Spatio-temporal changes in macrozoobenthic assemblage structure were monitored at 8 stations in a river-affected temperate lagoon (Idoura Lagoon, Japan) from May 1997 to May 1998 to assess animal–environment relationships in estuarine soft-bottom habitats. A total of 29 taxa occurred with a predominance of a few polychaete species including Heteromastus cf. similis, Hediste spp., Pseudopolydora cf. kempi and Prionospio japonica. The community structure differed significantly among four habitat types that were characterized by different salinity, sediment characteristics, and/or bottom elevation. For each habitat, macrozoobenthic community structure changed significantly with time, which was discriminated mostly by the lower density of polyhaline opportunistic species such as P. cf. kempi in warmer period. The salinity in the study area was much lower from May to September, mainly due to irrigation discharge from paddy fields, which seemed to be a lethal factor for the polyhaline species. C/N ratio and δ13C value of the sediment implied the accumulation of river-derived organic matters during the high river flow period. Present results showed the significant effects of fluctuating river discharge on the estuarine soft-bottom habitats, suggesting a linkage among terrestrial, riverine and estuarine ecosystems. 相似文献
The position of meroplanktonic larvae in the water column with depth-dependent current velocities determines horizontal transport trajectories. For those larvae occurring in inner shelf waters, little is known about how combined diel and tidally-synchronized vertical migration patterns shift ontogenetically. The vertical migration of larvae of Nihonotrypaea harmandi (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Callianassidae) was investigated in mesotidal, inner shelf waters of western Kyushu, Japan in July–August 2006. The larval sampling at seven depth layers down to 60 m was conducted every 3 h for 36 h in a 68.5-m deep area 10 km off a major coastal adult habitat. Within a 61–65-m deep area 5–7.5 km off the adult habitat, water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a concentration, and photon flux density were measured, and water currents there were characterized from harmonic analysis of current meter data collected in 2008. The water column was stratified, with pycnocline, chlorophyll a concentration maximum, and 2% of photon flux density at 2 m, recorded at around 22–24 m. The stratified residual currents were detected in their north component, directed offshore and onshore in the upper and lower mixed layers, respectively. More than 87% of larvae occurred between 20 m and 60 m, producing a net onshore transport of approximately 1.3 km d−1. At the sunset flooding tide, all zoeal-stage larvae ascended, which could further promote retention (1.4-km potential onshore transport in 3 h). The actual onshore transport of larvae was detected by observing their occurrence pattern in a shallow embayment area with the adult habitat for 24 h in October 1994. However, ontogenetic differences in the vertical migration pattern in inner shelf waters were also apparent, with the maximum mean positions of zoeae deepening with increasing stages. Zoeae I and II performed a reverse diel migration, with their minimum and maximum depths being reached around noon and midnight, respectively. Zoeae IV and V descended continuously. Zoeae III had behaviors that were intermediate to those of the earlier- and later-stage zoeae. Postlarvae underwent a normal diel migration (nocturnal ascent) regardless of tides, with the deepest position (below 60 m and/or on the bottom) during the day. These findings give a new perspective towards how complex vertical migration patterns in meroplanktonic larvae enable their retention in inner shelf waters before the final entry of postlarvae into their natal populations. 相似文献
We tested the hypothesis that foliose plates of Echinopora lamellosa (Esper, 1795) adjust their primary growth direction (or slope from the horizontal) when irradiance (light) is limiting. This hypothesis was tested at a coral-reef locality that is shaded daily by steep adjacent hills, restricting direct light to only a few hours each day (Iwayama Bay, Palau). The angle at which colonies received maximum light was measured using acetate film, and was compared with modeled estimates (using a simple global-light model). We show strong relationships between light and primary-colony gradients; with the foliose plates acting as parabolic antennae, predictably adjusting their primary gradients to optimize light capture. 相似文献
In order to detect iron (Fe) stress in micro-sized (20–200 μm) diatoms in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific during
spring, immunological ferredoxin/flavodoxin assays were applied to samples collected from the surface layer in May 2005. Concomitantly,
the community composition of the micro-sized phytoplankton and hydrographic conditions, including dissolved Fe and macronutrient
concentrations, were also examined. Chlorophyll (Chl) a concentrations were <2 mg m−3 at all sampling stations, except at a station where the Chl a level was 9.0 mg m−3 and a micro-sized diatom bloom occurred. A high abundance of ferredoxin in micro-sized diatoms was detected only at a rather
near-shore station where dissolved Fe and macronutrient concentrations were higher, indicating that the micro-sized diatoms
did not suffer from iron deficiency. On the other hand, flavodoxin in micro-sized diatoms was often observed at the other
stations, including the bloom station, where macronutrients were replete but dissolved Fe concentration was low (0.31 nM).
A significant amount of chlorophyllide a, a degradation product of Chl a, was also observed at the bloom station, suggesting a decline of the diatom bloom. The micro-sized phytoplankton species
at all the stations were mainly composed of the diatoms Thalassiosira, Chaetoceros, and Fragilariopsis spp. Our study indicates that micro-sized diatoms were stressed by Fe bioavailability during the spring season in the Oyashio
region 相似文献
Size and taxonomic structure of plankton community carbon biomass for the 0.2–2000 μm equivalent spherical diameter range were determined at the equator at 175°E in September 1990–1993 and April 1994. Total biomass of the plankton community ranged from 1944 to 3448 mg C m−2. Phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacteria carbon biomasses were 604–1669 mg C m-2, 300–797 mg C m2, and 968–1200 mg C m-2, and the percentages were 31–54%, 15–26%, and 29–54%, respectively. Biomass of heterotrophic bacteria was always the largest fraction andProchlorococcus biomass was second. Heterotrophic and autotrophic flagellates and dinoflagellates in the nanoplankton size range and copepods (adults and copepodites) in the mesoplankton range were also high. Relatively small biomass was observed in the microplankton size range. The differences in integrated biomass of plankton community for El Nin˜o type oligotrophic conditions of September 1990–1993 and non-El Nifio type mesotrophic conditions of April 1994 were generally small compared with the interannual difference during 1990–1993. However, the percentage ofProchlorococcus in phytoplankton carbon biomass was larger in non-El Nin˜o year. Biomasses of cyanobacteria, diatom, dinoflagellates, nauplii of copepods, and crustaceans other than copepods were larger in the non-El Nin˜o year. Primary production increased significantly from El Nin˜o to non-El Nin˜o years. Carbon flow through the plankton food chain was estimated using the plankton carbon biomass data, primary production measurements, and published empirical relationships. 相似文献
Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic studies were carried out for metamorphic rocks in the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex, South Africa. The metamorphic rocks give the Rb-Sr mineral isochron ages (whole-rock - biotite - felsic fractions) of 844±85 Ma and 811.6±6.6 Ma for the lower granulite zone and of 776.5±5.4 Ma for the upper granulite zone. The rocks yield the Sm-Nd mineral isochron ages of 1071±18 Ma (whole-rock - garnet - felsic fractions) and 1067±158 Ma (whole-rock - hornblende - biotite rich fraction - felsic fractions) for the lower granulite zone and of 1052.0±3.6 Ma and 1002.5±1.4 Ma (whole-rock - garnet - felsic fractions) for the upper granulite zone. These age data suggest that the granulite facies metamorphism took place at 1060-1000 Ma, and that the rocks cooled down at 850-780 Ma. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of metamorphic rocks are different between the lower and upper granulite zones. 相似文献
The Francevillian Group in Gabonese Republic was recently established as a typical sedimentary sequence for the Paleoproterozoic.However,its age is rather poorly constrained,mainly based on Rb-Sr and Nd-Sm datings.This study reports new zircon data obtained from Chaillu massif and N'goutou complex,which constrain the protolith age of the basement orthogneisses and the igneous age of an intrusive granite,respectively.Most zircons from the orthogneisses are blue and exhibit oscillatory zoning in cathode-luminescence images.Zircons with lower common lead abundances tend to be distributed close to the concordia curve.Two age clusters around 2860 Ma and 2910 Ma are found in zircons plotted on the concordia curve.Based on the Th/U ratios of zircons,these ages correspond to the protolith ages of the orthogneisses,and the zircons are not metamorphic in origin.Syenites and granites were collected from the N'goutou complex that intrudes into the FA and FB units of the Francevillian Group.The granitoids exhibit chemical composition of A-type granite affinity.Half of zircons separated from the granite are non-luminous,and the remaining half exhibit obscure internal textures under cathode-luminescence observation.All zircon grains contain significant amounts of common lead;the lead isotopic variability is probably attributed to the mixing of two components in the zircons.The zircon radiogenic ~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb ratio is 0.13707 ± 0.0010.corresponding to a ~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb age of 2191 ± 13 Ma.This constrains the minimum depositional age of the FA and FB units.Furthermore,the FB unit consists of manganese-rich carbonate rocks and organic carbon-rich black shales with macroscopic fossils.Based on our age constraints,these organisms appeared in the study area just after the last Paleoproterozoic Snowball Earth event,in concert with global scale oxidation event encompassing the Snowball Earth. 相似文献
Deformation experiments on olivine aggregates were performed under hydrous conditions using a deformation-DIA apparatus combined with synchrotron in situ X-ray observations at pressures of 1.5–9.8 GPa, temperatures of 1223–1800 K, and strain rates ranging from 0.8 × 10?5 to 7.5 × 10?5 s?1. The pressure and strain rate dependencies of the plasticity of hydrous olivine may be described by an activation volume of 17 ± 6 cm3 mol?1 and a stress exponent of 3.2 ± 0.6 at temperatures of 1323–1423 K. A comparison between previous data sets and our results at a normalized temperature and a strain rate showed that the creep strength of hydrous olivine deformed at 1323–1423 K is much weaker than that for the dislocation creep of water-saturated olivine and is similar to that for diffusional creep and dislocation-accommodated grain boundary sliding, while dislocation microstructures showing the [001] slip or the [001](100) slip system were developed. At temperatures of 1633–1800 K, a much stronger pressure effect on creep strength was observed for olivine with an activation volume of 27 ± 7 cm3 mol?1 assuming a stress exponent of 3.5, water fugacity exponent of 1.2, and activation energy of 520 kJ mol?1 (i.e., power-law dislocation creep of hydrous olivine). Because of the weak pressure dependence of the rheology of hydrous olivine at lower temperatures, water weakening of olivine could be effective in the deeper and colder part of Earth’s upper mantle. 相似文献
The effects of marine photosynthesis and calcification on the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater (PCO2) are examined in the light of recent studies and using original model calculations. The ratio of organic carbon to inorganic
carbon production (ROI) determines whether an ecosystem is a net sink or source for atmospheric CO2. ThePCO2 maintains its initial value when the photosynthetic rate is approximately 0.6 times the calcification rate under normal sea
surface condition. In case of higherROI, thePCO2 decreases and seawater can absorb atmospheric CO2. The ratio of organic carbon to inorganic carbon production can be used as a potential indicator of sink-source behavior
in aquatic photo-calcifying systems. 相似文献
The dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity in the surface brackish waters of Lake Hamana were investigated monthly from October 2017 to September 2019 at 14 stations. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in the surface water ranged from 29 to 1476 μatm and was undersaturated for atmospheric CO2 during the observation periods, although most coastal waters were net source areas because of the large amount of terrestrial organic and inorganic carbon input. Since there was a strong negative correlation between pCO2 and the dissolved oxygen, seasonal and temporal variations in pCO2 were mainly derived from phytoplankton activity. The high phytoplankton activity induced by the effluents from sewage treatment plants, which was low in carbon and high in nitrogen. Therefore, in urbanized coastal waters with sewage treatment plants, such as the coastal waters of Japan, there is a possibility of shifting from weaker carbon dioxide source areas to sink areas. However, pCO2 was oversaturated at the polluted river mouth, especially after high precipitation events due to the large carbon supply.