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黄土高原面积广大,不同区域的新生代构造演化有很大差别,根据新生代构造运动特征与沉积过程的差异,将黄土高原划分为鄂尔多斯稳定地块、陇西地区和汾渭新生代裂谷3个新生代构造运动分区。新生代构造运动控制黄土高原新生代沉积与侵蚀过程,从而产生明显地貌分异,并可划为3个一级地貌分区: 1)鄂尔多斯黄土地貌区。第四纪黄土覆盖在新近纪红土梁、峁及红土盆地等古地形之上,后被侵蚀,形成复杂多变的黄土地貌景观; 2)陇西黄土地貌区。主体为新近纪红土地貌,上覆少许第四纪黄土,实际为红土地貌区; 3)汾渭裂谷黄土地貌区。裂谷盆地的地貌主体为河流两侧的阶地和台地,其上堆积第四纪黄土,形成不同时期的黄土台塬。鄂尔多斯周边新生代裂谷的出现控制了黄河的发育。新近纪末银呼裂谷与汾渭裂谷进入快速发展期,吕梁山相应隆起; 鄂尔多斯地块西北部也轻微抬升,使古黄河初步形成并流经晋陕峡谷一带,进入三门湖并东流入海。第四纪时期早期,黄河曾长期处于河湖并存期,中更新世末,黄河溯源侵蚀使湖泊消失,并呈现目前的黄河地貌景观。  相似文献   
黄土高原降雨集中与黄土沉积松散等特性,使地表侵蚀严重。洛川塬作为黄土高原中部典型的地貌体,堆积了完整的第四纪黄土-古土壤序列,成为揭示我国乃至东亚第四纪环境演变的重要地质记录。另一方面,现在洛川塬遭受强烈侵蚀作用,沟谷密度大于2km/km2。对洛川塬地质时期侵蚀程度的定量认识有助于全面理解黄土高原堆积和侵蚀过程,进而定量判断在自然过程和人为作用下黄土高原侵蚀的未来趋势。本文利用GIS和RS技术,结合第四纪地质的研究,在定量提取地貌数据和获得侵蚀期年代的基础上,分析了洛川塬地貌特征和具代表性的黑木沟侵蚀状况,认为洛川塬已经进入地貌发育的壮年时期。通过地统计方法中的空间插值恢复古地形面,得到洛川塬自550ka以来平均侵蚀模数约为272.6t/km2·a,黑木沟自250ka以来侵蚀模数为464.1t/km2·a; 基于通用土壤流失方程得到洛川塬现在的侵蚀模数达到4389t/km2·a。这些结果显示,现代洛川塬的侵蚀强度是550ka以来平均侵蚀强度的16倍。本文从定量的角度证明,人类的土地利用等加强了水土流失强度。  相似文献   
应用数据本构分析方法,对三峡库区巴东县黄土坡前缘斜坡变形发展趋势进行了分析预测,阐明了数据本构分析预测对斜坡地质灾害的分析、防治意义  相似文献   
深圳地区中生代火山地层分布区是我国东南沿海浙闽粤港火山活动带的一个重要组成部分,是我国沿海地区侏罗纪—白垩纪火山地层较有代表性地段,也是研究我国东南沿海侏罗纪—白垩纪火山活动的天然博物馆。近期通过野外观察,测制火山地层剖面,进行锆石同位素激光定年测试,对大鹏半岛国家地质公园中生代火山地层的时代提出新的认识,将原划分为上侏罗统高基坪群划分为早—中侏罗世塘厦组(181.8 Ma?)、中侏罗世吉岭湾组(165.8 Ma)、晚侏罗世梧桐山组(156.9~145.6 Ma)、晚侏罗世—早白垩世七娘山组(146.3~131.0 Ma)、早白垩世官草湖群等。  相似文献   
西藏甲玛铜多金属矿床深部斑岩矿体找矿突破及其意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
甲玛铜多金属矿是西藏冈底斯成矿带中东段勘查程度最高、成矿元素与矿体类型复杂的超大型斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床。通过4年多、近350 个钻孔的验证,不仅实现了矽卡岩矿体的找矿突破,同时在0-40线深部发现了产于二长花岗斑岩与石英闪长玢岩中的斑岩钼(铜)矿体,建立了“四位一体”的找矿勘查模式。斑岩矿体赋存标高一般处于4 600 m以下,矿体走向NW-SE,倾向NE,近直立,矿体垂向延伸大于350 m;斑岩矿石以发育细脉-浸染状、网脉状构造为特征;矿石中的矿石矿物主要为黄铜矿与辉钼矿,少见斑铜矿;脉石矿物主要为石英。初步查明:与铜矿化有关的含矿岩体主要为偏中性的石英闪长玢岩,蚀变以典型的细粒热液黑云母交代角闪石斑晶和基质而成的黑云母化蚀变为主;与钼矿化有关的含矿岩体主要为二长花岗斑岩,蚀变以硅化为主,次为绿帘石化、泥化和钾化。斑岩体与碳酸盐岩接触带常产出厚度超过200 m的巨厚矽卡岩矿体,且在岩体一侧有内矽卡岩产出。甲玛深部斑岩矿体的发现不仅证实了“斑岩-矽卡岩型”的矿床成因观点,而且完善了甲玛矿床成矿模式与勘查模型。  相似文献   
Catastrophic flooding associated with sea-level rise and change of hurricane patterns has put the northeastern coastal regions of the United States at a greater risk. In this paper, we predict coastal flooding at the east bank of Delaware Bay and analyze the resulting impact on residents and transportation infrastructure. The three-dimensional coastal ocean model FVCOM coupled with a two-dimensional shallow water model is used to simulate hydrodynamic flooding from coastal ocean water with fine-resolution meshes, and a topography-based hydrologic method is applied to estimate inland flooding due to precipitation. The entire flooded areas with a range of storm intensity (i.e., no storm, 10-, and 50-year storm) and sea-level rise (i.e., current, 10-, and 50-year sea level) are thus determined. The populations in the study region in 10 and 50 years are predicted using an economic-demographic model. With the aid of ArcGIS, detailed analysis of affected population and transportation systems including highway networks, railroads, and bridges is presented for all of the flood scenarios. It is concluded that sea-level rise will lead to a substantial increase in vulnerability of residents and transportation infrastructure to storm floods, and such a flood tends to affect more population in Cape May County but more transportation facilities in Cumberland County, New Jersey.  相似文献   
Regional Fault Systems of Qaidam Basin and Adjacent Orogenic Belts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the regional fault systems of Qaidam basin and ad-jacent orogenic belts. Field investigation and seismic interpretation indicate that five regional fault sys-tans occurred in the Qaidam and adjacent nment.qin belts, controlling the development and evolution of the Qaidam basin. These fault systems are: (1)north Qaidam-Qilian Mountain fault system; (2) south Qaidam-East Kunhm Mountain fault system;(3)Altun strike-slip fault system; (4) Elashan strike-slip fault system, and (5) Gansen-Xiaochaidan fault system. It is indicated that the fault systems controlled the orientation of the Qaidam basin, the formation and distribution of secondary faults within the basin,the migration of depocenters and the distribution of hydrocarbon accmnulation belt.  相似文献   
This paper is mainly concentrated on the geochemical characteristics and origin of gas of Kekeya field in the Tarim basin, NW China. This study shows that Permian mudstone is the main source rock of oil and gas. Based on the carbon isotopes of C1--C4, the carbon isotope of gas in Kekeya field is a little heavier than that in the typical marine-derived gas. The relationship between carbon isotopes of methane and ethane is coincident with Faber equation of gas derived from organic matter Ⅰ/Ⅱ. The majority of gas maturity is estimated, based on the formula, at 1.8%-2.2% besides K2 and K18 wells. In addition, the gas derived from 0.9%-1.2% Ro source rocks may also bemixture. ^40Ar/^36Ar and ^3He/^4He ratios from the gas samples also support the mixing process. Moreover, the gas in this region is mainly generated from more mature source rocks although the low mature gas exists.  相似文献   
本文对青藏高原与黄土高原毗邻地区近20个剖面(点)的黄土沉积进行了孢粉分析表明,自晚更新世以来,研究区黄土剖面中古土壤层的孢粉种类、数量以及木本植物花粉成分均比黄土中多得多,反映了该时期研究区的气候条件比现今要温和湿润,植被较繁茂,以后逐渐旱化,但并不连续。此阶段研究区主要植物群的演替规律是:针叶林→森林草原→草原。  相似文献   
通过引入地质灾害潜势度,突发地质灾害气象预警统计模型解决了雨量判据法不能明确表达地质环境条件的问题,在此基础上,提出了潜势度计算、大气降雨变量设计、预警方程优化3方面的改进方法。为提高潜势度计算的准确性,增加了基于卡方检验的地质环境因子独立性判别步骤;对地质环境因子确信程度初始值和权值计算中确信程度变化量初始值设置进行了规定;并将预警模型中累计雨量修正为更为合理的有效累计雨量。在现有的预警方程的基础上提出了基于联合概率分析的预警方程,避免了其与基本地质认识和物理规律存在一定距离、方程系数的意义不明确的局限。以2009年7月2日发布的24 h雨量预报为例,计算结果表明:虽然预报区域面积从101 008 km2减小到27 553 km2,但是地质灾害点落入预报区的比例从44%增加到62%。这说明通过改进的预警模型理论上更加严密,空间准确率有所提高,空报率有所下降。  相似文献   
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