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Collaborations amongst researchers from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan and the International Arctic research Center (IARC), University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), U.S., have been on-going since 1998 and resulted in a great number and magnitude of accomplishments that could not have been achieved without this close partnership. The Arctic represents an important region for Japan, the U.S. and the world, and many opportunities and challenges press for immediate understanding to enable wise decisions and policy making. We have many common interests and our countries face many common problems and goals. Addressing the tremendous scientific challenges of the Arctic requires such massive investment of manpower and resources that sharing efforts, data and working together on expeditions are in our mutual best interests.This issue presents a compilation of selected results on recent analyses conducted in the five-year (2009–2014) research term related to observational studies, model development and remote sensing applications of the Arctic Ocean, adjacent marginal seas, and the surrounding terrestrial regions. All of these studies are intended to provide a better understanding of how individual components and processes interact to form a complex and dynamic arctic system. Through these collaborations, Japanese and UAF Arctic researchers can achieve our goals of developing a quantitative understanding of the Arctic System.  相似文献   
The latest eruption of Haruna volcano at Futatsudake took placein the middle of the sixth century, starting with a Plinianfall, followed by pyroclastic flows, and ending with lava domeformation. Gray pumices found in the first Plinian phase (lowerfall) and the dome lavas are the products of mixing betweenfelsic (andesitic) magma having 50 vol. % phenocrysts and maficmagma. The mafic magma was aphyric in the initial phase, whereasit was relatively phyric during the final phase. The aphyricmagma is chemically equivalent to the melt part of the phyricmafic magma and probably resulted from the separation of phenocrystsat their storage depth of 15 km. The major part of the felsicmagma erupted as white pumice, without mixing and heating priorto the eruption, after the mixed magma (gray pumice) and heatedfelsic magma (white pumice) of the lower fall deposit. Althoughthe mafic magma was injected into the felsic magma reservoir(at 7 km depth), part of the product (lower fall ejecta) precedederuption of the felsic reservoir magma, as a consequence ofupward dragging by the convecting reservoir of felsic magma.The mafic magma injection made the nearly rigid felsic magmaerupt, letting low-viscosity mixed and heated magmas open theconduit and vent. Indeed the lower fall white pumices preservea record of syneruptive slow ascent of magma to 2 km depth,probably associated with conduit formation. KEY WORDS: high-crystallinity felsic magma; magma plumbing system; multistage magma mixing; upward dragging of injected magma; vent opening by low-viscosity magma  相似文献   
River runoff from the four largest Siberian river basins (the Ob, Yenisei, Lena, and Kolyma) considerably contributes to freshwater flux into the Arctic Ocean from the Eurasian continent. However, the effects of variation in snow cover fraction on the ecohydrological variations in these basins are not well understood. In this study, we analysed the spatiotemporal variability of the maximum snow cover fraction (SCFmax) in the four Siberian river basins. We compared the SCFmax from 2000 to 2016 with data in terms of monthly temperature and precipitation, night-time surface temperatures, the terrestrial water storage anomaly (TWSA), the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), and river runoff. Our results exhibit a decreasing trend in the April SCFmax values since 2000, largely in response to warming air temperatures in April. We identified snowmelt water as the dominant control on the observed increase in the runoff contribution in May across all four Siberian river basins. In addition, we detected that the interannual river runoff was predominantly controlled by interannual variations in the TWSA. The NDVI in June was strongly controlled by the timing of the snowmelt along with the surface air temperature and TWSA in June. The rate of increase in the freshwater flux from the four Siberian rivers decreased from 2000 to 2016, exhibiting large interannual variations corresponding to interannual variations in the TWSA. However, we identified a clear increase trend in the freshwater flux of ~4 km3/year when analysing the long-term 39-year historical record (1978–2016). Our results suggest that continued global warming will accelerate the transition towards the earlier timing of snowmelt and spring freshwater flux into the Arctic Ocean. Our findings also highlight the effects of earlier snowmelt on ecohydrological changes in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
Two piston cores, one located far from the continents (The North Pacific Ocean: ES core), and another located comparatively closer to the continents (The Bering Sea: BOW-8a core) were investigated to reconstruct environmental changes on source land areas. The results show significant contribution of terrestrial organic matter to sediments in both cores. The δ13C values of n-C27, n-C29, and n-C31 alkanes in sediments from the North Pacific ES core show significant glacial to interglacial variation whereas those from the Bering Sea core do not. Variations of δ13C values of land plant n-alkanes are related to the environmental or vegetational changes in the source land areas. Environmental changes, especially, aridity, rainfall, and pCO2 during glacial/interglacial transitional periods can affect vegetation, and therefore C3 / C4 plant ratios, resulting in δ13C changes in the preserved land plant biomarkers. Maximum values of δ13C as well as maximum average chain length values of long chain n-alkanes in the ES core occur mostly at the interglacial to glacial transition zones reflecting a time lag related to incorporation of living organic matter into soil and transportation into ocean basins via wind and/or ability of C4 plants to adapt for a longer period before being replaced by C3 plants when subjected to gradual climatic changes. Irregular variations with no clear glacial to interglacial trends in the BOW-8a core may result from complex mixture of aerosols from westerly winds and riverine organic matter from the Bering Sea catchments. In addition, terrestrial organic matter entering the Bering Sea could originate from multiple pathways including eolian, riverine, and ice rafted debris, and possibly be disturbed by turbidity and other local currents which can induce re-suspension and re-sedimentation causing an obliterated time relation in the Bering Sea biomarker records.  相似文献   
The Yonaguni Knoll IV hydrothermal vent field (24°51′N, 122°42′E) is located at water depths of 1370–1385 m near the western edge of the southern Okinawa Trough. During the YK03–05 and YK04–05 expeditions using the submersible Shinkai 6500, both hydrothermal precipitates (sulfide/sulfate/carbonate) and high temperature fluids (Tmax = 328°C) presently venting from chimney‐mound structures were extensively sampled. The collected venting fluids had a wide range of chemistry (Cl concentration 376–635 mmol kg?1), which is considered as evidence for sub‐seafloor phase separation. While the Cl‐enriched smoky black fluids were venting from two adjacent chimney‐mound structures in the hydrothermal center, the clear transparent fluids sometimes containing CO2 droplet were found in the peripheral area of the field. This distribution pattern could be explained by migration of the vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid within a porous sediment layer after the sub‐seafloor phase separation. The collected hydrothermal precipitates demonstrated a diverse range of mineralization, which can be classified into five groups: (i) anhydrite‐rich chimneys, immature precipitates including sulfide disseminations in anhydrite; (ii) massive Zn‐Pb‐Cu sulfides, consisting of sphalerite, wurtzite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and marcasite; (iii) Ba‐As chimneys, composed of barite with sulfide disseminations, sometimes associated with realgar and orpiment overgrowth; (iv) Mn‐rich chimneys, consisting of carbonates (calcite and magnesite) and sulfides (sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, alabandite, and minor amount of tennantite and enargite); and (v) pavement, silicified sediment including abundant native sulfur or barite. Sulfide/sulfate mineralization (groups i–iii) was found in the chimney–mound structure associated with vapor‐loss (Cl‐enriched) fluid venting. In contrast, the sulfide/carbonate mineralization (group iv) was specifically found in the chimneys where vapor‐rich (Cl‐depleted) fluid venting is expected, and the pavement (group v) was associated with diffusive venting from the seafloor sediment. This correspondence strongly suggests that the subseafloor phase separation plays an important role in the diverse range of mineralization in the Yonaguni IV field. The observed sulfide mineral assemblage was consistent with the sulfur fugacity calculated from the FeS content in sphalerite/wurtzite and the fluid temperature for each site, which suggests that the shift of the sulfur fugacity due to participation of volatile species during phase separation is an important factor to induce diverse mineralization. In contrast, carbonate mineralization is attributed to the significant mixing of vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid and seawater. A submarine hydrothermal system within a back‐arc basin in the continental margin may be considered as developed in a geologic setting favorable to a diverse range of mineralization, where relatively shallow water depth induces sub‐seafloor phase separation of hydrothermal fluid, and sediment accumulation could enhance migration of the vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   
Twenty four solar bursts of peak fluxes above 50 sfu are analyzed which were observed with the 17 GHz interferometer at Nobeyama during the period from 1978 September to 1979 December. Source characteristics and their temporal evolutions are investigated on a statistical basis with high time resolutions up to 0.8 s. Use of a model-fitting technique recently developed by Kosugi (1982) is made to derive both the position of centroid and size (~ FWHM) of burst source with an uncertainty of a few arc sec. The results of this study are the following:
  1. Two different phases in the burst, that is to say, the main phase and the post-burst-increase (PBI) phase, are distinguished clearly not only by the morphological difference of flux time profile, but also by the differences of brightness temperature (107-?109 K vs 105–107 K), circular polarization degree (0–50% vs 0–10%), and size (?5–25″ vs 10–70″). There is no definite correlation between the peak fluxes in the two phases.
  2. The majority of the selected bursts (21 of 24) show in the main phase source characteristics of the impulsive burst. The total flux varies rapidly (characteristic time scale defined by FWHM ? 100 s), often associated with the rapid shift of position and the rapid change of polarization degree. The source height of the impulsive source is lower than that of the PBI source. On the other hand, the type IVμ source, seen in three events, shows a gradual variation and the source ascends to a height of ~ 40 000 km above the photosphere.
  3. In the PBI phase, the expansion and ascension of the source occur in general (21 of 23 for the former and 12 of 15 for the latter). The velocities of both the movements are of the order of 5 km s?1.
This paper describes an approach to simulate a seven-tier stack consisting of scaled model of a 20 ft ISO freight container and its linking connectors, denominated twist locks, subjected to dynamical load induced by its base. The physical (dimensions, mass, and moments of inertia) and structural (longitudinal, transversal and torsional stiffness) characteristics of the scaled models were decided based on two dimensionless numbers: ratios between gravity force and inertia force, and elastic force divided by inertia force, through experimental and numerical analysis. A series of experiments with controlled parameters were performed using a shaking table test to understand the effects of each variable in the container stack dynamics and present enough data to validate the numerical model. The results of this study indicate that the numerical model built is a promising tool for further study. Moreover, the model is able to predict conditions close to real situations faced by container stacks while storage on a ship's deck.  相似文献   
Subduction of lithosphere, involving surficial materials, into the deep mantle is fundamental to the chemical evolution of the Earth. However, the chemical evolution of the lithosphere during subduction to depth remains equivocal. In order to identify materials subjected to geological processes near the surface and at depths in subduction zones, we examined B and Li isotopes behavior in a unique diamondiferous, K-rich tourmaline (K-tourmaline) from the Kokchetav ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt. The K-tourmaline, which includes microdiamonds in its core, is enriched in 11B relative to 10B (δ11B = −1.2 to +7.7) and 7Li relative to 6Li (δ7Li = −1.1 to +3.1). It is suggested that the K-tourmaline crystallized at high-pressure in the diamond stability field from a silicate melt generated at high-pressure and temperature conditions of the Kokchetav peak metamorphism. The heavy isotope signature of this K-tourmaline differs from that of ordinary Na-tourmalines in crustal rocks, enriched in the light B isotope (δ11B = −16.6 to −2.3), which experienced isotope fractionation through metamorphic dehydration reactions. A possible source of the heavy B-isotope signature is serpentine in the subducted lithospheric mantle. Serpentinization of the lithospheric mantle, with enrichment of heavy B-isotope, can be produced by normal faulting at trench-outer rise or trench slope regions, followed by penetration of seawater into the lithospheric mantle. Serpentine breakdown in the lithospheric mantle subducted in subarc regions likely provided fluids with the heavy B-isotope signature, which was acquired during the serpentinization prior to subduction. The fluids could ascend and cause partial melting of the overlying crustal layer, and the resultant silicate melt could inherit the heavy B-isotope signature. The subducting lithospheric mantle is a key repository for modeling the flux of fluids and associated elements acquired at a near the surface into the deep mantle.  相似文献   
Tsutomu  Nakazawa  Katsumi  Ueno    Xiangdong  Wang 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):94-107
Huge carbonate rock bodies ranging in age from the Visean (Middle Mississippian/Early Carboniferous) to the Changhsingian (Lopingian/Late Permian) overlie a basaltic basement in the Changning–Menglian Belt, West Yunnan, Southwest China. These carbonates lack intercalations of terrigenous siliciclastic material throughout. These lines of evidence indicate that they formed upon an isolated and continuously subsiding mid-oceanic island (or plateau), probably of hotspot origin. The carbonates are grouped into a shallow-water carbonate platform facies regime observed in the Yutangzhai section and a relatively deep-water carbonate slope facies regime typically represented in the Longdong section. These two facies regimes developed contemporaneously as parts of a carbonate depositional system on and around a mid-oceanic volcanic edifice. The carbonate platform is subdivided into four facies, including platform-margin, shoal, lagoon, and peritidal facies. Along the measured Yutangzhai section of the platform facies regime, the vertical facies succession from the platform-margin facies into inner-platform facies such as the shoal and lagoon facies is recognized. This facies succession is explained as resulting from the progradation of the carbonate platform. Worm tubes occur as a main reef builder in platform-margin facies of the Mississippian. Their occurrence as major constituents in a high-wave-energy reef is peculiar to Carboniferous reef distributions of the world. The occurrences of other reef- and/or mound-building organisms and peritidal dolo-mudstone are almost consistent in timing with those of Panthalassan counterparts such as the Akiyoshi and Omi limestones of Japan, and probably exhibit the worldwide trend.  相似文献   
The fate of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) residing in the atmosphere has received enormous attention in recent years due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic risks on human health. In this context, the stability of pyrene (as a representative PAHs) on quartz, alumina, montmorillonite, kaolinite, humic acid and quartz coated with sorbed humic acid was investigated at controlled relative humidity (RH: i.e. 5% and 30%) without light irradiation in order to detect the presence of catalytic effect of mineral surface on PAHs decomposition. The stability of pyrene was found to depend strongly on the physicochemical properties of the substrates. Quartz showed a strong catalytic effect for the decomposition of pyrene even though it was coated with sorbed humic acid. Pyrene sorbed on montmorillonite and humic acid remained stable during the experimental period (i.e. 3 days). Moisture in the experimental cell also affected the stability of pyrene in particular minerals. Especially, pyrene sorbed on alumina was rapidly decomposed at higher RH. However, there were almost no effect in the case of quartz, kaolinite and humic acid. Depending on the physicochemical properties of aerosols and RH, PAHs associated with minerals in the atmosphere would be decomposed and/or stably reside in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
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