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Meso- or submeso-scale features of the Antarctic sea ice are investigated using the MOS-1/1b MESSR Images (spatial resolution of approximately 50 m) received at Syowa Station. Particular attention is paid to the ice bands and ice streamers in coastal polynyas. In the Antarctic Ocean, ice bands can be often seen not only at the ice edge but also in the ice interior zone throughout the year and they extend for hundreds of kilometers in the latitudinal direction. It is found that the width and spacing of ice bands tend to decrease from winter to summer. The width of ice band is about 2–6 km in August and September, and 0.1–0.7 km in December. The spacing of ice bands is about 3–10 km in August and September, and 0.1–2 km in December. In coastal polynyas, ice streamers, which are composed of new ice, are sometimes observed. In general, the row of the streamers is spaced at 0.5–2 km with a width of 0.1–1.0 km.  相似文献   
We investigated the size fraction and pigment-derived class compositions of phytoplankton within the euphotic zone of the Antarctic marginal ice zone between 63.3°S and 66.5°S along the 140°E meridian on two consecutive cruises in the late austral summer and early austral autumn of 2003. We observed significant temporal and spatial variations in phytoplankton size and taxonomic composition, although chlorophyll a concentrations were generally below 1 μg l−1 during both periods. Microphytoplankton (>20 μm), mainly diatoms, were prominent in the euphotic zone in the southernmost area around 66.5°S during late summer. In the rest of the study area during both cruises, the phytoplankton community was dominated by pico- and nano-sized populations (<20 μm) throughout the euphotic zone. The small-size populations mostly consisted of diatoms and haptophytes, although chlorophytes were dominant in extremely cold water (−1.5°C) below the overlying warm water around 65.5°S during late summer. From late summer to early autumn, chlorophytes declined in abundance, probably due to increasing temperature within the euphotic zone (−1 to 0°C). These pico- and nano-phytoplankton-dominated populations were often accompanied by relatively high concentrations of ammonium, suggesting the active regeneration of nutrients within the small-size plankton community.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Nankai Trough runs along the Japanese Islands, where extensive BSRs have been recognized in its forearc basins. High resolution seismic surveys and site-survey wells undertaken by the MITI have revealed the gas hydrate distribution at a depth of about 290 mbsf. The MITI Nankai Trough wells were drilled in late 1999 and early 2000. The highlights were successful retrievals of abundant gas hydrate-bearing cores in a variety of sediments from the main hole and the post survey well-2, keeping the cored gas hydrate stable, and the obtaining of continuous well log data in the gas hydrate-dominant intervals from the main hole, the post survey well-1 and the post survey well-3. Gas-hydrate dominant layers were identified at the depth interval from 205 to 268 mbsf. Pore-space hydrate, very small in size, was recognized mostly filling intergranular pores of sandy sediments. Anomalous chloride contents in extracted pore water, core temperature depression, core observations as well as visible gas hydrates confirmed the presence of pore-space hydrates within moderate to thick sand layers. Gas hydrate-bearing sandy strata typically were 10 cm to a meter thick with porosities of about 40 %. Gas hydrate saturations in most hydrate-dominant layers were quite high, up to 90 % pore saturation.
All the gas hydrate-bearing cores were subjected to X-ray CT imagery measurements for observation of undisturbed sedimentary textures and gas-hydrate occurrences before being subjected to other analyses, such as (1) petrophysical properties, (2) biostratigraphy, (3) geochemistry, (4) microbiology and (5) gas hydrate characteristics.  相似文献   
Nobuhiko  Nakano  Yasuhito  Osanai  Masaaki  Owada  Yasutaka  Hayasaka  Tran Ngoc  Nam 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):126-143
The Kontum Massif in central Vietnam is composed of various metamorphic complexes including a high-temperature southern part (Kannak and Ngoc Linh complexes) and a low- to medium-temperature northern part (Kham Duc complex). The Kham Duc complex exhibits Barrovian-type medium-pressure metamorphism evidenced by kyanite- and/or staurolite-bearing metapelites. The garnet–gedrite–kyanite gneiss, which is the focus of the present study, preserves several mineral parageneses formed during a prograde and retrograde metamorphic history: staurolite + quartz in gedrite, garnet + gedrite + kyanite in the matrix, and spinel + cordierite symplectite between gedrite and sillimanite. The calculated semiquantitative petrogenetic grid reveals peak pressure conditions of 620–650°C at 1.1–1.2 GPa and peak temperature conditions of 730–750°C at 0.7–0.8 GPa. The monazite U–Th–Pb electron microprobe ages of the garnet–gedrite–kyanite gneiss and associated gneisses yield 246 ± 3 Ma for the Kham Duc complex, which is similar to the age of the high- to ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in the adjacent Kannak and Ngoc Linh complexes of the southern Kontum Massif. The present results indicate that both the Barrovian-type and ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism occurred simultaneously in the Kontum Massif during an event strongly related to Permo–Triassic microcontinental collision tectonics in Asia.  相似文献   
Iodine in sea water of the Pacific was determined with special interest in the relation between iodide and iodate in the surface water of the ocean. The result was discussed with reference to the mechanism of iodide formation proposed byTsunogai andSase. The concentration of iodide varies widely from the lower value than the detection limit to 0.21g at./l, while the concentration of total iodine is nearly constant and the mean value is 0.41g at./l. The vertical profile of iodide often shows the maximum in the surface layer. In the surface layer, the concentration of iodide is higher in warm water (0,10g at./l on the average) than that in cold water of lower temperature than 20° C (0.03g at/l). The highest concentration of iodide among the warm waters is found in the surface water of the equatorial area (0.13g at./l) where the biological productivity is also high. Iodide is generally more enriched in the water having higher biological activity even in the cold water. These results are considered to be compatible with the mechanism of iodide formation proposed.  相似文献   
The diffusion in a shearing oscillatory flow from an instantaneous surface point source is considered. An analytical solution is obtained by Fourier transform. The results show that, for three dimensional diffusion in an oscillatory flow with constant shear, the distribution of the contaminant follows the multivariate Gaussian distribution rule. When the frequency is very high, or the time very short, the shear does not influence the diffusion. For moderate values of time, there are fluctuations with longitudinal variance. For large values of time the longitudinal variance increases as t, and the peak concentration decreases as t−1.5, which are faster than those in a flow without shear, but much slower than those in a steady flow, where the longitudinal variance increases as t3 and the peak concentration decreases as t−2.5. The contaminant patch is elongated in the longitudinal direction of the shear flow and moves back and forth with the water motion. Contribution No. 1306 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. Received July 12, 1985  相似文献   
The lunar cratering rate studied over the past 1.1 Gyr, which is a foundation of the lunar cratering chronology, is a decreasing function of the angular distance from the apex of the orbital motion due to the synchronous rotation of the Moon. We here evaluate an influence of the asymmetrical rate upon the age determination.  相似文献   
Shaking during the 1995 Kobe earthquake caused surface material to be more mobile in catchment areas in the Rokko Mountains, Kobe, where there are some active fault lines. As a result, there were many landslides associated with the earthquake. The sedimentation rate in a pond in the mountains increased several fold, then exponentially decreased with seasonality over several years. Six years after the earthquake there were no marked surface movements related to the earthquake, even though the sedimentation rates had increased slightly. A new steady state for the structure of the earthquake‐modi?ed surface had evidently been reached. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The December 26, 2003 Mw 6.6 Bam earthquake is one of the most disastrous earthquakes in Iran. QuickBird panchromatic and multispectral satellite imagery with 61 cm and 2.4 m ground resolution, respectively provide new insights into the surface rupturing process associated with this earthquake. The results indicate that this earthquake produced a 2–5 km-wide surface rupture zone with a complex geometric pattern. A 10-km-long surface rupture zone developed along the pre-existing Bam fault trace. Two additional surface rupture zones, each 2–5 km long, are oblique to the pre-existing Bam fault in angles of 20–35°. An analysis of geometric and geomorphic features also shows that movement on the Bam fault is mainly right-lateral motion with some compressional component. This interpretation is consistent with field investigations, analysis of aftershocks as well as teleseismic inversion. Therefore, we suggest that the 2003 Bam earthquake occurred on the Bam fault, and that the surface ruptures oblique to the Bam fault are caused by secondary faulting such as synthetic shears (Reidel shears). Our fault model for the Bam earthquake provides a new tectonic scenario for explaining complex surface deformations associated with the Bam earthquake.  相似文献   
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