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Penaeus aztecus Ives, the brown shrimp, and Penaeus setiferus (Linnaeus), the white shrimp, co-occur in Texas salt marshes as juveniles. Although their life cycles are similar, evidence indicates that the species utilize different resources for the primary faunal element of their diets. Prey selection and growth studies have shown that brown shrimp successfully remove infauna from natural sediment. Further, a diet of polychaetes, whether alone or in combination with algae, produced growth in the species. Brown shrimp appear to be trophically linked to infaunal populations, thus the structure and dynamics of the benthic community may directly affect local brown shrimp productivity. Areas dominated by surface-dwelling polychaetes as opposed to deep burrowers may provide more accessible foraging opportunities for juvenile brown shrimp. By contrast, white shrimp neither removed infauna nor grew to a significant degree when provided polychaetes or amphipods as food. White shrimp are omnivorous but do not rely on infaunal material to the same extent as brown shrimp. The primary faunal element in the diet of white shrimp has not yet been identified. The dietary differences between the two species may play a role in determining which species dominates in regions with varying marsh accessibility. Although not the only factors influencing penaeid survival and growth, prey choice and availability may greatly affect production and local success of penaeid populations. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY081 00013  相似文献   
The present study provides new magnetic and microstructural data for the Eaux-Chaudes granodioritic massif (Western Axial Zone, Pyrenees) and contributes to the understanding of its geometry, internal structure and emplacement mechanism. Moreover, the geological cross-sections and field data allow to reconstruct the evolution of the whole area from Variscan to Alpine times and to integrate the emplacement of the igneous body in the context of the Variscan orogeny. The Eaux-Chaudes pluton (301?±?9?Ma) is mainly composed by granodiorite, describing a normal compositional zoning and an approximately concentric arrangement that is consistent with the zonation of the low-field magnetic susceptibility. Magnetic foliation is subhorizontal in the inner part of the intrusion and becomes parallel to the petrographical contacts along pluton margins, roughly describing the geometry of the intrusion. Magnetic lineations are dominantly subhorizontal, with E–W to ENE–WSW directional maximum. The general parallelism between Variscan structures of the host rock and the geometry and magmatic fabric of the intrusion reveals a late syn-Variscan emplacement. The tectonic regime registered during magma emplacement is in agreement with an N–S shortening and an E–W stretching direction, consistent with the transpressive regime deduced for other Pyrenean intrusions. Alpine overprint produced a slight tilting in the southern part of the intrusion, but it can be considered that the original Variscan structure is basically unchanged.  相似文献   
This paper presents the preliminary results from a study of Holocene-emerged shorelines, marine notches, and their tectonic implications along the Jalisco coast. The Pacific coast of Jalisco, SW Mexico, is an active tectonic margin. This coast has been the site of two of the largest earthquakes to occur in Mexico this century: the 1932 (Mw 8.2) Jalisco earthquake and the 1995 (Mw 8.0) Colima earthquake. Measurement and preliminary radiocarbon dating of emergent paleoshorelines along the Jalisco coast provide the first constraints upon the timing for tectonic uplift. Along this coastline, uplifted Holocene marine notches and wave-cut platforms occur at elevations ranging from ca. 1 to 4.5 m amsl. In situ intertidal organisms dated with radiocarbon, the first ever reported for the Jalisco area, provide preliminary results that record tectonic uplift during at least the past 1300 years BP at an average rate of about 3 mm/year. We propose a model in which coseismic subsidence produced by offshore earthquakes is rapidly recovered during the postseismic and interseismic periods. The long-term period is characterized by slow tectonic uplift of the Jalisco coast. We found no evidence of coastal interseismic and long-term subsidence along the Jalisco coast.  相似文献   
The stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of the organic fraction of intertidal sediments in the Forth Estuary and the Firth of Forth, Scotland, were measured to determine if terrestrially derived carbon was present in the estuarine sediments. It was hypothesised that differences in the inputs from marine vs. terrestrial sources to the organic carbon of estuarine and marine sediments, as well as differences in ambient seawater stable oxygen isotope (δ18O) ratios between the estuary and the Outer Firth, would allow the use of these two stable isotopes as habitat markers for juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), to allow determination of nursery habitats. Muddy and sandy sediments from the estuary and sandy sediments from the Outer Firth were sampled and δ13C measured. Juvenile plaice were caught at two estuarine sites and at two Outer Firth sites and otoliths were removed for δ13C and δ18O analysis. The sandy sediments in the estuary showed a strong gradient of δ13C enrichment with distance down the estuary, while the muddy sediments showed a much shallower gradient. δ13C and δ18O measured in the carbonate of juvenile plaice otoliths showed no clear difference between otoliths of fish caught at one of the estuarine sites and at the two Outer Firth sites. However, the isotope ratios of both carbon and oxygen in plaice otoliths from the other estuarine site showed the expected trend of depletion in the heavier isotopes. While the measurements recorded here did not conclusively distinguish between otoliths from juveniles caught in the estuarine site and those caught in the other three sites, they show that stable isotopes have potential to distinguish between estuarine habitats with terrestrial carbon inputs, and coastal marine habitats with predominantly marine carbon inputs.  相似文献   
The extensive hematite deposit in Meridiani Planum was selected as the landing site for the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity because the site may have been favorable to the preservation of evidence of possible prebiotic or biotic processes. One of the proposed mechanisms for formation of this deposit involves surface weathering and coatings, exemplified on Earth by rock varnish. Microbial life, including microcolonial fungi and bacteria, is documented in rock varnish matrices from the southwestern United States and Australia. Limited evidence of this life is preserved as cells and cell molds mineralized by iron oxides and hydroxides, as well as by manganese oxides. Such mineralization of microbial cells has previously been demonstrated experimentally and documented in banded iron formations, hot spring deposits, and ferricrete soils. These types of deposits are examples of the four “water-rock interaction” scenarios proposed for formation of the hematite deposit on Mars. The instrument suite on Opportunity has the capability to distinguish among these proposed formation scenarios and, possibly, to detect traces that are suggestive of preserved martian microbiota. However, the confirmation of microfossils or preserved biosignatures will likely require the return of samples to terrestrial laboratories.  相似文献   
Abstract-Intertidal zone is a significant wetland between land and ocean. It plays an important rolein maintaining local ecological balance. Both Mai Po and Futian intertidal mudflats are located in Shen-zhen Bay and are important "refueling" point along the East Asian/Australian flyway of migratory birds.The environmental quality of Mai Po and Futian mudflats have aroused great concern due to rapid eco-nomic developments in Hong Kong and Shenzhen in recent decades. Microinfauna of Mai Po and Futianmudflats was investigated in December 2000 and the faunal data were used to assess their environmentalquality. Two other mudflats, namely Ma Wan Typhoon Shelter (a more disturbed area) and Luk Kengintertidal mudflat (a place with relatively less human disturbance), were also sampled for macroinfaunaand used as reference mudflats. Shannon-Weaver species diversity index (I_(sd)), biotic coefficient (C_b)and macrofaunal pollution index (I_(mp)) of the macrofauna community on four intertidal mudflats wereused to  相似文献   
Mafic igneous rocks are widespread in the Nevado-Filábride Complex, the lowermost metamorphic unit of the internal zones of the Betic Cordilleras. They form intrusive, small, discontinuous bodies, predominantly dikes with subordinate small lava flows. The entire complex underwent alpine compressional metamorphism during the Paleogene continental collision, resulting in eclogites and blueschists in the mafic bodies and high-pressure assemblages in the intruded metasediments. Locally, weakly metamorphosed or completely unmetamorphosed igneous rocks with the same textural features occur as patches surrounded by eclogitized igneous rocks. The bulk rock chemistry of unmetamorphosed and completely metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks is consistent with an alkaline to transitional tholeiitic magmatism with typical within-plate geochemical characteristics. All but a few samples are nepheline normative and display REE and trace element characteristics typical of continental, rift-related magmatism. This conclusion is strongly supported by the mineral chemistry of the major constituents, in particular the calcic Ti-rich character of clinopyroxene, the lack of orthopyroxene, and the occurrence of kaersutitic amphibole. Incompatible trace element abundances and Sr and Nd isotopes support the provenance of these magmas from a variably metasomatized previously depleted sub-continental lithospheric mantle source. Received: 5 July 1999 / Accepted: 28 February 2000  相似文献   
To date the estimation of long-term wave energy production at a given deployment site has commonly been limited to a consideration of the significant wave height Hs and mean energy period Te. This paper addresses the sensitivity of power production from wave energy converters to the wave groupiness and spectral bandwidth of sea states. Linear and non-linear systems are implemented to simulate the response of converters equipped with realistic power take-off devices in real sea states. It is shown in particular that, when the converters are not much sensitive to wave directionality, the bandwidth characteristic is appropriate to complete the set of overall wave parameters describing the sea state for the purpose of estimating wave energy production.  相似文献   
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