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通过对1983年12月28日、2002年12月26日百色市两次异常降雪天气过程的对比分析,发现冬季孟加拉湾槽的发展东移在其中起到了关键性的作用。由于孟加拉湾槽前暖湿气流强盛,这种强盛的西南暖湿气流在低空冷空气堆(冷锋)上发生强烈的系统性上升运动,从而导致百色市及其邻近地区出现异常的雨雪天气。  相似文献   
1IntroductionStudy on the interrelationship between vegetation patterns and their habitat heterogeneity is important to recover and rehabilitate the desert vegetation, stabilize the desert ecosystem and prevent desert expansion. Domestic and foreign researchers have carried out many studies on this topic (Archer etal., 2002; Bolling etal., 2000; Chen etal., 2003; Dasti etal., 1994; Gu etal., 2002, Li etal., 2001; Li etal., 2001; Liang etal., 2003), which have used and refined statistic tech…  相似文献   
论述了正常钻进的条件,提出了合理岩屑规程是保证正常钻进的关键和设计钻头的主要依据之一,讨论了岩屑规程与金刚石钻头唇面工作状态、孔底表面粗糙度和岩屑粒度的关系,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   
埋地金属管线对视电阻率的观测危害甚大。造成观测值大幅改变,跳动,无规律可循。严重时,甚至台站报废,被迫搬迁。通过一些突发事件的启发,结合现场实验,并引证了一些理论计算,笔者摸索出了只须对金属管道作局部微小的改造,就能基本克服其对观测的干扰的方法。该方法在红格台试验半年多来,取得了明显的效果。观测值恢复到安装的水管以前的水平,再无大幅度的跳动。该方法节约经费,简单易行,大大提高了台站在复杂环境中的生存能力。  相似文献   
With the static opaque chamber and gas chromatography technique, from January 2003 to January 2004 soil respiration was investigated in a tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, SW China. In this study three treatments were applied, each with three replicates: A (bare soil), B (soil+litter), and C (soil+litter+seedling). The results showed that soil respiration varied seasonally, low from December 2003 to February 2004, and high from June to July 2004. The annual average values of CO2 efflux from soil respiration differed among the treatments at 1% level, with the rank of C (14642 mgCO2· m-2. h-1)>B (12807 mgCO2· m-2. h-1)>A (9532 mgCO2· m-2. h-1). Diurnal variation in soil respiration was not apparent due to little diurnal temperate change in Xishuangbanna. There was a parabola relationship between soil respiration and soil moisture at 1% level. Soil respiration rates were higher when soil moisture ranged from 35% to 45%. There was an exponential relationship between soil respiration and soil temperature (at a depth of 5cm in mineral soil) at 1% level. The calculated Q1o values in this study,ranging from 2.03 to 2.36, were very near to those of tropical soil reported. The CO2 efflux in 2003was 5.34 kgCO2· m-2. a-1 from soil plus litter plus seedling, of them 3.48 kgCO2· m-2. a-1 from soil (accounting for 62.5%), 1.19 kgCO2· m-2. a-1 from litter (22.3%) and 0.67 kgCO2·m-2. a-1 from seedling (12.5%).  相似文献   
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are important precursors of atmospheric chemical processes. As a whole mixture, the ambient VOCs show very strong chemical reactivity. Based on OH radical loss rates in the air, the chemical reactivity of VOCs in Beijing was calculated. The results revealed that alkenes, accounting for only about 15% in the mixing ratio of VOCs, provide nearly 75% of the reactivity of ambient VOCs and the C4 to C5 alkenes were the major reactive species among the alkenes. The study of emission characteristics of various VOCs sources indicated that these alkenes are mainly from vehicle exhaust and gasoline evaporation. The reduction of alkene species in these two sources will be effective in photochemical pollution control in Beijing.  相似文献   
汤捷 《探矿工程》2005,32(5):5-8
介绍了贝诺特工法在香港大澳岛避风塘码头的超深灌注桩工程中的施工情况,并对其优越性及在国内的发展前景作了简要分析。  相似文献   
我国公路泥石流病害严重,泥石流淤埋公路构建筑物是一类常见的公路泥石流病害类型。泥石流衰减动力学是防治泥石流淤埋病害的重要关键技术,也是泥石流运动学、动力学研究的核心问题之一。本文作者运用泥沙运动力学及流体力学原理,初步建立了泥石流固相颗粒和液相浆体的能量衰减条件,把泥石流衰减模式概化为两类,即能量抑制衰减和能量自由衰减;通过泥石流沉积模型试验,得到了不同粘度泥石流体的沉积扇变化形态,随着泥石流体粘度的增大,沉积扇边缘变陡、扩展范围变小、纵轴线长度减小等结论与实际情况吻合;初步建立了泥石流能量衰减速率计算方法。研究成果为防治公路泥石流病害奠定了基础。  相似文献   
随着县级城镇社会经济的迅速发展,城镇居民的休闲时间日渐增多,休闲时间的利用成为人们关注的焦点。以蒙自为案例地的中国经济欠发达地区县级城镇居民的休闲时间利用结构已经日趋多样化,但主要还是集中于看电视、散步、书报业务学习、家庭娱乐、做家务等几项传统休闲方式,家庭内休闲在城镇居民的休闲活动中占了很大比重,这反映出休闲时间利用低水平的问题。县级城镇休闲设施和休闲产业都比较落后,影响了城镇居民休闲质量的提高和休闲消费、休闲经济的发展。因此,政府及有关部门应努力改善城镇的休闲设施,大力发展休闲产业,从多方面引导居民科学、有效、合理地利用休闲时间,最终促进休闲经济的发展,提高城镇居民的生活质量。  相似文献   
二郎坪群抱树坪组作为北秦岭早古生代重要的沉积记录,其研究程度较低。本文通过对抱树坪组内火山岩夹层和花岗斑岩脉进行岩石学、地球化学和锆石U- Pb测年研究,旨在进一步确定其沉积时代与构造环境。研究结果表明:豫西夏馆地区抱树坪组火山岩夹层已变质为(黑云)阳起钠长片岩,常与黑云石英片岩呈“互层状”产出;岩石原岩为安山质凝灰岩,具有相对低的SiO2(52. 56%~62. 04%)、较高的Al2O3(10. 70%~18. 55%)、低的MgO(4. 06%~6. 21%)和FeOT/MgO(1. 23~1. 81),富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素Rb、Th、U、K,相对亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、P、Ti,具镁安山质岩石的特点;结合地球化学特征及前人研究认为,抱树坪组可能形成于活动陆缘弧后盆地。获得黑云阳起钠长片岩原岩的结晶锆石U- Pb年龄为446. 0±1. 7 Ma,以及侵入其中花岗斑岩脉的成岩年龄为430. 0±3. 0 Ma,首次将抱树坪组的形成时代准确地限定为晚奥陶世至早志留世。综合区域研究成果认为,小寨组和抱树坪组在地层层序和地层时代上符合广义二郎坪群的划分方案,但大庙组、火神庙组及由小寨组和抱树坪组构成的整体三者在形成时代上表现为近于同时性,在空间上主体呈现近平行关系,可能主体属时代大体相当的不同沉积环境的产物;在大地构造属性方面,认为二郎坪群是在约470 Ma之前由于商丹洋向北俯冲而形成的火山岛弧,在470~436 Ma转化为弧后盆地,至约430 Ma之前最终完成消减闭合。  相似文献   
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