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刘匡南  董克勤 《气象学报》1958,29(2):104-118
本文根据大陆上此较完善的地面观测资料,着重地对1953—1956年四次较强的登陆台风,此较细致地分析了台风中的气压、风、降水量和中心附近的气象状况的分布以及其相互联系.主要的结果如下:(i)台风范围内气压分布的特点随其移动方向的改变有显著不同.台风低压的填塞为其半径的函数,而且其六小时填塞率和当地气压日变化一致.(ii)台风范围风速的分布不仅和其气压分布相适应,而且受到海陆、地形的显著影响.地面风的辐合分布和台风降水分布的配合较好.(iii)台风登陆后的降水分布大致按其发展程度分为三种类型:对称型、侧偏型、对锋面型.(iv)台风刚刚登陆,其中心附近可有两种截然不同的天气状况:一类中心天气晴晴朗平静,一类中心狂风大雨.总的来说,登陆台风的地面结构一方面从东风带到西风带发生显著的变化,一方面受到海陆、地形的重大影响.  相似文献   
Two stalagmites collected from the Shihua cave in the southwestern suburb of Beijing were dated by annual layer counting. The results are consistent with thermal ionization mass spectrometry 230 Th dating. Stable carbon isotope variation of stalagmites is dominated by plant cover change, which largely reflects climate change and monsoon variation. Oxygen isotopes are mainly affected by precipitation, which is related to summer and winter monsoon intensity. The combination of carbon and oxygen isotopes can therefore be a proxy of plant cover change and monsoon variation. Our stable isotope results show that lower carbon isotope values of the stalagmites between 200 BC and AD 1000 probably imply dense plant cover and an episode dominated by humid summer monsoon. From ~1000 to AD 1450, the dominant monsoon alternated between the winter monsoon and the summer monsoon. Since ~AD 1450, a significant jump in carbon isotope ratios and increasing oxygen isotope ratios has been demonstrated, indicating less plant cover and the probable dominance of dry winter monsoon. The results are consistent with historical documents of the region.  相似文献   
In this paper,the long-term statistical properties of wave height in an idealized square harborwith a partial opening are studied.The incident waves are propagated into the harbor numerically by the fi-nite/infinite element method using three different wave models:(1)monochromatic wave train,(2)long-crested random wave train,and(3)short-crested random wave train.This study shows that for a giv-en incident wave,the wave height in the harbor is affected by the wave model used.For long-term estima-tion of wave height exceedance probability,it is recommended that the waves be propagated into the har-bor using the random wave model,and that wave heights be computed by use of the Rayleigh probabilitydistribution.  相似文献   
针对台湾海峡东岸台湾北部的海岸阶地进行调查研究,并与西岸福建东北部的海岸阶地进行分析比较;着重阐述台湾西北部4个海岸区域阶地的特性(阶序、分布、高度、崖差、构成等)及其变动情况(阶地抬升、变窄、延伸等);通过推断形成年代、测算隆升速率等,探讨研究区域的海岸线变化与构造升降运动,结果发现:台湾岛的海阶变化不仅受到海平面变动的影响,尚受到区域性地壳隆升的控制;福建沿海地区受蓬莱造山运动的影响极小,海岸阶地的形成主要是受到数次海平面变化的影响;福建沿海的隆升速率由北向南逐渐减少,总体上低于海峡东岸台湾岛的隆升率(平均2 mm/a).该研究印证了:相对于台湾岛地区,福建沿海地区的地壳活动相对稳定,其海阶发育可能仅受到海平面变动的影响.  相似文献   
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