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For petrological calculations, including geothermobarometry and the calculation of phase diagrams (for example, PT petrogenetic grids and pseudosections), it is necessary to be able to express the activity–composition (ax) relations of minerals, melt and fluid in multicomponent systems. Although the symmetric formalism—a macroscopic regular model approach to ax relations—is an easy-to-formulate, general way of doing this, the energetic relationships are a symmetric function of composition. We allow asymmetric energetics to be accommodated via a simple extension to the symmetric formalism which turns it into a macroscopic van Laar formulation. We term this the asymmetric formalism (ASF). In the symmetric formalism, the ax relations are specified by an interaction energy for each of the constituent binaries amongst the independent set of end members used to represent the phase. In the asymmetric formalism, there is additionally a "size parameter" for each of the end members in the independent set, with size parameter differences between end members accounting for asymmetry. In the case of fluid mixtures, for example, H2O–CO2, the volumes of the end members as a function of pressure and temperature serve as the size parameters, providing an excellent fit to the ax relations. In the case of minerals and silicate liquid, the size parameters are empirical parameters to be determined along with the interaction energies as part of the calibration of the ax relations. In this way, we determine the ax relations for feldspars in the systems KAlSi3O8–NaAlSi3O8 and KAlSi3O8–NaAlSi3O8–CaAl2Si2O8, for carbonates in the system CaCO3–MgCO3, for melt in the melting relationships involving forsterite, protoenstatite and cristobalite in the system Mg2SiO4–SiO2, as well as for fluids in the system H2O–CO2. In each case the ax relations allow the corresponding, experimentally determined phase diagrams to be reproduced faithfully. The asymmetric formalism provides a powerful and flexible way of handling ax relations of complex phases in multicomponent systems for petrological calculations.  相似文献   
基于分布式大流域径流模型的中国西北黑河流域水文模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源短缺是中国西北干旱地区长期的问题,区域人口增加、城市化扩张,加之气候变化的影响进一步加剧了西北地区水资源短缺,也使生活用水、灌溉用水、工业用水和维持生态系统稳定的用水危险加剧.采用分布式大流域径流模型(DLBRM)模拟黑河流域水文(中国第二大内陆河,流域面积128 000 km2)来理解区域的冰川和积雪融化水、地下水、地表水、蒸散发等方面的分布,评估气候变化对水文的影响和冰川退缩对中游和下游来水量的影响.模拟结果表明,黑河流域的大部分产流那源于黑河上游地区的祁连山.模拟1990-2000年黑河河流日流量变化结果认为,黑河中游正义峡给下游的供水为10×108m3,其中地表径流占51%,层间流占49%.中游地区沙土具有较高的蒸腾发能力,近一半的地表水被蒸发掉.模拟实践证明,分布式大流域径流模型可以结合气候变化、水资源管理方面的成果,改进流域水文模拟的精度.  相似文献   
Many small estuaries are influenced by flow restrictions resulting from transportation rights-of-way and other causes. The biogeochemical functioning and history of such systems can be evaluated through study of their sediments. Ten long and six short cores were collected from the length of Jordan Cove, Connecticut, a Long Island Sound subestuary, and analyzed for stratigraphy, radionuclides (14C, 210Pb, 226Ra, 137Cs, and 60Co), and metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, and Al). For at least 3,800 yr, rising sea level has gradually inundated Jordan Cove, filling it with mud similar to that currently being deposited there. Long-term sediment accumulation in the cove averaged close to 0.1 cm yr−1 over the last three millennia. Recent sediment accumulation rates decrease inland from 0.84 cm yr−1 to 0.40 cm yr−1, and are slightly faster than relative sea-level rise at this site (0.3 cm yr−1). Similarity of depth distributions of trace metals was used to confirm relative sediment accumulation rates. 60Co and Ag are derived from sources outside the cove and its watershed, presumably the Millstone nuclear power plant and regional contaminated sediments, respectively. The combined data suggest that Long Island Sound is an important source of sediment to the cove; a minor part of total sediment is supplied from the local watershed. Trace metal levels are strongly correlated with Fe but not with either organic matter or Al. Sediment quality has declined in the cove over the past 60 yr, but only slightly. Cu, Pb, and Zn data correlate strongly with Fe but not with either organic matter or aluminum. Ratios of Ag to Fe and to trace metals suggest that Ag in the cove is derived almost entirely from Long Island Sound. This result supports the notion that Fenormalized Ag can serve as a better tracer of some kinds of contamination than more common and abundant metals, like Cu, Pb, and Zn. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY085 00008  相似文献   
Slack  Tim  Parks  Vanessa  Ayer  Lynsay  Parker  Andrew M.  Finucane  Melissa L.  Ramchand  Rajeev 《Natural Hazards》2020,102(3):1207-1224
Natural Hazards - Researchers have traditionally conceptualized hazards that give rise to disasters as “natural” or “technological.” An extensive literature has documented...  相似文献   
The anadromous acipenserid Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus was listed in 2012 under the U.S. Endangered Species Act as having four endangered and one threatened distinct population segment (DPS) in American waters. Anthropogenic activities outside of natal estuaries, particularly bycatch, may hinder the abilities of some populations to rebuild. Most Atlantic sturgeon are residential for their first 2–6 years within their natal estuaries, whereas older subadults and adults may migrate to non-natal estuaries and coastal locations. Previous studies demonstrated that subadults and adults aggregate during summer at locations in Long Island Sound (LIS) and its tributary, the Connecticut River; however, the population origin of these fish is unknown. Because of its geographic proximity and relatively robust population, we hypothesized that the LIS and Connecticut River aggregations were almost solely derived from the Hudson River. We used microsatellite nuclear DNA analysis at 11 loci and mitochondrial DNA control region sequence analyses to estimate the relative contributions of nine Atlantic sturgeon populations and the five DPS to these aggregations using individual-based assignment tests and mixed-stock analysis. From 64 to 73 % of specimens from LIS were estimated to be of Hudson origin. Similarly, 66–76 % of specimens from the Connecticut River were of Hudson origin. However, moderate numbers of specimens were detected from distant spawning populations in the southeastern DPS and from two populations once thought to be extirpated or nearly so, the James River (6–7.3 %), and the Delaware River (7.6–12 %). Additionally, specimens were detected from all five DPS in both the LIS and Connecticut River collections. These results highlight the difficulty of evaluating the status of individual Atlantic sturgeon populations because of the propensity of subadults and adults to migrate for extended duration to distant sites where they may be vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   
The late Quaternary evolution of central-eastern Brazil has been under-researched. Questions remain as to the origin of the Cerrado, a highly endangered biome, and other types of vegetation, such as the Capões – small vegetation islands of semi-deciduous and mountain forests. We investigated the factors that influenced the expansion and contraction of the Cerrado and Capões during the late Quaternary (last ~35 ka), using a multi-proxy approach: stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N), geochemistry, pollen and multivariate statistics derived from a peat core (Pinheiro mire, Serra do Espinhaço Meridional). Five major shifts in precipitation, temperature, vegetation and landscape stability occurred at different timescales. Our study revealed that changes in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) seem to have been coeval with these shifts: from the Late Glacial Maximum to mid-Holocene the SACZ remained near (~29.6 to ~16.5k cal a bp ) and over (~16.5 to ~6.1 k cal a bp ) the study area, providing humidity to the region. This challenges previous research which suggested that climate was drier for this time period. At present, the Capões are likely to be a remnant of a more humid climate; meanwhile, the Cerrado biome seems to have stablished in the late Holocene, after ~3.1 k cal a bp .  相似文献   
The Li isotope ratios of four international rock reference materials, USGS BHVO-2, GSJ JB-2, JG-2, JA-1 and modern seawater (Mediterranean, Pacific and North Atlantic) were determined using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). These reference materials of natural samples were chosen to span a considerable range in Li isotope ratios and cover several different matrices in order to provide a useful benchmark for future studies. Our new analytical technique achieves significantly higher precision and reproducibility (< ± O.3%o 2s) than previous methods, with the additional advantage of requiring very low sample masses of ca . 2 ng of Li.  相似文献   
Extensive placer gold deposits occur in Quaternary palaeochannels in the Ampalit and Cempaga Buang drainage basins near Kasongan, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Broad interfluvial Pleistocene terraces surrounding the drainages also contain significant amounts of placer gold. The “channel” and “terrace” gold deposits together cover an area in excess of 180 km2.Exploration for gold at Ampalit followed traditional alluvial methods, and assumed that mechanical and gravitational factors were the principal mechanisms affecting gold accumulation and concentration. Gold was considered to be physically reworked from terraces and redeposited in the present drainage channels or underlying, laterally displaced, palaeochannels. However, a comparison of gold grains from the Ampalit drainage channel and adjacent terraces indicates that gold grains in the drainage channels are possibly of colloidal origin and not mechanically transported to their present domain.The morphology of gold grains from the Ampalit drainage is compared with grains from adjacent terraces, using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The latter procedure allows for nondestructive analysis to give true three dimensional surface topography down to nanometre resolution. Evidence from force microscopy supports a colloidal origin for gold aggregates.The average purity of gold produced from the Ampalit dredging operation is 970 fine (970/1000) and the majority of examined gold grains extracted from beneath the drainage channel have a purity of 998 fine. This unusually high degree of purity suggests a selective dissolution/aggregation mechanism. We propose that gold is transported downward and laterally in groundwater percolating through the terrace sands and gravels to the current drainage as a humic acid-stabilised colloid. As the pregnant groundwater migrates toward the present drainage channels, it encounters a sleep chemical gradient and the colloid aggregates. The aggregation process occurs near clay zones within palaeochannel sands and gravels beneath the present river sediments. Here the colloidal aggregates form small grains (usually <1 mm) of extremely high purity.Today, the inherently unstable gold deposits at Ampalit are in a state of both aggregation and dissolution. Identification of low energy zones, location of point bar lags in palaeo and recent drainage channels, and the extrapolation of areas of low energy are not solely valid as exploration guides for gold accumulation in this environment. Exploration methods that also recognise ground water migration and composition, and the geochemical controls of dissolution and aggregation, will improve the ability to identify ore accumulations, thus contributing to improved economics of mining these deposits.  相似文献   
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