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We present the first reported measurements of the intensity of a “hotband” transition for the H3+ molecular ion in the northern auroral/polar region of Jupiter. This transition is identified as the R(3, 4+) line of the (2v2(l=0)→v2) hotband, with a wavelength of 3.94895 μm. This is the first time such a transition has been measured outside the laboratory, and the wavelength as measured on Jupiter is within the experimental accuracy of the lab measurement. This detection makes it possible to investigate H3+ transitions that simultaneously originate from different vibrational levels. We use the intensity ratio between this line and the Q(1, 0) fundamental transition to derive effective vibrational temperatures, column densities, and total emission parameters as a function of position across the auroral/polar region. Effective temperatures range from ∼900 to ∼1250 K; an increase in average temperature during our observing run of ∼100 K is noted. The derived temperatures are toward the high end or in excess of the auroral temperature range that has been reported in the literature to date. The relationship among emission intensity, temperature, and density is shown to be complex. This may reflect the nonthermalization of the vibrational levels at the gas densities prevailing in the jovian thermosphere. An alternative analysis allowing for this effect is presented. But this approach requires thermospheric temperatures to be ∼1500 K at the level that the majority of H3+ is being produced, higher than has previously been proposed.  相似文献   
The exceptionally large gold resource at Ladolam (>1,300 metric tons of gold), Lihir Island, resulted from the transition of an early-stage, low-grade porphyry gold system to a low-sulfidation epithermal gold event. This transition was probably triggered by rapid decompression during the partial slope failure of Luise stratovolcano and accompanied by the ingress of seawater. The original porphyry stage is indicated by remnant hydrothermal breccia clasts of strongly biotite-magnetite altered monzodiorite with disseminated pyrite - chalcopyrite and poorly developed pyrite - quartz stockwork veins. The breccias are overprinted by biotite-magnetite alteration and their matrix is strongly mineralized with disseminated auriferous pyrite. The breccias are cut by late-stage epithermal quartz-chalcedony-illite-adularia-pyrite veins and associated illite-adularia alteration that locally contain bonanza gold grades of up to 120 g/t. Isotope data suggest a magmatic source of sulfur in the gold-bearing fluids at Ladolam. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00126-001-0230-y  相似文献   
Pesticides and herbicides including organochlorine compounds have had extensive current and past application by Queensland's intensive coastal agriculture industry as well as for a wide range of domestic, public health and agricultural purposes in urban areas. The persistent nature of these types of compounds together with possible continued illegal use of banned organochlorine compounds raises the potential for continued long-term chronic exposure to plants and animals of the Great Barrier Reef. Sediment and seagrass samples were collected from 16 intertidal and 25 subtidal sampling sites between Torres Strait and Townsville, near Mackay and Gladstone, and in Hervey and Moreton Bays in 1997 and 1998 and analysed for pesticide and herbicide residues. Low levels of atrazine (0.1–0.3 μg kg−1), diuron (0.2–10.1 μg kg−1), lindane (0.08–0.19 μg kg−1), dieldrin (0.05–0.37 μg kg−1), DDT (0.05–0.26 μg kg−1), and DDE (0.05–0.26 μg kg−1) were detected in sediments and/or seagrasses. Contaminants were mainly detected in samples collected along the high rainfall, tropical coast between Townsville and Port Douglas and in Moreton Bay. Of the contaminants detected, the herbicide diuron is of most concern as the concentrations detected have some potential to impact local seagrass communities.  相似文献   
A series of molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on organic–water mixtures near mineral surfaces. These simulations show that, in contrast to apolar compounds, small polar organic compounds such as phenols can penetrate through thin water films to adsorb on these mineral surfaces. Furthermore, additional simulations involving demixing of an organic–water mixture near a surfactant-covered mineral surface demonstrate that even low concentrations of adsorbed polar compounds can induce major changes in mineral surface wettability, allowing sorption of apolar molecules. This strongly supports a two-stage adsorption mechanism for organic solutes, involving initial migration of small polar organic molecules to the mineral surface followed by water film displacement due to co-adsorption of the more apolar organic compounds, thus converting an initial water-wet mineral system to an organic-covered surface. This has profound implications for studies of petroleum reservoir diagenesis and wettability changes.  相似文献   
Abstract– We have used synchrotron Fe‐XANES, XRS, microRaman, and SEM‐TEM analyses of Stardust track 41 slice and track 121 terminal area slices to identify Fe oxide (magnetite‐hematite and amorphous oxide), Fe‐Ti oxide, and V‐rich chromite (Fe‐Cr‐V‐Ti‐Mn oxide) grains ranging in size from 200 nm to ~10 μm. They co‐exist with relict FeNi metal. Both Fe‐XANES and microRaman analyses suggest that the FeNi metal and magnetite (Fe2O3FeO) also contain some hematite (Fe2O3). The FeNi has been partially oxidized (probably during capture), but on the basis of our experimental work with a light‐gas gun and microRaman analyses, we believe that some of the magnetite‐hematite mixtures may have originated on Wild 2. The terminal samples from track 121 also contain traces of sulfide and Mg‐rich silicate minerals. Our results show an unequilibrated mixture of reduced and oxidized Fe‐bearing minerals in the Wild 2 samples in an analogous way to mineral assemblages seen in carbonaceous chondrites and interplanetary dust particles. The samples contain some evidence for terrestrial contamination, for example, occasional Zn‐bearing grains and amorphous Fe oxide in track 121 for which evidence of a cometary origin is lacking.  相似文献   
Results from a laboratory investigation into the electrical properties of fully and partially saturated Wildmoor Triassic Sandstone have been modelled using the Archie, Waxman–Smits and Hanai–Bruggeman equations. The results demonstrate the limitation of using simple relationships to describe samples when the matrix resistivity ρr is not significantly greater than the saturating electrolyte resistivity ρw. In these situations Archie's parameters m and n are not accurately determined. Conversely, the more sophisticated Waxman–Smits and Hanai–Bruggeman models provide parameters that better describe the electrical properties of the rock and are able to identify heterogeneity between samples that would otherwise be missed. The ranges of values for matrix resistivity (49 < ρr < 161 Ωm) and cementation factor (1.6 < m < 2.1) obtained from the Hanai–Bruggeman model indicate significant variation between samples. Comparison of laboratory‐determined values for cation exchange capacity (0.06 < Qv < 0.51 meq/mL) and those obtained from the Waxman–Smits model (0.09 < Qv < 0.55 meq/mL) indicates a very strong correlation, suggesting this model is appropriate for describing the rock. There is good agreement between parameters modelled using fully and partially saturated versions of both the Hanai–Bruggeman and Waxman–Smits equations, indicating that the data are consistent with these models and that the assumptions made are appropriate.  相似文献   
巴基斯坦喀喇昆仑山的Ghulkin冰川是距离中国-巴基斯坦喀喇昆仑公路最近的典型冰川之一,其冰川的进退变化影响着喀喇昆仑公路改建工程的线路设计与工程施工.为了追溯Ghulkin冰川的活动历史和查明近期进退变化,对过去200 a的相关文献和记录进行统计分析,并开展了2008-2011年野外定点观测,总结与分析了Ghulkin冰川冰舌的活动历史与近期变化.研究表明:Ghulkin冰川在1885-1980年近百年间经历了3次前进和3次后退,在此期间冰川波动了625 m;1913-1925年冰川处于显著的前进状态,1966-1978年冰川有小段距离的前进;2008-2011年K676+660处泥石流沟道逐年抬升,2011年南坡冰川融水由K676+660改道至K676+450;2010年的南坡冰舌较1994年后退了300余米,2011年的南坡冰舌较2010年后退了15.066 m,可见在2010-2011年期间冰川处于局部短期后退状态. 中巴公路冰川泥石流等灾害不但受区域气候的影响,而且还受冰川变化的影响.未来气候变暖将会导致冰川的强烈消融和后退,冰川融水携带大量冰碛体,形成大型的冰川泥石流,对公路的安全运营造成严重威胁.  相似文献   
We present the Mock Map Facility, a powerful tool for converting theoretical outputs of hierarchical galaxy formation models into catalogues of virtual observations. The general principle is straightforward: mock observing cones can be generated using semi-analytically post-processed snapshots of cosmological N -body simulations. These cones can then be projected to synthesize mock sky images. To this end, the paper describes in detail an efficient technique for creating such mock cones and images from the galaxies in cosmological simulations ( galics ) semi-analytic model, providing the reader with an accurate quantification of the artefacts it introduces at every step. We show that replication effects introduce a negative bias on the clustering signal – typically peaking at less than 10 per cent around the correlation length. We also thoroughly discuss how the clustering signal is affected by finite-volume effects, and show that it vanishes at scales larger than approximately one-tenth of the simulation box size. For the purpose of analysing our method, we show that number counts and redshift distributions obtained with galics / momaf compare well with K -band observations and the two-degree field galaxy redshift survey. Given finite-volume effects, we also show that the model can reproduce the automatic plate measuring machine angular correlation function. The momaf results discussed here are made publicly available to the astronomical community through a public data base. Moreover, a user-friendly Web interface ( http://galics.iap.fr ) allows any user to recover her/his own favourite galaxy samples through simple SQL queries. The flexibility of this tool should permit a variety of uses ranging from extensive comparisons between real observations and those predicted by hierarchical models of galaxy formation, to the preparation of observing strategies for deep surveys and tests of data processing pipelines.  相似文献   
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