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Although sandy foreshore facies are generally characterized by parallel lamination, wavy lamination is predominant in the mixed sand and gravel foreshore facies of the Pleistocene Hosoya Sandstone, which crops out along the Pacific coast of the Atsumi Peninsula, Aichi, central Japan. The foreshore facies consists of three sedimentary subfacies; interbeds of gravel and parallel laminated sand of the lower foreshore facies, parallel laminated fine to medium sand beds containing scattered pebbles and cobbles of the middle foreshore facies, and wavy laminated fine to medium sand beds containing scattered pebbles and cobbles of the upper foreshore facies. A lack of erosional surfaces in the middle foreshore facies indicates the continuous accumulation of sand in flat beds under upper plane bed flow. The wavy laminated sands of the upper foreshore facies exhibit erosional surfaces indicative of repeated deposition and erosion. The erosional surfaces are undulatory, with depressions (10 cm wide and 3 cm deep) that contain scattered pebbles and cobbles. These depressions reflect backwash erosion of sand around and below the pebbles and cobbles. Sand draping over the undulating erosional surfaces forms the wavy lamination. The wavy laminated sand with scattered pebbles and cobbles is a key facies of an upper foreshore or swash zone, and is a good sea-level marker.  相似文献   
Two characteristic landforms, landslide blocks and drainage channels, were investigated in Adventdalen, central Spitsbergen. The landslides in the middle reaches of Adventdalen comprise large-scale bedrock slumps which form a hummocky surface on the south slope of Arctowskifjellet. The fourteen recognized landslide blocks are divided into upper and lower sections, according to altitude. The drainage channels consist of tributary rivers to Adventelva which flow in two distinct directions, either parallel with or oblique to the direction of the main river. Glacial deposits were found to cover the ridges between these tributary channels. The upper and lower landslide divisions may indicate former positions of the ice surface, and the channels appear to have originated during the existence of lateral moraine ridges with high ice content. These geomorphological findings have allowed reconstruction of former ice marginal positions, and they strongly suggest the existence of stagnant ice or minor re-advance phases during the course of deglaciation in Adventdalen.  相似文献   
The correlation coefficients between the typhoon frequencies for the seven regions in East Asia (i. e. Xisha, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Shanghai, Naha, Kagoshima and Nagoya) and the monthly-mean sea surface temperature (SST) from 2 years before to 1 year after are calculated, indicating that the most significant correlation appears in the period from the summer of 2 years before to the summer of 1 year before. During this period negative correlations are located in the northwestern part of the North Pacific while the positive ones located in the southeastern part. It is found that the positive correlations change into the negative ones in Equatorial East Pacific in the same year (simultaneous correlation). The high-level correlation region in 1 year after is found in the area of Alaska Current. It is also suggested that there are interannual variations of about 1,1.5 and 2 years for the changes of the correlation intensity.  相似文献   
Nagahama Bay of Satsuma Iwo‐Jima Island, southwest Japan, is an excellent place for studying sedimentation of iron‐oxyhydroxides by shallow‐marine low‐temperature hydrothermal activity. Its fishing port has a narrow entrance that limits exchange of seawater between the bay and open ocean, allowing the accumulation of fine‐grained precipitates of iron‐bearing materials (Fe‐oxyhydroxides) on the seafloor. The fishing port is usually filled with orange‐ to brown‐colored Fe‐rich water, and deposits >1.5 m thick Fe‐rich sediments. To elucidate the movement and depositional processes of the Fe‐rich precipitates in the bay, we conducted continuous profiling of turbidity throughout the tidal cycle and monitoring of surface water. The results showed that clear seawater entered the bay during the rising tide, and turbid colored water flowed into the ocean during the ebb tide. Neap tide was found to be an optimal condition for sedimentation of Fe‐oxyhydroxides due to weak tidal currents. Storms and heavy rains were also found to have influenced precipitation of Fe‐oxyhydroxides. Storm waves disturbed the bottom sediments, resulting in increased turbidity and rapid re‐deposition of Fe‐oxyhydroxides with an upward‐fining sequence. Heavy rain carried Fe‐oxyhydroxides originally accumulated in nearby beach sands to the bay. Our findings provide information on optimal conditions for the accumulation of Fe‐rich sediments in shallow‐marine hydrothermal settings.  相似文献   
Abstract— Antarctic meteorite QUE 94201 is a new basaltic shergottite that is mainly composed of subequal amounts of maskelynite and pyroxenes (pigeonite and augite) plus abundant merrillite and accessory phases. It also contains impact melt. Complex zoning patterns in QUE 94201 pyroxenes revealed by elemental map analyses using an electron microprobe suggest a crystallization sequence from Mg-rich pigeonite (En62Fss30Wog) to extremely Fe-rich pigeonite (En5Fs81Wo14) via {110} Mg-rich augite bands (En44Fs20Wo36) in a single crystal. These textures, along with the abundant plagioclase (maskelynite), indicates single-stage rapid cooling (>5 °C/year) of this rock from a supercooled magma. Transition from Mg-rich augite to Fe-rich pigeonite reflects the onset of plagioclase crystallization. Enrichment of late-stage phases in QUE 94201 implies crystallization from an evolved magma and suggests a different parent magma composition from the other basaltic shergottites. Lithology B of EETA79001 basaltic shergottite contains pyroxenes that show complex zoning with augite bands similar to those in QUE 94201 pyroxene, which suggests similar one-stage rapid cooling. Lithology B of EETA79001 also resembles QUE 94201 in its coarse-grained texture of silicates and its high abundance of maskelynite, although QUE 94201 probably crystallized from a more fractionated magma. We also note that some Apollo lunar mare basalts (e.g., 12020 and 12021) have similar mineralogy and petrology to QUE 94201, especially in pyroxene zoning. All these basaltic rocks with complex pyroxene zoning suggest rapid metastable crystallization from supercooled magmas.  相似文献   
The peri‐Arabian ophiolite belt, from Cyprus in the west, eastward through Northwest Syria, Southeast Turkey, Northeast Iraq, Southwest Iran, and into Oman, marks a 3000 km‐long convergent margin that formed during a Late Cretaceous (ca 100 Ma) episode of subduction initiation on the north side of Neotethys. The Zagros ophiolites of Iran are part of this belt and are divided into Outer (OB) and Inner (IB) Ophiolitic Belts. We here report the first Nd–Hf isotopic study of this ophiolite belt, focusing on the Dehshir ophiolite (a part of IB). Our results confirm the Indian mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) mantle domain origin for the Dehshir mafic and felsic igneous rocks. All lavas have similar Hf isotopic compositions, but felsic dikes have significantly less‐radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions compared to mafic lavas. Elevated Th/Nb and Th/Yb in felsic samples accompany nonradiogenic Nd, suggesting the involvement of sediments or continental crust.  相似文献   
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