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黑龙江省黑河市340高地金矿点大地构造上位于兴安地块东北缘,多宝山Cu-Au-Mo-W-Fe成矿亚带内,其地貌为浅覆盖区,找矿较为困难。本文采用浅钻技术取样,对研究区进行基岩填图,圈定出以硅化为中心、青磐岩化为外围的蚀变矿化带。对基岩样品进行岩石地球化学分析,通过主成分分析,确定有6个主成分特征值大于1,其中第二主成分与金元素关系密切,是研究区有效的找矿标志。高精度磁测结果显示区内构造以NNW向为主,且其线性低值异常或与蚀变引起的退磁有关。对区内的地物化异常进行工程查证,发现金矿点1处,圈定预测靶区1处。  相似文献   
The Hanjiang River, the largest tributaries of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, is the water source area of the Middle Route of China’s South-to-North Water Transfer Project. The chemical and strontium isotopic compositions of the river waters are determined with the main purpose of understanding the contribution of chemical weathering processes and anthropogenic inputs on river solutes, as well as the associated CO2 consumption in the carbonate-dominated basin. The major ion compositions of the Hanjiang River waters are characterized by the dominance of Ca2+ and HCO3 , followed by Mg2+ and SO4 2−. The increase in TDS and major anions (Cl, NO3 , and SO4 2−) concentrations from upstream to downstream is ascribed to both extensive influences from agriculture and domestic activities over the Hanjiang basin. The chemical and Sr isotopic analyses indicate that three major weathering sources (dolomite, limestone, and silicates) contribute to the total dissolved loads. The contributions of the different end-members to the dissolved load are calculated with the mass balance approach. The calculated results show that the dissolved load is dominated by carbonates weathering, the contribution of which accounts for about 79.4% for the Hanjiang River. The silicate weathering and anthropogenic contributions are approximately 12.3 and 6.87%, respectively. The total TDS fluxes from chemical weathering calculated for the water source area (the upper Hanjiang basin) and the whole Hanjiang basin are approximately 3.8 × 106 and 6.1 × 106 ton/year, respectively. The total chemical weathering (carbonate and silicate) rate for the Hanjiang basin is approximately 38.5 ton/km2/year or 18.6 mm/k year, which is higher than global mean values. The fluxes of CO2 consumption by carbonate and silicate weathering are estimated to be 56.4 × 109 and 12.9 × 109 mol/year, respectively.  相似文献   
论株洲—湘潭地区的新构造运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐晓珊  孙海清 《湖南地质》1991,10(3):177-185
通过对广泛存在于株洲一湘潭地区的新构造的野外调查,依据获取的新构造变形,地貌、水系,现代沉积物等大量实际资料,划分了八个新构造次级单元——构造亚块体及五个新构造活动带。构造亚块体有五次较明显的由早到晚幅度递减的间歇性抬升,新构造活动带变形强度与基底断裂规模成正比,同位素测年获其主要构造变形时间为3.9—5.5万年。  相似文献   
Rare earth element (REE) adsorption onto sand from a well characterized aquifer, the Carrizo Sand aquifer of Texas, has been investigated in the laboratory using a batch method. The aim was to improve our understanding of REE adsorption behavior across the REE series and to develop a surface complexation model for the REEs, which can be applied to real aquifer-groundwater systems. Our batch experiments show that REE adsorption onto Carrizo sand increases with increasing atomic number across the REE series. For each REE, adsorption increases with increasing pH, such that when pH >6.0, >98% of each REE is adsorbed onto Carrizo sand for all experimental solutions, including when actual groundwaters from the Carrizo Sand aquifer are used in the experiments. Rare earth element adsorption was not sensitive to ionic strength and total initial REE concentrations in our batch experiments. It is possible that the differences in experimental ionic strength conditions (i.e., 0.002-0.01 M NaCl) chosen were insufficient to affect REE adsorption behavior. However, cation competition (e.g., Ca, Mg, and Zn) did affect REE adsorption onto Carrizo sand, especially for light rare earth elements (LREEs) at low pH. Rare earth element adsorption onto Carrizo sand can be successfully modeled using a generalized two-layer surface complexation model. Our model calculations suggest that REE complexation with strong surface sites of Carrizo sand exceeds the stability of the aqueous complexes LnOH2+, LnSO4+, and LnCO3+, but not that of Ln(CO3)2- or LnPO4o in Carrizo groundwaters. Thus, at low pH (<7.3), where major inorganic ligands did not effectively compete with surface sites for dissolved REEs, free metal ion (Ln3+) adsorption was sufficient to describe REE adsorption behavior. However, at higher pH (>7.3) where solution complexation of the dissolved REEs was strong, REEs were adsorbed not only as free metal ion (Ln3+) but also as aqueous complexes (e.g., as Ln(CO3)2- in Carrizo groundwaters). Because heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) were preferentially adsorbed onto Carrizo sand compared to LREEs, original HREE-enriched fractionation patterns in Carrizo groundwaters from the recharge area flattened along the groundwater flow path in the Carrizo Sand aquifer due to adsorption of free- and solution-complexed REEs.  相似文献   
遗传规划在岩石力学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了遗传规划这一新的优化方法在岩石力学参数确定中的应用。由于影响岩石力学性能的各因素之间关系不明确,而遗传规划特别适用于各影响因素之间因果关系不明确的复杂非线性问题。它为预测岩石力学性能提供了一条新的技术途径。通过例子,说明该方法的实用性。  相似文献   
软岩地区钻孔嵌岩灌注桩承载力确定的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
单桩承载力的确定,在桩基础的设计中占有重要地位。但在软岩地区由于地层岩性的不同,单桩承载力的实际工作性状与国家规范的规定之间不尽相同。根据实测资料对软岩地区的单桩承载力的确定方法进行探讨,综合考虑嵌岩段侧阻力与端阻力之间的相互协调对嵌岩段所能提供的承载力的影响,提出一种新的计算方法,并结合工程实例,进行验证。  相似文献   
骨架矿物—粘土矿物碱耗协同效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈忠  高晓勇 《矿物岩石》1999,19(3):61-64
选择了克拉玛依油田二中区T2k1砂砾岩储层中的六种储层矿物,石英,正长石,微斜长石,Ca-蒙脱石,高岭石,伊利石。在不同的条件下研究了这六种矿物的碱耗量,还研究骨架矿物与粘土矿物按照一定的质量配比而成的复配矿物的碱耗量,探讨了矿物碱耗的协同效应,结果表明单矿物的碱耗序列为,蒙脱石(S)〉高岭石(K)〉伊利石(I)〉微斜长石(M)〉石英(Q)〉正长石(J),复配物的碱耗总体上受粘土矿物控制,尤其是蒙  相似文献   
张八岭地区变质地层序列与构造型式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用构造与地层相结合的理论和方法,通过对张八岭地区已完成和正在进行的10幅1:5万地质填图资料分析和典型地区的构造追踪,初步认为:北将军(岩)组自下而上分为三段,时代置于中元古代,获铅同位素年龄样值为1821±416Ma;西冷(岩)组自下而上分为三段,时代置于青白口纪。区内主要存在三期构造交形:早期为一系列呈NWW-近EW向的紧闭同斜褶皱,中期以韧性剪切带发育为特征,晚期以NNE向为主的宽缓褶皱。三期变形共同叠加,形成区内基本构造格架。并对变形机制作初步探讨。  相似文献   
马庄山金矿床中自然金,除与多金属硫化物密切共生与伴生外,主要脉石矿物就是石英。历次的构造运动,多期的矿液活动及演化,无不在石英的宏观构造和微观构造上有直接或间接的反应。系统详细地研究这些构造,可以指示金矿的找矿方向及扩大金矿储量  相似文献   
应用数据本构分析方法,对三峡库区巴东县黄土坡前缘斜坡变形发展趋势进行了分析预测,阐明了数据本构分析预测对斜坡地质灾害的分析、防治意义  相似文献   
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