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A massive landslide occurred in May 2015 in the Mt. Hakusan Sennindani area, leading to the discharge of a substantial amount of sediment into the Tedori River. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of secondary data to assess the potential effects of discharged sediments on the downstream environment, including long-term turbidity in rivers, alterations in fish habitats, and groundwater depletion. To analyse the spatio-temporal changes in the river floodplain elevation and paddy fields, aerial photographs and airborne light detection and ranging data were assessed using the ArcGIS software. After the landslide, the turbidity of the Tedori River increased and continued flowing turbid for approximately 6 months. Turbid water spread in the alluvial fan through the irrigation canal network and sediment was deposited in the paddy fields, leading to a reduction in infiltration rates. The groundwater level in the alluvial fan area decreased by more than 2.0 m following the 2015 Sennindani landslide. The sediment deposition in the river floodplain increased by 0.58 m from 2013 to 2015 (pre- and post-landslide). The sediment from upstream destroyed the spawning sites of the Ayu fish along the Tedori River, leading to a decrease in the number of eggs laid in 2015 and 2016 to the lowest levels. The Tomiyo fish disappeared in 2016 and 2017, downstream of the alluvial fan, which received water recharge from the Tedori River. Moreover, Chum salmon showed an exceptionally high anadromous movement towards the Tedori River from coastal areas during 2015 and 2016. In conclusion, discharged sediment from deep upstream landslides can have various adverse impacts on downstream ecosystems, and recovery to their original state may require a considerable amount of time.  相似文献   
The present study systematically investigates shock-induced alteration of organic simulants of planetary bodies (OSPBs) as a function of peak shock pressure and temperature by impact experiments. Our results show that the composition and structure of OSPBs are unchanged upon impacts at peak pressures ≤~5 GPa and temperatures ≤~350 °C. On the other hand, these are dramatically changed upon impacts at >7–8 GPa and > ~400 °C, through loss of hydrogen-related bonds and concurrent carbonization, regardless of the initial compositions of OSPBs. Compared with previous results on static heating of organic matter, we suggest that shock-induced alteration cannot be distinguished from static heating only by Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Our experimental results would provide a proxy indicator for assessing degree of shock-induced alteration of organic matter contained in carbonaceous chondrites. We suggest that a remote-sensing signature of the 3.3–3.6 μm absorption due to hydrogen-related bonds on the surface of small bodies would be a promising indicator for the presence of less-thermally-altered (i.e., <350 °C) organic matter there, which will be a target for landing to collect primordial samples in sample-return spacecraft missions, such as Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx.  相似文献   
The annual distribution and dispersal of early‐stage phyllosoma of the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus were examined in the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan off western Japan. Early‐stage larvae were sampled mainly in summer and relatively near the coast off western Kyusyu Island. Few larvae were found in the other three seasons in the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan. This finding suggests that P. japonicus larvae are retained in coastal areas for a few months after hatching until stage V and are transported offshore until autumn, before they grow to stage VI. Examination of archival drifter data off western Kyusyu Island during the spawning season of P. japonicus supported the relatively rapid dispersal of the larvae from the East China Sea near Japan to the Pacific Ocean or the Sea of Japan. Larval transport from the East China Sea to the Pacific Ocean, which is considered to be a main distribution area of middle‐ and late‐stage larvae, would occur in the south at approximately 32–33°N in the East China Sea near western Kyusyu Island.  相似文献   
Tsunami Warning Centers issue rapid and accurate tsunami warnings to coastal populations by estimating the location and size of the causative earthquake as soon as possible after rupture initiation. Both US Tsunami Warning Centers have therefore been using Mwp to issue Tsunami Warnings 5–10 min after Earthquake origin time since 2002. However, because Mwp (Tsuboi et al., Bulletin of the Seismological society of America 85:606–613, 1995) is based on the far-field approximation to the P-wave displacement due to a double couple point source, we should only very carefully apply Mwp to data obtained in the near field, at distances of less than a few wavelengths from the fault. On the other hand, the surface waves from Great Earthquakes, including those that occur just offshore of populated areas, such as the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, clip seismographs located near the fault. Because the first arriving P-waves from such large events are often on scale, Mwp should provide useful information, even for these Great Earthquakes. We therefore calculate Mwp from 18 unclipped STS-1 broadband P-wave seismograms, recorded at 2–15° distance from the Tohoku epicenter to determine if Mwp can usefully estimate Mw for this earthquake, using data obtained close to the epicenter. In this case there should be a good chance to get reliable Mwp values for stations at epicentral distances of 9–10°, since the source duration for the Tohoku earthquake is less than 200 s and the time window used to estimate Mwp is 120 s in duration. Our analysis indicates that Mwp does indeed give reliable results (Mw ~ 9.1) beginning at about 11° distance from the epicenter. The values of Mwp from seismic waveforms obtained at 11–15° epicentral distance from the Mw 9.1 off the east coast of Tohuku earthquake of March 11, 2011 fell within the range 9.1–9.3, and were available within 4–5 min after origin time. Even the Mwp values of 7.7–8.4, obtained at less than 5° epicentral distance, exceed the PTWC’s threshold of Mw 7.6 for issuing a regional tsunami warning to coastal populations within 1,000 km of the epicenter, and of Mw 6.9 for issuing a local tsunami warning to the coastal populations of Hawaii.  相似文献   
A new method for the determination of dissolved double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) in seawater was developed, evaluated and used to study the fates of these nucleic acids in marine ecosystems. These nucleic acids, which were pre-concentrated on a hydroxyapatite column, were determined fluorometrically by the use of ethidium bromide dye, which binds specifically to the double-stranded polynucleotide. No dissolved organic matter coexisting in the pre-concentrated sample solution interfered in the analysis of DNA and RNA. Column recoveries of DNA and RNA in a sample volume of up to 11 were 93% and 97%, respectively, and 90% of both at 51. The detection limits of DNA and RNA concentrated from a 51 sample by this fluorometric method were 0.6 and 1.1 μg l−1, respectively. The concentration of dissolved nucleic acids in the waters from Tokyo Bay and Sagami Bay showed great variation in space and time. DNA ranged from 1 to 32 μg l−1, and RNA from below the detection limit to 34 μg l−1. The total amount of phosphorus in nucleic acids was an important fraction (12.9 ± 8.2%) of the dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) and showed a good correlation with DOP.  相似文献   
Abstract The significance of timing and formation of mélange in accretionary prisms, particularly concerning basaltic and related rocks and pelagic sediments, is exemplified in the Sawadani area of the Jurassic Chichibu accretionary complex in Shikoku, southwest Japan. Major and trace element geochemistry of the basaltic and related rocks indicates that all are of a hot-spot origin which produced a seamount. Most of the rocks have a trend of differentiation from an alkalic parental magma. The time relationship between the blocks and matrices of the mélange deduced from radiolarian fossil evidence and macro- to microscopic characteristics of contacts between different lithologies indicates two stages of mixing of materials in the seafloor. The first mixing occurred on the flank of the seamount in the pelagic environments in the Late Permian, and the second occurred on the trench floor or in the accretionary prism after the Early Jurassic. These two stages show respectively the geological phenomena of a seamount within the Izanagi-Kula plate and its incorporation into the Asian continental margin.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the recent progress in the study of the intra-day variability (IDV) of Sagitarrius A* (Sgr A*), the best known supermassive black hole candidates with a dark mass concentration of 4 × 10\(^6 M_{\odot}\) at the center of our galaxy.  相似文献   
The Integrated Environmental Monitoring (IEM) project, part of the Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy (APEIS) project, developed an integrated environmental monitoring system that can be used to detect, monitor, and assess environmental disasters, degradation, and their impacts in the Asia-Pacific region. The system primarily employs data from the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) sensor on the Earth Observation System- (EOS-) Terra/Aqua satellite,as well as those from ground observations at five sites in different ecological systems in China. From the preliminary data analysis on both annual and daily variations of water, heat and CO2 fluxes, we can confirm that this system basically has been working well. The results show that both latent flux and CO2 flux are much greater in the crop field than those in the grassland and the saline desert, whereas the sensible heat flux shows the opposite trend. Different data products from MODIS have very different correspondence, e.g. MODIS-derived land surface temperature has a close correlation with measured ones, but LAI and NPP are quite different from ground measurements, which suggests that the algorithms used to process MODIS data need to be revised by using the local dataset. We are now using the APEIS-FLUX data to develop an integrated model, which can simulate the regional water,heat, and carbon fluxes. Finally, we are expected to use this model to develop more precise high-order MODIS products in Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   
Abstract— Fischer‐Tropsch catalysis, by which CO and H2 are converted to CH4 on the surface of transition metals, has been considered to be one of the most important chemical reactions in many planetary processes, such as the formation of the solar and circumplanetary nebulae, the expansion of vapor clouds induced by cometary impacts, and the atmospheric re‐entry of vapor condensate due to asteroidal impacts. However, few quantitative experimental studies have been conducted for the catalytic reaction under conditions relevant to these planetary processes. In this study, we conduct Fischer‐Tropsch catalytic experiments at low pressures (1.3 times 10?4 bar ≤ P ≤ 5.3 times 10?1 bar) over a wide range of H2/CO ratios (0.25–1000) using pure iron, pure nickel, and iron‐nickel alloys. We analyze what gas species are produced and measure the CH4 formation rate. Our results indicate that the CH4 formation rate for iron catalysts strongly depends on both pressure and the H2/CO ratio, and that nickel is a more efficient catalyst at lower pressures and lower H2/CO ratios. This difference in catalytic properties between iron and nickel may come from the reaction steps concerning disproportionation of CO, hydrogenation of surface carbon, and the poisoning of the catalyst. These results suggest that nickel is important in the atmospheric re‐entry of impact condensate, while iron is efficient in circumplanetary subnebulae. Our results also indicate that previous numerical models of iron catalysis based on experimental data at 1 bar considerably overestimate CH4 formation efficiency at lower pressures, such as the solar nebula and the atmospheric re‐entry of impact condensate.  相似文献   
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