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The detailed characteristics of the Paleozoic strike-slip fault zones developed in the northern slope of Tazhong uplift are closely related to hydrocarbon explorations. In this study, five major strike-slip fault zones that cut through the Cambrian-Middle Devonian units are identified, by using 3D seismic data. Each of the strike-slip fault zones is characterized by two styles of deformation, namely deeper strike-slip faults and shallower en-echelon faults. By counting the reverse separation of the horizon along the deeper faults, activity intensity on the deeper strike-slip faults in the south is stronger than that on the northern ones. The angle between the strike of the shallower en-echelon normal faults and the principal displacement zone(PDZ) below them is likely to have a tendency to decrease slightly from the south to the north, which may indicate that activity intensity on the shallower southern en-echelon faults is stronger than that on the northern ones. Comparing the reverse separation along the deeper faults and the fault throw of the shallower faults, activity intensity of the Fault zone S1 is similar across different layers, while the activity intensity of the southern faults is larger than that of the northern ones. It is obvious that both the activity intensity of the same layer in different fault zones and different layers in the same fault zone have a macro characteristic in that the southern faults show stronger activity intensity than the northern ones. The Late Ordovician décollement layer developed in the Tazhong area and the peripheral tectonic events of the Tarim Basin have been considered two main factors in the differential deformation characteristics of the strike-slip fault zones in the northern slope of Tazhong uplift. They controlled the differences in the multi-level and multi-stage deformations of the strike-slip faults, respectively. In particular, peripheral tectonic events of the Tarim Basin were the dynamic source of the formatting and evolution of the strike-slip fault zones, and good candidates to accommodate the differential activity intensity of these faults.  相似文献   
邢东矿井位于太行山隆起带与华北沉陷带的过渡带,通过区域构造应力-应变场分析,本区先后经历了由挤压-拉张的变形过程,变形强度由弱到强。海西期构造应力影响较弱,印支期-中燕山期构造应力作用较为强烈,形成了大量的挤压结构面和压缩构造.燕山晚期-喜山期是构造形成的最终阶段,以拉张伸展变形为主,现今的多数正断层的断裂结构面仍保存有先期的挤压结构面特征。区内构造以断裂构造为主要形式,断层组合形式多样,这些构造形成期次不同,北西向断裂对北东向断裂具有限制作用。  相似文献   
塔中地区主要受塔中Ⅰ号、Ⅱ号及Ⅲ号三条大断层控制 ,形成巨型复式背斜 ,隆起高部位地层遭受了强烈的风化剥蚀。背斜之上 ,断裂和局部构造发育。可划分出两个主要成藏期 :第Ⅰ成藏期为寒武系—下奥陶统烃源岩成熟生烃运移期 ,生排烃高峰为志留纪 ;第Ⅱ成藏期为中—上奥陶统烃源岩在燕山期—喜马拉雅期成熟生烃运聚。第Ⅰ成藏期形成的油藏有两个特征 :在塔中Ⅰ号断裂带、北部斜坡带油气注入奥陶系及志留系圈闭中 ,形成原生油气藏 ;构造高部位 (如中央断垒带 )的油气藏在后期构造运动中遭受破坏。第Ⅱ成藏期形成的油藏可分为两类 :对早期油藏的再次充注 ;聚集形成新油藏。塔中地区的油气运移通道主要有断裂和不整合面 ,油气的分布也主要受断裂和不整合面所控制。塔中Ⅰ号构造带和北部斜坡带是较为有利的勘探区带  相似文献   
西太平洋暖池区是指位于热带西太平洋及印度洋东部海表温度常年在28 ℃以上的海域,是全球海表温度最高的深海区,构造环境与沉积环境复杂,沉积物中的生物组分含量差异较大,生物组分会对深海沉积物物理力学性质产生显著影响,但目前对沉积物中生物组分含量和沉积物物理力学性质之间的相关性关系尚不明确。本文对西太平洋暖池区核心部位的表层沉积物样品进行现场物理力学性质测试和室内涂片鉴定,研究深海表层沉积物的物理力学性质与生物组分之间的关系。结果表明:研究区表层沉积物含水率范围为61.1%~435.1%,天然密度范围为1.04~1.76 g/cm3,贯入阻力范围为0~100 kPa,十字板剪切强度范围为0~8.6 kPa,整体具有高含水率、低密度、低强度等典型的深海沉积物物理力学性质特点。西加洛林海脊、海山等CCD以浅的区域为钙质生物组分>50%的钙质沉积区;西加洛林海槽西南部及其周边的深水沟槽地区一般为硅质生物组分>50%的硅质沉积;西加洛林海盆内部则主要为黏土沉积区。随钙质生物组分减少和硅质生物组分增多,表层沉积物类型分别为钙质沉积物、黏土沉积物和硅质沉积物,天然含水率变高,天然密度、贯入阻力和十字板剪切强度降低,表明深海表层沉积物的物理力学性质与生物组分含量密切相关:贯入阻力、十字板剪切强度、天然密度与钙质生物组分含量呈正相关,与硅质生物组分含量呈负相关;而天然含水率正好相反,与钙质生物组分含量呈负相关,与硅质生物组分含量呈正相关。本文建立了深海沉积物中生物组分与物理力学性质之间的相关关系,提出了沉积物生物组分含量与物理力学性质之间的拟合公式,可以为深海沉积物工程性质的评价提供参考。  相似文献   
蔚县矿区是一个中生代赋煤区,通过对单侯矿区西南翼三维地震数据体的认识,认为该区煤层基底为寒武系、奥陶系下统,受海西期与印支期抬升作用的影响,缺失了中奥陶统至三叠系。煤层的基底隆起形成于印支期,即使在接受成煤沉积的燕山期,基底仍处于不均匀的抬升状态。成煤期间,由于盆地基底抬升或沉降幅度不均衡,导致了蔚县整个含煤盆地内部沉积厚度发生变化,造成隆起部位煤层变薄及缺失。后期随着抬升的延续,结束了该区含煤建造过程。  相似文献   
Zulfiqar  Farah  Shang  Jie  Zada  Muhammad  Alam  Qamar  Rauf  Tariq 《GeoJournal》2021,86(6):2767-2776

Based on the survey data of 250 farmers from the Multan district of Southern region of Punjab, Pakistan this study aims to empirically examine the determinants of access to agricultural credit. This study used the probit model to analyze the data. The results revealed that formal education, farm size, level of farm mechanization, farm revenue and landholding size positively and significantly influenced access to agricultural credit while the age of the farmer’s, distance, and off- farm income negatively and insignificantly influenced farmer’s accessibility to agricultural credit. The findings of the current study offer a policy guideline to streamline national policy on agricultural finance. This study also recommends that ZaraiTaraqiati Bank (ZTBL) and other Commercial Banks should improve their agricultural credit schemes to fulfil the diversified needs of small farm holders.

Research on the origin of eukaryotes often focuses on the exceptional preservation found in silicified Precambrian fossils. Nuclei like subcellular structures in well-preserved fossil becomes confusion and arguments, which focus on whether the partial degradation of prokaryotes produces artifacts that resemble a ‘nucleus’, or fossilized nuclei of eukaryotes. In order to understand the mechanisms of silicification and identify the fossilized subcellular and microstructures in rocks, a series of laboratory controlled experiments were performed for simulating the silicification process. The effects of different silica solutions in eukaryote fossilization were studied in our experiments by exposing onion skin cells (epidermis) to silica solutions. Onion skin provides a good experimental model because of its well characterized cellular structures which are easily observed. The designed experiments revealed that the possibility of onion cell preserved as a “fossil” with nuclear structures, the first week fossilization, or mineralization as rapid as 1 week is important. And the experiment also revealed interactions between silica and the onion skin cell wall surface functional groups were weak. The preservation of nuclei in the onion skin model was due to precipitation in highly supersaturated silica solutions rather than simply the high silica concentration. When the silica gel precipitates slowly at low supersaturation states, the nuclei were not well preserved, but the rapid precipitation at high supersaturated silica conditions preserved nuclear structures. A better understanding of the processes involved in onion skin fossilization will further contribute to issues concerning the silicification of other eukaryotic materials.  相似文献   
Correct interpretation of zircon ages from high-grade metamorphic terrains poses a major challenge because of the differential response of the U–Pb system to metamorphism, and many aspects like pressure–temperature conditions, metamorphic mineral transformations and textural properties of the zircon crystals have to be explored. A large (c. 450?km2) coherent migmatite complex was recently discovered in the Bohemian Massif, Central European Variscides. Rocks from this complex are characterized by granulite- and amphibolite-facies mineral assemblages and, based on compositional and isotopic trends, are identified as the remnants of a magma body derived from mixing between tonalite and supracrustal rocks. Zircon crystals from the migmatites are exclusively large (200–400?μm) and yield 207Pb/206Pb evaporation ages between 342–328?Ma and single-grain zircon fractions analysed by U–Pb ID-TIMS method plot along the concordia curve between 342 and 325?Ma. High-resolution U–Pb SHRIMP analyses substantiate the existence of a resolvable age variability and yield older 206Pb/238U ages (342–330?Ma, weighted mean age?=?333.6?±?3.1?Ma) for inner zone domains without relict cores and younger 206Pb/238U ages (333–320?Ma, weighted mean age?=?326.0?±?2.8?Ma) for rim domains. Pre-metamorphic cores were identified only in one sample (206Pb/238U ages at 375.0?±?3.9, 420.3?±?4.4 and 426.2?±?4.4?Ma). Most zircon ages bracket the time span between granulite-facies metamorphism in the Bohemian Massif (~345?Ma) and the late-Variscan anatectic overprint (Bavarian phase, ~325?Ma). It is argued that pre-existing zircon was variously affected by these metamorphic events and that primary magmatic growth zones were replaced by secondary textures as a result of diffusion reaction processes and replacement of zircon by dissolution and recrystallization followed by new zircon rim growth. Collectively, the results show that the zircons equilibrated during high-grade metamorphism and record partial loss of radiogenic Pb during post-peak granulite events and new growth under subsequent anatectic conditions.  相似文献   
A sample preparation method of total sulphur measurement of reactive mine tailings was optimized. The total sulphur was measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, and ultrasound technique was used for sample digestion. The optimization process was adopted by a combined approach of experimental design and response surface methodology. The digestion time, temperature and acid-oxidant combination (i.e. effect of H2O2 with a fixed amount of acid mixture) were investigated. A two-level and three-factor (23) full factorial design of experiment was applied to identify the most significant factors, and a central composite design was used to optimize the digestion procedure. KZK-1, a sericite schist, was selected as the certified reference material. The optimum methodology at 95 % confidence level (P < 0.05) was identified to be 10 min of digestion at 77 °C, with a solution of 1 ml HNO3:1 ml HCl:1.35 ml H2O2. This combination resulted in 100 % sulphur recovery. The investigated method was verified by X-ray diffraction analysis. The optimum digestion level was applied to a reactive mine tailings, which achieved satisfactory results with a percentage relative standard deviation < 3 %.  相似文献   
The paper deals with unsteady inter-porosity flow modeling of underground fluid in a multiple media reservoir. Assuming spherical vugs, symmetrically distributed pressure, negligible inter-porosity flow between matrix and vug systems and centrifugal flow of the fluid from matrix blocks or vugs to fractures, and treating media directly connected with wellbore as the fracture system, we establish and solve a model of unsteady inter-porosity flow for dual and triple porosity media reservoirs. We provide simulated graphs of pressure and pressure derivative log-log type curves, and analyze the transient flow process and characteristics of type curves affected by different parameters. The new type curves of unsteady inter-porosity flow modeling are evidently different in shape and characteristics from those of pseudo-steady inter-porosity flow modeling. The location of dimensionless pressure of unsteady inter-porosity is lower than that of pseudo-steady inter-porosity, which indicates that unsteady inter-porosity flow accelerates an energy supplement during production. Qualitatively, the unsteady inter-porosity flow modeling reduces the classical V-shaped response. We also estimated parameters from well test data in real applications using this model.  相似文献   
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