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DifferentialUBV observations, carried out in 1990 observing season, of a small amplitude (0 . m 15 inV andB) W UMa system LS Del = HD 199497 are presented. Wavelength-dependent light variations from cycle to cycle indicate that the system is in a very active phase, probably due to magnetic flare activity or mass transfer in the system. An analysis of the minima times indicate a probable secular increase of the photometric period which requires a mass transfer from less massive to more massive component. If this is true then the reverse-algol model by Liuet al. (1988) for this system would not be valid.  相似文献   
本文研究不确定系统(1)″解的稳定性、定常系统(1)′稳定区间的存在性以及线性系统(4)解的有界性、周期解的存在性等问题;利用区间分析的方法给出系统(1)″稳定判别定理2、定理3和定常系统(1)′稳定区间的存在定理4、非线性系统(14)解的有界性、定理5周期解的存在定理6。  相似文献   
We report four new times of minimum light and the improved ephemeris for the well known contact binary AM Leo. The O‐C diagram, constructed with all reliable timings found in the literature was analyzed and the the light‐time effect in the system was confirmed. We found a periodicity of 44.82 years in the O‐C residuals with an amplitude of 0.0058 day. The periodic curve representing the O‐C values is asymmetric indicating a large eccentricity of 0.73 of the third body orbit. The mass of the third body is found to be 0.175 M for the orbital inclination of the eclipsing pair's orbit. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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