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Compact micritic oncolites up to 8 cm in maximum diameter occur within Maestrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) Garumniense continental marls of Sierra del Montsec (Lerida Province) of north-eastern Spain. Synsedimentary development is documented by patches of terrigenous quartz that occur among oncolitic protuberances. Soluble nuclei (limestone fragments and bivalves) further suggest an origin through accretion, rather than that of soil pisolite. Similarities between the petrography and isotopic compositions of the oncolites and those of interbedded Garumniense limestones suggest similar sedimentary origins. However, these lacustrine oncolites, like modern counterparts described by others, probably developed through in situ metabolic precipitation of calcium carbonate. Evidence of this origin is their high degree of concentricity, which is unlikely to have developed through sedimentary accretion, inasmuch as the oncolites ‘float’ in quiet-water marls.  相似文献   
A review of the academic literature and British Geological Survey mapping is employed to produce a 'Glacial Map', and accompanying geographic information system (GIS) database, of features related to the last (Devensian) British Ice Sheet. The map (1:625 000) is included in a folder and GIS data are freely available by web download (http://www.shef.ac.uk/geography/staff/clark_chris/britice.html). Emphasis is on information that constrains the last ice sheet. The following are included: moraines, eskers, drumlins, meltwater channels, tunnel valleys, trimlines, limit of key glacigenic deposits, glaciolacustrine deposits, ice-dammed lakes, erratic dispersal patterns, shelf-edge fans and the Loch Lomond Readvance limit of the main ice cap. The GIS contains over 20 000 features split into thematic layers (as above). Individual features are attributed such that they can be traced back to their published sources. Given that the published sources of information that underpin this work were derived by piecemeal effort over 150 years, then our main caveat is of data consistency and reliability. It is hoped that this compilation will stimulate greater scrutiny of published data, assist in palaeoglaciological reconstructions and facilitate use of field evidence in numerical ice-sheet modelling. It may also help direct field workers in their future investigations.  相似文献   
Glacial deposits and landforms, interpreted from the continuous seismic reflection data, have been used to reconstruct the Late Weichselian ice-sheet dynamics and the sedimentary environments in the northeastern Baltic Sea. The bedrock geology and topography played an important role in the glacial dynamics and subglacial meltwater drainage in the area. Drumlins suggest a south-southeasterly flow direction of the last ice sheet on the Ordovician Plateau. Eskers demonstrate that subglacial meltwater flow was focused mostly within bedrock valleys. The eskers have locally been overlain by a thin layer of till. Thick proximal outwash deposits occupy elongated depressions in the substratum, which often occur along the sides of esker ridges. Ice-marginal grounding-line deposit in the southern part of the area has a continuation on the adjacent Island of Saaremaa. Therefore, we assume that its formation took place during Palivere Stadial of the last deglaciation, whereas the moraine bank extending southwestward from the Serve Peninsula is tentatively correlated with the Pandivere Stadial. The wedge-shaped ice-marginal grounding-line deposit was locally fed by subglacial meltwater streams during a standstill or slight readvance of the ice margin. The thickness of the glacier at the grounding-line was estimated to reach approximately 180 m. In the western part of the area, terrace-like morphology of the ice-marginal deposit and series of small retreat moraines 10–20 km north of it suggest stepwise retreat of the ice margin. Therefore, a rather thin and mobile ice stream was probably covering the northeastern Baltic Sea during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   
Historical geography was once a popular element of university curricula in New Zealand. It was also a conspicuous focus of research. Today however there is only one identifiable course in historical geography in New Zealand's university calendars – at Massey – and few writers have maintained an active research interest rooted in the sub‐discipline. This Comment suggests some reasons why now is a good time for New Zealand's geographers to reassess this state of affairs, and outlines five themes that might be pursued in the construction of more explicit historical geographies at the start of the third millennium.  相似文献   
Scotland, a maritime subpolar environment (55–60°N), has seen relatively few applications of lichenometry – even though it offers much potential. Perhaps surprisingly, direct measurements of Rhizocarpon geographicum growth rates in Scotland are so far lacking. This study reports on the growth of this crustose areolate species from two sites in Assynt, NW Scotland, between 2002 and 2009. Repeat photography of 23 non-competing thalli growing under identical environmental conditions on a single vertical surface over 5 years at Inchnadamph showed growth rates to be a function of size – with larger thalli (10–30 mm) growing significantly faster than the smallest thalli (<10 mm). Mean diametral growth rates in thalli >10 mm are 0.67 mm yr−1 (s.d. = 0.16). Studies on a second vertical surface near Lochinver, over 7 years, yielded complex growth data on a more mature population of R. geographicum thalli (<50 mm in diameter). Here, mean diametral growth rates in the larger thalli (>10 mm) are slower (0.29 mm yr−1; s.d. = 0.12) than those at Inchnadamph. However, at this site, competition with other species rules out any meaningful comparison of growth rates between the two sites. Other growth processes were monitored over the five to seven-year study period, including hypothallus growth, areolae development, thallus coalescence, and inter-species competition – all have important implications for the use of Rhizocarpon species in lichenometry.  相似文献   
Evidence relating to the extent, dynamics, and relative chronology of the last glaciation of the Shetland Islands, North Atlantic, is presented here, in an attempt to better illuminate some of the controversies that still surround the glacial history of the archipelago. We appraise previous interpretations and compare these earlier results with new evidence gleaned from the interpretation of a high resolution digital terrain model and from field reconnaissance. By employing a landsystems approach, we identify and describe three quite different assemblages of landscape features across the main islands of Mainland, Yell and Unst. Using the spatial interrelationship of these landsystems, an assessment of their constituent elements, and comparisons with similar features in other glaciated environments, we propose a simple model for the last glaciation of Shetland. During an early glacial phase, a coalescent British and Scandinavian ice sheet flowed approximately east to west across Shetland. The terrestrial land‐forms created by this ice sheet in the north of Shetland suggest that it had corridors of relatively fast‐flowing ice that were partially directed by bed topography, and that subsequent deglaciation was interrupted by at least one major stillstand. Evidence in the south of Shetland indicates the growth of a local ice cap of restricted extent that fed numerous radial outlet glaciers during, or after, ice‐sheet deglaciation. Whilst the absolute age of these three landsystems remains uncertain, these new geo‐morphological and palaeoglaciological insights reconcile many of the ideas of earlier workers, and allow wider speculation regarding the dynamics of the former British ice sheet.  相似文献   
Open fractures provide high-permeability pathways for fluid flow in sedimentary basins. The potential for flow along permeable or open fractures and faults depends on the continuity of flow all the way to the surface except in the case of convective flow. Upward flowing fluid cools and may cause cementation due to the prograde solubility of quartz, but in the case of carbonates such flow may cause dissolution. The rate and duration of these processes depend on the mechanisms for sustaining fluid flow into the fracture, the geometries of fracture and sedimentary beds intersected, permeability, pressure and temperature gradients. Heat loss to the adjacent sediments causes sloping isotherms which can induce non-Rayleigh convection. To analyse these problems we have used a simple model in which a single fracture acts as a pathway for vertically moving fluid and there is no fluid transport across the walls of the fracture except near its inlet and outlet. Four mechanisms for fluid flow into the lower part of the fracture are considered: decompression of pore water; compaction of intersected overpressared sediments; focusing of compaction water derived from sediments beneath the fracture; and finally focusing of pore water moving through an aquifer. Water derived from the basement is not considered here. We find that sustained flow is unlikely to have velocities much higher than 1–100 m/yr, and the flow is laminar. The temperature of the fluid expelled at the top of the fracture increases by less than 1% and the vertical temperature gradient in the fracture remains close to the geothermal gradient. Where hot water is introduced from basement fractures (hydrothermal water) during tectonic deformation, much higher velocities may be sustained in the overlying sediments, but here also this depends on the permeability near the surface. Most of the cooling of water with (ore) mineral precipitation will then occur near the surface. In most cases, pore water decompression and sediment compaction will yield only very limited pore water flux with no significant potential for cementation or heating of the sediments adjacent to the fracture. Focusing of compaction water from sediments beneath the fracture or from an intersected aquifer can yield fluxes high enough to cement an open fracture significantly but the flow must be sustained for a very long time. For velocities of 1–100 m/yr, it takes typically 0.3–30 Myr to cement a fracture by 50%. The highest velocities may be obtained when a fracture extends all the way to the surface or sea floor. When a fracture does not reach the sediment surface, the flow velocity is reduced by the displacement of water in the sediments near the top of the fracture. The flow into the fracture from the sediments may often be rate limiting rather than the flow on the fracture. Sedimentary rocks only a few metres from the fracture will receive a much lower flux than the fracture. The fracture will therefore close due to cementation before significant amounts of silica can be introduced into adjacent sandstones. The isotherm slope in the adjacent sediments will in most cases be less than 10–20°. Non-Rayleigh convection velocities in the sediments adjacent to the fracture are too small to cause any significant diagenetic reactions such as quartz cementation. These quantifications of fluid flow in fractures in sedimentary basins are important in terms of constraining models for diagenesis, heat transport and formation of ore minerals in a compaction-driven system.  相似文献   
According to ‘official’ monetarist economic theory in New Zealand unemployment is temporary. The assertion is contradicted by the admission that unemployment may be here to stay. A post industrial theory of work offers a more satisfactory explanation of unemployment and leads to different policies. The crucial ingredient is an effective national system of life-long learning. Unemployment can then be regarded as a transition in the life course when new kinds of work and new ways of contributing to the community can be explored.  相似文献   
Each simulation algorithm, including Truncated Gaussian Simulation, Sequential Indicator Simulation and Indicator Kriging is characterized by different operating modes, which variably influence the facies proportion, distribution and association of digital outcrop models, as shown in clastic sediments. A detailed study of carbonate heterogeneity is then crucial to understanding these differences and providing rules for carbonate modelling. Through a continuous exposure of Bajocian carbonate strata, a study window (320 m long, 190 m wide and 30 m thick) was investigated and metre‐scale lithofacies heterogeneity was captured and modelled using closely‐spaced sections. Ten lithofacies, deposited in a shallow‐water carbonate‐dominated ramp, were recognized and their dimensions and associations were documented. Field data, including height sections, were georeferenced and input into the model. Four models were built in the present study. Model A used all sections and Truncated Gaussian Simulation during the stochastic simulation. For the three other models, Model B was generated using Truncated Gaussian Simulation as for Model A, Model C was generated using Sequential Indicator Simulation and Model D was generated using Indicator Kriging. These three additional models were built by removing two out of eight sections from data input. The removal of sections allows direct insights on geological uncertainties at inter‐well spacings by comparing modelled and described sections. Other quantitative and qualitative comparisons were carried out between models to understand the advantages/disadvantages of each algorithm. Model A is used as the base case. Indicator Kriging (Model D) simplifies the facies distribution by assigning continuous geological bodies of the most abundant lithofacies to each zone. Sequential Indicator Simulation (Model C) is confident to conserve facies proportion when geological heterogeneity is complex. The use of trend with Truncated Gaussian Simulation is a powerful tool for modelling well‐defined spatial facies relationships. However, in shallow‐water carbonate, facies can coexist and their association can change through time and space. The present study shows that the scale of modelling (depositional environment or lithofacies) involves specific simulation constraints on shallow‐water carbonate modelling methods.  相似文献   
It is demonstrated that a unitgraph can be obtained without using rainfall data, provided data from at least two runoff events are available. A numerical method has been devised which calculates this common unitgraph for a set of surface runoff events and at the same time determines the input (rainfall excess) for each event. The method has been successfully tested on catchments ranging in size from 0.4 to 600 km2; it requires streamflow observations taken at intervals which retain all significant frequencies in the runoff hydrographs. The method also requires application of a baseflow separation procedure which is consistent for all events. The new approach has the potential to lead to more objective studies of the effects of catchment changes on the unitgraph and provides scope for comparisons of the common unitgraphs with geomorphological instantaneous unitgraphs.  相似文献   
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