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夏季南海北部微型浮游动物群落   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据2014年8月至9月于珠江口至南海中部断面(18°00'~22°00'N,114°00'~116°00'E)的南海北部海域进行采样调查,并进行了微型浮游动物群落分析。共发现微型浮游动物142种,隶属于2门44属,其中砂壳纤毛虫28属78种,占所有发现物种数的54.93%;寡毛类纤毛虫14属59种,占所有发现物种数的41.55%。优势类群为:拟卡金斯急游虫(Strombidium paracalkinsi)、具沟急游虫(Strombidium sulcatum)、维尔伯特急游虫(Strombidium wilberti)和无节幼体(nauplii)。调查区微型浮游动物的丰度介于11.43~959.35 ind/L之间,平均值为264.99 ind/L。微型浮游动物垂直分布总体特点是密集区位于50 m水层,50 m水层之下丰度逐渐减少。表层微型浮游动物丰度高值区位于J5-I1站位之间。断面的香农-威纳指数范围在0.92~4.18之间,平均值为2.77;均匀度指数在0.63~1之间,平均值为0.87。应用典范对应分析(CCA)发现温度和盐度是影响微型浮游动物群落的重要因素。通过对连续追踪站位的调查发现,上层水体微型浮游动物群落丰度随着时间而发生一定的变化,下层水体相对较平缓。微型浮游动物昼夜的垂直丰度变化与叶绿素浓度昼夜变化大致相符。  相似文献   
In order to study hydrodynamic performance of a propeller in the free surface, the numerical simulation and open-water experiments are carried out with varying shaft depths of propeller. The influences of shaft depths of a propeller on thrust and torque coefficient in calm water are mainly studied. Meanwhile, this paper also studies the propeller air-ingestion under special working conditions by experiment and theoretical calculation method, and compares the calculation results and experimental results. The results prove that the theoretical calculation model used in this paper can imitate the propeller air-ingestion successfully. The successful phenomenon simulation provides an essential theoretical basis to understand the physical essence of the propeller air-ingestion.  相似文献   
本文利用沉积物捕获器回收的连续时间序列沉降颗粒物样品,研究了南海西北部海南岸外陆坡外缘海域颗石藻的通量和属种组成变化及其环境意义。研究发现,东亚夏季风引起的海南岸外上升流以及冬季风导致的混合层深度增加都会刺激该区域颗石藻的生长,其中夏季上升流的影响尤为显著。从颗石粒属种组成来看,Florisphaera profunda是南海西北部中深层(1 000m)水体中主要的颗石粒优势种,此外Emiliania huxleyi,Gephyrocapsa oceanica和Gephyrocaps ericsonii等属种含量也颇高。然而在将颗石粒折算成颗石球数量后,Emiliania huxleyi则成为主要优势种。沉积物捕获器中F.profunda的相对百分含量与颗石粒总通量呈显著的负相关,表明F.profunda的相对含量与总的颗石藻生产力有着密切联系。本结果对于利用沉积物中的颗石藻记录,尤其是F.profunda相对含量变化,恢复和重建古海洋环境尤其是古海洋生产力的研究提供了直接的理论证据。  相似文献   
2009年2月(冬季)和8月(夏季)在南海北部海域(nSCS)采用流式细胞术对聚球藻、原绿球藻、超微型光合真核生物3类超微型光合浮游生物和异养浮游细菌的丰度和碳生物量的时空分布特征进行了研究,并分析了其与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,夏季聚球藻和原绿球藻的平均丰度高于冬季,超微型光合真核生物和异养浮游细菌的丰度反之,为冬季高于夏季。聚球藻、超微型光合真核生物和异养浮游细菌在富营养的近岸陆架海域丰度较高,而原绿球藻高丰度则出现在陆坡开阔海域。在垂直分布上,聚球藻主要分布在跃层以上,跃层以下丰度迅速降低;原绿球藻高丰度主要出现在真光层底部;超微型光合真核生物在水层中的高值同样出现在真光层底部,且与Pico级份叶绿素a浓度分布一致;异养浮游细菌在水体中的分布与聚球藻类似。这些分布格局的差异,取决于环境条件的变化和4类超微型浮游生物生态生理适应性的差异。在超微型光合浮游生物群落中,各类群碳生物量的贡献因季节和海域类型的不同而发生变化:聚球藻在夏季近岸陆架区占超微型光合浮游生物总碳生物量的41%,原绿球藻在陆坡开阔海成为主要贡献者(50%),超微型光合真核生物碳生物量以冬季为高(在近岸陆架区占比68%)。冬、夏季异养浮游细菌碳生物量均高于超微型光合浮游生物碳生物量。  相似文献   
Demersally drifting organisms were collected at Ny Ålesund (Svalbård–Arctic Ocean) to study the taxon composition and relative abundances in the Arctic summer. Catch potentials of two collection devices for demersal drift were compared. A lowvolume submersible drift-pump and a drift-net unit were employed for the collection of demersally drifting biota, particularly for shallow aquatic habitats. With the exception of Appendicularia, Chaetognatha, Coelenterata, and Ctenophora, which were damaged at times, the pump catches were in good condition and sufficient for identification and quantification of less mobile fauna. A comparison of the two devices revealed that the drift-pump collected more specimens than the drift-net. However, the drift-net may have caused an underestimation of the abundances of invertebrates. No differences in identified taxon number and indices of richness, evenness and diversity were found. However, the proportion of invertebrate animals in the two devices was different for the three groups: zooplankton, macrofauna and meiofauna. At Svalbård, zooplankton, larvae of macrofauna, and meiofauna were successfully collected by the two collecting devices. However, the catchibility of the two devices in collecting various invertebrate taxa was different and, therefore, a sound ‘Device Effect’ was revealed.  相似文献   
Factors influencing millennial-scale variability in the thermocline depth (vertical mixing) and sea surface salinity (SSS) of the southern Okinawa Trough (OT) during the past 17,300 years were investigated based on foraminifer oxygen isotope records of the surface dweller Globigerinoides ruber sensu stricto and the thermocline dweller Pulleniatina obliquiloculata in the AMS 14C dated OKT-3 core. The thermocline depth is influenced by surface thermal buoyancy (heat) flux, in turn controlled by the annual mean insolation at 30°N and the strength of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Strong insolation and weak EAWM tend to increase buoyancy gain (decrease buoyancy loss), corresponding to shallow thermocline depths, and vice versa. Regional SSS is influenced by the global ice volume, the Kuroshio Current (KC), and vertical mixing. A deep thermocline coincides with a high SSS because strong vertical mixing brings more, saltier subsurface KC water to the surface, and vice versa. Local SSS (excluding the global ice volume effect) became lower in the northern OT than in the southern OT after ~9.2 ka, implying that Changjiang diluted water had stronger influence in the northern sector. SSS show no major changes during the Bølling/Allerød and Younger Dryas events, probably because the KC disturbed the North Atlantic signals. This argues against earlier interpretations of sea surface temperature records of this core. Wavelet and spectral analyses of the Δδ18OP-G18O of P. obliquiloculata minus G. ruber s.s.) and δ18Olocal records display 1,540-, 1,480-, 1,050-, 860-, 640-, and 630-year periods. These are consistent with published evidence of a pervasive periodicity of 1,500 years in global climate as well as EAWM and KC signatures, and a fundamental solar periodicity of 1,000 years and intermediary derived periodicity of 700 years.  相似文献   
Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) have become a focus of research because of their extensive applications. To ensure safety and reliability and to perform complex tasks autonomously, USVs are required to possess accurate perception of the environment and effective collision avoidance capabilities. To achieve these, investigation into realtime marine radar target detection and autonomous collision avoidance technologies is required, aiming at solving the problems of noise jamming, uneven brightness, target loss, and blind areas in marine radar images. These technologies should also satisfy the requirements of real-time and reliability related to high navigation speeds of USVs. Therefore, this study developed an embedded collision avoidance system based on the marine radar, investigated a highly real-time target detection method which contains adaptive smoothing algorithm and robust segmentation algorithm, developed a stable and reliable dynamic local environment model to ensure the safety of USV navigation, and constructed a collision avoidance algorithm based on velocity obstacle (V-obstacle) which adjusts the USV’s heading and speed in real-time. Sea trials results in multi-obstacle avoidance firstly demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed avoidance system, and then verify its great adaptability and relative stability when a USV sailing in a real and complex marine environment. The obtained results will improve the intelligent level of USV and guarantee the safety of USV independent sailing.  相似文献   
The mesopelagic communities are important for food web and carbon pump in ocean, but the large-scale studies of them are still limited until now because of the difficulties on sampling and analyzing of mesopelagic organisms. Mesopelagic organisms, especially micronekton, can form acoustic deep scattering layers (DSLs) and DSLs are widely observed. To explore the spatial patterns of DSLs and their possible influencing factors, the DSLs during daytime (10:00–14:00) were investigated in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean (13°–23.5°N, 153°–163°E) using a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler at 38 kHz. The study area was divided into three parts using k-means cluster analysis: the northern part (NP, 22°–24°N), the central part (CP, 17°–22°N), and the southern part (SP, 12°–17°N). The characteristics of DSLs varied widely with latitudinal gradient. Deepest core DSLs (523.5 m±17.4 m), largest nautical area scattering coefficient (NASC) (130.8 m2/n mile2±41.0 m2/n mile2), and most concentrated DSLs (mesopelagic organisms gathering level, 6.7%±0.7%) were observed in NP. The proportion of migration was also stronger in NP (39.7%) than those in other parts (18.6% in CP and 21.5% in SP) for mesopelagic organisms. The latitudinal variation of DSLs was probably caused by changes in oxygen concentration and light intensity of mesopelagic zones. A positive relationship between NASC and primary productivity was identified. A four-months lag was seemed to exist. This study provides the first basin-scale baselines information of mesopelagic communities in the northwest Pacific with acoustic approach. Further researches are suggested to gain understandings of seasonal and annual variations of DSLs in the region.  相似文献   
为准确建立海底地声模型,本文探讨地声模型的基本组成和基本结构。通过样品实验室测量,分析南海海底表层沉积物的密度、孔隙度与声速随着埋深变化的关系,得出海底实际存在的低声速表面–声速缓慢变化类型、低声速表面–声速增大类型、高声速表面–声速缓慢变化类型和高声速表面–声速增大类型4种典型地声结构;对比钻探测量,分析黄海海底沉积物的密度、孔隙度与声速随埋深变化关系,得出海底地声模型分层特征与地声结构组合特征。研究表明,地声模型可以归结为4种基本地声结构的组合,通过与底层海水声速、同层内声速剖面以及与上层海底沉积物下表面声速的比较,可以建立各种海底地声模型;基于实验室测量法建立的地声模型可以作为参考地声模型,但需要考虑实际海底温度和压力梯度以及海底沉积物的频散特性等,借助于声速比校正法和频散性理论模型进行计算及修正。  相似文献   
陈迪  孙启振 《海洋学报》2022,44(12):42-54
本文利用1951−2021年哈德莱中心提供的海冰和海温最新资料以及美国国家海洋和大气管理局气候预报中心提供的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析探讨了北极海冰70余年的长期变化特征,进而研究了其快速减少与热带海温场异常变化之间的联系,揭示了在全球热带海洋海温场变化与北极海冰之间存在密切联系的事实。结果表明,北极海冰异常变化最显著区域出现在格陵兰海、卡拉海和巴伦支海。热带不同海区对北极海冰的影响存在明显时滞时间和强度差异,热带大西洋的影响相比偏早,印度洋次之,太平洋偏晚。热带大西洋、印度洋和中东太平洋海温异常影响北极海冰的最佳时间分别是后者滞后26个月、30个月和34个月,全球热带海洋影响北极海冰的时滞时间为33个月。印度洋SST对北极海冰的影响程度最强,其次是太平洋,最弱是大西洋。全球热带海洋对北极海冰的影响过程中,热带东太平洋和印度洋起主导作用。当全球热带海洋SST出现正(负)距平时,北极海冰会出现偏少(多)的趋势,而AO、PNA、NAO对北极海冰变化起重要作用,是热带海洋与北极海冰相系数的重要“纽带”。而AO、PNA和NAO不仅受热带海洋SST的影响,同时也受太平洋年代际振荡PDO和大西洋多年代际AMO的影响,这一研究为未来北极海冰快速减少和全球气候变暖机理的深入研究提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
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