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基于海底管道的检测数据,讨论了起伏地形对传统侧扫声呐探测结果的影响,为起伏地形条件下应用侧扫声呐探测海底管道的调查方案设计、探测精度优化提供参考。研究表明:海底管道周边存在的冲刷槽以及堆积体等复杂地形对侧扫声呐探测有遮挡效应,测量过程中需控制拖体与目标物的相对位置,保证有效覆盖,避免漏测;根据区域地形分布特征,海底跟踪时通过手动设置符合整体地形走势的水深值,忽略小规模起伏地形对拖体高度取值的影响,可有效降低斜距改正后平面位置偏离及目标物的形态畸变;分析了地形起伏的影响因素(k)对海底管道出露及悬空高度计算结果的影响,通过几何近似和简化,提出了海底管道出露及悬空高度计算结果改进方法,并应用该方法对已知管径的海底管道进行了验证,修正后管径反演值的绝均差和均方差都减小为原来的10%左右,可供侧扫声呐数据解释借鉴。  相似文献   
历史文化街区及其房屋建筑是重要的历史文化资源,需要有效的保护和利用;同时又是城市的有机组成部分,需要持续的更新和发展。本文从历史街区保护的角度着眼,以北京市老城范围内历史文化街区建筑物肌理及第五立面特征为研究内容,对建筑物的第五立面色彩及形态特征、临时建筑的分布及演变等进行了分析。加强对第五立面的规划管控,在对历史文化传统风貌保护、实现旧城有机更新,提高北京老城居住环境和生活品质的目标等方面发挥作用。  相似文献   
无论是对于各种涉海水工建筑物的设计还是对于它们的防护而言,最大波高的预测都是非常重要的工作。目前常用的海浪预报模式多以相位平均模型为主,其能直接给出的计算结果是海浪谱,因此基于海浪谱给出合理的最大波高估算具有重要的意义。前人对波陡、谱宽等参数对最大波高公式的影响都有了较为清楚的认知,然而相关研究大多围绕单峰谱开展,尚没有考虑包括双峰谱在内的海浪谱型最大波高公式的影响。本文首先探讨了海浪谱对最大波高的影响特性,进而提出了海浪谱谱型的参数化定义,最后给出了考虑谱型因子的最大波高公式。  相似文献   
Polymetalic sulfide is the main product of sea-floor hydrothermal venting, and has become an important sea-floor mineral resources for its rich in many kinds of precious metal elements. Since 2007, a number of investigations have been carried out by the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association(COMRA)cruises(CCCs) along the Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR). In 2011, the COMRA signed an exploration contract of sea-floor polymetallic sulfides of 10 000 km2 on the SWIR with the International Seabed Authority. Based on the multibeam data and shipborne gravity data obtained in 2010 by the R/V Dayang Yihao during the leg 6 of CCCs21, together with the global satellite surveys, the characteristics of gravity anomalies are analyzed in the Duanqiao hydrothermal field(37°39′S, 50°24′E). The "subarea calibration" terrain-correcting method is employed to calculate the Bouguer gravity anomaly, and the ocean bottom seismometer(OBS) profile is used to constrain the two-dimensional gravity anomaly simulation. The absent Moho in a previous seismic model is also calculated.The results show that the crustal thickness varies between 3 and 10 km along the profile, and the maximum crustal thickness reaches up to 10 km in the Duanqiao hydrothermal field with an average of 7.5 km. It is by far the most thicker crust discovered along the SWIR. The calculated crust thickness at the Longqi hydrothermal field is approximately 3 km, 1 km less than that indicated by seismic models, possibly due to the outcome of an oceanic core complex(OCC).  相似文献   
A numerical simulation and an experimental study on vortex-induced motion (VIM) of a new type of deep draft multi-columns floating drilling production, storage and offloading (FDPSO) are presented in this paper. The main dimension, the special variable cross-section column and the cabin arrangement of the octagonal pontoon are introduced based on the result. The numerical simulation is adapted to study the effects of current incidence angles and reduced velocities on this platform''s sway motion response. The 300 m water depth equivalent truncated mooring system is adopted for the model tests. The model tests are carried out to check the reliability of numerical simulation. The results consist of surge, sway and yaw motions, as well as motion trajectories. The maximum sway amplitudes for different types of offshore platform is also studied. The main results show that the peak frequencies of sway motion under different current incidence angles and reduced velocities vary around the natural frequency. The analysis result of flow field indicates that the change of distribution of vortex in vertical presents significant influences on the VIM of platform. The trend of sway amplitude ratio curve of this new type FDPSO differs from the other types of platform. Under 45° current incidence angle, the sway amplitude of this new type of FDPSO is much smaller than those of other types of offshore platform at 4.4 ≤ Vr ≤ 8.9. The typical ‘8’ shape trajectory does not appear in the platform''s motion trajectories.  相似文献   
海底热液喷口周围的水体具有显著的浊度和化学组分异常, 是寻找热液喷口的重要标志。文章提出了一种海底热液喷口的探测技术方法, 设计了低功耗化学传感器。该化学传感器可搭载在相关平台, 实时探测水体的Eh、H2S、pH及CO32-等电位值, 结合浊度异常, 可以推断热液喷口的位置。在西南印度洋中脊海试结果表明, 该化学传感器可有效探测由热液活动产生的水体异常, 是一种探测海底热液喷口的有效技术。  相似文献   
本篇论述中、新生界煤型气的有关问题。中生界煤型气资源集中分布在北方,气源岩以侏罗纪煤系为主,以西北区资源前景最好。其中吐—哈盆地最具代表性,构造环境反转是本区煤层气形成并富集的特殊构造条件。新生界煤型气资源则集中分布于大陆架裂谷系,第三纪煤系为主力气源岩,裂谷高温构造环境是源岩热演化生烃的有利条件,而背斜—断层圈闭是最有利成藏的构造类型。崖13-1气田为本区典型代表并具自生自储的特点。  相似文献   
本文在关中盆地现有监测网的基础上,基于GIS技术,采用建设监测剖面与编制地下水动态类型图相结合的方法,对关中盆地地下水动态监测网进行了优化调整,形成4横5纵共9条监测剖面、239个监测点的地下水动态监测网,其中潜水监测井120个,承压水监测井119个;利用原有监测井165个,新增监测井74个。新建监测网能够较全面地控制关中盆地区域地下水动态变化,在2011年"严重缺水地区地下水监测项目"中,以动态监测数据为依据,确定了主要干旱区位置,为政府应急抗旱找水打井提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
为研究双向碰撞效应对连续斜交桥地震响应的影响,采用Kelvin-Voigt模型模拟桥台伸缩缝处的纵向碰撞现象,采用简化滞回模型模拟挡块与主梁的横向碰撞过程,针对某三跨连续斜交桥进行参数对比研究。研究表明,双向碰撞对主梁横向位移的影响远比纵向位移大,其中桥台间隙对主梁平面转角的影响最大,且平面转角随桥台间隙的增大而减小;横向碰撞对墩柱曲率变形的影响远比纵向碰撞大,其中挡块强度的影响特别大,当挡块强度由0%增至50%时,墩柱纵、横向曲率均值分别增大13.43倍、7.21倍。随着斜交角的增大,梁端纵向位移不断增大,横向位移和平面转角则先增后减;墩底纵向曲率不断增大,横向曲率经历先增后减\,再增的过程;纵向碰撞效应先减弱后增强,而横向碰撞效应则先增强后减弱。由于横向碰撞对墩柱的影响远大于纵向碰撞,因此在斜交角为15°~45°时,宜设法降低横向碰撞效应。  相似文献   
The Guide sedimentary basin is located in the northeastern part of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau,which is rich in geothermal resources. However,exploitation of the geothermal resources has so far been limited,because of limited understanding of the resources quantity and storage gained from scientific researches. In this study,using a typical cross section across the basin and taking into account its geothermal and geological conditions,a new water-heat coupled model was built and associated modelling was done by the software TOUGH2. During modelling process,the accuracy and applicability of the model was confirmed through the calibration of relevant parameters for modelling the heat and water transport and the formation of geothermal reservoir across the basin,with particular focus on the Neogene geothermal field. Results show that the groundwater that flows from the basin margins to the center is heated by the Neogene and Paleogene sedimentary rocks with high geothermal gradients. Since the east-west extending fault F1 is conductive,it acts as preferential flow paths which on one hand provide additional and rapid flows to the thermal reservoir; and on the other hand,cool down the thermal water to a certain extent due to the infiltration of shallower water sources in the vicinity of the fault. Furthermore,the estimated geothermal resources quantity is close to that of previous studies. In comparison with the Paleogene rock formations,the Neogene geothermal reservoir shows a better nature in terms of water content,aquifer permeability and resources exploitability,although the resource quantity of the Paleogene reservoir is considerable.  相似文献   
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