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Planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) offer the unique opportunity to study both the population and evolution of low- and intermediate-mass stars, by means of the morphological type of the nebula. Using observations from our LMC PN morphological survey, and including images available in the Hubble Space Telescope Data Archive and published chemical abundances, we find that asymmetry in PNe is strongly correlated with a younger stellar population, as indicated by the abundance of elements that are unaltered by stellar evolution (Ne, Ar, and S). While similar results have been obtained for Galactic PNe, this is the first demonstration of the relationship for extragalactic PNe. We also examine the relation between morphology and abundance of the products of stellar evolution. We found that asymmetric PNe have higher nitrogen and lower carbon abundances than symmetric PNe. Our two main results are broadly consistent with the predictions of stellar evolution if the progenitors of asymmetric PNe have on average larger masses than the progenitors of symmetric PNe. The results bear on the question of formation mechanisms for asymmetric PNe-specifically, that the genesis of PNe structure should relate strongly to the population type, and by inference the mass, of the progenitor star and less strongly on whether the central star is a member of a close binary system.  相似文献   
The aeolian Red Clay sequence in the central part of the Chinese Loess Plateau was investigated in an attempt to obtain magnetostratigraphic and palaeoclimatic records. From the results, we deduce that aeolian dust accumulation and the related East Asia palaeomonsoon system began at least 7.6  Myr ago, and that the Tibetan Plateau had reached a significant elevation by that time. The Late Tertiary palaeoclimatic history of the Red Clay as reflected by magnetic susceptibility is reconstructed for the time period 7.6–2.5  Ma. Increases in aeolian dust accumulation for the last 7.6  Myr appear to have a close relation with the uplift processes of the Tibetan Plateau. The remarkable increase of aeolian dust accumulation beginning at 3.2  Ma appears to reflect the influence of an increasing global ice volume on the East Asian monsoon and aeolian dust accumulation.  相似文献   
Experiments dissolving orthopyroxene (En93) in a variety of Si-undersaturated alkaline melts at 1 atmosphere and variable f O2 demonstrate that orthopyroxene dissolves to form olivine, Si-rich melt and clinopyroxene. These phases form a texturally and chemically distinct boundary layer around the partly dissolved orthopyroxene crystals. The occurrence of clinopyroxene in the boundary layer is due to inward diffusion of Ca from the solvent melt to the boundary layer causing clinopyroxene saturation. Compositional profiles through the solvent and the boundary layer for a number of experiments demonstrate rapid diffusion of cations across the boundary layer – solvent interface. SiO2 diffuses outward from the boundary layer whereas CaO and Al2O3 diffuse toward the Si-enriched boundary layer melt. The rate of Al diffusion is slower under reducing conditions compared to the rates in experiments performed in air. Concentrations of FeO and MgO in the boundary layer and solvent are approximately equal indicating rapid diffusion and attainment of equilibrium despite ongoing crystallisation of clinopyroxene within the boundary layer. The behaviour of Na2O and K2O is strongly affected by f O2. Under reducing conditions Na2O and K2O concentrations are approximately equal in the boundary layer and solvent indicating normal diffusion down the concentration gradient and attainment of equilibrium. Under oxidising conditions, K2O and to a lesser extent Na2O, have compositional profiles indicative of uphill diffusion likely due to their preference for more polymerised Si- and Al-rich melts. Under reduced conditions Al-enrichment in the boundary layer melt is not as extreme and uphill diffusion did not occur. The composition of the solvent melt after the experiments indicates that it was contaminated by the boundary layer by convective mixing due to the onset of hydrodynamic instabilities brought on by density and viscosity contrasts between the two melts. Despite using a wide variety of solvent melt compositions we find that the boundary layer melts converge toward a common composition at high SiO2 contents. The composition of glass generated by orthopyroxene dissolution at 1 atmosphere is similar in many respects to Si-rich glass found in many orthopyroxene-rich mantle xenoliths that have been attributed to high pressure in situ processes including mantle metasomatism. The results of this study suggest that at least some Si-rich melts are likely to have formed by dissolution of xenolith orthopyroxene at low pressure possibly by their Si-undersaturated host magmas. Received: 30 August 1996 / Accepted: 15 April 1998  相似文献   
Two sets of earth models have been generated which simulate the process of core formation in the earth. The results allow the evaluation of the distribution of energy release by core formation and thus an estimate of the early temperature profile following core formation. The process itself is likely to have taken 20 Ma or less, although a longer induction period during which some metal phase exists as a melt is probable. Much of the energy (half or more) ends up in a hot core with the mantle relatively cold. These results suggest the occurrence of mantle wide convection, leading to homogenization and the possible stripping of some elements from the mantle.  相似文献   
Calculations of the radial distribution of the energy released in core formation indicate that the cores of all the terrestrial planets may be expected to receive a disproportionate share of the gravitational energy released. Since the model of the process used in these calculations favors transfer of energy to the mantle, it is likely that other reasonable models of the process will result in even more energy being deposited in the cores of the early planets. The calculations also show that it is necessary for a certain amount of core phase to separate and accumulate, before the energy released by gravitational settling is sufficient to supply the latent heat of fusion of the core phase. The amount of melting required to reach this point varies according to the total mass of the planet, and mass fraction of core, but is not particularly great (<5% for the Earth to ~ 37% for the Moon). In the case of the Moon, this amount of segregation, although large, amounts to a surface layer about 260 km thick, similar to the proposed depth of early wholesale melting. Core separation in terrestrial planets appears to be a self-sustaining process even for fairly small bodies, provided that a small amount of a dense potential core phase is present. Although it seems likely to occur rapidly (within 106–107 years) even for small (Moon-size) bodies, detailed kinetic models will be necessary to specify the time scale.  相似文献   
This study uses empirical agricultural impact models to compare the U.S. climate change predictions of 16 General Circulation Models (GCMs). The impact analysis provides a policy-relevant index by which to judge complex climate predictions. National aggregate impacts vary widely across the 16 GCMs because of varying regional and seasonal patterns of predicted climate change. Examining the predicted impacts from the full set of GCMs reveals that the seasonal detail in the GCM predictions is so noisy that it is not significantly different from a constant annual change. However, a consistent regional pattern does emerge across the set of models. Nonetheless, aggregating climate change across seasons and regions within the United States, using a national-annual climate change provides a reasonable and efficient approximation to the expected impact predicted by the 16 GCM models.  相似文献   
This paper offers an exploratory investigation of the effects of a child's age on three behavioral constructs (awareness space, activity space, and attitude) concerning a downtown shopping center in Bristol, England. The data are elicited from three samples of Bristol school children defined according to age and are analyzed using statistical inferential procedures. The results disclose that awareness space and activity space consistently increase with age. In addition, attitudinal responses to specific features of the shopping center exhibit a gradual change over a long-term period.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine whether a combination of biochemical, histopathological and toxicogenomic data could be used as a valuable tool for the assessment of biological risk associated with pollutants within the Tamar River and Estuary, S.W. England, U.K. Accordingly, biochemical and histopathological biomarkers (protein carbonyls, lipofuscin, neutral lipids, lysosomal stability [N-acetyl-β-hexosaminidase and neutral red], lysosomal volume, ferric reducing antioxidant power [FRAP] and malonaldehyde [MDA]) and gene expression profiles were assessed in 5 sites from the Tamar River and Estuary (Neal Point, Town Quay, Wilcove, Cremyll Ferry and Whitsand; and a reference site, Trebarwith Strand, N. Cornwall). PAHs were measured in mussel tissue and sediment and metals were measured in mussel tissue only. Data from the biomarkers was integrated into a Mussel Expert System (MES) model to produce a simple assessment of mussel stress. Clear gradients of mussel toxicity were identified by the biomarkers (with the exception of neutral lipids) with the highest impacted animals found furthest up the Tamar, whilst the MES was unable to identify a gradient of effect. Gene expression profiles also indicated a gradient of stress with the greatest number of significantly up- or down- regulated genes found at the uppermost 2 sites. The MES did, however, determine that mussels from all sites, except the reference site, were highly stressed; a conclusion that could not be inferred from the biomarker data alone. It is concluded that the MES is a valuable tool that permits integration and interpretation of complex sets of biomarker data by identifying the biological meaning of biomarker changes.  相似文献   
Zircon Hf isotopic data from a zoned pluton of the Moonbi supersuite,New England batholith, eastern Australia, are consistent withmagma mixing between two silicic melts, each derived from isotopicallydistinct sources. Although zircons from three zones within theWalcha Road pluton give a U–Pb crystallization age of249 ± 3 Ma, zircon populations from each zone have arange in Hf. Zircons from the mafic hornblende–biotitemonzogranite pluton margin and intermediate zones have Hf +5to +11, whereas those from the more felsic centre of the plutonhave Hf +7 to +16, representing a total variation of 11 Hfunits. The Lu–Hf depleted mantle model ages range from650 to 250 Ma, with the younger zircons present only in thefelsic pluton centre. The variation in Hf indicates the involvementof silicic melts from at least two sources, one a crustal componentwith a Neoproterozoic model age and the other a primitive mantle-derivedcomponent with model ages similar to the U–Pb crystallizationage of the pluton. The zircons reflect the isotopic compositionsof the different proportions of crustal-derived silicic melt,relative to mantle-derived silicic melt, between melt generationand final pluton construction. The Walcha Road pluton is consideredto have formed by incremental assembly of progressively morefelsic melt batches resulting from mixing, replenishment andcrystal–melt separation, with final pluton constructioninvolving mechanical concentration as zones of crystal mush.The zoned pluton and, more broadly, the Moonbi supersuite provideexamples of magma mixing by which the more silicic units havemore juvenile isotopic compositions as a result of increasingproportions of residual melt from basalt fractionation, relativeto crustal partial melt. KEY WORDS: Australia; granite magma mixing; zircon; zoned pluton; Hf isotopes  相似文献   
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