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The Miocene Kofu Granitic Complex (KGC) occurs in the Izu CollisionZone where the Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) arc has beencolliding with the Honshu arc since the middle Miocene. TheKGC includes rocks ranging in compositions from biotite-bearinggranite (the Shosenkyo and Mizugaki plutons), and hornblende–biotite-bearinggranodiorite, tonalite, quartz-diorite, and granite (the Shiodaira,Sanpo, Hirose and Sasago plutons), to hornblende-bearing tonaliteand trondhjemite (the Ashigawa–Tonogi pluton), indicatingthat it was constructed from multiple intrusions of magma withdifferent bulk chemistry. The Sr-isotopic compositions correctedto sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zirconages (SrI) suggest that the primary magmas of each pluton wereformed by anatexis of mixed lower crustal sources involvingboth juvenile basalt of the IBM arc and Shimanto sedimentaryrocks of the Honshu arc. After the primary magmas had formed,the individual plutons evolved by crystal fractionation processeswithout significant crustal assimilation or additional mantlecontribution. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages in the KGC rangefrom 16·8 to 10·6 Ma and overlap the resumptionof magmatic activity in the IBM and Honshu arcs at c. 17 Maand the onset of IBM arc–Honshu arc collision at c. 15Ma. The age of the granite plutons is closely related to theepisodic activity of arc magmatism and distinct granitic magmabatches could be formed by lower crustal anatexis induced byintrusion of underplated mantle-derived arc magmas. Based onpressures determined with the Al-in-hornblende geobarometer,the KGC magmas intruded into the middle crust. Thus, the KGCcould represent an example of the middle-crust layer indicatedthroughout the IBM arc by 6·0–6·5 km/s seismicvelocities. This granitic middle-crust layer acted buoyantlyduring the IBM arc–Honshu arc collision, leading to accretionof buoyant IBM arc middle crust to the Honshu arc. KEY WORDS: arc–arc collision; crustal anatexis; granite; Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) arc; Izu Collision Zone  相似文献   
An 1800-m-deep borehole into the Nojima fault zone was drilled at Nojima-Hirabayashi, Japan, after the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake. Three possible fracture zones were detected at depths of about 1140, 1300, and 1800 m. To assess these fracture zones in this recently active fault, we analyzed the distributions of fault rocks, minerals, and chemical elements in these zones. The central fault plane in the shallowest fracture zone was identified by foliated blue-gray gouge at a depth of 1140 m. The degree of fracturing was evidently greater in the hanging wall than in the footwall. Minerals detected in this zone were quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, and biotite, as in the parent rock (granodiorite), and also kaolinite, smectite, laumontite, stilbite, calcite, ankerite, and siderite, which are related to hydrothermal alteration. Biotite was absent in both the hanging wall and footwall across the central fault plane, but it was absent over a greater distance from the central fault plane in the hanging wall than in the footwall. Major element compositions across this zone suggested that hydrothermal alteration minerals such as kaolinite and smectite occurred across the central fault plane for a greater distance in the hanging wall than in the footwall. Similarly, H2O+ and CO2 had higher concentrations in the hanging wall than in the footwall. This asymmetrical distribution pattern is probably due to the greater degree of wall–rock fracturing and associated alteration in the hanging wall. We attributed the characteristics of this zone to fault activity and fluid–rock interactions. We analyzed the other fracture zones along this fault in the same way. In the fracture zone at about 1300 m depth, we detected the same kinds of hydrothermal alteration minerals as in the shallower zone, but they were in fewer samples. We detected relatively little H2O+ and CO2, and little evidence for movement of the major chemical elements, indicating little past fluid–rock interaction. In the fracture zone at about 1800 m depth, H2O+ and CO2 were very enriched throughout the interval, as in the fracture zone at about 1140 m depth. However, smectite was absent and chlorite was present, indicating the occurrence of chloritization, which requires a temperature of more than 200 °C. Only smectite can form under the present conditions in these fracture zones. The chloritization probably occurred in the past when the fracture zone was deeper than it is now. These observations suggest that among the three fracture zones, that at about 1140 m depth was the most activated at the time of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake.  相似文献   
The variation in cooling processes with depth in a magma body is evaluated quantitatively by analysis of the extent of exsolution coarsening and deuteric coarsening as sub-solidus reactions. This method is applied to evaluation of the Okueyama granitic body of central Kyushu, Japan. Exsolution coarsening has produced microperthite textures in this body, while deuteric coarsening has resulted in patchperthite, myrmekite, and reaction rims, respectively. Through measurement of six textural parameters, including the width and spacing of lamellae and the thickness of myrmekite and reaction rims, the extent of these sub-solidus reactions is shown to increase systematically with depth in the granite body, indicating that the Okueyama cooled gradually from the roof. The hornblende–plagioclase and ternary feldspar thermometers indicate temperature a range of 710 to 620 °C for volume diffusion associated with exsolution coarsening, while deuteric coarsening is found to have occurred at temperatures below 500 °C on the basis of the ternary feldspar thermometer. The cooling period corresponding to exsolution coarsening is estimated using a one-dimensional heat transfer model, yielding periods of 820 y at the roof and 1390–1890 y at the base of the exposure (1000 m below the roof) depending on total depth of the original magma body.  相似文献   
The Kurosegawa zone in southwest Japan is a 600 km long serpentinite mélange in the Chichibu terrains. It runs generally E-W but is slightly oblique to the subparallel arrangement of the Ryoke, Sanbagawa and Chichibu belts of Southwest Japan. A variety of geological units occurs in the Kurosegawa zone:
1. (1) granodiorite, gneiss and amphibolite of ca. 400 Ma,
2. (2) Siluro-Devonian formations,
3. (3) Upper Carboniferous to Jurassic formations,
4. (4) Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous formations,
5. (5) serpentinite and
6. (6) low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks of various baric types (ages, 220, 320, 360 and 420 Ma by K-Ar).
The most widespread is a high-pressure intermediate group of metamorphic rocks. Serpentinite is emplaced along the faults between and within the constituent units.Rocks of the Kurosegawa zone represent a mature orogenic belt along a continental margin or an island arc. Its original site as constrained by paleomagnetism was near the equatorial area. Here, 400 Ma old paired metamorphism and related magmatism took place. The island arc or microcontinent migrated northward to collide with the Eurasia plate during Late Jurassic, thus consuming the intervening ocean.  相似文献   
In order to understand the distribution of sulfur in igneous rooks, we determined the solubility of sulfur in volcanic rock melts (tholeiite basalt, hawaiite and rhyodacite from Hawaii) at various gas compositions and at 1250° and 1300°C and 1 atm total pressure. The solubility of sulfur in the melt passes through a minimum with change in oxygen partial pressure, if other factors are held constant. For the basaltic liquid at 1200°C, most sulfur in the melt is as dissolved sulfide (S?2) at oxygen partial pressures below 10?8 atm and as dissolved sulfate at oxygen partial pressures above 10?8 atm. Based on the present solubility data, 5 per cent is inferred for volcanic gas at 1 atm total pressure in equilibrium with subaerially extruded Hawaiian tholeiite basalt (Pele's hair with 180 ppm S) at 1200°C and 10?8 atm PO2.  相似文献   
The problem of whether cumulate rocks were formed by crystal settling or by in situ crystallization after magma emplacement is an important issue concerning the mechanisms of magmatic differentiation. However, it is hard to distinguish these two processes for plutonic rocks because the primary texture and chemical composition have generally been modified by postcumulus processes. To contribute this problem, we studied the distribution and compositions of Cr-spinel inclusions hosted in olivine and plagioclase in the Murotomisaki Gabbroic Intrusion (MGI), SW Japan. It is shown that the olivine-hosted inclusions are restricted to specific horizons where accumulation of olivine phenocrysts is thought to have occurred and that the compositional variations of the Cr-spinel are explained by a secondary compositional modification that probably took place after the magma emplacement. It is also shown that the Cr-spinel inclusions in a chilled margin have suffered the least compositional modification and nearly retains the primary composition. Those in the interior of the intrusion, on the contrary, have been significantly modified by re-equilibration with residual melt driven by cation diffusions through the host phases. Those in plagioclase have been less modified. It is shown that all the spinel inclusions had primarily the same and common composition at the time of magma emplacement. This implies that all the inclusion-bearing crystals, olivine and plagioclase, represent primary phenocrysts that had already existed in the emplaced magma. In this way, spinel inclusion in the MGI may be regarded to be a useful petrographic “marker” for identifying intratelluric phenocrysts and also as a “tracer” to trace the motion of the primary phenocrysts after the magma emplacement.  相似文献   
Primary data on the organic geochemistry of the Tetori Group provide basic information about depositional environments and thermal maturation of organic matter through two geological sections in the Hokuriku region, central Japan. The thermal maturity of organic matter was evaluated by the methylphenanthrene index‐1. The maturity progressively increases stratigraphically down through the Izumi section in Fukui Prefecture. The estimated vitrinite reflectance equivalent is <1.35% near the top of the section, gradually increasing to >2.0% near the base. The thermal maturation process can account for stratigraphic changes in abundance of PAHs through this section. However, the occasional occurrence of coronene in the middle of the Izumi section is attributed to possible paleo‐wildfires that supplied more coronene to the depositional site. The stratigraphic distribution of PAHs through the Tateyama section, Toyama Prefecture, also can be explained by the same scenario as envisaged for the Izumi section, but weathering and/or other secondary factors may have partly modified primary signals for this section. Polycyclic aromatic sulfur compounds were observed in nearly all samples from both sections, even in samples for which a freshwater paleoenvironment is surmised. Most plausibly, some reduced sulfur was re‐oxidized to elemental sulfur, which persisted in the sediments and may have contributed to the formation of aromatic sulfur compounds. Hence, polycyclic aromatic sulfur compounds do not provide an index to separate marine environments from the freshwater settings for the Tetori Group.  相似文献   
We present a methodological approach to detect heated soil on ancient sites, using magnetic measurements. The method is based on changes in magnetic signals of soil by heating. The following three types of soil were used for testing the method: silty soil (SS), weathered volcanic ash (WVA, = loam) and fairly fresh volcanic ash (VA) called Odori tephra. On heating above 250–600°C, the magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization intensity increased for the SS and WVA samples, reflecting chemical alteration of magnetic minerals (from goethites to magnetites through hematites). The VA sample showed no susceptibility change suggesting the absence of goethites within it. On heating below 250°C, only the intensities of all the samples increased. This is possibly due to acquisition of thermal remanent magnetization. The largest change of the magnetic signals was identified for the SS sample and the smallest one was seen for the VA sample. Therefore, the in situ susceptibility measurement, which is the nondestructive and indirect method, seems to be effective to detect heated soil for sites of aqueous deposits as the SS. On the other hand, for sites of aeolian deposits as the WVA (loam) and VA, the intensity measurement of collected soils seems to be the most reliable method to detect evidence of heating. The degree of the magnetic stability (coercivity) against progressive alternating-field demagnetization was also an important parameter, indicating whether the investigated soils were heated or unheated. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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