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Electrical images recorded with Resistivity-At-Bit (RAB) from two sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 196 were analyzed to study the effects of subduction at the Nankai margin. For the first time in the history of scientific deep-sea drilling in ODP, in situ complete borehole images of the décollement zone were obtained. Analyses of all drilling-induced fracture data indicated that the maximum horizontal compressive stress (SHmax) axes have an azimuth of 303°, and analyses of breakout data from RAB images indicated an azimuth of 310°. These azimuths approximate the convergence direction of the Philippine Sea plate towards the Eurasian plate. The frontal thrust at Site 808 was encountered at about 389 mbsf. Density, porosity, resistivity, and gamma ray data change across the frontal thrust. The décollement zone at the deformation front was identified between 937 and 965 mbsf. The base of the décollement is sharply defined as the maximum extent of conductive fracturing and is marked by abrupt changes in physical properties [Mikada, H., Becker, K., Moore, J.C., Klaus, A., Austin, G.L., Bangs, N.L., Bourlange, S., Broilliard, J., Brückmann, W., Corn, E.R., Davis, E.E., Flemings, P.B., Goldberg, D.B., Gulick, S.S., Hansen, M.B., Hayward, N., Hills, D.J., Hunze, S., Ienaga, M., Ishiguro, H., Kinoshita, M., Macdonald, R.D., McNeill, L., Obana, S., Hong, O.S., Peacock, S., Pettigrew, T.L., Saito, S., Sawa, T., Thaiprasert, N., Tobin, H.J., Tsurumi, H., 2002. Proc. ODP, Initial Rep., 196, College Station, TX, (Ocean Drilling Program)]. The upper boundary of the décollement is marked by several sets of conductive fractures and by high variability in physical properties. The décollement zone is characterized by intense brittle fracturing. These fractures are considered to be the consequence of cyclic stresses and high fluid pressures in this zone. We analyzed fracture dips and their orientations at both sites and found that they are all consistent with a unique stress field model surrounding the two sites.  相似文献   
This study aimed to develop a low-cost and effective clay liner material for solid waste landfills in Sri Lanka. A locally available clayey soil and its admixtures with 5 and 10% bentonite were examined for this purpose. Laboratory experiments to determine soil plasticity and swell index were carried out on the tested samples. Hydraulic conductivity (k) tests were carried out in the laboratory using water and an aqueous solution of CaCl2 on unconsolidated samples prepared by either dry or slurry packing and pre-consolidated samples with five different consolidation pressures (p) from 10 to 200 kPa. Measured liquid limits for tested admixtures increased with increasing bentonite contents and correlated well with measured values of the swell index. The difference in permeant solutions had little effect on measured k values for both unconsolidated and pre-consolidated samples. The hydraulic conductivities were highly affected by changing p, i.e., the k values decreased on two orders of magnitude as p increased from 10 to 200 kPa. The Kozeny–Carman equation, a theoretical permeability model that expresses the k-porosity relationship, was applied to measured data including reported values. Results showed the Kozeny–Carman equation captured well the porosity-dependent k values for tested soils and their admixtures with bentonite under a wide range of void ratios, suggesting that the Kozeny–Carman equation is a useful tool to estimate the magnitude of k values for differently compacted soil and its bentonite admixtures.  相似文献   
Underground developments such as subways and shopping facilities have been increasing in number and magnitude in the relatively shallow subsurface of many urban areas where the earth materials commonly are composed of marine sediments. Marine sediments can contain significant amounts of toxic trace elements such as arsenic, boron, and lead. Changes in the subsurface environment caused by excavation and construction in underground developments could potentially cause these toxic elements to be dissolved into pore water of the sediments, which might lead to groundwater pollution. The purpose of this study is to investigate correlations among chemical properties of marine sediments, such as pH and electrical conductivity (EC), concentrations of toxic trace elements, and stratigraphic characteristics of the sediments. We selected three sites with different stratigraphic settings in the southern Kanto Plain around the Tokyo Metropolis. We collected core samples from shallow strata at a site in the Arakawa Lowland, southern Saitama, and at two sites in the Musashino Upland, Middle Tokyo. All sites have both marine and non-marine sediments up to 50–60 m in thickness. We determined trace element concentrations in the pore water, pH, EC, and loss on ignition. The results show that (1) the marine sediments tend to have low pH, high EC, and high sulfur concentration compared to the non-marine sediments (2) the concentration of most of the soluble heavy metals vary depending on the concentration of sulfate, the pH, and the formation processes of the strata, (3) the arsenic concentration is not related to sulfur concentration but apparently to Fe and Al concentrations, (4) the boron concentration is not related to any other properties implying that the boron level is independent of and cannot be predicted by common chemical properties, and (5) for all three sites, concentrations of most of the trace elements, EC, pH, and sulfate concentration were correlated with each other. This study shows that the concentration and potential mobilization of many toxic trace elements in marine sediments could be predicted by easily measurable pore water chemical properties such as pH and EC. This could be useful for predicting and avoiding the risk of groundwater pollution during underground development projects.  相似文献   
This study proposes a new geostatistical methodology that accounts for roughness characteristics when downscaling fracture surface topography. In the proposed approach, the small-scale fracture surface roughness is described using a “local roughness pattern” that indicates the relative height of a location compared to its surrounding locations, while the large-scale roughness is considered using the surface semivariogram. By accounting for both components–the minimization of the local error variance and the reproduction of the local roughness characteristics–into the objective function of simulated annealing, the fracture surface topography downscaling process was improved compared to standard geostatistical methodologies such as ordinary kriging and sequential Gaussian simulation. Downscaled topography data were then assessed in terms of prediction errors and roughness distribution.  相似文献   
Modern deltas are understood to have initiated around 7.5–9 ka in response to the deceleration of sea-level rise. This episode of delta initiation is closely related to the last deglacial meltwater events and eustatic sea-level rises. The initial stage of the Mekong River delta, one of the world's largest deltas, is well recorded in Cambodian lowland sediments. This paper integrates analyses of sedimentary facies, diatom assemblages, and radiocarbon dates for three drill cores from the lowland to demonstrate Holocene sedimentary evolution in relation to sea-level changes. The cores are characterized by a tripartite succession: (1) aggrading flood plain to natural levee and tidal–fluvial channel during the postglacial sea-level rise (10–8.4 ka); (2) aggrading to prograding tidal flats and mangrove forests around and after the maximum flooding of the sea (8.4–6.3 ka); and (3) a prograding fluvial system on the delta plain (6.3 ka to the present). The maximum flooding of the sea occurred at 8.0 ± 0.1 ka, 2000 years before the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand, and tidal flats penetrated up to 20–50 km southeast of Phnom Penh after a period of abrupt ~5 m sea-level rise at 8.5–8.4 ka. The delta progradation then initiated as a result of the sea-level stillstand at around 8–7.5 ka. Another rapid sea-level rise at 7.5–7 ka allowed thick mangrove peat to be widely deposited in the Cambodian lowland, and the peat accumulation endured until 6.3 ka. Since 6.3 ka, a fluvial system has characterized the delta plain, and the fluvial sediment discharge has contributed to rapid delta progradation. The uppermost part of the sedimentary succession, composed of flood plain to natural-levee sediments, reveals a sudden increase in sediment accumulation over the past 600–1000 years. This increase might reflect an increase in the sediment yield due to human activities in the upper to middle reaches of the Mekong, as with other Asian rivers.  相似文献   
Large-scale mapping observations of the 3P1-3P0 fine-structure transition of atomic carbon (C i, 492 GHz) and the J=3-2 transition of CO (346 GHz) toward the Orion A molecular cloud have been carried out with the Mount Fuji submillimeter-wave telescope. The observations cover 9 deg2 and include the Orion Nebula M42 and the L1641 dark cloud complex. The C i emission extends over almost the entire region of the Orion A cloud and is surprisingly similar to that of 13CO (J=1-0). The CO (J=3-2) emission shows a more featureless and extended distribution than C i. The C i/CO (J=3-2) integrated intensity ratio shows a spatial gradient running from the north (0.10) to the south (1.2) of the Orion A cloud, which we interpret as a consequence of the temperature gradient. On the other hand, the C i/13CO (J=1-0) intensity ratio shows no systematic gradient. We have found a good correlation between the C i and 13CO (J=1-0) intensities over the Orion A cloud. This result is discussed on the basis of photodissociation region models.  相似文献   
Excessive degassing of Izu-Oshima volcano: magma convection in a conduit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Excess degassing of magmatic H2O and SO2 was observed at Izu-Oshima volcano during its latest degassing activity from January 1988 to March 1990. The minimum production rate for degassed magma was calculated to be about 1×104 kg/s using emission rates of magmatic H2O and SO2, and H2O and S contents of the magma. The minimum total volume of magma degassed during the 27-month period is estimated to be 2.6×108 m3. This volume is 20 times larger than that of the magma ejected during the 1986 summit eruption. Convective transport of magma through a conduit is proposed as the mechanism that causes degassing from a magma reservoir at several kilometers depth. The magma transport rate is quantitatively evaluated based on two fluid-dynamic models: Poiseuille flow in a concentric double-walled pipe, and ascent of non-degassed magma spheres through a conduit filled with degassed magma. This process is further tested for an andesitic volcano and is concluded to be a common process for volcanoes that discharge excess volatiles.  相似文献   
In order to understand the distribution characteristics of biomarkers in source rocks,which may be related to organic input,Quaternary sediments from the Caohai Basin and the Chaiwobu Lake were analyzed for sterols,As a result,various sterols,have been found in the sediments.The composition of sterols in the sediments revealed that cholesterols and cholestadienols are more abundant than their C29 counterparts in the Chaiwobu Lake sediments and that C29 sterols are more abundant in the peats from the Caohai Basin,It is also found that stanol/sterol ratios in clays are higher than in peats.Studies show that organic input to the Chaiwobu Lake is mainly plankton and zooplankton and to the Caohai Basin is mainly terrestrial high plant.The authors have proposed that the relative abundance of C27 or C29 sterane in source rocks may reflect input characteristics to some extent and the stanol/sterol ratios may reflect the redox conditions of the depositional environments.  相似文献   
The construction of formulas for sequentially computing solutions and a variance-covariance matrix with the bandtype system of observation equations, which is inherent in geodetic networks, is carried out; these formulas are illustrated with a simple numerical example in which the adjustment for the trilateration of triply coupled quadrilaterals is executed.  相似文献   
We investigate numerically the effect of sample volume on the effective single-phase permeability of heterolithic tidal sandstones, using three-dimensional models reconstructed directly from large rock specimens measuring 45 × 30 × 15 cm. We find that both individual and averaged effective permeability values vary as a function of sample volume, which indicates that permeability data obtained from core-plugs will not be representative at the scale of a reservoir model grid-block regardless of the number of measurements taken. However, the error introduced by averaged data may be minimized using the appropriate averaging scheme for a given facies type and flow direction.  相似文献   
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