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We evaluated levels of serotonin (5HT) and dopamine (DOPA) in muscle and digestive glands of the mussel, Perna perna, collected at different times of day; exposed to air for 24 h, followed by re-submersion; and after exposure to different metals. Mussels collected at different periods of day showed little oscillation in 5HT and DOPA levels. Mussels exposed to metals showed significant changes in 5HT and DOPA levels in digestive gland and muscle, as did mussels exposed to air. Our data suggest that analyses of 5HT and DOPA in tissues of mussels could serve as a tool to evaluate the presence and effects of heavy metal contamination in mussels. Care in data interpretation is required, however, since other environmental factors such as exposure of mussels to air (i.e. at low tides) can also cause changes in DOPA and 5HT levels. Additional research is necessary to separate such natural environmental effects from effects of contaminants.  相似文献   
Ocean convection in the Antarctic has been studied many times and has been revealed to be responsible for ice-cover reduction. In the Arctic, proof of that phenomenon has not been documented. It is believed that this phenomenon happens on a smaller scale in the Arctic when local circulation of deep warmer water melts and slows ice production. An example of this is the North Water (NOW) polynya in northern Baffin Bay. A polynya is an area of open water in an otherwise ice-covered area. As ice forms under the fast ice near the boundary of the polynya, ocean salts (brine) are ejected from the newly formed ice. This water, which has an increased concentration of salt, sinks and is replaced by warmer water from below, and this slows ice formation. In our study a coupled one-dimensional thermodynamic snow–fast ice model incorporating ocean heat flux input via a shallow convection model was used. Ice thickness was calculated using a thermodynamic model that included a current-induced entrainment model and a convection model to account for brine rejection during ice growth. Atmospheric observations from Grise Fiord and Thule and ocean profiles around the NOW polynya near these sites were used as input to the model. This purely thermodynamic study enables us to obtain ice thickness values that can be compared with qualitative observations. This modelling study compares two sites related to the NOW polynya. The results indicate that the shallow convection model simulates the reduction of fast ice near Thule but not near Grise Fiord.  相似文献   
在扬子板块北缘城口明中剖面及巫溪徐家坝剖面下志留统龙马溪组底部的硅质岩、泥岩中发现椭球状重晶石结核。其矿物组成主要为重晶石颗粒与作为"基质"的黄铁矿、粘土矿物和石英。通过重晶石岩石学、矿物学及锶同位素分析表明,重晶石结核形成于早期成岩阶段松软沉积物的孔隙水中。上升洋流带来丰富的营养及富钡物质,表层海水的高初始生产力促使生物繁盛,海水中的钡通过生物作用富集形成生物钡,生物钡(bio-barite)在埋藏过程中的硫酸盐耗竭区(sulfate depleted zones)通过硫酸盐细菌作用(BSR)溶解被激活提供了钡的来源。围岩岩性(黑色泥岩和硅质泥岩)表明重晶石结核形成于缺氧的环境中。上述研究对深入理解早志留世时期扬子板块北缘古海洋环境有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   
Precise measurements of neutron star(NS) velocities provide critical clues in regard to the supernova physics and evolution of binary systems. Based on Gaia Data Release 2(DR2), we selected a sample of 24 young( 3 Myr) pulsars with precise parallax measurements and measured the velocity of their local standard of rest(LSR) and the velocity dispersion among their respective local stellar groups. The median velocity difference between thus calculated LSRs and the Galactic rotation model is ~ 7.6 km s~(-1),small compared to the typical velocity dispersion of ~ 27.5 km s~(-1). For pulsars off the Galactic plane,such differences grow significantly to as large as ~ 40 km s~(-1). More importantly, the velocity dispersion of stars in the local group of low-velocity pulsars can be comparable to their transverse velocities, suggesting that the intrinsic velocities of NS progenitors should be taken into account when we consider their natal kicks and binary evolution. We also examined the double NS system J0737-3039 A/B, and measured its transverse velocity to be 26_(-13)~(+18) km s~(-1) assuming nearby Gaia sources are representative of their birth environment. This work demonstrated the feasibility and importance of using Gaia data to study the velocity of individual systems and velocity distribution of NSs.  相似文献   
基于中国区域内8个气象站点2012年全年的探空数据,采用射线追踪法计算了各个站天顶方向至4°高度角区间内18个方向的对流层流体静力学和非流体静力学延迟量,将天顶延迟通过NMF、GMF和VMF1三种映射函数投影到各个高度角方向,与射线追踪法得出的延迟量进行比较,结果显示:①NMF有明显的季节性偏差,且精度与纬度存在强相关性;②VMF1的精度最高、稳定性最好,但在武汉、长沙等站点存在一定的季节性偏差;③GMF的精度介于NMF和VMF1之间。  相似文献   
碎屑沉积岩的物质组成对其形成的构造背景具有重要的指示作用。通过对临清坳陷东部三叠系碎屑沉积岩样品地球化学主量和微量元素分析表明:三叠系岩石样品主要为成熟度较低的杂砂岩和长石砂岩;碎屑沉积岩的母岩总体上与大陆地壳组成基本一致,原岩以沉积岩和花岗岩为主;临清坳陷东部中生代早—中三叠世处于靠近大陆岛弧的活动大陆边缘构造环境,其动力学机制与早期秦岭洋壳向华北板块俯冲、晚期扬子板块和华北板块碰撞作用有关。研究结果为确定三叠纪时期华北东部南侧的构造环境提供了地球化学方面的证据。  相似文献   
地震勘探中,地震波低频成分越来越受到重视, 而常规检波器记录中的低频有效成分难以被充分识别利用。基于检波器性能分析,通过布设低频检波器估计陆用压电检波器可恢复的最低有效频率并实现低频恢复;在此基础上,设计胜利东风港探区高性能低频检波器稀疏布设方案以及低频数据恢复流程。实际数据表明:对于胜利探区三维勘探,陆用压电检波器最低有效频率能够恢复至3 Hz,成像后的叠加剖面的精度和分辨率有显著提高。  相似文献   
流体逸散管道是深部流体向上运移所形成的通道,在大陆边缘沉积盆地中广泛发育。由地震资料显示,流体逸散管道主要由根部、过路区和末端3部分组成。由于形成机制、起源和流体成分的不同,其组成三要素有不同的表现形式,因此,流体逸散管道类型多样,具有不同的地震反射特征。水力压裂是文献中最常见的一种有关流体逸散管道形成机制的解释,但是,随着地震勘探的发展和研究的不断深入发现,水力压裂不足以解释所有类型的流体逸散管道,还存在其他的成因机制,包括流化侵蚀作用、局部空洞坍塌及同沉积模式等。从流体逸散管道组成三要素的角度描述了不同类型流体逸散管道的地震反射特征,并详细论述了其4种成因机制下的形成过程。  相似文献   

2022年6月1日17时00分08秒(北京时间)四川雅安市芦山县发生MS6.1地震,此次地震是继2008年汶川MS8.0、2013年芦山MS7.0地震后发生在龙门山断裂带的又一显著地震,与后者在空间上仅相距9 km.为揭示此次地震的发震构造特征及其与2013年芦山MS7.0地震的关系,进而理解龙门山断裂带强震孕育动力学过程与地震危险性,本文采用CAP全波形反演方法计算了芦山MS6.1地震的震源机制解,利用多阶段定位法对2013年芦山MS7.0地震以来余震区地震进行了精确定位,并基于库仑应力讨论两次地震的应力触发关系.结果显示,芦山MS6.1地震的震源机制解为:节面Ⅰ的走向、倾角和滑动角分别为221°、40°和105°;节面Ⅱ的参数为22°、52°和78°,矩心深度14 km,震源机制断层面解呈现一组与龙门山断裂带性质接近的节面.反演给出的P轴方位角为120°,倾角为6°,反映了此次地震主要受NWW-SEE向水平挤压应力作用,与龙门山断裂带南段背景构造应力场一致.地震精定位结果显示芦山MS6.1地震序列发生在2013年芦山MS7.0地震发震断层北西侧的一条倾向南东的反冲断层上,据此可判断震源机制解的节面Ⅱ为发震断层面.在此基础上,通过指定发震与接收断层,计算获得2013年芦山MS7.0地震对此次MS6.1地震所在断层的最大库仑应力加载值可达1.5 MPa,说明前者对后者有显著的触发作用.

采集青藏高原东南缘雅砻江下游代表性植物群落表层土壤(0 ~ 10cm)样品, 测量土壤不同形态碳含量和稳定碳同位素组成(δ13Corg), 运用δ13Corg和化学计量指标探讨干热河谷土壤碳储量及其驱动因素。结果表明: 1)雅砻江下游表层土壤碳储量为121×109 kg C, 其中颗粒有机碳储量占79.48 %, 颗粒无机碳储量占20.05 %, 溶解有机碳和溶解无机碳储量甚微。2)比较发现, 研究区土壤碳含量和碳汇潜力较大。土壤有机碳(SOC)含量较高(21.23g/kg), 尤其杂木林地SOC含量高达49.71g/kg。揭示研究区物种多样性对SOC含量的贡献。研究区分布多种植物群落且具有较强的光合碳同化(植被叶片碳氮比(C/N)高达31.21)固碳能力, 为研究区较大的SOC储量提供了充足的植物源碳保障。研究区较大的土壤无机碳含量和成壤无机碳输出通量(2.065×108 kg C/a), 揭示研究区存在相当大的成壤无机碳碳汇过程和贮存潜力。在流域尺度上计算土壤成壤无机碳碳汇时, 径流输出的成壤无机碳不可忽视。3)研究区土壤C/N变化率和δ13Corg变化率空间变化均不显著(p>0.05), 揭示研究区不同群落土壤微生物代谢活动无显著差异。研究区SOC含量变化受非生物因素(气温、降水和坡度)驱动的生物因素(群落生产力和微生物代谢活动)调控。本研究可为土壤碳汇/源调控机制研究和实现我国"碳中和"目标提供基础数据。  相似文献   
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