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The need for a thorough knowledge of boundary conditions over the vast oceanic surfaces makes remote sensing appear as the most suitable tool for future development. Remote sensing techniques require calibration data and consequently in-situ experiments to yield those data. Over the sea, aircraft seem to be the most convenient means of conducting validation experiments because they allow exploration of a large range of scales (from local measurements to measurements of pixel scale). This paper reports on some in-situ atmospheric aircraft measurements that were conducted as part of the TOSCANE-T experiment organized by the European Space Agency to calibrate the scatterometer for launch on ERS-1 in the early 1990's for global ocean wind measurement.The data analysed are the thermodynamic and turbulent variables measured by an instrumented aircraft, the Hurel Dubois, flying at a constant level of 50 m over the sea surface. Special attention was drawn to the variability of the boundary conditions within areas of 25 × 30 km. In fact, the two-dimensional fields of fluxes and thermodynamic parameters were inhomogeneous with some rather strong wind distortion.The eddy fluxes were parameterized with the aid of bulk aerodynamic formulations at a basic scale of 30 km samples, which corresponds to the aircraft flux computation legs. The bulk aerodynamic coefficients for momentum and heat were found to remain independent of windspeed (for wind velocities less than 12 m/s). Fluxes and thermodynamic parameters were also investigated at two other scales: the integration scale was either reduced to small areas of which size always remains larger than several characteristic lengths of turbulent transfer, or extended to a large area of 25 × 30km. The results of the bulk aerodynamic relationships appeared to be scale invariant, which would therefore justify the application of average values, within the range of scales under study.  相似文献   
The sublethal effects of stormwater runoff from sections of a plum orchard treated with esfenvalerate or diazinon were evaluated in 7-day-old Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) larvae. Fish were exposed to eight runoff samples using the USEPA standard static renewal method for 96 h acute toxicity testing, then transferred to clean water for three-month to assess the survival, growth, histopathological abnormalities, and heat stress proteins (hsp). No significant mortality was observed at 96 h in exposed fish. At one week, histopathological abnormalities included severe glycogen depletion, cytoplasmic protein droplets, vacuolar degeneration, and cell necroses in liver of all exposure groups. Pyknotic nerve cells were seen in brain of one exposure group. Significantly higher cumulative mortality, lower condition factor, and elevated hsp60 and hsp70 levels (p < 0.05) were occurred in several exposure groups. No histopathological abnormalities were observed after three months in any exposure group. This study confirms that standard acute toxicity tests have underestimated the toxicity of stormwater runoff, and although splittail larvae survived the 96 h exposure, they exhibited reduced survival and growth and showed signs of cellular stress even after a three month recovery period.  相似文献   
Positions of sunspots between 1966 and 1976 as observed at Kandilli Observatory were used to determine the differential rotation of the Sun. A total of 202 sunspot groups which were E, F, G, H, and J-types were chosen, and a least-squares solution was calculated with their daily rotations. A gradient difference was found between the two hemispheres of the Sun.  相似文献   
Contourlet变换和Tsallis熵的多源遥感图像匹配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴一全  陈飒 《遥感学报》2010,14(5):899-910
提出了一种利用Contourlet变换、Tsallis熵和改进粒子群优化的多源遥感图像匹配算法。在分别对参考图像和目标图像进行Contourlet分解的基础上,以基于Tsallis熵的互信息量作为相似性度量准则,利用改进的带极值扰动的简化粒子群优化算法对低分辨率的遥感图像进行匹配操作,逐级上推,最终实现全分辨率情况下多源遥感图像的匹配。实验结果表明,与常用的遥感图像匹配算法相比,该算法匹配精度高,稳健性好,且运算量大幅减少。  相似文献   
基于苏尼特右旗1976—2006年的沙尘天气观测资料,对苏尼特右旗沙尘天气的年际变化、月际变化等进行了分析,结果表明,1976—2006年苏尼特右旗沙尘天气呈波动性减少趋势,月平均沙尘天气日数的波动性,与月平均最大风速和月平均大风日数成正相关。扬沙天气出现日数最多,沙尘暴天气次之,浮尘天气出现日数最少。造成沙尘天气除本地沙尘源外,上游沙尘的输送也是产生沙尘天气的重要原因。影响苏尼特右旗沙尘天气的主要天气形势为冷锋和蒙古气旋。  相似文献   
During the Hydrological-Atmospheric Pilot Experiment (HAPEX)-Sahel, which took place in Niger in the transitional period between the wet and dry seasons, two French aircraft probed the Sahelian boundary layer to measure sensible and latent heat fluxes. The measurements over the Niamey area often revealed organised structures of a few km scale that were associated with both thermals and dry intrusions. We study the impact of these coherent structures using a single day’s aircraft-measured fluxes and a numerical simulation of that day with a mesoscale model. The numerical simulation at high horizontal resolution (250 m) contains structures that evolve from streaks in the early morning to cells by noon. This simulation shows distribution, variance and skewness similar to the observations. In particular, the numerical simulation shows dry intrusions that can penetrate deeply into the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), and even reach the surface in some cases, which is in accordance with the observed highly negatively skewed water vapour fluctuations. Dry intrusions and thermals organised at a few km scale give skewed flux statistics and can introduce large errors in measured fluxes. We use the numerical simulation to: (i) evaluate the contribution of the organised structures to the total flux, and (ii) estimate the impact of the organised structures on the systematic and random errors resulting from the 1D sampling of the aircraft as opposed to the 2D numerical simulation estimate. We find a significant contribution by the organised structures to the total resolved fluxes. When rolls occur, and for a leg length of about 30 times the ABL depth, the 1D sampled flux is shown to be sometimes 20% lower than the corresponding 2D flux when the 1D sampling direction is the same as the main axis of the rolls, whereas the systematic error is much lower when the direction of the leg is transverse to the rolls. In the case of cells, an underestimate of around 10% can still be observed with the 1D approach independent of direction, due to poor sampling of the energy-containing scales.  相似文献   
In this study, domestic wastewater was used as the electrolyte. The work was carried out with an up-flow tubular reactor, made of stainless steel that was used as cathode, while the anode electrode material was aluminum and varying values of flow regime (25, 50, 75 and 100 mL/s for continuous system), initial pH value (5, 6, 7 and 7.8) and current intensity (10, 15 and 20 A) were applied. For domestic wastewater with natural pH, the effluent pH was >9 in the batch system, while in the continuous system the pH was 8–8.5. Likewise, while the effluent temperature was up to 60°C in the batch system, it was at most 35°C in the continuous system. However, the energy consumption values in the continuous system were considerably lower compared with the batch system. At a current intensity of 10 A, 80 kWh of energy per unit volume was consumed in the batch system, while it was 50 kWh for the continuous system. The present results show that the batch system can be used for small wastewater streams whereas the continuous system can be used for large wastewater streams for domestic wastewater treatment.  相似文献   
珠江口盆地白云南洼珠海组发育陆架边缘三角洲,其不仅是深水区勘探重要的油气储层类型,也是沉积地质学和石油地质学研究的热点。根据高精度三维地震资料,应用三级层序格架内等时地层切片技术,对珠江口盆地白云南洼珠海组陆架边缘三角洲的沉积结构和平面演化开展了详细研究。研究表明,区内存在北部和西北部两个物源方向的陆架边缘三角洲物源供给体系,进而形成连续4期三角洲前积复合体,各期次通过解剖三角洲前积结构和叠置样式可细分为2~5套三角洲前积体,地震上表现为切线斜交型和S型反射结构。不同物源供给体系下的三角洲进积和加积速率差异明显,根据陆架边缘三角洲的演化阶段可划分为初始形成期、发展期和稳定期三个阶段。初始形成期为珠海组四段中晚期,三角洲垂向上均表现为进积,平面上北部物源供给的陆架边缘三角洲形成面积小,西北部物源供给的三角洲面积相对大;发展期为珠海组三段,三角洲垂向上进积和加积均存在,陆架边缘三角洲沉积厚度达到最大,平面上北部物源供给的陆架边缘三角洲—深水扇体系发育一定规模,西北部物源供给的陆架三角洲前缘发育陆架条带砂脊;稳定期为珠海组二段和一段,三角洲垂向结构表现为先进积后加积,三角洲前缘规模变大,陆坡水道和深水扇最为发育。珠海组时期陆架边缘三角洲形成演化受双物源差异供给、相对海平面的先升后降和构造活动的相对稳定共同控制。北部物源供给的珠海组陆架边缘三角洲—深水陆坡沉积体系可作为区内最有利的油气勘探目标。  相似文献   
电子政务是国民经济和社会信息化的重要内容,也是当前和今后一个时期我国信息化工作的重点。本文从信息整合的概念及面临的形势阐述了地震政务网站信息整合分类体系构架和面向公共服务的构成,提出了地震政务网站信息整合的新思路。  相似文献   
Our study investigates biomarker responses and survival of Macoma nasuta exposed to sediments collected from six locations in northern San Francisco Bay. Biomarkers analyzed were stress proteins (hsp70) in gill, mantle and digestive gland, lysosomal membrane damage and histopathologic lesions. Sediments and clam tissues were analyzed for a comprehensive suite of heavy metals and trace organic pollutants. Sediment grain size and organic carbon content were determined. Clams accumulated metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (aldrin and p,p-DDT and its metabolites p,p-DDD and p,p-DDE). Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis revealed that mortality, hsp70 in gill and histopathologic lesion scores in gonads, and lysosomal membrane damage were significantly correlated with tissue concentrations of DDT and/or its metabolites. Tissue concentrations of metals, in particular nickel, chromium, and copper, were associated with macrophage aggregates in digestive gland and germ cell necrosis. Cadmium was linked to mortality and lysosomal membrane damage.  相似文献   
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