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火山岩型铍铀矿床是铍金属矿床的主要成矿类型,它是指赋存于火山岩-次火山岩中,与高硅流纹岩和花岗斑岩有关的浅成低温交代和脉状矿床。1969年美国发现的Spor Mountain火山岩型铍铀矿床改变了世界金属铍的分布格局和供应态势。中国东部地区发育大量的中生代火山岩,该地区是否具备火山岩型铍铀矿床的成矿条件,成矿潜力如何?有没有找矿远景?这些科学问题尚未完全回答。本文在厘定火山岩型铍铀矿床的概念和基本成矿地质特征的基础上,对中国东部大兴安岭及其邻区和东南沿海地区已发现的火山岩型铍铀矿床的找矿线索进行了梳理,如:冀北窟窿山、内蒙古东山湾、江西密坑山、浙江青田、福建大湾、福里石等。中国东部地区已有的火山岩型铍铀矿床(矿化点)主要赋存于张家口组、南园组、鸡笼嶂组火山岩中;成矿年代学研究表明其主要形成于晚侏罗世、早白垩世早期和晚白垩世早期,其中早白垩世早期是主要的成矿期,与欧亚大陆中生代早期的伸展构造时限和中国东部构造体制大转折的时限基本一致,因此,该期火山岩型铍铀矿床又可称为"构造体制转折型"铍铀矿床。本文认为中国东部具有良好的火山岩型铍铀矿床的成矿潜力,找矿远景广阔。未来中国东部大兴安岭及其邻区的上白垩统张家口组、满克头鄂博组、玛尼吐组、白音高老组,东南沿海地区的上白垩统南园组、鸡笼嶂组、鹅湖岭组火山岩是火山岩型铍铀矿床的有利找矿层位。  相似文献   

目前固井质量评价主要是利用套管中模式波的幅度或衰减变化判断套管与水泥间的胶结状况.在超声测量频段(70~500 kHz),现有声波测井仪器工作时在套管中激发的模式波类似薄板中的对称兰姆波(拉伸波)或反对称兰姆波(弯曲型兰姆波).本文将黏弹滑移界面理论应用到套管和水泥的耦合界面,探讨了套管中的准兰姆波(包括拉伸波和弯曲型兰姆波)与套管后物质的耦合方式,拉伸波与套后物质主要以剪切刚度耦合,即便是0.01 mm的微环也会使得拉伸波的衰减明显降低,接近套后是流体时的响应特征;而弯曲型兰姆波与套管后物质主要以法向刚度耦合,这使得在套后胶结轻质水泥时弯曲型兰姆波对微环不敏感,在套后耦合常规水泥时微环的存在又会使得弯曲型兰姆波的衰减明显增强,衰减的增加说明其与套后物质的声耦合更紧密,也表明微环与常规水泥的等效声阻抗适当降低,更有利于弯曲型兰姆波传播时与套后介质实现法向刚度的匹配.拉伸波和弯曲型兰姆波对同一胶结状况的不同响应特征也为固井质量综合评价时区分不同的水泥胶结状况提供了可能.

青海喇家遗址齐家文化时期黍粟农业的植硅体证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐家文化时期的农业经济状况是学术界关心的问题。喇家遗址是一处具有中心聚落性质的齐家文化遗址, 已有的研究认为喇家遗址齐家文化时期的经济形态是以粟为主的粟黍旱作农业, 但在具体的认识上还存在一些不同看法, 仍需系统的植物考古学研究进一步验证。对喇家遗址土样的植硅体分析结果显示, 齐家文化时期种植的农作物为粟和黍, 而且以黍为主, 没有发现麦类遗存。以黍为主的种植结构可能与所在区4.5ka B.P. 以来气候趋于干冷有关。植硅体和浮选结果在黍粟含量对比上存在差异, 我们对这种差异的产生原因进行了探讨。这一结果为重新认识喇家遗址乃至齐家文化的农业生产状况提供了新的参考资料。  相似文献   
在新处理三维地震资料基础上,充分利用钻井岩心、岩屑等岩性数据,结合古生物、测年等分析测试资料,对渤海海域428潜山地层类型、分布及内幕结构特征进行了分析,进而探讨了勘探潜力。结果表明,428潜山基底为太古界花岗岩,428西为2层结构,太古界上覆中生界。428东为3层结构,太古界上覆寒武系和石炭—二叠系,寒武系只分布在潜山东部。基于已钻井油气信息和地层结构分析,认为428潜山油源条件优越,中生界和太古界仍具较大的勘探价值,值得进一步勘探。  相似文献   
汾(阳)-离(石)高速公路是青岛至银川国道主干线在山西境内的重要路段。文章以汾离高速公路靳家庄1#滑坡为研究对象,从岩性条件、地质构造及地下水等方面详细分析了滑坡的成因。应用基于刚体极限平衡理论的SLOPE/W程序,对滑坡的稳定性进行分析与计算。结果表明:该滑坡在天然状态下,整体处于稳定状态;在工程状态下,受水动力条件的变化以及人为活动的影响,易发生复活。为设计人员提供了参考。  相似文献   

Field studies on the Neogene successions in south of ?zmir reveal that subsequent Neogene continental basins were developed in the region. Initially a vast lake basin was formed during the early-Middle Miocene period. The lacustrine sediments underwent an approximately N-S shortening deformation to the end of Middle Miocene. A small portion of the basin fill was later trapped within the N-S-trending, fault-bounded graben basin, the Çubukluda? graben, opened during the Late Miocene. Oblique-slip normal faults with minor sinistral displacement are formed possibly under N–S extensional regime, and controlled the sediment deposition. Following this the region suffered a phase of denudation which produced a regionwide erosional surface suggesting that the extension interrupted to the end of Late Miocene–Early Pliocene period. After this event the E–W-trending major grabens and horsts of western Anatolia began to form. The graben bounding faults cut across the Upper Miocene–Pliocene lacustrine sediments and fragmented the erosional surface. The Çubukluda? graben began to work as a cross garden between the E–W grabens, since that period. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
During the Oligocene–Middle Miocene period widespread magmatic activity developed in Western Anatolia, following the continental collision between the Sakarya continent and the Tauride–Anatolide platform. This produced both intrusive and extrusive rocks, which appear to be associated in space and time, as exemplified from the Bayramiç area. In the Bayramiç area, the magmatic activity started with the intrusion of the Evciler granite, and the coeval lower volcanic association. This was followed by the development of the upper volcanic association. These rock groups form collectively the Bayramiç magmatic complex, which was generated under an on-going north–south compressional regime. The Bayramiç magmatic complex has a subalkaline composition, displaying a calcalkaline trend. Trace elements and REE contents resemble to island-arc and collision-related magmas. According to the isotope values the Bayramiç magmatic complex was derived from the magmas of lithospheric mantle origin, which were later contaminated, while passing through the thick continental crust, in a post-collisional tectonic setting, during the Oligocene–Early Miocene period. The latest product of the magmatism is the Late Miocene–Pliocene basalt lavas. Their geochemical properties are clearly different from the Oligocene–Early Miocene magmatic rocks. The basalts were generated when the north–south compression gave way to the north–south extensional regime.  相似文献   
基于2008—2016年昆山市自动气象站逐分钟降水观测数据,分别利用芝加哥雨型法和PilgrimCordery雨型法,推求昆山市不同生态系统在不同重现期下60 min和120 min短历时设计暴雨雨型,并对比分析两种雨型推求方法的结果以及不同生态系统的雨型计算结果。结果表明:推求昆山市60 min历时设计暴雨雨型分布时,芝加哥雨型法和PilgrimCordery雨型法的结果基本一致,为单峰型雨型,雨峰位置位于中间偏前;推求120 min历时设计暴雨雨型分布时,芝加哥雨型法结果为单峰型,PilgrimCordery雨型法为多峰型,但两种方法求得的雨峰位置都位于中间偏前。在历时60 min和120 min时,芝加哥雨型法计算出的平均最大分段降水量显著大于PilgrimCordery法和实际雨样的结果,PilgrimCordery法的结果略小于实际雨样。昆山市不同地区的降水会受到生态系统类型的影响,以农田生态系统的影响最为明显,两种雨型推求方法的结果均表示,农田生态系统的最大分段降水量是5种生态系统中最大的。  相似文献   
陈亮晶  孙锡良  皮景  王璨  欧健 《中国岩溶》2014,33(4):490-497
湖南宁乡大成桥地区至2012年产生岩溶地面塌陷484处。文章通过对地质环境条件及岩溶地面塌陷时空分布特征的分析,总结出本区岩溶地面塌陷的分布特征和影响因素:(1)岩溶发育区发生塌陷428处,占总数的88.5%;冲沟地形中发生岩溶地面塌陷339处,占70%;覆盖层厚度小于10 m区发生塌陷335处,占总数的69.2%;双层结构区发生塌陷266处,占总数的55%,分布密度为7.82处/km2;冲洪积成因土体产生塌陷404处,残积土中产生塌陷80处;(2)岩溶地面塌陷在雨季的4-7月发生281处,占总数的58%;2001-2006年平均每年产生塌陷20处,2007-2012年平均每年产生塌陷54处,逐年增加趋势明显;(3)484处岩溶地面塌陷全部分布在煤炭坝疏干排水形成的降落漏斗范围之内;(4)本区地质环境极为脆弱:岩溶发育,覆盖层厚度较薄、力学性质差且双层结构土广泛分布于冲沟及冲积平原,是产生塌陷的内在因素;矿区疏干排水是主要诱发因素,降雨分布不均、地表水渗漏及河道整治对塌陷产生起促进作用。   相似文献   
As a result of industrialization, throughout the world, cities have been growing rapidly for the last century. One typical example of these growing cities is Istanbul, the population of which is over 10 million. Due to rapid urbanization, new areas suitable for settlement and engineering structures are necessary. The Cekmece area located west of the Istanbul metropolitan area is studied, because the landslide activity is extensive in this area. The purpose of this study is to develop a model that can be used to characterize landslide susceptibility in map form using logistic regression analysis of an extensive landslide database. A database of landslide activity was constructed using both aerial-photography and field studies. About 19.2% of the selected study area is covered by deep-seated landslides. The landslides that occur in the area are primarily located in sandstones with interbedded permeable and impermeable layers such as claystone, siltstone and mudstone. About 31.95% of the total landslide area is located at this unit. To apply logistic regression analyses, a data matrix including 37 variables was constructed. The variables used in the forwards stepwise analyses are different measures of slope, aspect, elevation, stream power index (SPI), plan curvature, profile curvature, geology, geomorphology and relative permeability of lithological units. A total of 25 variables were identified as exerting strong influence on landslide occurrence, and included by the logistic regression equation. Wald statistics values indicate that lithology, SPI and slope are more important than the other parameters in the equation. Beta coefficients of the 25 variables included the logistic regression equation provide a model for landslide susceptibility in the Cekmece area. This model is used to generate a landslide susceptibility map that correctly classified 83.8% of the landslide-prone areas.  相似文献   
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