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Several viral transport experiments were conducted in a model aquifer 1 m long, using bacteriophages MS2 and phiX174 at various pH (4.6 to 8.3) conditions, to increase our understanding of virus behavior in ground water. The results indicate the existence of a critical pH at which the virus behavior changes abruptly. This is supported by data from field and batch experiments. The critical pH is determined to be 0.5 unit below the highest isoelectric point of the virus and porous medium. When water pH is below the critical pH, the virus has an opposite charge to at least one component of the porous medium, and is almost completely and irreversibly removed from the water. This suggests that electrostatic attraction at a subcritical water pH condition is an important factor controlling virus attenuation in ground water. The concept of critical pH can assist in the design of geologic barriers for preventing viral contamination in ground water.  相似文献   
This paper elucidates the manner in which users of an online decision support system respond to spatially distributed data when assessing the solution to environmental risks, specifically, nuclear waste disposal. It presents tests for revealing whether users are responding to geographical data and whether they are influenced by their home location (Not in My Back Yard – style behavior). The tests specifically cope with problems associated with testing home-to-risk distances where both locations are constrained by the shape of the landmass available. In addition, we detail the users wider feelings towards such a system, and reflect upon the possibilities such systems offer for participatory democracy initiatives.The authors would like to thank the two anonymous referees for their helpful and generous comments.  相似文献   
We use the fully coupled, three-dimensional, global circulation Jovian Ionospheric Model (JIM) to calculate the coupling between ions in the jovian auroral ovals and the co-existing neutral atmosphere. The model shows that ions subject to drift motion around the auroral oval, as a result of the E×B coupling between a meridional, equatorward electric field and the jovian magnetic field, generate neutral winds in the planetary frame of reference. Unconstrained by the magnetic field, these neutral winds have a greater latitudinal extent than the corresponding ion drifts. Values of the coupling coefficient, k(h), are presented as a function of altitude and cross-auroral electric field strength, for different incoming electron fluxes and energies. The results show that, with ion velocities of several hundred metres per second to over 1 km s−1, k(h) can attain values greater than 0.5 at the ion production peak. This parameter is key to calculating the effective conductivities required to model magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling correctly. The extent to which angular momentum (and therefore energy) is transported vertically in JIM is much more limited than earlier, one-dimensional, studies have predicted.  相似文献   
Yue  Li  Ryo  Matsumoto  Steve  Kershaw 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):623-635
Abstract   During the Hirnantian period, the Yangtze Platform was situated in the western part of the South China block (SCB) before its later rotation, in the middle–low paleolatitudes of the southern hemisphere in the northeast side of peri-Gondwana. It is part of the Kosov faunal province as indicated by the Hirnantia fauna. Sedimentary evidence shows the domination of cool ventilated marine water from its offshore ramp and shelf. Hirnantian shallow-water carbonate facies (Kuanyinchiao Bed) overlie earlier Ashgill graptolitic black shales (Wufeng Formation) as a result of marine regression. In the Yangtze Platform, however, we have found local areas of intertidal to nearshore facies that lack the typical highly diverse Hirnantia fauna. Some warm-water features (radial oolites, peloids, diverse solitary rugose corals and other benthic shelly fauna) occur commonly in some limited shallow areas, forming grainstones and packstones. Although interglacial episodes within the Hirnantian glaciation could be responsible for these features, their limited occurrence within the interior of the platform leads us to interpret the deposits as indicating that cold-water currents from the southeastern high latitudes were partly excluded from the nearshore area of the Yangtze Platform. The landmass of the eastern SCB in the Hirnantian epoch prevented access to some areas of the cold marine water masses that flowed from higher latitudes of Gondwana; the result was a persistence of warm-water shallow marine facies in some areas.  相似文献   
A geographic information systems (GIS)-based model was used to derive spatially explicit estimates of recharge using the elevation-dependent chloride mass-balance (EDCMB) approach in a 14-basin area in southwestern Nevada, USA. For each of the 14 basins, a non-linear regression equation was developed relating chloride enrichment to the elevation of spring watersheds. The ratio of chloride enrichment as a function of elevation was used in a GIS framework to transform continuous precipitation data to recharge. Spatial masks that represented two definitions of the lower limits of recharge—one definition based on alluvium/non-alluvium boundaries, the other based on both alluvium/non-alluvium boundaries and an elevation threshold—were applied to each basin. Resultant recharge estimates were then summed for each basin. When compared to summaries of previous recharge estimates for the study area, the EDCMB approach produced results that were within 14 and 3% of two studies, but were significantly greater (31%) than a third. GIS proved to be a very effective tool for combining large spatial data with widely different resolutions into an integrated data set, and also proved to be an efficient mechanism for implementing robust statistical models to estimate recharge.
Résumé Un modèle basé sur les systèmes d’informations géographiques (SIG) a été utilisé pour obtenir des estimations explicites de la recharge dans l’espace, en utilisant l’approche du bilan des chlorures en fonction de l’altitude (EDCMB en anglais) dans une zone de 14 bassins, dans le Sud-Ouest du Nevada aux Etats-Unis. Pour chacun des 14 bassins, une régression non-linéaire a été établie, reliant l’enrichissement des chlorures à l’altitude des bassins d’alimentation des sources. Le rapport d’enrichissement des chlorures en fonction de l’altitude a été utilisé dans une approche SIG pour transformer des données pluviométriques continues en terme de recharge. Des masques spatiaux représentant deux définitions des limites de recharge les plus basses ont été appliquées à chaque bassin ; l’une basée sur les limites alluvions/autres formations, l’autre sur ces mêmes limites ainsi que sur un seuil altitudinal. Les recharges estimées résultantes ont ensuite été additionnées pour chaque bassin. Comparée aux précédents bilans de recharge estimés dans la zone d’étude, l’approche EDCMB conduit à des résultats se situant entre 14 et 3% de ceux de deux autres études et largement supérieurs (31%) à ceux d’une troisième étude. Le SIG s’est révélé être un outil très efficace pour combiner dans une base de données intégrée, des données spatiales étendues avec des résolutions largement différentes, ainsi que pour implémenter des modèles statistiques conséquents permettant d’estimer la recharge.

Resumen Se utilizó un modelo basado en un Sistema de Información Geográfico (SIG) para derivar espacialmente estimados explícitos de recarga usando el enfoque de balance de masa de cloruro dependiente de elevación (EDCMB) en un área de 14 cuencas en el suroeste de Nevada, Estados Unidos. Para cada una de las 14 cuencas se desarrolló una ecuación de regresión no linear que relaciona el enriquecimiento de cloruro con la elevación de las cuencas con manantiales. La relación de enriquecimiento de cloruro en función de la elevación se usó en un marco SIG para transformar datos continuos de precipitación a recarga. Se aplicaron máscaras espaciales a cada cuenca las cuales representaron dos definiciones de los límites inferiores de recarga, una definición basada en límites de aluvión/sin aluvión, el otro basado en ambos límites aluvión/sin aluvión y una elevación normal de fondo. Los estimados resultantes de recarga fueron sumados para cada cuenca. Al compararse con estimados de recarga previos para el área de estudio se encontró que el enfoque EDCMB produjo resultados que estaban entre el 14 y 3% de dos estudios pero fueron significativamente mayores (31%) que un tercer estudio. El SIG ha demostrado ser una herramienta muy efectiva para combinar datos espaciales grandes con resoluciones muy distintas en un grupo integrado de datos y también ha mostrado ser un mecanismo eficiente para implementar modelos estadísticos robustos para estimar recarga.
This geoarcheological study investigates soil stratigraphy and geochronology of alluvial deposits to determine Holocene landscape evolution within the Hot Creek, La Jara Creek, and Alamosa River drainage basins in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. Geomorphic mapping and radiocarbon dating indicate synchronicity in patterns of erosion, deposition, and stability between drainage basins. In all three basins, the maximum age of mapped alluvial terraces and fans is ~ 3300 cal yr BP. A depositional period seen at both Hot Creek and the Alamosa River begins ~ 3300 to 3200 cal yr BP. Based on soil development, short periods of stability followed by alluvial fan aggradation occur in the Alamosa River basin ~ 2200 cal yr BP. A period of landscape stability at Hot Creek before ~ 1100 cal yr BP is followed by a period of rapid aggradation within all three drainages between ~ 1100 and 850 cal yr BP. A final aggradation event occurred between ~ 630 and 520 cal yr BP at La Jara Creek. These patterns of landscape evolution over the past ~ 3300 yr provide the framework for an archeological model that predicts the potential for buried and surficial cultural materials in the research area.  相似文献   
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