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Precipitation trends in the Yangtze River catchment (PR China) have been analyzed for the past 50 years by applying the Mann-Kendall trend test and geospatial analyses. Monthly precipitation trends of 36 stations have been calculated. Significant positive trends at many stations can be observed for the summer months, which naturally show precipitation maxima. They were preceded and/or followed by negative trends. This observation points towards a concentration of summer precipitation within a shorter period of time. The analysis of a second data set on a gridded basis with 0.5° resolution reveals trends with distinct spatial patterns. The combination of classic trend tests and spatially interpolated precipitation data sets allows the spatiotemporal visualization of detected trends. Months with positive trends emphasize the aggravation of severe situation in a region, which is particularly prone to flood disasters during summer. Reasons for the observed trends were found in variations in the meridional wind pattern at the 850 hPa level, which account for an increased transport of warm moist air to the Yangtze River catchment during the summer months.  相似文献   
We test the hypothesis that the general trend of P-wave and S-wave sonic log velocities and resistivity with depth in the pilot hole of the KTB site Germany, can be explained by the progressive closure of the compliant porosity with increasingly effective pressure. We introduce a quantity θc characterizing the stress sensitivity of the mentioned properties. An analysis of the downhole measurements showed that estimates of the quantitiy θc for seismic velocities and electrical formation factor of the in situ formation coincide. Moreover, this quantity is 3.5 to 4.5 times larger than the averaged stress sensitivity obtained from core samples. We conclude that the hypothesis mentioned above is consistent with both data sets. Moreover, since θc corresponds approximately to the inverse of the effective crack aspect ratio, larger in situ estimates of θc might reflect the influence of fractures and faults on the stress sensitivity of the crystalline formation in contrast to the stress sensitivity of the nearly intact core samples. Finally, because the stress sensitivity is directly related to the elastic nonlinearity we conclude that the elastic nonlinearity (i.e., deviation from linear stress-strain relationship i.e., Hooke's law) of the KTB rocks is significantly larger in situ than in the laboratory.  相似文献   
Georg Becker   《Limnologica》2005,35(1-2):52-60
The number of immature stages and the seasonal patterns of development are basic life history features of a stream dwelling species and knowledge about these important components are essential for understanding its adaptations to its dynamic environment. The life cycle of Agapetus fuscipes (Trichoptera, Glossosomatidae), one of the dominant scrapers in the upper and middle reaches of the Breitenbach, a first-order upland stream in central Germany, was analysed. The pronotum length and the relationship between pronotum length, larval biomass and case length showed seven distinct larval instars, contrary to earlier findings from the Breitenbach. In addition to a few trichopteran species from other functional feeding groups, A. fuscipes is the only scraping caddis fly reported to have more than five larval instars. The moult increments of pronotum length and larval biomass were distinctly lower than in glossosomatid species with five larval instars. A. fuscipes is clearly univoltine in the Breitenbach. First-instar larvae were found from July to the beginning of December, and second-instar larvae from July to January. At the beginning of December the population consisted of the instars I to V, and development did not cease during winter. The sixth-instar larvae occurred mostly in January, and the seventh-instar larvae were never present before January. The prepupae and pupae occurred in April. The last pupae were found at the beginning of September, although most of the emergence took place in June and July. At least five different immature stages with different ecological demands were present at any time throughout the year. The ecological advantage having two additional larval instars compared to other glossosomatid species may be to compensate for the high rate of mouthpart wear that occurs while the larvae feed on the rough Bunter Sandstone substratum. A further advantage may be to spread the risk of high mortality under unfavourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Base isolation is a well known technology that has been proven to reduce structural response to horizontal ground accelerations. However, vertical response still remains a topic of concern for base‐isolated buildings, perhaps more so than in fixed‐base buildings as isolation is often used when high performance is required. To investigate the effects of vertical response on building contents and nonstructural components, a series of full‐scale shaking table tests were conducted at the E‐Defense facility in Japan. A four‐story base‐isolated reinforced concrete building was outfitted as a medical facility with a wide variety of contents, and the behavior of the contents was observed. The rubber base isolation system was found to significantly amplify vertical accelerations in some cases. However, the damage caused by the vertical ground motions was not detrimental when peak vertical floor accelerations remained below 2 g with three exceptions: (1) small items placed on shelves slid or toppled; (2) objects jumped when placed on nonrigid furniture, which tended to increase the response; and (3) equipment with vertical eccentricities rocked and jumped. In these tests, all equipment and nonstructural components remained functional after shaking. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We develop and test a real-time envelope cross-correlation detector for use in seismic response plans to mitigate hazard of induced seismicity. The incoming seismological data are cross-correlated in real-time with a set of previously recorded master events. For robustness against small changes in the earthquake source locations or in the focal mechanisms we cross-correlate the envelopes of the seismograms rather than the seismograms themselves. Two sequenced detection conditions are implemented: After passing a single trace cross-correlation condition, a network cross-correlation is calculated taking amplitude ratios between stations into account. Besides detecting the earthquake and assigning it to the respective reservoir, real-time magnitudes are important for seismic response plans. We estimate the magnitudes of induced microseismicity using the relative amplitudes between master event and detected event. The real-time detector is implemented as a SeisComP3 module. We carry out offline and online performance tests using seismic monitoring data of the Insheim and Landau geothermal power plants (Upper Rhine Graben, Germany), also including blasts from a nearby quarry. The comparison of the automatic real-time catalogue with a manually processed catalogue shows, that with the implemented parameters events are always correctly assigned to the respective reservoir (4 km distance between reservoirs) or the quarry (8 km and 10 km distance, respectively, from the reservoirs). The real-time catalogue achieves a magnitude of completeness around 0.0. Four per cent of the events assigned to the Insheim reservoir and zero per cent of the Landau events are misdetections. All wrong detections are local tectonic events, whereas none are caused by seismic noise.  相似文献   
Geochemical Indicators of Intrinsic Bioremediation   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
A detailed field investigation has been completed at a gasoline-contaminated aquifer near Rocky Point, NC, to examine possible indicators of intrinsic bioremediation and identify factors that may significantly influence the rate and extent of bioremediation. The dissolved plume of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) in ground water is naturally degrading. Toluene and o-xylene are most rapidly degraded followed by m-, p-xylene, and benzene. Ethylbenzene appears to degrade very slowly under anaerobic conditions present in the center of the plume. The rate and extent of biodegradation appears to be strongly influenced by the type and quantity of electron acceptors present in the aquifer. At the upgradient edge of the plume, nitrate, ferric iron, and oxygen are used as terminal electron acceptors during hydrocarbon biodegradation. The equivalent of 40 to 50 mg/I of hydrocarbon is degraded based on the increase in dissolved CO2 relative to background ground water. Immediately downgradient of the source area, sulfate and iron are the dominant electron acceptors. Toluene and o-xylene are rapidly removed in this region. Once the available oxygen, nitrate, and sulfate are consumed, biodegradation is limited and appears to be controlled by mixing and aerobic biodegradation at the plume fringes.  相似文献   
The sulfide (H2S/HS?) that is emitted from hydrothermal vents begins to oxidize abiotically with oxygen upon contact with ambient bottom water, but the reaction kinetics are slow. Here, using in situ voltammetry, we report detection of the intermediate sulfur oxidation products polysulfides [ $ {\text{S}}_{\text{x}}^{2 - } $ ] and thiosulfate [ $ {\text{S}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}_{ 3}^{ 2- } $ ], along with contextual data on sulfide, oxygen, and temperature. At Lau Basin in 2006, thiosulfate was identified in less than one percent of approximately 10,500 scans and no polysulfides were detected. Only five percent of 11,000 voltammetric scans taken at four vent sites at Lau Basin in May 2009 show either thiosulfate or polysulfides. These in situ data indicate that abiotic sulfide oxidation does not readily occur as H2S contacts oxic bottom waters. Calculated abiotic potential sulfide oxidation rates are <10?3 ??M/min and are consistent with slow oxidation and the observed lack of sulfur oxidation intermediates. It is known that the thermodynamics for the first electron transfer step for sulfide and oxygen during sulfide oxidation in these systems are unfavorable, and that the kinetics for two electron transfers are not rapid. Here, we suggest that different metal catalyzed and/or biotic reaction pathways can readily produce sulfur oxidation intermediates. Via shipboard high-pressure incubation experiments, we show that snails with chemosynthetic endosymbionts do release polysulfides and may be responsible for our field observations of polysulfides.  相似文献   
In order to constrain the temporal relationship between granite (sensu lato) emplacement and metamorphism, isotope work was carried out on the minerals zircon and apatite (U-Pb), garnet (Pb-Pb) and hornblende (Ar-Ar) from wall rock samples in the Shamva area in Zimbabwe. The area, encompassing parts of the Chinamora and Murehwa batholiths and a wedge-shaped greenstone belt segment in between, is commonly quoted in the literature as an example illustrating pluton emplacement processes and deformational models for the Archean. New U-Pb dating of apatite from a boudinaged pegmatite within mafic schists in the batholith-greenstone contact zone has yielded an age of 2619 +28/-24 Ma. This age is interpreted as the best estimation of the intrusion age of this unit, depending on the assumed closure temperature, and provides an upper age limit for the syntectonic emplacement of the now gneissic granites. Pb-Pb dating of late kinematic garnets in cordierite-bearing rocks within the greenstone belt wall rocks gives an age of 2623NJ Ma. Together, this timing of relatively late, syntectonic plutonism and metamorphic mineral growth at ca. 2.62 Ga compares well with existing zircon crystallization ages for felsic volcanics (2645dž Ma, 2643NJ Ma) and post-tectonic porphyritic monzogranites (2601ᆢ Ma). Ar-Ar hornblende ages for mafic schists from different areas within the greenstone belt wall rocks range between 2621 and 2498 Ma and have been interpreted to indicate mixing between metamorphic ages and cooling ages. The data support a geological model whereby volcanism and sedimentation are associated with an early phase of regional deformation at ca. 2.64 Ga, which may have started earlier and lasted longer, and evolves into the voluminous emplacement of granites (now gneissic granites) in the batholiths at approximately 2.62 Ga. Emplacement of post-tectonic tabular monzogranites takes place at ca. 2.60 Ga.  相似文献   
Indexing methods are used for the evaluation of aquifer vulnerability and establishing guidelines for the protection of ground-water resources. The principle of the indexing method is to rank influences on groundwater to determine overall vulnerability of an aquifer to contamination. The analytic element method (AEM) of ground-water flow modeling is used to enhance indexing methods by rapidly calculating a potentiometric surface based primarily on surface-water features. This potentiometric map is combined with a digital-elevation model to produce a map of water-table depth. This is an improvement over simple water-table interpolation methods. It is physically based, properly representing surface-water features, hydraulic boundaries, and changes in hydraulic conductivity. The AEM software, SPLIT, is used to improve an aquifer vulnerability assessment for a valley-fill aquifer in western New York State. A GIS-based graphical user interface allows automated conversion of hydrography vector data into analytic elements.  相似文献   
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