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Moisture Movement Through Cracked Clay Soil Profiles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A continuum mechanics approach is used for the formulation of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity functions and the water storage functions for fractured or cracked clay soils in this parametric study. Suggested procedures are based on available research literature related to the behavior of cracked unsaturated porous media. The soil–water characteristic curve, hydraulic conductivity and water storage functions take on the character of bi-modal unsaturated soil property functions. The bimodal character arises out of the independent behavior of the cracks and the intact clay soil. Matric suction changes beneath a slab-on-grade foundation placed on a cracked clay soil profile are modeled for varied surface flux conditions using the proposed unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water storage functions. The impact of various levels of surface cracking on soil suction distributions is discussed. Suction distribution patterns are dependent on the initial soil surface suction. In particular, the results are dependent upon whether the initial matric suction is less than or greater than the air entry of the cracked clay. There is an extremely wide range of possible conditions that could be modeled but the parametric study results presented in this paper are limited to a series of selected crack widths and densities for an exfiltration case and an infiltration case.  相似文献   
Spherical calcium dioleate particles (∼ 10 μm in diameter) were used as AFM (atomic force microscope) probes to measure interaction forces of the collector colloid with calcite and fluorite surfaces. The attractive AFM force between the calcium dioleate sphere and the fluorite surface is strong and has a longer range than the DLVO (Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek) prediction. The repulsive AFM force between the calcium dioleate sphere and the fluorite surface does not agree with the DLVO prediction. Consideration of non-DLVO forces, including the attractive hydrophobic force, was necessary to explain the experimental results. The non-DLVO interactions considered were justified by the different interfacial water structures at fluorite– and calcite–water interfaces as revealed by the numerical computation experiments using molecular dynamics simulation. The density of interfacial water at the fluorite surface is low and the fluorite surface is not strongly wetted by water molecules. In contrast to the water at the fluorite surface, water molecules at the calcite surface form tightly packed monolayer structures and the calcite surface is extensively hydrated by water molecules. The interfacial water structure agrees with the AFM force measurements and the flotation recovery data. The strong attraction between the calcium dioleate colloid and the fluorite surface, and the moderately wetted fluorite surface by water molecules explain the better flotation response of fluorite with the oleate collector colloid.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop an approach to characterize cropland drought conditions in El Salvador, Central America. The data were processed for 2016–2017 through three main steps: (1) reconstructing MODIS land-surface temperature (LST), (2) Landsat-MODIS data fusion and (3) drought delineation using the temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI). The results of LST reconstruction using the random forests (RF) indicated the median RMSE value of 0.5?°C. The fusion results achieved from the STARFM compared with the reference Landsat data revealed close agreement with the correlation coefficient (r) values higher than 0.84. The TVDI results verified with that from the reference Landsat data indicated r values of 0.85 and 0.75 for 2016 and 2017, respectively. The larger very dry area was observed for the 2016 primera season due to prolonged droughts. Approximately 11.5% and 10.7% of croplands were, respectively, associated with very dry moisture condition in the 2016 and 2017 primera seasons.  相似文献   
A key issue in the design of pile-supported structures on sloping ground is soil–pile interaction, which becomes more complicated in case of dynamic loading. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of slope on the dynamic behavior of pile-supported structures by performing a series of centrifuge tests. Three models were prepared by varying the slope and soil density of dry sand grounds. The mass supported on 3 by 3 group piles was shaken applying sinusoidal wave with various amplitudes. Test results showed that the location of maximum values and distribution shape of the bending moment below the ground surface varied noticeably with the pile position in the slope case. The relationship between the soil resistance and pile deflection (pyp loops) was carefully evaluated by applying the piecewise cubic spline method to fit the measured bending moment curves along piles. It was found that the shape of the pyp loops was irregular due to the effect of slope, and immensely influenced by the movement of the unstable zone. In addition, the effect of the pile group in the horizontal case was evaluated by comparing with the previously suggested curves that represent the relationship between the soil resistance and pile–soil relative displacement (py curves) to propose the multiplier coefficients.  相似文献   

Nous confirmons, par l’utilisation d’une base de données géochimiques sur un très grand nombre de roches magmatiques actuelles ou récentes ordonnées selon des critères géotectoniques rigoureux, la validité de la démarche de discrimination géotectonique, par les éléments traces, pour des laves et plutons contenant moins de 55% de Si02. Nous précisons les limites des champs discriminants, dans le diagramme Th-Tb-Ta, et montrons leur position non aléatoire vis à vis du point représentatif du Manteau Primordial, chaque contexte pouvant être caractérisé par un mode de fractionnement particulier des systèmes Th-Ta et Tb-Ta. Ceci suggère que la discrimination géotectonique reflète à la fois l’hétérogénéité des sources des magmas et la permanence des caractères de la (des) source(s) dans un contexte donné. Cette démarche est appliquée à une quinzaine de métabasites (amphibolites et éclo-gites) échantillonnées lors d’une campagne de cartographie de la chaîne panafricaine du Togo et supposées représentatives de différentes unités lithostructurales. Par leurs caractéristiques géochimiques, ces échantillons s’apparentent aux basaltes associés au système Afar/Mer Rouge ou aux tholéiites continentales. Aucun ne présente les signatures géochimiques des laves émises en contexte de convergence de plaques ou des basaltes de rides médio-océa-niques “normales” (“N-type MORB”). Ces résultats suggèrent la mise en place du magmatisme préorogénique dans un contexte de rift continental mais n’apportent pas d’argument en faveur de la résorption d’un vaste domaine océanique dans cette partie de la chaîne panafricaine.  相似文献   
The groundwater tracer injection and withdrawal tests are often carried out for the determination of aquifer solute transport parameters. However, the parameter analyses encounter a great difficulty due to the radial flow nature and the variability of the temporal boundary conditions. An adaptive methodology for the determination of groundwater solute transport parameters using tracer injection and withdrawal test data had been developed and illustrated through an actual case. The methodology includes the treatment of the tracer boundary condition at the tracer injection well, the normalization of tracer concentration, the groundwater solute transport finite element modelling and the method of least squares to optimize the parameters. An application of this methodology was carried out in a field test in the South of Hanoi city. The tested aquifer is Pleistocene aquifer, which is a main aquifer and has been providing domestic water supply to the city since the French time. Effective porosity of 0.31, longitudinal dispersivity of 2.2 m, and hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients from D = 220 m2/d right outside the pumping well screen to D =15.8 m2/d right outside the tracer injection well screen have been obtained for the aquifer at the test site. The minimal sum of squares of the differences between the observed and model normalized tracer concentration is 0.00119, which is corresponding to the average absolute difference between observed and model normalized concentrations of 0.035 5 (while 1 is the worst and 0 is the best fit).  相似文献   
The Pb–Zn deposits in the Lo Gam structure, northeastern Vietnam, account for>80% of all the Pb and Zn resources of Vietnam. All the deposits make up four isolated ore districts (Thai Nguyen, Cho Don, Cho Dien, Na Son), which can be combined in one metallogenic zone extending for >100 km from southeast to northwest. The Pb–Zn deposits in all the ore districts show some similarity to stratiform (Mississippi-type) deposits: confinement to Devonian carbonate sediments; localization at the intersection of faults of different orientations; vein and stockwork (pocket-vein-disseminated) morphology of the mineralized zones; evidence for hydrothermal-metasomatic formation (carbonate-rock marbleization, quartz–carbonate veins, etc.); and low and moderate mineralization temperatures (<250 °C). On the other hand, some differences from stratiform deposits are observed: widespread occurrence of Permo-Triassic igneous rocks in the above ore districts; absent tabular orebodies, which are typical of stratiform deposits; large set of trace elements (In, Bi, Sb, Au, Ag, Cu, Cd) not typical of stratiform deposits; and an endogenic primary source, as evidenced by the isotope composition of sulfur (δS34= 2.68‰), which is close to meteoritic, and the set of trace elements, which are mainly of deep genesis. All this indicates that the above Pb–Zn deposits within the carbonate units are low-and moderate-temperature hydrothermal-metasomatic products associated with active magmatism which took place in this region in the Permo-Triassic.The differences in the mineral composition of the deposits, as well as in the trace-element set and contents at different deposits, clearly indicate an intricate ore formation process and the relation of the deposits with magmatism of different compositions. The simple mineral composition and the limited set of trace elements (Cd, Ag, Sb, As) at the Lang Hich deposit are closer to the characteristics of stratiform deposits. Also, manifestations of magmatism are almost absent here. On the contrary, unusually high (ppm) In (75.8), Sn (307.5), Cu (1080), Ag (157.7), Bi (99), and As (13,650) contents were observed at the deposits of the Cho Don and Cho Dien districts, with widespread granitoid magmatism in the Phia Bioc complex. Rare-earth mineralization (orthite) and high Mo, Re, and Rb contents at the deposits of the Na Son district are probably due to the widespread occurrence of stratified alkaline volcanics and their subvolcanic analogs, which belong to the Pla Ma complex (ξγPZ2 pm).  相似文献   
 This work is part of a research study which is intended to study the degree of anthropogenic influences of the trace metal distribution of soils from Danang-Hoian area (Vietnam). Cu, Ni, Zn and Zr show significant effects in most of the cultivated soil categories, especially in the industrial soils. Extremely high levels of Pb (up to 742 μg/g) are observed in the industrial soil category, which shows an enrichment factor 114 as compared to rural soils. Cd shows only a relative local enrichment with the maximum level of 4.6 μg/g in urban soils. Sequential extraction was performed in selected samples to evaluate the geochemical trace metals. The result indicates that Zn and Cr are mainly found in the crystal and amorphous Fe oxide bounded forms. The contents of Cr in these fractions comprise more than 94% of total extractable Cr. In the case of Zn, 85% of total extractable Zn is in fractions FV and FVI. Cu is mainly found in the organic fraction at an average of 39.3% of total extractable content. On the other hand, heavy metal contents show an increasing tendency in the fine fraction (silt and clay). Received: 4 February 1998 · Accepted: 26 November 1998  相似文献   
In the last five years, magnetic resonance sounding (MRS), as a non-invasive geophysical method, has emerged as a new technique for ground water investigation in Vietnam. In this paper, we present the general theoretical basis of this method together with acquisition, processing, and interpretation of the MRS data. We show a case study of MRS surveys in sand dunes area in order to characterize aquifers situated in the southern part of Vietnam. From the interpretation of MRS soundings we delimited an aquifer layer in the subsurface with strong lateral variations for which we determined the depth at 44 m and water content between 3% and 9.5%. The longitudinal relaxation constant T*1 is about 250 m s, while the transverse relaxation T*2 is between 150–200 m s. That indicates fine to medium grain size and thus low to medium hydraulic permeability. These results are confirmed by the observations from the well LK1 between 45 to 70 m. The results of other MRS measurements showed the presence of a low water bearing aquifer and were confirmed by the observations in two other wells.  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - Wet agglomerates such as iron-ores, tablets, and aggregates are omnipresent in multi–field industries. However, our understanding of the impact dynamics of these materials...  相似文献   
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