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着重阐述了近10年来,为推动陆地表层研究深入发展,国家自然科学基金在重点发展领域、重大研究计划、重大项目、申请代码及学科分类体系细化等层面对资助方向的引导作用。  相似文献   
陆内碰撞体制流体作用及成矿作用研究的意义和现状   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陆内碰撞作用和流体作用都是80年代以来的研究前沿,它们的研究必然会大大促进成矿作用研究的发展,也是跟踪和超越世界地球科学先进水平的重要途径。中国拥有最多最复杂的陆内碰撞带,为中国学者开发有关研究并取得高水平成果提供了得天独厚的条件。对陆内碰撞、流体作用和成矿作用研究现状的分析表明,三者之间研究的相互结合是薄弱环节,限制了有关问题的深入,但为我国学者开发该方向的研究,取得领先于国家水平的成果,提供了  相似文献   
新疆坡北辉长岩体位于塔里木古陆东北缘的北山裂谷带中,坡一和坡十铜镍硫化物含矿超镁铁岩体位于坡北岩体内.尽管坡十超镁铁岩体与坡北辉长岩呈侵入接触,但两者的微量元素和同位素组成显示良好 的一致性,表明两岩相虽然分不同阶段侵入就位,但仍为同源岩浆的产物.MnO-TiO2-R2O5及Th-Hf-Ta判别图解显示坡北及坡十岩体的...  相似文献   
以皖北矿区为例,分析测试了不同含水层(松散、煤系、太灰、奥灰)中的6种重金属元素(Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni),对其含量特征及健康风险评价进行了研究。结果表明,6种重金属在不同含水层含量大小次序各不一样,从整体来看,研究区地下水中所测重金属含量依次为NiZnPbCuCdCr,与太灰水一致;整体地下水中Cr、Cu和Zn均未超过(GB/T14848—93)中Ⅲ类水质标准,Cd、Pb和Ni有部分水样超过标准限值。化学致癌物Cd和Cr在各含水层所致健康危害风险值数量级在10-6~10-4 a-1,Cr健康风险值在各含水层中均大于Cd,Cr在煤系含水层危害风险值(1.29×10-4 a-1)已超过美国环境保护局(USEPA)最大可接受风险(1×10-4 a-1),为研究区首要的环境健康风险管理控制指标。化学非致癌物Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni四种重金属健康危害风险值较小,数量级在10–11~10-8 a-1,Pb和Ni健康危害风险值相对较高,也应引起重视。各含水层总的健康风险值大小次序为:煤系太灰奥灰松散,前三者已超过国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的(5×10-5 a-1)最大可接受风险,其中煤系含水层总的健康风险值为1.46×10-4 a-1,已超过USEPA(1×10-4 a-1)推荐的最大可接受风险。对矿区深层地下水开展重金属含量分析和健康风险评价,可为地下水水资源的开采利用和保护提供参考。  相似文献   
基于对平、剖面三维联动编辑的概念、动因的探讨及相关研究成果的认识,提出了平、剖面三维联动编辑的几何原理与实现途径,如:地质曲面的表达、基于等高线的曲面构建、剖面图的构建、以及平面图与剖面图的联动修改方法。并对三维地质建模的需求、矿产资源勘探应提交的三维地质模型、三维地质建模的数据标准以及广义的三维联动编辑等问题进行了延伸讨论。认为平、剖面三维联动编辑可能成为三维建模软件推广应用中的\"杀手级应用\"。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes in detail the characteristics of surface humidity changes in China under the background of global warming in the recent 50 years by using the observation data compiled by the National Meteorological Information Center of China. The results reveal that (1) with the increase of temperature,surface saturation specific humidity (qs) shows basically an exponential growth, according to the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The nationwide average moistening rate in winter is obviously less than the annual average rate and the summer rate. There are some regional differences in qstrends in different regions of China. For example, qsin central and eastern parts of China exhibits a reducing trend in summer, consistent with the weakening trend of temperature in these areas; (2) except parts of South China and Jianghuai Region in eastern China, unanimously increasing trends of annual and winter specific humidity (q) are found in most of China, especially in western China. In summer, except parts of Northeast China, Northwest China, and some areas over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, the decreasing and drying trends are significant in most of China, which is not consistent with the global mean situation; (3) the surface relative humidity(RH) in most of China shows a reducing trend. One of the major reasons for the reduction of RH is that the increasing rates of q are smaller than those of qs. Nonetheless, upward trends of RH in central and eastern China mainly due to the cooling temperature and rising q in these regions are observed in summer, leading to more precipitation. From about 2003 or so, qshas remarkably increased while q has sharply decreased in most parts of China; therefore, RH has reduced to a great extent. This may be closely related to the persistent growth of drought areas in China in the recent 10 years.  相似文献   
The changes of tropical cyclone (TC) activities in response to influencing environmental conditions have been paid more and more attention to in recent years. The potential contributions of single and multivariate environmental variables to annual TC frequency and intensity from 1970 to 2009 are investigated in this study. Instead of using correlation coefficient that assumes a set of samples satisfying the normal distribution, a quantitative measurement is formulated based on the information theory. The results show that dynamic environmental variables play an important role in variations of TC activities over the western North Pacific, North Atlantic, and eastern Pacific. These dynamic factors include wind shear between 850 and 200 hPa and 850-hPa relative vorticity. However, the effects of thermal factors on TC activities are distinct over different basins. The thermal environmental variables only have significant contributions to TC frequency and intensity over the eastern Pacific as well as to TC frequency over the North Atlantic. It is found that the primary factors influencing TC activities are indeed not the same over different basins because of the differences in atmospheric conditions and their changes across different areas. The effects of dynamic variables should be considered more in the regions such as the western North Pacific where the thermal conditions are always satisfied.  相似文献   
根据大连国际会议中心结构的设计特点,设计了2个带弧形接触板的软钢耗能节点试件,并进行了该类型试件在低周反复荷载下的抗震性能试验研究,试验模型为原型.在试验基础上,探讨了2个试件软钢耗能节点的承载力、刚度及其退化过程、延性、滞回特性和破坏特征.给出了软钢板耗能节点的承载力计算方法,计算结果与试验结果符合较好.研究表明,采用18mm厚软钢连接板节点试件具有较好的变形能力和耗能能力.  相似文献   
位于青藏高原东北缘的西宁、贵德盆地的新生代沉积序列较完整的记录了盆地周围物源区构造变形过程。重矿物是碎屑物质的重要组成部分,是最直观、有效揭示源区母岩、构造—沉积过程的重要手段。通过重矿物的系统分析,结合沉积—构造变形,揭示出始新世—上新世末西宁—贵得盆地及其源区经历了几个构造活动阶段:古新世—始新世早期的隆升阶段、始新世中期—渐新世晚期的构造稳定阶段、渐新世末—中新世初的构造隆升阶段、中中新世构造稳定阶段和晚中新世以来的强烈隆升阶段。并结合特征矿物(绿泥石)及古水流分析,推断古近纪西宁—贵德盆地是东昆仑山前一个统一盆地。中新世早期青藏高原的扩张导致了拉脊山开始隆起,使原型盆地解体;约8.5 Ma以来拉脊山强烈隆升,两侧盆地逐渐转变为山间盆地。这为正确理解青藏高原东北缘盆山格局的形成和演化提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
以蒸馏法为基础,研究了适合海水中铵盐稳定氮同位素分析的预处理方法。对蒸馏法预处理过程中的最佳蒸馏时间、沸石的选取、铵盐最适浓度范围等分别进行改进和优化,获得稳定、高效的海水中铵盐氮稳定同位素分析预处理方法。结果表明:最佳蒸馏时间为50min,铵盐的回收率为(97±5.8)%。测定了不同沸石对不同浓度氨氮的吸附率,筛选出酸性条件下铵氮吸附效率较高且稳定的康华科技沸石;确定铵盐的最佳适用浓度范围为2~10μmol/L,在该浓度范围内氮回收率94%~99%,氮分馏系数为0.1‰~0.8‰。将此方法应用于长江口海域水样分析,结果表明,这一方法可以应用于河口中铵盐的氮同位素分析,能够为河口中溶解态氮的来源及循环机理等研究提供有效信息。  相似文献   
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