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The post-Hypsithermal history of Waldsea Lake, a saline meromictic lake located in south-central Saskatchewan, has been deduced from a study of the changes in physical, mineralogical, and paleobiological parameters in sediment cores from the basin. Six lithostratigraphic units and three palynological zones are identified in the most recent sediment. These units and zones indicate that a shallow hypersaline lake with extensive mudflats existed about 4000 yr B.P. In response to the subsequent trend toward a cooler and wetter climate, deeper water conditions ensued, and by about 3000 yr ago a relatively deep stratified lake occupied the Waldsea Basin. A short climatic reversal about 2500 yr B.P. again caused low-water and mudflat conditions, but by 2000 yr ago the lake had regained its higher levels. The past 2000 yr of Waldsea's history have been relatively uneventful, except for a minor lowering of the lake about 700 yr B.P.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the use of strip transect sampling to estimate object abundance when the underlying spatial distribution is assumed to be Poisson. A design-based rather than model-based approach to estimation is investigated through computer simulation, with both homogeneous and non-homogeneous fields representing individual realizations of spatial point processes being considered. Of particular interest are the effects of changing the number of transects and transect width (or alternatively, coverage percent or fraction) on the quality of the estimate. A specific application to the characterization of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in the subsurface at former military firing ranges is discussed. The results may be extended to the investigation of outcrop characteristics as well as subsurface geological features.  相似文献   
We have investigated the near liquidus phase relations of a primitive absarokite from the Mascota region in western Mexico. Sample M.102 contains ~11.6 wt% MgO, Mg#=0.73 and the lava contains Fo90 olivine phenocrysts, indicating near equilibrium with the mantle. High-pressure experiments on a synthetic analogue of the absarokite composition containing low and high H2O abundances of (~2 and ~5 wt%, respectively) were performed in a piston cylinder apparatus over the pressure range of 1.2 to 2.0 GPa. The composition containing ~2 wt% H2O is multiply saturated with olivine and orthopyroxene at 1.6 GPa and 1,400 °C. At the same pressure, clinopyroxene appears 30 °C below the liquidus. At an H2O content of ~5 wt% the multiple saturation with olivine and orthopyroxene occurs at 1.7 GPa and 1,300 °C. Assuming a batch-melting process, we suggest that the primitive absarokite was segregated from a depleted lherzolite or harzburgite residue at ~50 km, placing the depth of origin well within the mantle wedge beneath the Jalisco Block. A low degree (<5 %wt%) batch-melt of an original metasomatized depleted lherzolite or harzburgite source would contain the observed trace element abundances found in M.102. The liquidus phase relations are not consistent with the presence of non-peridotitic veins at the depth of last equilibration. Therefore, we propose that the Mascota absarokites segregated at an apparent melt fraction of less than 5% from a depleted peridotitic source. Melting first began at a greater depth as a small degree H2O- and trace element- rich melt of a metasomatized peridotite that ascended into the overlying wedge and re-equilibrated with shallower, hotter mantle.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   
An assessment of the southern Betsimisaraka Suture (B.S.) of southeastern Madagascar using remote sensing and field investigation reveals a complex deformation history. Image processing of Landsat ETM+data and JERS-I Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery was integrated with field observations of structural geology and field petrography. The southern B.S. divides the Precambrian basement rocks of Madagascar in two parts. The western part includes Proterozoic rocks whereas the eastern part is an Archean block, named the Masora block. The southern part of the B.S. includes high-grade metamorphic rocks, recording strong deformation and has mineral deposits including chromite, nickel, and emerald, characteristic of oceanic material that is compatible with a suture zone.Large-scale structural features indicate ductile deformation including three generations of folding (F1, F2, and F3) associated with dextral shearing. The first folding event (F1) shows a succession of folds with NE striking axial planes. The second folding event (F2) mainly has north–south striking axial planes and the last event (F3) is represented by mega folds that have ENE–WSW axial plane directions and have NNW and SSE contractional strain patterns. Closure of the Mozambique Ocean between two components of Gondwana sandwiched rocks of the B.S. and formed upright folds and shortening zones which produced N–S trending lineaments. Later dextral movements followed the contraction and formed NW–SE trending lineaments and N–S trending normal faults associated with dextral strike slip faults and fractures.  相似文献   
As the literature on trail development suggests, recreational trail projects can generate conflicts and controversies, particularly when built on abandoned rail corridors through developed areas. These conflicts are often understood as “not in my back yard” (NIMBY) reactions, suggesting a spatial proximity to conflict which increases as one draws closer to the proposed trail. This research seeks to understand local residents’ perceptions and reactions to recreational trail development in the City of Delaware (Ohio, USA). It addresses two spatially infused questions: Does the potential for conflict related to trail development increase as people live closer to a potential trail (the NIMBY factor)? Can important qualitative factors about favorable and unfavorable land uses including potential recreational trail sites be defined using a participatory methodology and then represented in GIS? The study used a mixed-method approach to collect and analyze qualitative data from a group of local residents. Each participant was interviewed and asked to sort 19 pictures related to trail development. After each of the sorts, participants were asked to explain why they ranked the pictures the way they did. Results of the picture sorts were then analyzed using Q method and mapped with GIS. The results show that spatial proximity matters in the context of trail development and potential NIMBY reactions to trails. Significant differences were found in the picture sorts that reveal the importance of proximity and location, although in a manner contrary to the assumptions in the writings on rails-to-trails. Through combining qualitative methods, Q analysis and PPGIS analysis, the research shows that qualitative place-based studies are capable of generating insights about the complexities of situated geographic change such as recreational trail development.  相似文献   
The distribution and intensity of hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen) in estuaries is increasing worldwide due to cultural eutrophication. This study quantifies the strength of associations between the duration of diel-cycling severe hypoxia (≤2 mg O2 l−1) in bottom water (∼15 cm above bottom) of a shallow (<2 m) coastal lagoon estuary (Delaware, USA) and abiotic environmental variables (water temperature, insolation, tide, streamflow, and wind) and predicts the duration of severe hypoxia given different combinations of these variables. The intensity and spatial extent and dynamics of diel-cycling severe hypoxia events were defined. Vertical variability in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration during the daytime was also determined. During the summers of 2001–2005, bottom DO data were collected for periods of weeks to months at multiple sites using automated sondes. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and regression tree analysis (RTA) were used to determine the relative importance of the environmental variables in predicting the number of hours of severe hypoxia per day. Key findings of the study were that severe hypoxia events of minutes to hours in duration occurred frequently in all four tributaries sampled, primarily between 0200 and 1000 hours. Severe hypoxia duration and diel-cycling amplitudes of DO concentration increased in the up-tributary direction. Hierarchically, the duration of severe hypoxia was influenced mostly by the mean daily water temperature, then by preceding days’ total insolation, percentage of morning hours (02:00 to 10:00 a.m.) ebb tide, and daily streamflow. Collectively, the variables examined by the MLR and the RTA approaches accounted for 62% and 65% of the variability in the duration of severe hypoxia, respectively. RTA demonstrated that daily mean water temperature above 26.3°C and previous day’s total insolation below 13.6 kW m−2 were associated with the longest lasting severe hypoxic events (9.56 h). The environmental variables and combinations of conditions that modulate or augment diel-cycling hypoxia presented in this paper enhance understanding of this widespread and growing phenomenon and provide additional insight regarding the extent to which it can impact food webs in very shallow estuarine waters that often serve as nursery habitat.  相似文献   
Foraminiferal and thecamoebian faunas from the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex (SBIC), a fjord network situated on the mainland coast of British Columbia, were studied to assess climatic cycles and trends impacting the area through the AD 850–AD 2002 interval. Ocean circulation patterns prevalent in the SBIC are strongly linked to precipitation, which is closely linked to the relative strength and position (center of action; COA) of the seasonally developed Aleutian Low (AL) and North Pacific High (NPH) atmospheric circulation gyres.Through interpretation of cluster analysis and ordination methods, a period of weak estuarine circulation was recognized to have impacted the SBIC area between AD 850 and AD 1500. During this time waters in the SBIC were dysoxic to anoxic and the sediment–water interface was comprised of a depauperate foraminiferal fauna consisting of low diversity agglutinated forms. These reduced oxygen conditions came about as a result of diminished precipitation in the SBIC catchment as the COA of the AL progressively migrated westward over time, resulting in greatly reduced estuarine circulation and only infrequent and feeble incursions of well oxygenated open ocean water into the SBIC basin. By AD 1575, following a gradual transition period of 75 years when circulation patterns in the inlet were unstable, very strong estuarine circulation developed in the SBIC, concomitant with the onset of the Little Ice Age (LIA) in western Canada. In the SBIC this interval was characterized by higher levels of precipitation, which greatly enhanced estuarine circulation resulting in frequent incursions of cold, well oxygenated ocean currents into the bottom waters of the SBIC and the development of a diverse calcareous foraminiferal fauna. This circulation pattern began to break down in the late 19th century AD and by AD 1940 conditions similar to those that existed in the inlet prior to AD 1500 had redeveloped, a process that continues at present.  相似文献   
The Fe content of soils and aquifer solids is usually quantified using different extraction solutions performed with homogenized samples in a well-mixed batch experiment. For structured media where preferential flow prevails over the matrix flow, however, the Fe content determined from homogenized samples may not well represent the Fe available for biogeochemical reactions. In this study ammonium oxalate extraction was performed on a core of intact saprolite where physical structure was preserved. An unsaturated flow setup was modified with the intent of allowing the extraction under two pore tensions, 15 and 0 cm of water, although a malfunctioning vacuum regulator made this more difficult than anticipated. Approximately 85% of the oxalate-extractable Fe was contained within the finer pore domain (matrix potential larger than 15 cm). Less than 15.5% of the extracted Fe mass (an upper bound) was present in domains of pore tension less than15 cm. To the extent that Fe(III) oxides play an important role in contaminant biogeochemistry and solute transport, their distribution in structured subsurface media is critical to the understanding of these processes.  相似文献   
The comment of Green et al. debates the interpretation of the temperature of the H2O-saturated peridotite solidus and presence of silicate melt in the experiments of Till et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 163:669–688, 2012) at <1,000?°C. The criticisms presented in their comment do not invalidate any of the most compelling observations of Till et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 163:669–688, 2012) as discussed in the following response, including the changing minor element and Mg# composition of the solid phases with increasing temperature in our experiments with 14.5?wt% H2O at 3.2?GPa, as well as the results of our chlorite peridotite melting experiments with 0.7?wt% H2O. The point remains that Till et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 163:669–688, 2012) present data that call into question the H2O-saturated peridotite solidus temperature preferred by Green (Tectonophysics 13(1–4):47–71, 1972; Earth Planet Sci Lett 19(1):37–53, 1973; Can Miner 14:255–268, 1976); Millhollen et al. (J Geol 82(5):575–587, 1974); Mengel and Green (Stability of amphibole and phlogopite in metasomatized peridotite under water-saturated and water-undersaturated conditions, Geological Society of Australia Special Publication, Blackwell, pp 571-581, 1989); Wallace and Green (Mineral Petrol 44:1–19, 1991) and Green et al. (Nature 467(7314):448–451, 2010).  相似文献   
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