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Wave observation in the marginal ice zone with the TerraSAR-X satellite   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article investigates the penetration of ocean waves into the marginal ice zone (MIZ), observed by satellite, and likewise provides a basis for the future cross-validation of respective models. To this end, synthetic aperture radar images from the TerraSAR-X satellite (TS-X) and numerical simulations of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) are used. The focus is an event of swell waves, developed during a storm passage in the Atlantic, penetrating deeply into the MIZ off the coast of Eastern Greenland in February 2013. The TS-X scene which is the basis for this investigation extends from the ice-free open ocean to solid ice. The variation of the peak wavelength is analysed and potential sources of variability are discussed. We find an increase in wavelength which is consistent with the spatial dispersion of deep water waves, even within the ice-covered region.  相似文献   
The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (SSM) is a subduction-zone-related complex that contains diverse blocks of igneous and sedimentary origin, overprinted by various metamorphic conditions. The SSM is located at the southern border of the Chortís block and marks the boundary between continental and oceanic crusts in the western margin of the Caribbean Plate. The serpentinite matrix mainly consists of lizardite/chrysotile, Cr-rich spinel, and relict orthopyroxene that suggest a harzburgitic protolith and an upper mantle supra-subduction zone origin. Blocks within the southern and central regions range from Jurassic pelagic sediments to mafic/intermediate igneous rocks that are metamorphosed to various degrees, ranging from prehnite-pumpellyite/greenschist to likely blueschist facies (e.g. riebeckite-bearing metashale) conditions. In contrast, the northern section encloses almost exclusively epidote-amphibolite facies metabasite blocks, and minor mica- and chlorite-rich rocks of metasomatic origin, respectively. Some of the epidote-amphibolite blocks contain relic garnet-rich zones embedded in an amphibole-rich matrix. The garnets appear to record two generations of growth and contain mineral inclusions such as amphibole, apatite, titanite, aegirine-augite, and quartz. Thermobarometric estimates for the garnet-rich zones and epidote-amphibolite-rich matrix suggest a prograde blueschist facies at ~1.2 GPa and 400–450°C, an eclogite facies metamorphic peak at 1.5–1.7 GPa and 565–614°C, and a post-peak epidote-amphibolite facies metamorphism. These pressure and temperature estimates indicate a classical clockwise PT path that has been observed in many palaeo-subduction zone environments worldwide. Phengite Ar–Ar dating of mica-rich rock yields 140 Ma and suggests an Early Cretaceous exhumation along the southern edge of the continental Chortís block.  相似文献   
In 2011, northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) from Iceland were used to test the hypothesis that plastic debris decreases at northern latitudes in the Atlantic when moving away from major human centres of coastal and marine activities. Stomach analyses of Icelandic fulmars confirm that plastic pollution levels in the North Atlantic tend to decrease towards higher latitudes. Levels of pollution thus appear to link to regions of intense human coastal and marine activities, suggesting substantial current inputs in those areas.  相似文献   
The Arosa Zone, part of the main Alpine suture zone between the Austroalpine and the Penninic realms, forms a heterogeneous unit composed of rocks of oceanic and continental origin. It exhibits mélange character due to minor sedimentary mixing and local penetrative tectonic deformation during Cretaceous and Early Tertiary imbrication. Competent blocks of both Austroalpine and Penninic origin, covering up to 2.5 km2, are embedded in incompetent serpentinitic or shaly-calcareous matrix. On a mesoscale, disrupted strata occur in and adjacent to thrust and shear zones. Contrasting competence between blocks and matrix partitioned deformation into brittle and ductile processes. Extension veins and shear fractures affected the competent strata whereas the matrix developed a penetrative foliation during ductile flow and accommodated high strain. Flow was mainly non-coaxial in the matrix, and coaxial extension prevailed in the blocks.In a regional tectonic setting, we define the Arosa Zone as the tectonostratigraphic unit sandwiched between the Austroalpine and Penninic units. It forms a narrow and highly imbricated zone containing both South Penninic ophiolitic and sedimentary rocks as well as blocks and slices of Austroalpine origin.
Zusammenfassung Die Arosa Zone ist Teil der Alpinen Suturzone zwischen Ostalpin und Pennimkum und bildet eine lithologisch heterogene Einheit aus kontinentalen und ozeanischen Gesteinen. Sie zeigt den Charakter einer Melange, die aus, untergeordnet, sedimentärer Durchmischung und lokaler, aber penetrativer tektonischer Deformation während kretazisch und alttertiärer Tektonik resultiert. Kompetente Blöcke ostalpiner und penninischer Herkunft, die bis zu 3 km im Streichen verfolgbar sind, schwimmen in einer inkompetenten serpentinitischen oder tonig-karbonatischen Matrix. Im Mesobereich treten zerbrochene Gesteinsabfolgen in oder direkt an Überschiebungs- und Scherzonen auf. Unterschiedliche Kompetenz zwischen Blöcken und Matrix teilt die Deformation in spröde und duktile Prozesse auf. Die kompetenten Gesteine zeigen Extensionsspalten und Scherbrüche, in der Matrix entwickelte sich durch duktiles Fließen eine penetrative Schieferung bei hoher Strainintensität. Die Deformation in der Matrix war hauptsächlich nicht-koaxial, koaxiale Extension herrschte in den Blöcken.Im regionalen tektonischen Rahmen definieren wir die Arosa Zone als tektonostratigraphische Einheit zwischen Ostalpin und Penninikum. Sie bildet eine schmale, stark imbrikierte Zone die, aus südpenninischen ophiolithischen und sedimentären Gesteinen, sowie aus Blöcken und Spänen ostalpiner Herkunft aufgebaut wird.

Résumé La Zone d'Arosa, partie de la zone de suture alpine entre l'Austro-alpin et le Pennique, forme une unité hétérogène composée de roches d'origines océanique et continentale. Elle présente le caractère d'un mélange qui résulte d'un brassage sédimentaire mineur, et de déformations tectoniques, locales mais pénétratives, au cours du Crétacé et du Tertiaire ancien. Des blocs compétents de l'Austro-alpin et du Pennique qui couvrent jusqu'à 2.5 km2, sont enrobés dans une matrice incompétente serpentineuse ou argilo-calcaire. A moyenne échelle, les couches disloquées se rencontrent dans les zones charriées et cisaillées, ou y sont adjacentes. La différence de compétence entre les blocs et la matrice répartit la déformation en processus cassants et ductiles. Les roches compétentes montrent des fentes d'extension et des fractures de cisaillement, alors que dans la matrice, sous l'action d'un flux ductile et d'une intensité de contrainte élevée, se développe une foliation pénétrative. La déformation fut principalement non coaxiale dans la matrice et coaxiale dans les blocs d'extension.Dans un cadre tectonique régional, nous définissons la Zone d'Arosa comme une unité tectonostratigraphique prise entre l'Austro-alpin et le Pennique. Elle constitue une zone étroite et fortement imbriquée composée aussi bien de roches ophiolitiques du Sud-Pennique et de roches sédimentaires, que de blocs et d'écaillés de l'Austro-alpin.

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Investigations of Mars as a potential location for life often make the assumption that where there are habitats, they will contain organisms. However, the observation of the ubiquitous distribution of life in habitable environments on the Earth does not imply the presence of life in martian habitats. Although uninhabited habitats are extremely rare on the Earth, a lack of a productive photosynthetic biosphere on Mars to generate organic carbon and oxygen, thus providing a rapidly available redox couple for energy acquisition by life and/or a lack of connectivity between habitats potentially increases the scope and abundance of uninhabited habitats for much of the geological history of the planet. Uninhabited habitats could have existed on Mars from the Noachian to the present-day in impact hydrothermal systems, megaflood systems, lacustrine environments, transient melted permafrost, gullies and local regions of volcanic activity; and there may be evidence for them in martian meteorites. Uninhabited habitats would provide control habitats to investigate the role of biology in planetary-scale geochemical processes on the Earth and they would provide new constraints on the habitability of Mars. Future robotic craft and samples returned from Mars will be able to directly show if uninhabited habitats exist or existed on Mars.  相似文献   
Natural aggregate is vital to the construction industry. Although natural aggregate is a high volume/low value commodity that is abundant, new sources are becoming increasingly difficult to find and develop because of rigid industry specifications, political considerations, development and transportation costs, and environmental concerns. There are two primary sources of natural aggregate: (1) exposed or near-surface bedrock that can be crushed, and (2) deposits of sand and gravel. Remote sensing and airborne geophysics detect surface and near-surface phenomena, and may be useful for detecting and mapping potential aggregate sources; however, before a methodology for applying these techniques can be developed, it is necessary to understand the type, distribution, physical properties, and characteristics of natural aggregate deposits.The distribution of potential aggregate sources is closely tied to local geologic history. Conventional exploration for natural aggregate deposits has been largely a ground-based operation, although aerial photographs and topographic maps have been extensively used to target possible deposits. Today, the exploration process also considers factors such as the availability of the land, space and water supply for processing, political and environmental factors, and distance from the market; exploration and planning cannot be separated.There are many physical properties and characteristics by which to judge aggregate material for specific applications; most of these properties and characteristics pertain only to individual aggregate particles. The application of remote sensing and airborne geophysical measurements to detecting and mapping potential aggregate sources, however, is based on intrinsic bulk physical properties and extrinsic characteristics of the deposits that can be directly measured, mathematically derived from measurement, or interpreted with remote sensing and geophysical data. On the cover: Northward view of alluvial fans along San Luis Valley, southcentral colorado. This image was created in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Remote Sensing laboratory by digitally draping SPOT panchromatic satellite data resampled to 30 meters pixels resolution over the 124,000 USGS DEM of the Bonanza, Whle Hill, Bushnell Peak, Graveyard Guich, Klondike Mine, and Villa Grove quadrangles.  相似文献   
We investigated lethal and sublethal predation effects of the benthivorous gudgeon (Gobio gobio) on the grazing mayfly Rhithrogena semicolorata and the shredding amphipod Gammarus pulex over 21 months in a largely detritus-based small stream. We hypothesised that shredders are generally less vulnerable to fish predation and therefore less likely to be predation-controlled than grazers, because the latter are visible to the predators during their feeding on stone surfaces, while shredders may hide between leaves during foraging.The hypothesis was tested in two 400 m experimental reaches of a natural stream, which were manipulated in order to contain and to lack fish, respectively. Biomass of G. pulex was significantly reduced in the fish section while that of R. semicolorata was not. Since approximately 91% of the annual production of G. pulex but only 12% of R. semicolorata production was consumed by gudgeon, the observed biomass difference of G. pulex is likely due to a lethal predation effect. However, no sublethal predation effects such as reduced concentration of storage components (triglycerides, glycogen) or reduced reproductive success were observed for both species. Lower mean body length of the R. semicolorata larvae in the fish section did not result in a lower number of eggs in the abdomen of the last instar larvae. Hence, in contrast to our initial hypothesis, in the studied stream the shredder was top-down-controlled, while the grazer was not. It is concluded that top-down control depends on the ecological characteristics of a specific predator-prey pair rather than on trophic guild of the prey.  相似文献   
3 [magma volume (DRE): 24 ± 5 km3]. The main phase (ca. 95 vol.%) is represented by comenditic tephra deposited dominantly as widespread fallout blankets and proximal ignimbrites. The eruption column is estimated to have reached ca. 25 km and thus entered the stratosphere. A late phase (5 vol.%) is represented by trachyte emplaced chiefly as moderately welded ignimbrites. The comendites contain  ∼ 3, and the trachytes 10–20 vol.% phenocrysts, mainly anorthoclase, hedenbergite, and fayalite. Primary glassy melt inclusions with no signs of leakage were found only in phenocrysts in the comenditic tephra, whereas those in phenocrysts in the trachytes are devitrified. The comendite magma is interpreted to have been generated by fractional crystallization from a trachyte magma represented by melt inclusions in the phenocrysts in the comendite tephra. The mass of volatiles emitted to the atmosphere during the eruption was estimated using the petrologic method. The average H2O concentration of the comenditic matrix glass is 1.5 wt.% (probably largely secondary) and of the corresponding melt inclusions  ∼ 5.2 wt.%. Melt inclusions in feldspar and quartz present the highest halogen concentrations with a calculated average for chlorine of 4762 ppm and for fluorine of 4294 ppm. The comenditic matrix glasses are represented by a fluorine-rich (3992 ppm F) and fluorine-poor group (2431 ppm F), averaging 3853 ppm for chlorine. Only 20% of all sulfur analyses of the comenditic matrix glasses and melt inclusions are above the detection limit of  ≥ 250 ppm S. The difference between pre- and post-eruptive concentration of H2O is at least 3.7 ± 0.6 wt.% H2O taking into consideration re-hydration of the matrix glass and possible leakage of melt inclusions. The difference between pre- and post-eruptive concentrations of the halogens amounts to 909 ± 90 ppm Cl, and 1863 ± 280 ppm and 302 ± 40 ppm F. The difference for S was estimated based on the average of the maximum S concentrations in the melt inclusions (455 ppm S) and the detection limit, resulting in 205 ± 40 ppm S. The calculated mass of volatiles injected into the atmosphere, based on the erupted magma volume and volatile data, is 1796 ± 453 megatons for H2O, 45 ± 10 megatons for chlorine, 42 ± 11 megatons for fluorine, and 2 ± 0.6 megatons for sulfur. The 969 ± 20 AD eruption of Baitoushan Volcano, one of the largest eruptions of the past 2000 years, is thought to have had a substantial but possibly short-lived effect on climate. Received: 25 July 1998 / Accepted: 8 September 1999  相似文献   
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