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本文结合苏州城市地质调查工作,综合考虑沉积时代、成因类型、沉积环境及土性特征等要素,对东部堆积平原区进行了工程地质层组划分,并对城市地质体的关键持力层组和软弱敏感层进行了判识。采用自由活塞薄壁取样器和冷冻掰断-黏贴法,制作了用于微观结构分析的土样。基于扫描电镜图像的处理分析,对苏州软弱敏感层的软土微观尺度结构特征进行了对比研究,得到了原状土天然状态下的微观结构类型,颗粒排列的定向特征,颗粒偏心度,定向概率熵等量化指标。研究表明:苏州软弱敏感层的颗粒长轴与水平x轴的夹角分布区间较为集中,土体的各向异性程度相对较低; 滨浅海相沉积环境以及晚第四纪以来海侵、海退的水动力作用导致⑦层软土的定向概率熵和颗粒偏心度在(0.6,1.0)区间内的分布概率值较高。上述工作为深入理解其基本工程性质,建立土体沉积环境、微观结构与宏观工程特性的联系提供了重要的试验依据。  相似文献   
对位于江西九瑞地区的东雷湾矽卡岩型铜钼金多金属矿床主成矿阶段(石英金属硫化物阶段)石英中的流体包裹体进行了岩相学和显微测温研究。结果表明,与成矿有关的包裹体类型主要有4类,成矿流体的均一温度和盐度主要集中于210~350℃和1%~9%,总体属于高中温、中低盐度流体体系。包裹体的气相成分以H2O和CO2为主,其次有N2、CO、O2,有少量CH4、C2H2;液相成分中,阳离子以Ca2+、K+、Na+为主,含少量Mg2+,阴离子以Cl-、SO2-4为主,含少量NO-3、NO-2,流体属于CO2-H2O-Na Cl-Ca Cl2(KCl)体系,计算所得离子浓度为3.1%~34.5%。氢、氧同位素特征显示,主成矿阶段成矿流体δ18OH2O值为0.93‰~5.20‰,δDV-SMOW值为-81‰~-64‰,表明成矿流体主要为岩浆水,有极少量大气降水混入。矿石硫化物的δ34SV-CDT‰值为-2.2‰~3.4‰,结合铅、铼同位素特征表明,东雷湾矿床的成矿物质主要来源于上地幔,同时有一定量的壳源物质混入。东雷湾矿床为热液交代矽卡岩型矿床,区域褶皱和断裂为成矿岩浆提供运移通道,岩浆侵位发育矽卡岩型岩浆流体系统,并伴随有Cu(Mo、Au等)矿化,最终形成矿床。  相似文献   
永定河形成时代研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文

通过对永定河冲洪积物的研究发现,永定河形成前后的沉积环境明显不同。钻探资料表明永定河形成前本地区沉积环境主要为湖泊相,当时湖水宁静,沉积物主要为泥岩和粉砂。永定河形成时洪水裹携大量碎屑形成巨厚的泥石流堆积,沉积环境为冲洪积相,主要为砂砾石、砂、粉砂和粘土互层,形成巨大的冲洪积扇。通过新5孔钻孔岩芯273块古地磁样品的系统剩磁测试,获得了该钻孔岩芯的古地磁极性序列,对比国际地磁极性年表,认为该钻孔岩芯剖面 0~96.59m以正极性带为主,对应布容正极性时,其地质时代为0~0.78Ma;  96.59~246.79m则以反极性带为主,对应松山反极性时,其地质时代为0.78~2.58Ma;  246.79~413.64m以正极性带为主,则对应高斯正极性时,其地质时代为2.58~3.58Ma,属于新近纪上新世。研究推测永定河最早的沉积物为上新世形成,距今3.33~3.58Ma。
  相似文献   
MODFLOW和FEFLOW在国内地下水数值模拟中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数值模拟是研究地下水资源问题的主要手段。介绍MODFLOW和FEFLOW这两款地下水数值模型在国内地下水模拟中的应用,比较分析二者在基本原理、模型特点、以及应用领域等方面的差异,提出地下水数值模型的发展趋势。  相似文献   
南极高原拥有独特的天文观测优势,为了对南极中山站夜天文观测条件进行实测研究,中国科学院云南天文台专门研制了一套具有耐低温、自动除雪除霜等适应南极气候特征的全自动全天信息采集系统,该系统可以提供实时的全天云量、天光背景和全天图像,并将信息推送到网页实时显示。介绍了系统的研制及为适应南极气候进行的耐低温实验,统计分析了中山站2016~2017年的全天信息数据,结果显示,中山站2016和2017年的可观测时间为772.21 h和437.38 h,可观测夜数为93 d和51 d,天光背景最大真实值为22.05 Mag/arcsec 2,年平均气温为-10.6℃,最高气温19.1℃,最低气温为-44℃,2016年平均相对湿度为55.2%。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代我国对地壳上地幔结构的人工地震探测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了20世纪90年代我国人工地震探测在研究大震区和潜在震源区深部细结构,发震构造的深部特征、介质物性,地壳和上地幔结构与地球动力学过程,火山深部结构,油气生成的深部构造环境等方面取得的成果,以及人工地震资料解释中P波和S波的联合应用,浅层地震反射法在地壳浅层细结构、深浅构造关系研究方面取得的进展。  相似文献   
The prevailing academic view regards mantle flow and the metasomatism triggered by the subduction of the Pacific plate as the cause and mechanism for the destruction of the North China Craton (NCC). However, the geodynamic destruction process remains ambiguous, necessitating detailed information at this stage. Combining the structural images obtained by the exploration of dense seismic arrays and the geodynamic simulations inspired by numerical modeling, this paper arrives at the following conclusions: the spatial variation of the P- and S-wave velocities, as well as their velocity ratio in the mantle transition zone, are key evidences of the nonuniform dehydration of the Pacific plate, the subducted plate induces hot upwellings in the mantle transition zone (MTZ), resulting in the heterogeneous distribution of the melt/fluid beneath the craton, characterized by small scale anomalies in the seismic velocity field, and as revealed by dense seismic array observation, the heterogeneities in the upper mantle structure and deformation are the synthetic results of lithospheric strain localization and the heterogeneous distribution of the melt/fluid. It is known that the nonuniform dehydration of the Pacific slab and the heterogeneous distribution of the melt/fluid have occured in the Cenozoic. If these scenarios could have already occurred in the Early Cretaceous, their interaction with the NCC lithosphere would be the dynamic mechanism for the heterogeneous lithospheric destruction of the NCC. The inference in this study is significant for further reconciling the multidisciplinary evidences in the NCC.  相似文献   
热红外遥感中大气下行辐射效应的一种近似计算与误差估计   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
陈良富  徐希孺 《遥感学报》1999,3(3):165-170
在热红外遥感中,大气下行辐射效应很难处理,原因是地表双向反射分布函数很难精确描述。因此常见的处理方法是在如下2 个假设前提下对该项作做简化计算: 一是假设地表反射为朗伯体特性,二是大气下行辐射在半球空间内取常数。该文提出了一种在地表为非朗伯体、大气下行辐射为非各向同性等一般条件下近似计算大气下行辐射效应的方法。通过数值模拟表明:(1) 所采用的方法可以在放弃2 个假设的前提下,更精确地计算热红外大气下行辐射效应的数值,计算精度比2 个假设前提下的计算方法至少提高20 .53 % ;(2) 该方法所带来的误差是大气模式、遥感器视角和通道的函数。其中,通道4 的相对误差比通道5大,同一通道中模式5 的相对误差最大,但最大可能相对误差不到8 % ,且随扫描角的增大而减小;(3) 大气下行辐射效应项占总辐射亮度值之比例在±30°视角范围内一般不超过4 % 。  相似文献   
A method for the determination of nanomolar concentrations of orthophosphate in oligotrophic seawater developed by Liang et al. (2007) has been modified to make it fully feasible for shipboard application and for faster sample throughput with minimized sample volume. The technique is based on the flow injection method with solid phase extraction on a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge and colorimetric detector. The Schlieren effect was minimized by rinsing the cartridge sequentially with 5 mL water and 2 mL 95% ethanol solution. With three micro pumps in parallel, savings of up to 80% in amount of reagents and 25% volume of seawater samples could be achieved in comparison to the previous method. Variation of stopped flow time and sample loading time gave 3 different standard curves, which corresponded to 3 linear ranges within 3.4 and 515 nM. The modified method permits the analysis of samples over a wide range of concentrations, and has been successfully applied to shipboard determination of trace orthophosphate in more than 200 seawater samples during a one-month cruise in the South China Sea. For seawater at concentrations of 20.6, 82.5, 206.2 nM orthophosphate, the relative standard deviations (RSD) (n = 6), determined daily for 6 days on board ship were 4.45%, 4.73% and 6.75%, respectively. Five seawater samples collected in the Station SEATS (South East Asia Time Series Station at 18°N, 116°E) were analyzed using the present method both on board and in a land-based laboratory, as well as with the magnesium hydroxide-induced coprecipitation (MAGIC) method, and showed no significant difference according to the statistical t-test.  相似文献   
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