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Turbulence characteristics in a near neutrally stratified urban atmosphere   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Turbulence measurements from the city of Uppsala, Sweden, are analysed. Measurements were taken at two sites: one in the central area, ca. 6 m above roof level, the average building height being ca. 15 m; the other at ca. 8 and 50 m above the ground on a tower situated 100 m downwind of a sharp discontinuity between the densely built-up urban area and flat grass-covered land. The average stability was close to neutral, the range being -0.2 < z/L < 0.2. The main emphasis of the study is on the non-dimensional standard deviations of the velocity components i /u *t and on the corresponding non-dimensional energy spectra, u *t being a local velocity scale defined as i /( l is the local momentum flux). Comparison with results obtained from surface-layer measurements at ideal sites (with u *, being the ordinary friction velocity) shows good general agreement. The most complete agreement is found for the tower 50 m measurements, a result which is notable as this measurement point is found to be within a distinctly transitional zone between the urban and post-urban boundary layers. The results from the central city measurement point are also fairly close to the ideal results, the deviations found being small in view of the fact that the site is probably inside the layer in which the roughness elements (the buildings) have direct influence. The measurements at the tower 8 m level show certain distinct deviations from ideal results: all three i /u *l , are higher by ca. 10%, the excessive energy being found at the low frequency end of the spectrum. Arguments are presented for this feature to be due to a spectral lag effect.  相似文献   
In ad 1362, a major storm surge drowned wide areas of cultivated medieval marshland along the north-western coast of Germany and turned them into tidal flats. This study presents a new methodological approach for the reconstruction of changing coastal landscapes developed from a study site in the Wadden Sea of North Frisia. Initially, we deciphered long-term as well as event-related short-term geomorphological changes, using a geoscientific standard approach of vibracoring, analyses of sedimentary, geochemical and microfaunal palaeoenvironmental parameters and radiocarbon dating. In a next step, Direct Push (DP)-based Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) and the Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) were applied at vibracore locations to obtain in situ high-resolution stratigraphic data. In a last step, multivariate linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was successfully applied to efficiently identify different sedimentary facies (e.g., fossil marsh or tidal flat deposits) from the CPT and HPT test dataset, to map the facies' lateral distribution, also in comparison to reflection seismic measurements and test their potential to interpolate the borehole and CPT/HPT data. The training dataset acquired for the key site from coring and DP sensing finally allows an automated facies classification of CPT/HPT data obtained elsewhere within the study area. The new methodological approach allowed a detailed reconstruction of the local coastal landscape development in the interplay of natural marsh formation, medieval land reclamation and storm surge-related land losses.  相似文献   
Mineral assemblages present within the Charmitan gold(-tungsten) quartz-vein mineralization have been investigated for their cathodoluminescence behaviour, chemical composition and noble gas isotope systematics. This inventory of methods allows for the first time a systematic reconstruction of the paragenetic relationships of quartz, scheelite, sulphides and native gold within the gold mineralization at Charmitan and provides the basis to utilise noble gas data in the discussion of sources and evolution of ore-forming fluids. The vein quartz is classified into four generations based on microscopic and cathodoluminescence investigations. Quartz I shows intense brittle deformation as associated scheelite I. Undeformed scheelite II overgrows scheelite I and has lower light rare earth element and higher intermediate rare earth element contents as well as higher strontium concentrations. Scheelite II is associated with the economic gold mineralization and formed during re-crystallisation and re-precipitation of material which was partly re-mobilised from early scheelite I during infiltration of gold-bearing fluids. Early stage native gold inclusions are often associated with stage 2 sulphides, scheelite II and bismuth tellurides and contain Ag (3.6–24.4 wt.%), Hg (≤1.0 wt.%) and Bi (≤0.2 wt.%). Later stage electrum grains occur in association with stage 3 sulphides and sulphosalts and contain Hg (<0.8 wt.%) and elevated Sb concentrations (up to 3.0 wt.%). Noble gas isotope data (3He/4He: 0.2-0.4 Ra) for hydrothermal ore fluids trapped in the gold-related sulphides and sulphosalts (stage 2 pyrite and arsenopyrite; stage 3 pyrite, sphalerite, galena and lead sulphosalts) suggest that diverse fluid sources were involved in the formation of the Charmitan gold deposit. These data are indicative of a small, but significant input of fluids from external, deep-seated (mantle and possibly lower crust) sources. A decrease in the input of mantle helium and an increasing role of crustal helium from early to later stages of the mineralization is suggested by the measured 3He/4He and 40Ar*/4He ratios. Sulphides from ore veins in meta-sedimentary rocks contain higher portions of meteoric fluids than those in intrusive rock types as indicated by their lower 3He/36Ar ratios. The 3He/36Ar ratios in the meta-sedimentary rocks agree well with ratios typical of gold mineralizations in the Tien Shan gold province completely hosted by meta-sedimentary sequences, indicating intense fluid-wall rock interaction.  相似文献   
431 oriented samples were collected from 27 dolerite dykes at 17 sites, belonging to 2.95, 2.65, and 1.90 Ga swarms, that trend SE, E and NE, respectively from the Bushveld Igneous Complex into the eastern Kaapvaal Craton (ages determined by Olsson et al., 2010; Olsson in Söderlund et al., 2010). Samples were analyzed for paleomagnetism and also anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS). For the 2.95 Ga SE-trending dykes high temperature/coercivity ‘P’ component has unblocking temperatures up to 590 °C and coercivity 40–90 mT and demonstrate SSW declination and intermediate positive inclination. Based on positive contact and conglomerate tests we argue for a primary origin of this component. The paleopole (BAD), calculated from ‘P’ component, does not correspond to any of the previously obtained Archean–Paleoproterozoic paleopoles for the Kaapvaal Craton, and represents a new key pole for 2.95 Ga. The high-coercivity ‘H’ component for the 2.65 Ga-old E-trending dykes has a SSW declination and steep positive inclination. Paleomagnetic pole (RYK), recalculated from this component, is close to the paleopoles, obtained by Wingate (1998) and Strik et al. (2007) for 2.78 Ga Ventersdorp volcanics. The third group, NE-trending dykes of the 1.90 Ga Black Hill swarm demonstrate an ‘M’ component with dual polarity high-coercivity component with SSE-declination and negative intermediate inclination. The paleopole (BHD), calculated from this component is close to the 1.87 Ga pole of the Kaapvaal Craton obtained by Hanson et al. (2004). Overprint directions include a very well developed thermo-chemical overprint (Dec = 329° Inc = −36°), which is believed to be associated with a ∼0.18 Ga regional ‘Karoo’ thermal event.  相似文献   
Past, present, and projected fluctuations of the hydrological cycle, associated to anthropogenic climate change, describe a pending challenge for natural ecosystems and human civilizations. Here, we compile and analyze long meteorological records from Brno, Czech Republic and nearby tree-ring measurements of living and historic firs from Southern Moravia. This unique paleoclimatic compilation together with innovative reconstruction methods and error estimates allows regional-scale May?CJune drought variability to be estimated back to ad 1500. Driest and wettest conditions occurred in 1653 and 1713, respectively. The ten wettest decades are evenly distributed throughout time, whereas the driest episodes occurred in the seventeenth century and from the 1840s onward. Discussion emphasizes agreement between the new reconstruction and documentary evidence, and stresses possible sources of reconstruction uncertainty including station inhomogeneity, limited frequency preservation, reduced climate sensitivity, and large-scale constraints.  相似文献   
In october 1990 an automatic weather station was established at the Arctic Station (65° 15', 53°31'W), Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), Central West Greenland. The Station register parameters each 20 minutes, and the paramters have been described in an earlier paper in this journal by Nielsen et al.(1995). The present paper summarizes meteorological parameters during 1999.

During a field campaign in 1999, woody remains from Salix glauca were found on a nunatak, 515 m. a.s.l. on the Mittivakkat Glacier, South East Greenland. Radio carbon dating determined the age of a wood sample to AD 640. Together with analyses of macroscopic botanical remains and insect rests in peaty material found nearby, these results indicate, that a warmer climate prevailed near the glacier around AD 600. These findings are in accordance with temperature records based on studies of ice cores from the Greenland Ice sheet.  相似文献   
The most well known sub‐glacial lake is probably Grímsvötn under Vatnajökul, Iceland, from where jökulhlaups regularly burst forth. It is created by thermal melting under the ice cap. The Antarctic Lake Vostok, on the other hand, is considered to be located over a region with normal geothermal heat transfer, where it can exist because the ice is so thick that its base is at the pressure melting point. This makes it a candidate for testing the captured ice shelf (CIS) hypothesis, which states that the motion of a totally confined ice shelf creates a hydrostatic seal in the form of an ice rim over the threshold. The CIS hypothesis may offer a source of water for the controversial Laurentian jökulhlaups inferred from field data, implicated in dramatic climatic changes. Here I show that Lake Vostok agrees with the hypothesis, and that it may be on the verge of a jökulhlaup, which could create an ice stream and regional downdraw. The result also implies that the lake may well be of pre‐glacial origin, and that it may have experienced jökulhlaups during previous interglacials.  相似文献   
Rana  Arun  Nikulin  Grigory  Kjellstr&#;m  Erik  Strandberg  Gustav  Kupiainen  Marco  Hansson  Ulf  Kolax  Michael 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(5):2883-2901
Climate Dynamics - Two ensembles of climate simulations, one global and one regional, are used to investigate model errors and projected climate change in seasonal mean temperature and...  相似文献   
The Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic evolution of the North German Basin has been investigated by 3-D thermomechanical finite element modelling. The model solves the equations of motion of an elasto-visco-plastic continuum representing the continental lithosphere. It includes the variations of stress in time and space, the thermal evolution, surface processes and variations in global sea level.The North German Basin became inverted in the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic. The inversion was most intense in the southern part of the basin, i.e. in the Lower Saxony Basin, the Flechtingen High and the Harz. The lower crustal properties vary across the North German Basin. North of the Elbe Line, the lower crust is dense and has high seismic velocity compared to the lower crust south of the Elbe Line. The lower crust with high density and high velocity is assumed to be strong. Lateral variations in lithospheric strength also arise from lateral variations in Moho depth. In areas where the Moho is deep, the upper mantle is warm and the lithosphere is thereby relatively weak.Compression of the lithosphere causes shortening, thickening and surface uplift of relatively weak areas. Tectonic inversion occurs as zones of preexisting weakness are shortened and thickened in compression. Contemporaneously, the margins of the weak zone subside. Cenozoic subsidence of the northern part of the North German Basin is explained as a combination of thermal subsidence and a small amount of deformation and surface uplift during compression of the stronger crust in the north.The modelled deformation patterns and resulting sediment isopachs correlate with observations from the area. This verifies the usefulness and importance of thermomechanical models in the investigation of intraplate sedimentary basin formation.  相似文献   
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