold, however, the adoption of an endogenously determined abatement technology will unequivocally lead to a reduction in the pollutant stock.The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of the US Department of Agriculture or the views of other US Department of Agriculture staff members.  相似文献   
The imperial Valley, Jordan-Dead Sea Rift, and the Afar and Oattara depressions, all regions below sea level and the only regions in the world so situated, are characterized by saline and hypersaline groundwaters and lakes, phenomena that to date have been solely attributed to ancient lagoons, salt dissolution, and evaporation Current subsurface seawater intrusion is herewith suggested as an additional mechanism responsible for the salination of these regions This type of dynamic seawater flow is feasible where there is (a) a base level below sea level with a hydrological continuity between the two levels, and (b) a low groundwater divide between the base levels with a shallow seawater/freshwater interface situated above the base of the aquifer  相似文献   
The Environmental benefits and costs of conservation tillage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Every production practice, including conservation tillage, has positive or negative environmental consequences that may involve air, land, water, and/or the health and ecological status of wildlife. The negative impacts associated with agricultural production, and the use of conventional tillage systems in particular, include soil erosion, energy use, leaching and runoff of agricultural chemicals, and carbon emissions. Several of these impacts are quantified. The conclusions suggest that the use of conservation tillage does result in less of an adverse impact on the environment from agricultural production than does conventional tillage by reducing surface water runoff and wind erosion. Additionally, wildlife habitat will be enhanced to some extent with the adoption of conservation tillage and the benefits to be gained from carbon sequestration will depend on the soil remaining undisturbed. Finally, further expansion of conservation tillage on highly erodible land will unquestionably result in an increase in social benefits, but the expected gains will be modest.  相似文献   
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