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Upscaling permeability of grid blocks is crucial for groundwater models. A novel upscaling method for three-dimensional fractured porous rocks is presented. The objective of the study was to compare this method with the commonly used Oda upscaling method and the volume averaging method. First, the multiple boundary method and its computational framework were defined for three-dimensional stochastic fracture networks. Then, the different upscaling methods were compared for a set of rotated fractures, for tortuous fractures, and for two discrete fracture networks. The results computed by the multiple boundary method are comparable with those of the other two methods and fit best the analytical solution for a set of rotated fractures. The errors in flow rate of the equivalent fracture model decrease when using the multiple boundary method. Furthermore, the errors of the equivalent fracture models increase from well-connected fracture networks to poorly connected ones. Finally, the diagonal components of the equivalent permeability tensors tend to follow a normal or log-normal distribution for the well-connected fracture network model with infinite fracture size. By contrast, they exhibit a power-law distribution for the poorly connected fracture network with multiple scale fractures. The study demonstrates the accuracy and the flexibility of the multiple boundary upscaling concept. This makes it attractive for being incorporated into any existing flow-based upscaling procedures, which helps in reducing the uncertainty of groundwater models.  相似文献   
中国东北地区林地面积变化的动态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is plenty of forests in Northeast China which contributes a lot to the conservation of water and land resources, produces timber products, and provides habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants. With changes of socio-economic factors as well as the geophysical conditions, there are dramatic changes on the spatial patterns of forest area. In this sense, it is of great significance to shed light on the dynamics of forest area changes to find the underlining reasons for shaping the changing patterns of forest area in Northeast China. To explore the dynamics of forest area change in Northeast China, an econometric model is developed which is composed of three equations identifying forestry production, conversion from open forest to closed forest and conversion from other land uses to closed forest so as to explore the impacts on the forest area changes from demographic, social, economic, location and geophysical factors. On this basis, we employ the Dynamics of Land System (DLS) model to simulate land-use conversions between forest area and non-forest cover and the land-use conversions within the sub-classes of forest area for the period 2000–2020 under business as usual scenario, environmental protection scenario and economic growth scenario. The simulation results show that forest area will expand continuously and there exist various kinds of changing patterns for the sub-classes of forest area, for example, closed forest will expand continuously and open forest and shrub will decrease a little bit, while area of other forest will keep intact. The research results provide meaningful decision-making information for conserving and exploiting the forest resources and making out the planning for forestry production in the Northeast China region.  相似文献   
周全  谌和平 《江西地质》1998,12(1):68-69
本文以某工程为例,介绍了直达波法测定整板基础砼强度的技术方法;其结果可避免以往回弹法测量结果离散度较大而引起的争议。  相似文献   
利用T213 1°×1°和欧洲中心实时资料,对2007年4月l~3日四川盆地区域性寒潮天气过程的环流背景及影响系统进行了分析,结果表明:500 hPa乌拉尔山到贝加尔湖以东为宽广深厚的低压带,地面上巴湖附近为冷高压,此冷高压在500 hPa脊前西北气流的引导下东移南压,是造成此次寒潮大风天气的主要原因;而且低空急流也对降温有一定的作用.  相似文献   
徐炜  贾雪  王涛 《测绘工程》2018,(1):31-36
通过STK软件对BDS、QZSS、IRNSS卫星星座结构仿真的基础上,选择BDS、BDS/QZSS、BDS/IRNSS、BDS/QZSS/IRNSS、QZSS/IRNSS等定位方式对中国大陆单观测站与整体范围最小可见卫星数、GDOP值、定位误差进行覆盖分析,确定了QZSS与IRNSS在我国的覆盖范围及对BDS定位性能增强作用的评估。结果表明,BDS/QZSS/IRNSS组合在我国的最小可见卫星数可达16~21颗,GDOP值在1.4~1.7之间,定位误差达5.5~7.5m,相比单BDS定位最小可见卫星数增加了6~8颗,GDOP值减小了0.3~0.5,定位精度提升了2.0~3.0m,对华南地区的定位性能有明显提升,而对东北等地区定位性能的提升较小。  相似文献   
Based on the output data from 1997 to 2000 obtained by the MITgcm's (general circulation model) adjoint assimilation method, volume, heat and salt transports through the Luzon Strait are calculated. The results indicate that there are obvious different characteristics between 1997 and 1998~2000 on the transports through the Luzon Strait. During 1997, theLuzon Strait had a mean net westward transport of 3.93×106 m3/s with a maximum transport of 7.34×106 m3/s in October. During 1998~2000, the Luzon Strait possessed an annual mean eastward transport of 0.93×106, 1.80×106 and 1.00×106 m3/s respectively with a maximum eastward transport of 4.10×106/3.31×106 m3/s in July 1998/1999 and 2.06×106 m3/s in April 2000, respectively. Moreover, the transports in 1997 indicated a difference from the other years, i.e.,that the ranges of westward inflows expanded more obviously to north of the Luzon Strait and downwards exceedingthose of the other years. The westward inflows expanded horizontally to the north part of the Luzon Strait until 21°N.  相似文献   
2011年盈江5.8级地震热辐射亮温异常分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用从2010年1月12日至2012年1月11日,在(20°~30°N,93°~ 103°E)范围内由中国静止气象卫星FY-2E观测的热红外遥感亮温资料,对2011年3月10日盈江5.8级地震周边地区的热红外亮温异常特征进行了研究.结果表明:从2011年3月初开始在盈江5.8级地震震中周围开始出现相对能谱异常,之后异常区域逐渐扩大并向震中区域集中,并于3月中下旬在震中偏西地区形成片状异常区域,相对能谱最大异常幅度达13倍,随后异常区域和幅度逐渐减小,地震发生后数天异常消失.  相似文献   
基于"3S"技术的于田绿洲湿地动态变化研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
以极端干旱区典型绿洲———于田绿洲为研究区,采用遥感(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和全球定位系统(GPS)相结合的方法,进行了湿地资源调查,查明了于田绿洲湿地类型、区域分布及面积,应用模型和分形理论,探讨了于田绿洲湿地的动态变化特征,并分析了其发生动态变化的原因。研究结果对于干旱区绿洲湿地的合理开发和可持续发展有着重要现实意义。  相似文献   
针对国内某轨检小车研发项目,采用模块化的程序设计集成开发环境Microsoft Visual Studio.NET,开发出了一套功能完善的高速铁路轨道检测控制系统。该系统以高速铁路精密定轨测量原理方法为基础,采用模块化的程序设计思路,实现了轨道检测数据的自动采集、自动记录、自动数据分析和平差处理、成果显示和自动检核等功能。工程应用实践表明,该检测系统运行稳定可靠,检测精度高,具有一定的实用性和推广价值。  相似文献   
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