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海底多金属硫化物开发动态与前景分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了澳大利亚鹦鹉螺矿业公司和海王星矿业公司在西南太平洋区域对海底块状多金属硫化物 ( SMS ) 的商业勘探活动和开采计划等活动的最新进展,并从海底多金属硫化物的金属品质、开发的技术可行性与经济性、深海采矿的环境保护与法律政策等方面对海底多金属硫化物开发的前景作了分析.  相似文献   
The uniaxial compressive breaking process of energy of deep-sea Cobalt-Rich Crust was selected as researching content, and the calculation of energy conversion of breaking Cobalt-Rich Crust under loading and unloading conditions was described in detail, and also the specimens of Cobalt-Rich Crust were tested in rock mechanical testing system under the specified stressing paths. From experimental data, the elastic energy, the dissipated energy and the total inputting energy of unloading points were analyzed systematically. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the specimens of Cobalt-Rich Crust are anisotropic rock, and different testing specimens need to load different axial forces to break, and the maximum of axial force is 8KN, and the minimum is 5KN; (2) when increasing the axial force, the elastic energy, the dissipated energy and the total inputting energy of the unloading points increased nonlienearly; (3) Cobalt-Rich Crust is not the same with other ordinary elastic rock, the elastic energy is lower than the corresponding dissipated energy, and with the increasing of the axial force, the difference between two values becomes more and more.  相似文献   
GIS应用的快速发展对异构空间数据库互联互访提出了更高的要求。本文对现有的多种异构空间数据库互操作模式进行了对比分析,指出了各种模式的特点及其不足,在此基础上,提出了一种开放式空间数据库互联互访(OGDC,Opening Geospatial Database Connectivity)的策略与规范,以及由各家GIS平台软件厂商共同制定标准接口,再由数据库开发厂商或数据提供厂商按照标准接口进行开发实现的新模式。本文对OGDC的设计思路、技术特点和应用情况进行了分析,设计了地理空间数据库的数据访问对象模型及接口,并使用国产空间数据库软件BeyonDB,对OGDC作了开发和实验验证。实验表明,OGDC可以较好地兼顾空间数据互联互访中系统功能、效率和易用性等方面的需求,为异构空间数据库的标准化共享和持续利用提供了一种较为可行的解决方案。  相似文献   
Landslides located beside reservoirs tend to be unstable or are characterized by large deformation during the drawdown process. This has been accepted by many experts. In this paper, we use Qiaotou Landslide, which is located beside the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), as a typical case study to investigate and predict the deformation mechanism during the drawdown process of TGR in detail. According to field investigation, the landslide mass is mainly composed of thick, loose silt and clay mixed with fragments of rock. Bedrock is mainly composed of silty sandstone. Field and laboratory tests indicate that the landslide mass has a high permeability coefficient. If the water level declines fast, intense seepage force may result. Based on these data, we establish a three-dimensional geological model of Qiaotou Landslide by FLAC3D and perform a numerical simulation using the saturated–unsaturated fluid–solid coupling theory. For the simulation, we assume that the drawdown from 175 to 145 m takes place with a speed of 25 cm/day, which is based on the extreme water level regulation program of TGR. The simulation shows that this causes a significant deformation in the landslide mass and that the maximum displacement within the landslide is 24.2 cm. During the drawdown process, the maximum displacement zone is shifting from the upper part of the landslide where bedrock surface is steeper and thickness of loose deposits is less to the middle part of the landslide where bedrock surface is less steep and thickness of loose deposits is higher. The deformation mechanism indicates that in the early stage of the drawdown the deformation of the landslide mass is mainly caused by seepage and in the later stage mainly by consolidation.  相似文献   
通过多种仪器分析,测定了胶州湾李村河河口区4个沉积物柱状样品的有机碳(TOC)、酸可挥发硫化物(AVS)及重金属元素活性部分(活性金属)的含量,并系统讨论了其环境响应特征。研究发现,胶州湾李村河河口区三角洲沉积物中的有机碳、AVS和活性金属元素的分布受与河口的距离及沉积相带分布的影响。近河口细粒物质沉积区域的有机质受陆源控制,有机碳含量较高,AVS和活性金属元素含量高,活性铁的含量是AVS形成的主控因素,同时AVS也是多数活性金属元素在沉积物中的主要赋存形态。而离河口较远区域,有机碳含量受海、陆双向物源控制,AVS含量主要受控于有机质含量,两者含量均相对较低,活性金属元素含量也较低,多数金属元素(Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Pb、Zn等)主要以依附于铁的形态存在。根据上述沉积特点,将胶州湾李村河河口区沉积环境划分为3类区域5种类型,分别是一类区域中的水下分流河道和分流间湾,二类区域中的水下分流河道和分流间湾及三类区域中的前缘席状砂。  相似文献   
近47a商丘大风气候特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选取商丘市8个观测站1961-2007年共47 a气象实测资料,分析了商丘大风时空分布特征,同时对大风日数减少的原因进行简要剖析,并探讨了产生大风的天气形势.结果表明:商丘大风日数具有明显的年代际变化,总体呈减少趋势;月、季变化明显,4月最多,9月最少,春季最多,秋季最少.大风日数随年代减少与气候变暖及防护林带面积增加有关.产生大风的天气系统为中小尺度(阵性风),地面形势为南高北低和东高西低形势(南风)以及冷锋过境(偏北风).  相似文献   
为了学习辽宁省气象局在大气成分轨道建设及精细化天气预报等方面的先进经验和做法,更好地促进山西省相关业务领域的发展与进步,2007年3月26日~30日,山西省气象局派出考察组赴辽宁考察调研。考察组由副局长张洪涛任组长,成员有宋宏、王少俊、张怀德、王雁、苗爱梅、胡玉清、刘川生、王存仁。  相似文献   
赣北:华南地质之窗   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究发现,江西北部宜丰-德兴一带下扬子陆块南缘的九岭、万年推覆体与晚古生代以来的沉积盖层之下,隐伏着华南洋对接带和新元古代晚期至早古生代深水裂谷海槽形成的造山带。造山带两侧分别为下扬子地块和华夏陆块残留的信江钱塘地块。扬子陆缘860Ma前的中新元古代地质体和华夏陆缘信江钱塘地块西南部在这里遭到消减叠覆。直至中生代时,该坳陷北部又被九岭逆冲推覆体叠覆近半。这样强烈的造山作用,颠复了"江南古陆"的传统认识。从这扇窗口,窥视了华南大陆深层次地质构造的复杂性及其与大规模成矿作用的密切联系。  相似文献   
As a unique low-temperature water mass in Antarctic coastal region, the Ice Shelf Water (ISW) is an important component for the formation of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). In this paper, we present a criterion for ISW identification based on freezing point at the sea surface, and we study spatial distribution of ISW in front of the Amery Ice Shelf (AIS) and its flow path in Prydz Bay by analyzing hydrographic data from Australian cruises in 2001 and 2002, as well as Chinese cruises in 2003, 2005, 2006, and 2008, all being made in the austral summer. The relatively cold and fresh ISW occurred as several discrete water blocks with cold cores in front of the AIS, within the depth range of 100?600 m, under the seasonal thermocline. ISW had obvious temporal and spatial variations and the spatial distribution pattern changed greatly after 2005. Most of ISW was concentrated west of 73°E during 2001 to 2003 and 2006, but it was widespread to east in 2005 and 2008. In all observation years, a small amount of cold ISW always occurs at the west end of the AIS front section, where the coldest ISW in the whole section also occurred in 2001, 2003 and 2006. Considering general cyclonic circulation pattern under the AIS, the ISW flowing out from west end of the AIS front might have experienced the longest cooling period under ice shelf, so it would have the lowest temperature. Analysis of data from meridian sections in Prydz Bay in 2003 implied that ISW in the west could spread north to the continental break along the east flank of the Fram Bank near 70.5°E, mix with the upwelling Circumpolar Deep Water and possibly contribute to the formation of AABW.  相似文献   
以河南新郑矿区赵家寨井田为依托,通过试验和统计分析,建立了煤的工业分析指标与测井参数的相关关系及模型,揭示了煤质测井响应机制。研究结果表明,煤的工业分析指标与其测井参数之间存在明显的相关性,表现为:原煤水分含量与密度和视电阻率之间呈负相关关系,与自然电位和自然伽马呈正相关关系;灰分与密度和自然伽马以及自然电位呈正相关关系,与视电阻率呈负相关关系;原煤挥发分与视电阻率和密度呈负相关关系,挥发分与自然电位和自然伽马呈正相关关系。研究结果还显示,煤质指标与测井参数之间的相关性是由煤中有机质和无机质含量、性质和结构以及煤化作用等因素所决定的。分别建立了用测井曲线预测原煤工业分析指标的多元统计模型,在煤炭与煤层气勘探开发中,可以用测井曲线预测原煤工业分析指标。  相似文献   
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