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Current dissipation models of coronal loop heating are studied. Turbulent current dissipation is shown to lead to a time dependent process because of an enormous mass motion induced in the current layer. A stationary heating process involves only ohmic heating, which requires a large current layer. To insure MHD stability, the loop must be composed of many elements with the oppositely directed currents. A stationary current dissipation process induces the plasma motion across the magnetic field into the loop and down the loop with the speeds v 104 cm s–1 and v 104 cm s–1, respectively. The pressure of the loop is also estimated to be proportional to the current density: p/J=6.3 × 10-8dyn/statamp.  相似文献   
The gas and fluid transport in magmas via permeable flow through interconnected bubble networks controls the rate of outgassing from magmas ascending in volcanic conduits and the fluid transport in the mushy boundary layer of magma reservoirs. Hence, clarifying its mechanism and rate is crucial to understanding the explosivity of volcanic eruptions and the evolution and dynamics of a magma reservoir. Recent experimental studies have determined the gas permeabilities in crystal-free rhyolite and basalt. However, no experimental study has investigated the effect of the crystal contents on the permeable gas transport in magmas. In this study, we performed decompression experiments for hydrous rhyolitic melts having crystallinities of 30 and 50 vol% to examine the effect of crystals on the bubble microstructure and gas permeability during magma vesiculation. Size-controlled (100-meshed) corundum crystals were used as an analog of the phenocrysts in silicic magmas. Microstructural analyses using X-ray CT showed that bubbles coalesce and their connectivity increases with a decrease in the final pressure after the decompression, that is, an increase in the vesicularity. As long as the vesicularities of melt part in the crystal-free basis (melt vesicularity) were similar, no clear effect of the crystallinity on the degree of bubble coalescence and connectivity was observed at melt vesicularities <68 vol%. The corundum showed a large contact angle with aqueous fluid as well as plagioclase and alkaline feldspar; this failed to induce the efficient heterogeneous nucleation and coalescence of bubbles on its surface. The gas permeabilities of all the run products were lower than the detection limits of the present analysis (the order of 10−16 m2) at melt vesicularities <68 vol%. These results show that silicic magmas containing 30 and 50 vol% phenocrysts with a large contact angle have low gas permeabilities until the vesicularity becomes large (at least >68 vol%). This result indicates that the permeable fluid transport through a deep volcanic conduit, which has been proposed on the basis of the observations of volcanic gases and natural products, is so slow that other processes, like shear deformation or magma convection, may be needed to explain the observations.  相似文献   
There is an urgent need to control nutrient release fluxes from organically-enriched sediments into overlying waters to alleviate the effects of eutrophication. This study aims to characterize blast furnace slag (BFS) and evaluate its remediation performance on organically-enriched sediments in terms of suppressing nutrient fluxes and reducing acid volatile sulfide. BFS was mainly composed of inorganic substances such as CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 and MgO in amorphous crystal phase. Container experiments showed that the phosphate concentration in the overlying water, its releasing flux from sediment and AVS of the sediment decreased by 17-23%, 39% and 16% compared to the control without BFS, respectively. The loss on ignition was significantly decreased by 3.6-11% compared to the control. Thus, the application of BFS to organically-enriched sediment has a suppressive role on organic matter, AVS concentration and phosphate releasing flux from sediments and therefore, is a good candidate as an effective environmental remediation agent.  相似文献   
We suggest methods for the analysis of the spatial distribution of plant species in a research area divided into a quadrat lattice. In particular, information about the topography and the spaces without plants is used for the analysis. At sites with a homogeneous substratum, we classify the topography by whether a target grid is concave or convex with respect to a standard surface of altitude. At other sites, we classify the topography according to whether the grid is located at the edge of rock and/or at a water pool. Information about the topography and the plant existence is used for constructing 2 × 2 contingency tables. In order to determine the strength of dependence between the topography and plant existence, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) is used. The methods are applied to data of the microtopography and distribution of mosses in continental Antarctica.  相似文献   
Noble gas measurements were performed for nine aubrites: Bishopville, Cumberland Falls, Mayo Belwa, Mount Egerton, Norton County, Peña Blanca Spring, Shallowater, ALHA 78113 and LAP 02233. These data clarify the origins and histories, particularly cosmic-ray exposure and regolith histories, of the aubrites and their parent body(ies). Accurate cosmic-ray exposure ages were obtained using the 81Kr-Kr method for three meteorites: 52 ± 3, 49 ± 10 and 117 ± 14 Ma for Bishopville, Cumberland Falls and Mayo Belwa, respectively. Mayo Belwa shows the longest cosmic-ray exposure age determined by the 81Kr-Kr method so far, close to the age of 121 Ma for Norton County. These are the longest ages among stony meteorites. Distribution of cosmic-ray exposure ages of aubrites implies 4-9 break-up events (except anomalous aubrites) on the parent body. Six aubrites show “exposure at the surface” on their parent body(ies): (i) neutron capture 36Ar, 80Kr, 82Kr and/or 128Xe probably produced on the respective parent body (Bishopville, Cumberland Falls, Mayo Belwa, Peña Blanca Spring, Shallowater and ALHA 78113); and/or (ii) chondritic trapped noble gases, which were likely released from chondritic inclusions preserved in the aubrite hosts (Cumberland Falls, Peña Blanca Spring and ALHA 78113). The concentrations of 128Xe from neutron capture on 127I vary among four measured specimens of Cumberland Falls (0.5-76 × 10−14 cm3STP/g), but are correlated with those of radiogenic 129Xe, implying that the concentrations of (128Xe)n and (129Xe)rad reflect variable abundances of iodine among specimens. The ratios of (128Xe)n/(129Xe)rad obtained in this work are different for Mayo Belwa (0.045), Cumberland Falls (0.015) and Shallowater (0.001), meaning that neutron fluences, radiogenic 129Xe retention ages, or both, are different among these aubrites. Shallowater contains abundant trapped Ar, Kr and Xe (2.2 × 10−7, 9.4 × 10−10 and 2.8 × 10−10 cm3STP/g, respectively) as reported previously (Busemann and Eugster, 2002). Isotopic compositions of Kr and Xe in Shallowater are consistent with those of Q (a primordial noble gas component trapped in chondrites). The Ar/Kr/Xe compositions are somewhat fractionated from Q, favoring lighter elements. Because of the unbrecciated nature of Shallowater, Q-like noble gases are considered to be primordial in origin. Fission Xe is found in Cumberland Falls, Mayo Belwa, Peña Blanca Spring, ALHA 78113 and LAP 02233. The majority of fission Xe is most likely 244Pu-derived, and about 10-20% seems to be 238U-derived at 136Xe. The observed (136Xe)Pu corresponds to 0.019-0.16 ppb of 244Pu, from which the 244Pu/U ratios are calculated as 0.002-0.009. These ratios resemble those of chondrites and other achondrites like eucrites, suggesting that no thermal resetting of the Pu-Xe system occurred after ∼4.5 Ga ago. We also determined oxygen isotopic compositions for four aubrites with chondritic noble gases and a new aubrite LAP 02233. In spite of their chondritic noble gas signatures, oxygen with chondritic isotopic compositions was found only in a specimen of Cumberland Falls (Δ17O of ∼0.3‰). The other four aubrites and the other two measured specimens of Cumberland Falls are concurrent with the typical range for aubrites.  相似文献   
A seismic refraction–reflection experiment using ocean bottom seismometers and a tuned airgun array was conducted around the Solomon Island Arc to investigate the fate of an oceanic plateau adjacent to a subduction zone. Here, the Ontong Java Plateau is converging from north with the Solomon Island Arc as part of the Pacific Plate. According to our two-dimensional P-wave velocity structure modeling, the thickness of the Ontong Java Plateau is about 33 km including a thick (15 km) high-velocity layer (7.2 km/s). The thick crust of the Ontong Java Plateau still persists below the Malaita Accreted Province. We interpreted that the shallow part of the Ontong Java Plateau is accreted in front of the Solomon Island Arc as the Malaita Accreted Province and the North Solomon Trench are not a subduction zone but a deformation front of accreted materials. The subduction of the India–Australia Plate from the south at the San Cristobal Trench is confirmed to a depth of about 20 km below sea level. Seismicity around our survey area shows shallow (about 50 km) hypocenters from the San Cristobal Trench and deep (about 200 km) hypocenters from the other side of the Solomon Island Arc. No earthquakes occurred around the North Solomon Trench. The deep seismicity and our velocity model suggest that the lower part of the Ontong Java Plateau is subducting. After the oceanic plateau closes in on the arc, the upper part of the oceanic plateau is accreted with the arc and the lower part is subducted below the arc. The estimation of crustal bulk composition from the velocity model indicates that the upper portion and the total of the Solomon Island Arc are SiO2 58% and 53%, respectively, which is almost same as that of the Izu–Bonin Arc. This means that the Solomon Island Arc can be a contributor to growing continental crust. The bulk composition of the Ontong Java Plateau is SiO2 49–50%, which is meaningfully lower than those of continents. The accreted province in front of the arc is growing with the convergence of the two plates, and this accretion of the upper part of the oceanic plateau may be another process of crustal growth, although the proportion of such contribution is not clear.  相似文献   
The Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) onboard Yohkoh often observed large-scale coronal loops connecting two active regions situated in opposite hemispheres. These are the trans-equatorial loop systems (TLSs). The formation mechanism of TLSs is not yet known. We analyzed a TLS observed simultaneously with Yohkoh/SXT and a coronagraph (SOHO/LASCO-C1). SOHO/LASCO-C1 observed loop expansion and eruption at the west solar limb. Yohkoh/SXT observed a rising motion (chromospheric evaporation) of hot and dense plasmas from the active regions located at the footpoints of the loop. Important results of our analyses are that (1) the loop eruption and the rising motion of the plasmas were simultaneous, (2) the TLS had a cusp-like appearance, and (3) the highest temperature region of the TLS was located above the bright loop seen in soft X rays. These observational results (loop expansion, eruption, and chromospheric evaporation) suggest that this bright (high-density) TLS was created by the same mechanism by which a solar flare occurs, namely, magnetic reconnection. In this paper, we propose a formation mechanism of the TLS that forms between two independent active regions.  相似文献   
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