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This paper describes the development of a partial factor design method on the bending strength of piles for the Japanese Specifications for Highway Bridges. First, uncertainties in mobilised bending moments and yield bending moments were evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations. Second, the reliability of piles designed by the previous specifications were evaluated on the basis of reliability analysis considering uncertainties in the mobilised bending moments, yield bending moments, and other factors. Finally, a partial factor design method utilising a survey subsurface investigation method and ground type was developed to reach target reliability levels determined by the Standards.  相似文献   
The northern Fossa Magna (NFM) basin is a Miocene rift system produced in the final stages of the opening of the Sea of Japan. It divides the major structure of Japan into two regions, with north-trending geological structures to the NE of the basin and EW trending structures to the west of the basin. The Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) bounds the western part of the northern Fossa Magna and forms an active fault system that displays one of the largest slip rates (4–9 mm/year) in the Japanese islands. Deep seismic reflection and refraction/wide-angle reflection profiling were undertaken in 2002 across the northern part of ISTL in order to delineate structures in the crust, and the deep geometry of the active fault systems. The seismic images are interpreted based on the pattern of reflectors, the surface geology and velocities derived from refraction analysis. The 68-km-long seismic section suggests that the Miocene NFM basin was formed by an east dipping normal fault with a shallow flat segment to 6 km depth and a deeper ramp penetrating to 15 km depth. This low-angle normal fault originated as a comparatively shallow brittle/ductile detachment in a high thermal regime present in the Miocene. The NFM basin was filled by a thick (>6 km) accumulation of sediments. Shortening since the late Neogene is accommodated along NS to NE–SE trending thrust faults that previously accommodated extension and produce fault-related folds on their hanging wall. Based on our balanced geologic cross-section, the total amount of Miocene extension is ca. 42 km and the total amount of late Neogene to Quaternary shortening is ca. 23 km.  相似文献   
Single bed load particle impacts were experimentally investigated in supercritical open channel flow over a fixed planar bed of low relative roughness height simulating high‐gradient non‐alluvial mountain streams as well as hydraulic structures. Particle impact characteristics (impact velocity, impact angle, Stokes number, restitution and dynamic friction coefficients) were determined for a wide range of hydraulic parameters and particle properties. Particle impact velocity scaled with the particle velocity, and the vertical particle impact velocity increased with excess transport stage. Particle impact and rebound angles were low and decreased with transport stage. Analysis of the particle impacts with the bed revealed almost no viscous damping effects with high normal restitution coefficients exceeding unity. The normal and resultant Stokes numbers were high and above critical thresholds for viscous damping. These results are attributed to the coherent turbulent structures near the wall region, i.e. bursting motion with ejection and sweep events responsible for turbulence generation and particle transport. The tangential restitution coefficients were slightly below unity and the dynamic friction coefficients were lower than for alluvial bed data, revealing that only a small amount of horizontal energy was transferred to the bed. The abrasion prediction model formed by Sklar and Dietrich in 2004 was revised based on the new equations on vertical impact velocity and hop length covering various bed configurations. The abrasion coefficient kv was found to be vary around kv ~ 105 for hard materials (tensile strength ft > 1 MPa), one order of magnitude lower than the value assumed so far for Sklar and Dietrich's model. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The reservoir architecture of methane hydrate (MH) bearing turbidite channels in the eastern Nankai Trough, offshore Japan is evaluated using a combination of 3-D seismic and well data. On the 3-D seismic section, the MH-bearing turbidite channels correspond to complex patterns of strong seismic reflectors, which show the 3-D internal architecture of the channel complex. A seismic-sequence stratigraphic analysis reveals that the channel complex can be roughly classified into three different stages of depositional sequence (upper, middle, and lower). Each depositional sequence results in a different depositional system that primarily controls the reservoir architecture of the turbidite channels. To construct a 3-D facies model, the stacking patterns of the turbidite channels are interpreted, and the reservoir heterogeneities of MH-bearing sediments are discussed. The identified channels at the upper sequence around the β1 well exhibit low-sinuosity channels consisting of various channel widths that range from tens to several hundreds of meters. Paleo-current flow directions of the turbidite channels are typically oriented along the north-northeast-to-south-southwest direction. High-amplitude patterns were identified above the channels along the north-to-south and north-northeast-to-south-southeast directions. These roughly coincide with the paleo-current flow of the turbidite channels. An interval velocity using high-density velocity analysis shows that velocity anomalies (>2000 m/s) are found on the northeastern side of the turbidite channels. The depositional stage of the northeastern side of the turbidite channels exhibits slightly older sediment stages than the depositional stages of the remaining channels. Hence, the velocity anomalies of the northeastern side of the channels are related to the different stages of sediment supply, and this may lead to the different reservoir architectures of the turbidite channels.  相似文献   
Pyrite framboid in sedimentary rocks could be concerned with arsenic contamination in groundwater of acidic environment and has been studied for the formation process of its unique morphology. However, not much has been discussed about the formation process based on the heavy-metal distribution in pyrite framboids and their aggregates. To reveal the formation process of pyrite framboids and their aggregates, mudstone from the Late Cretaceous Hakobuchi Group, central Hokkaido, Japan, are investigated for mode, petrographical, mineralogical, and micro-PIXE (particle-induced X-ray emission) analysis in this study. Spherical and sub-spherical pyrite framboids observed in polyframboids can be divided into two types based on the diameter of framboids (D) and the average diameter of microcrystals (d) within framboids: type 1, ranging from 2 to 9 μm and from 0.4 to 0.9 μm, respectively, and type 2, ranging from 8 to 50 μm and from 0.5 to 1.8 μm, respectively. Based on the quantitative traverse analyses and 2-D elemental mapping results by micro-PIXE, heterogeneities in the concentrations of heavy metals within the analyzed aggregations of pyrite are exhibited. On the basis of the As and Pb zoning patterns, the time range and chronological stages of pyrite-aggregation growth are revealed.  相似文献   
To meet the increasing demand for air transportation, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport had carried out the offshore extension project at Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport). The airport should be constructed to be perfectly level, but the ground conditions with very thick layers of super soft dredged soils and need for reclamation made the task very difficult. Because of large amount of consolidation settlement, ground improvement by combined vertical drain method was applied to decrease residual and differential settlement after opening of new airport. This paper is aimed to introduce the design concept and method of ground improvement for this project. In addition the result of ground improvement is keeping satisfactory performance for operating airport confirmed by long-term monitoring for airport facilities.  相似文献   
Tetsuya Tokano 《Icarus》2005,173(1):222-242
The latitudinal profile of near-surface air temperature on Titan retrieved by Voyager 1 has been difficult to understand and raised several speculations about possible exotic processes that might be occurring near Titan's surface, while the thermal properties of the surface itself are unknown. This study systematically investigates the seasonal and spatial variation of the surface temperature and air temperature in the lower troposphere by a 3-dimensional general circulation model for different putative surface types (porous icy regolith, rock-ice mixture, hydrocarbon lakes). For any viable surface type the surface temperature is unlikely to be constant through the year and should more or less vary seasonally and even diurnally, most likely by a few K. Recent observations of tropospheric clouds may be evidence of seasonal variation of the surface temperature and the model predicts in the case of solid surface the development of a convective layer with superadiabatic lapse rates near the surface exactly at those latitudes and seasons where clouds have been identified. The latitudinal profile of the surface temperature retrieved from Voyager 1 infrared spectra can be explained without invoking exotic effects, provided the thermal inertia of the surface is relatively small and/or the surface albedo is low. A dominance of water ice (high thermal inertia and high albedo) at the surface is unfavorable to reproduce the observation. The latitudinal gradient of the surface temperature is particularly large at the hydrocarbon lake surface due to low albedo and small surface drag. Local anomalies of the surface albedo or surface thermal inertia are likely to cause substantial inhomogeneities of the surface temperature. Quasi-permanent accumulation of stratospheric haze at both poles would create a perennial equator-to-pole contrast of the surface temperature, but also a substantially lower global-mean surface temperature due to an enhanced anti-greenhouse effect in summer. The air temperature in the lower troposphere exhibits a tiny latitudinal gradient and a pole-to-pole gradient due to the presence of a pole-to-pole Hadley circulation, indicating that the temperature within the planetary boundary layer may exhibit a vertical profile characteristic of season, location and scenario. There may be a shallow near-surface inversion layer in cold seasons and a shallow convective layer in warm seasons.  相似文献   
The Cr isotope ratios of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial materials are emerging as one of the most important tracers in geosciences. Previous studies on Cr isotopic measurements using TIMS have found that there is residual Cr isotopic fractionation between the mass-fractionation-corrected 53Cr/52Cr and 54Cr/52Cr ratios, which may cause an offset of obtained ratios from the reference values. The residual fractionation was thought to be caused by the evaporation of Cr-oxide species during thermal ionisation, but the mechanism by which this residual fractionation could be reduced remained unclear. Here we revisit the issue of residual fractionation and propose that this problem can be alleviated by utilising W filaments instead of conventionally used Re filaments for Cr ionisation. Using W filaments, the formation of CrO+ was suppressed during heating as the filament temperature was ~ 100 °C lower than when Re filaments were used. In repeated measurement of a carbonaceous chondrite, the intermediate precisions of 53Cr/52Cr and 54Cr/52Cr ratios in the W filament runs were two to three times better than those of the Re filament runs. Therefore, the new finding of this study will be of key importance for future studies of Cr isotopes for terrestrial and extra-terrestrial materials.  相似文献   
Abstract. In order to know the behaviors of radioactive elements such as cesium and strontium during a hydrothermal alteration of borosilicate glass of radioactive waste, some alumino-borosilicate glasses belonging to the systems Na2O-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-SrO, Na2O-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-Cs2O and Na2O-Al2-O3-B2O3-SiO2-SrO-Cs2O have been treated hydrothermally at 200C under a vapor pressure of 1.54 MPa. The result shows that all glasses are changed into crystalline phases with running time up to 60 days, and that analcime-type zeolite is formed as a major product. The formed zeolite is shown to contain cesium and/or strontium. Considering the fact that natural zeolite occurs in wide physicochemical conditions including hydrothermal one, the analcime-type zeolite is expected to fix stably the radioactive elements in the disposal site. Since aluminum is necessary for the formation of the analcime-type zeolite, the waste glass should have aluminum as one of major components.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in the water and energy exchanges over a pine forest in eastern Siberia were investigated and compared with published data from a nearby larch forest. Continuous observations (April to August 2000) were made of the eddy‐correlation sensible heat flux and latent heat flux above the canopy. The energy balance was almost closed, although the sum of the turbulent fluxes sometimes exceeded the available energy flux (Rn ? G) when the latent heat flux was large; this was related to the wind direction. We examined the seasonal variation in energy balance components at this site. The seasonal variation and magnitude of the sensible heat flux (H) was similar to that of the latent heat flux (λE), with maximum values occurring in mid‐June. Consequently, the Bowen ratio was around 1·0 on many days during the study period. On some clear days just after rainfall, λE was very large and the sum of H and λE exceeded Rn ? G. The evapotranspiration rate above the dry canopy from May to August was 2·2 mm day?1. The contributions of understory evapotranspiration (Eu) and overstory transpiration (Eo) to the evapotranspiration of the entire ecosystem (Et) were both from 25 to 50% throughout the period analysed. These results suggest that Eu plays a very important role in the water cycle at this site. From snowmelt through the tree growth season (23 April to 19 August 2000), the total incoming water, comprised of the sum of precipitation and the water equivalent of the snow at the beginning of the melt season, was 228 mm. Total evapotranspiration from the forest, including interception loss and evaporation from the soil when the canopy was wet, was 208–254 mm. The difference between the incoming and outgoing amounts in the water balance was from +20 to ?26 mm. The water and energy exchanges of the pine and larch forest differed in that λE and H increased slowly in the pine forest, whereas λE increased rapidly in the larch forest and H decreased sharply after the melting season. Consequently, the shape of the Bowen ratio curves at the two sites differed over the period analysed, as a result of the differences in the species in each forest and in soil thawing. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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